Its important to share your story with others. I do this as often as I can. GrabCAD has taught me many lessons, which I recently shared with hardware startups looking for founder advice at Bolt in Boston. This slideshow takes you through our early stages and gives you important lessons learned.
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Advice for hardware startups from GrabCAD
1. Hardi Meybaum, CEO!
founders @
GrabCAD story aka how to make people like you!
Hardi Meybaum! twitter: @hardi_meybaum
2. !
Mission: all the worlds physical products will
be designed and built on GrabCAD
16. 09/2010 - Meet Terry
Lesson learned #7: talk to customers
17. 10/2010 - moved to Boston
Lesson learned #8: everything is not like it appears
Lesson learned #9: you are in or out, no middle choice
booked this room for 3 months but got that one
Lesson learned #10: go where your customers & talent is
18. 06/2011 closed Seed Round in US
7 angels
Lesson learned #11: dont take no as an answer
31. Valuable Comments
Nice advancements John. This is looking
much better. I like the modi鍖cation that you
made to the tube feature across the dash. !
It 鍖ows with the lines of the car much better
By Jerod Shelby
42. Team is everything
Second most important lesson:!
鍖nd people you enjoy working with!
Second most important lesson: 鍖nd people !
who you can learn from and who!
inspire you at dif鍖cult times!