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ISO 50001: Energy Management Systems

Advit Foundation                GreenStratos Consulting Pvt. Ltd
610 A, Udhyog Vihar Phase- V     Plot. 59, Amar Co-op Society,
Gurgaon                        Kavuri Hills, Madhapur, Hyderabad
Ph; +91 124 4309491
                                      Ph. +91 4064584004
The judicious and effective use of energy to maximize profits
(minimize costs) and enhance competitive positions

The strategy of adjusting and optimizing energy, using
systems and procedures so as to reduce energy requirements
per unit of output while holding constant or reducing total
costs of producing the output from these systems
Advit Foundation_EMS  and ISO 50001
ISO 50001: Energy Management Systems Standard-Introduction

ISO 50001- the International Standard for Energy Management Systems (EnMS)

Energy Management Systems offers a comprehensive and structured approach for energy
efficiency improvement.
ISO/FDIS 50001: 2011(E) defines EnMS as set of interrelated or interacting elements to
establish an energy policy and energy objectives, and processes and procedures to achieve
those objectives 
Applicable to any organization, whatever the size, industry or geographical location
An organization embracing ISO 50001 is likely to further accelerate adoption of energy
efficiency practices and to continuously improve its energy performance and cost.
Application of the standard can be tailored to fit the requirements of
    the organization, including degree of documentation, resources and
    complexity of the system
    The International          Standard     can       be      used      for
    certification/registration and/or self-declaration of an organization's
    energy management system.
    The fact that it's based on measurement and verification will help
    organization stay on track to meet their declared energy policies.
    Adoption of ISO 50001 by any organization will:
     Reduce energy bills
     Make manufacturing more sustainable
     Promotes energy efficiency throughout the supply chain
     Helps in meeting National GHG reduction targets
ISO 50001 (Why is it for?)
.. ensures:

                                                   Company Image
                 Process Reliability
                                        Planning Reliability
     Branding                                                   Profitability

                                               Product Safety
         Legal Security
                         Cost Efficiency               Reliability

    Greenstratos All rights reserved.
    Copyright 息 2012 BSI. Consulting
ISO 50001 specifies requirements for an organization to
    establish, implement, maintain and improve an energy
    management system.
    EnMS Specifies to :
   Develop and implement an energy policy,
   Establish objectives, targets, and action plans which take into
    account legal requirements
    The International Standard specifies requirements for all factors
   Energy supply, uses and consumption
   Measurement, documentation and reporting,
   Design and procurement practices for energy using equipment,
    processes, systems, and personnel.
   ISO 50001 does not prescribe specific performance criteria with
    respect to energy
Clause 4.1: General requirements

 Establish, document, implement, and maintain an energy
  management system (EnMS) in accordance with the
  requirements of this standard;
 Define and document the scope and boundaries of its
  EnMS; and
 Determine and document how it will meet the
  requirements of this standard in order to achieve continual
  improvement of its energy performance and of its EnMS.
Clause 4.2: Management Responsibility

 Establishing, implementing, and maintaining the energy policy
 Identifying the scope and boundaries to be addressed by the
  Energy management system
 Communicating to the organization the importance of energy
 Including energy considerations in long-term planning, if
 Ensuring that results are measured and reported, and
 Conducting management reviews
 4.2.2. Management Representative:
      Skills & competencies
      Level & Authority
      Reports to top management
      Ensures PDCA
ISO 50001 is based on the Plan - Do - Check - Act
 (PDCA) continual improvement framework and
incorporates energy management practices into
    everyday organizational activities. As per
            ISO/FDIS 50001:2011(E):

   Plan: Conduct the energy use assessment,
   establish the baseline, energy performance
    indicators (EnPIs), objectives, targets and
  action plans necessary to deliver results that
         will improve energy performance
      (measurable results related to energy
  efficiency, use and consumption) in line with
         the organization's energy policy;
Do: Implement the energy management action

 Check: Monitor and measure processes and the
 key characteristics of operations that determine
energy performance against the energy policy and
        objectives, and report the results;

  Act: Take actions to continually improve energy
            performance and the EnMS.

                                                      ISO 50001
                                  ENERGY POLICY

                                 ENERGY PLANNING

   REVIEW                         AND OPERATION

 INTERNAL AUDIT                     CHECKING                      MONITORING, MEASUREMENT
                                                                        AND ANALYSIS

                                   CORRECTIVE AND
                                 PREVENTIVE ACTIONS
 Defines and documents the scope and boundaries of the energy
  management system;
 Impact on the organization's energy use
 Includes a commitment to continual improvement in energy
 Includes a commitment to ensure the availability of information
  and of all necessary resources to achieve
 objectives and targets
 Includes a commitment to comply with all applicable legal and
  other requirements;
 Provides the framework for setting and reviewing energy
  objectives and targets
Advit Foundation_EMS  and ISO 50001
Advit Foundation_EMS  and ISO 50001
Advit Foundation_EMS  and ISO 50001
Energy Conservation Approach
Reduce specific consumption of energy by 2% every year over next ten years

To lessen the burden on the environment by reducing energy on a continuous basis and conserve natural resources.
Implement the following fundamental practices related to energy consumption in our organization. These practices have to be taken up on a
continuous basis.
1. Monitor energy and water consumption for the whole plant with section wise breakup
2. Establish specific energy (kWh or kCal or kL / ton or unit of production)
3. Develop an in house programme to sustain energy conservation activities in the plant.

                                                   PLANNING & ACHIEVEING

               DEFINE                                        PLAN                                   TRACK & MANAGE

                                                                                                                          COLLECT STATUS
                       COLLECTION OF                                    DEVELOP THE
                       DATA                                             STRATEGIES
                                                                                                                           PLAN & TAKE
                                                                        DEVEELOP SCHEDULE                                  ADOPTIVE

                       COMAPARISON      OF
                                                                                                                           PREPARE REPORT
                                                                        ANALYZE                                            TO DOCUMENT THE
                                                                        RESOURCES                                          RESULTS
                      ANALYSIS OF DATA
                                                                        DEVELOP RISK

 Energy Conservation Team
Advit Foundation_EMS  and ISO 50001
The organization should establish the following :

   Energy Profile
   Energy Baseline
   Energy Performance Indicators
   Legal and other requirements
   Objectives, Targets, and Action Plans.
 Energy Review
   The organization shall develop, maintain, and record an
  energy profile. The methodology and criteria used to develop
  the energy profile shall be documented.
 Energy Baseline
   The energy baseline shall be established using the
  information in the initial energy profile considering a
  minimum of 12 months of data. Changes in energy
  performance shall be measured against the energy baseline.
 Energy performance indicators
   The organization shall identify EnPIs to be used to determine
  energy performance and to subsequently evaluate progress
  towards objectives and targets.
 Legal and other requirements
  The organization shall identify and have access to the
  applicable legal requirements and other requirements to
  which the organization subscribes related to its energy uses.
 Objectives, targets and action plans
  The organization shall establish, implement and maintain
  documented energy objectives and targets at the relevant
  functions, levels, processes or facilities within the
  organization. The energy objectives and target(s) shall be
  measurable and a time frame set for achievement.
ISO/FDIS 50001 defines Energy Policy as Statement by the
organization of its overall intentions, and direction of an
organization related to its energy performance, as formally
expressed by top management.
 The energy policy provides a framework for action and for the
setting of energy objectives and energy targets and is documented,
communicated, and understood well within the organization.
Appropriate to the scale and nature of the organization energy use.
Availability of necessary resources and support.
Commitment to comply with applicable regulations and other
Setting and reviewing of energy objectives and targets.
Supports the purchase of energy efficient technology and services.
Energy policy declaration by an organization is seen as a top
management commitment to continual improvement of
organization's energy performance
Plan (contd.)
    Consistent with energy policy and has the following activities:
   Energy review- determination of Energy performance for
    identification of energy saving opportunities
   Energy baseline-         establishing basis for energy performance
   Energy performance indicators (EnPIs)- setting EnPIs, measure of
    energy performance.
   Objectives- establishing, implementing and maintaining documented
    energy objectives.
   Targets- setting targets consistent with the objectives.
   Action plans- formulating action plans to achieve objectives and
    targets, legal/ regulations and other requirements and shall include:
      designation of responsibility;
      the means and time frame by which individual targets are to be
      a statement of the method by which an improvement in energy
        performance shall be verified;
      a statement of the method of verifying the results.
Clause 4.5: Implementation &
 The organization shall ensure that any person or person(s)
  working for, or on its behalf related to significant energy
  uses are competent on the basis of appropriate education,
  training, skills or experience.
 The organization shall identify training needs associated
  with the control of its significant energy uses and the
  operation of its energy management system. It shall
  provide training or take other action to meet these needs.
 The importance of conformity with the energy policy,
  procedures and with the requirements of the EnMS,
 Provide inputs for significant energy uses associated with
  their work, and the potential consequences of departure
  from specified procedures,
   Organization to use the action plans and other outputs resulting
    from the planning process for implementation and operations
    and would require:
   Competence, training and awareness of work force on their role,
    responsibilities and duties
   Communicate internally with workforce on energy performance,
    EnMS and establish a process through which suggestions can be
    invited to improve EnMS
   Records and document of the implementation and operation of
    the EnMS- scope and boundaries, energy policy , objectives ,
    targets, action plan and other documents as required
   Operational Controls of those operation and maintenance
    activities related to significant use of energy
   Design of new, modified and renovated facilities, equipment,
    systems and processes that can have a significant impact on
    energy performance.
   Procurement of energy efficient products, services and energy.
 The      organization    should   ensure     awareness,
  understanding, commitment and participation that
  personnel at all levels within the organization are
  encouraged to and have a process to make proposals for
  improvements, and submit relevant comments on the
 The organization shall decide whether to communicate
  externally about its energy management system energy
  performance, and shall document its decision. If the
  decision is to communicate externally, the organization
  shall establish and implement a method for this external
The EnMS documentation should include:
 The energy policy;
 Objectives, targets, and action plans;
 Plans for achieving the energy objectives and targets;
  documents and records required by this International
 Documents and records determined by the organization to
  be necessary to ensure the effective planning,
 Operation and control of processes and equipment related
  to its identified significant energy uses.
 Key characteristics of operations that determine energy
  performance are monitored, measured and analysed at planned
  Corrective and preventive actions
 Significant energy uses and other outputs.
 Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs).
 Effectiveness of Action plans.
 Energy measurement plan.
 Evaluation and correction of deviations of the energy
 Control of records.
 Conduct internal audits to ensure that Energy
  Management System(EnMS) confirms to:
 planned arrangements for energy management
 energy objectives and targets established;
 effective implementation

An Audit Plan & Schedule developed factoring earlier
audits & implemented
       Selection of Auditors
       Records maintained & reported to top management
 Reviewing nonconformities or potential nonconformities
 Determining the causes of nonconformities or potential
 Evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do
  not occur or reoccur
 Determining and implementing the appropriate action needed
 Reviewing the effectiveness of the action taken
 Corrective actions and preventive actions shall be appropriate to
  the magnitude of the actual or potential problems and the energy
  consequences encountered.
 The organization shall ensure that any necessary changes are
  made to the energy management system documentation. Records
  of corrective and preventive actions shall be maintained.
 The organization shall establish and maintain
  records as necessary to demonstrate conformity to
  the requirements of its energy management
  system and the energy performance results
 Records shall be and remain legible, identifiable
  and traceable to the relevant activity, product or
  service for the established retention period.
At planned intervals top management shall review the
  performance of the organizations energy management
  system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and
 Following-up actions from previous management reviews;
 Review of the energy policy
 Review of energy performance;
 Review on Energy management system audit results
 status of corrective and preventive actions
 a) the improvement in the energy performance of the
  organization since the last review;
 b) changes to the energy policy;
 c) Changes in Energy Performance Indicators
 d) changes to objectives, targets or other elements of
  the energy management system, consistent with the
  organizations commitment to continual improvement;
 e) allocation of resources

    Top management shall review the organization's EnMS to
    ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and
    Inputs for review will include:
   Calendar of review.
   Follow-up actions from previous management reviews.
   Energy policy.
   Energy Performance Indicators(EnPIs).
   Legal compliance and other requirements.
   Energy objectives and targets.
   Results of the audit.
Continual Improvement
    A recurring process which results in enhancement of overall energy
    performance and the EnMS
    Output of Management Review will include:
   Changes in the energy policy.
   Changes in the EnPIs.
   Changes in the targets, goals and objectives.
   Allocation of resources.
Comparison between ISO 50001, ISO 9001 and
                   ISO 14001
   ISO 50001 is proposed to be in line with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards
    that address quality management and environmental management issues.
   ISO 50001 is based on the same Plan-Do-Check-Act approach of ISO 9001 and
    ISO 14001 and it draws extensively on the structure and content of the QMS
    and EMS.
   Implementation of ISO 9001 means what the organization does to fulfill the
    customer's quality requirements, and applicable regulatory requirements,
    while aiming to enhance customer satisfaction,
   Implementation of ISO 14001 means what the organization does to minimize
    harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities, and to achieve
    continual improvement of its environmental performance.
   Similarly ISO 50001 implementation is expected to address what the
    organization does to effectively manage energy resources and performance
    that is relevant to global standards.
Advit Foundation_EMS  and ISO 50001
What are we doing?
Implementing an Energy
 Management System!

Why are we doing it?

How will an Energy
Management System help us?

Who is leading the effort?

Who is on the energy team?

Who else is involved?

What energy commitments have
         we made?
 [Insert energy policy]

Why do your actions matter?

Whats next?

Advit Foundation_EMS  and ISO 50001

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Advit Foundation_EMS and ISO 50001

  • 1. ISO 50001: Energy Management Systems Standard Advit Foundation GreenStratos Consulting Pvt. Ltd 610 A, Udhyog Vihar Phase- V Plot. 59, Amar Co-op Society, Gurgaon Kavuri Hills, Madhapur, Hyderabad Ph; +91 124 4309491 Ph. +91 4064584004
  • 2. The judicious and effective use of energy to maximize profits (minimize costs) and enhance competitive positions The strategy of adjusting and optimizing energy, using systems and procedures so as to reduce energy requirements per unit of output while holding constant or reducing total costs of producing the output from these systems
  • 4. ISO 50001: Energy Management Systems Standard-Introduction ISO 50001- the International Standard for Energy Management Systems (EnMS) Energy Management Systems offers a comprehensive and structured approach for energy efficiency improvement. ISO/FDIS 50001: 2011(E) defines EnMS as set of interrelated or interacting elements to establish an energy policy and energy objectives, and processes and procedures to achieve those objectives Applicable to any organization, whatever the size, industry or geographical location An organization embracing ISO 50001 is likely to further accelerate adoption of energy efficiency practices and to continuously improve its energy performance and cost.
  • 5. Application of the standard can be tailored to fit the requirements of the organization, including degree of documentation, resources and complexity of the system The International Standard can be used for certification/registration and/or self-declaration of an organization's energy management system. The fact that it's based on measurement and verification will help organization stay on track to meet their declared energy policies. Adoption of ISO 50001 by any organization will: Reduce energy bills Make manufacturing more sustainable Promotes energy efficiency throughout the supply chain Helps in meeting National GHG reduction targets
  • 6. ISO 50001 (Why is it for?) .. ensures: Company Image Process Reliability Sustainability Planning Reliability Branding Profitability Product Safety Legal Security Financial Cost Efficiency Reliability Greenstratos All rights reserved. Copyright 息 2012 BSI. Consulting 6
  • 7. ISO 50001 specifies requirements for an organization to establish, implement, maintain and improve an energy management system. EnMS Specifies to : Develop and implement an energy policy, Establish objectives, targets, and action plans which take into account legal requirements The International Standard specifies requirements for all factors affecting: Energy supply, uses and consumption Measurement, documentation and reporting, Design and procurement practices for energy using equipment, processes, systems, and personnel. ISO 50001 does not prescribe specific performance criteria with respect to energy
  • 8. Clause 4.1: General requirements Establish, document, implement, and maintain an energy management system (EnMS) in accordance with the requirements of this standard; Define and document the scope and boundaries of its EnMS; and Determine and document how it will meet the requirements of this standard in order to achieve continual improvement of its energy performance and of its EnMS.
  • 9. Clause 4.2: Management Responsibility Establishing, implementing, and maintaining the energy policy Identifying the scope and boundaries to be addressed by the Energy management system Communicating to the organization the importance of energy management Including energy considerations in long-term planning, if applicable, Ensuring that results are measured and reported, and Conducting management reviews 4.2.2. Management Representative: Skills & competencies Level & Authority Reports to top management Ensures PDCA
  • 10. ISO 50001 is based on the Plan - Do - Check - Act (PDCA) continual improvement framework and incorporates energy management practices into everyday organizational activities. As per ISO/FDIS 50001:2011(E): Plan: Conduct the energy use assessment, establish the baseline, energy performance indicators (EnPIs), objectives, targets and action plans necessary to deliver results that will improve energy performance (measurable results related to energy efficiency, use and consumption) in line with the organization's energy policy;
  • 11. Do: Implement the energy management action plans; Check: Monitor and measure processes and the key characteristics of operations that determine energy performance against the energy policy and objectives, and report the results; Act: Take actions to continually improve energy performance and the EnMS.
  • 13. Defines and documents the scope and boundaries of the energy management system; Impact on the organization's energy use Includes a commitment to continual improvement in energy performance Includes a commitment to ensure the availability of information and of all necessary resources to achieve objectives and targets Includes a commitment to comply with all applicable legal and other requirements; Provides the framework for setting and reviewing energy objectives and targets
  • 17. Energy Conservation Approach Reduce specific consumption of energy by 2% every year over next ten years Intent To lessen the burden on the environment by reducing energy on a continuous basis and conserve natural resources. Requirements Implement the following fundamental practices related to energy consumption in our organization. These practices have to be taken up on a continuous basis. 1. Monitor energy and water consumption for the whole plant with section wise breakup 2. Establish specific energy (kWh or kCal or kL / ton or unit of production) 3. Develop an in house programme to sustain energy conservation activities in the plant. Strategies PLANNING & ACHIEVEING TARGET DEFINE PLAN TRACK & MANAGE COLLECT STATUS COLLECTION OF DEVELOP THE DATA STRATEGIES PLAN & TAKE DEVEELOP SCHEDULE ADOPTIVE COMAPARISON OF DATA PREPARE REPORT ANALYZE TO DOCUMENT THE RESOURCES RESULTS ANALYSIS OF DATA DEVELOP RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Energy Conservation Team
  • 19. The organization should establish the following : Energy Profile Energy Baseline Energy Performance Indicators Legal and other requirements Objectives, Targets, and Action Plans.
  • 20. Energy Review The organization shall develop, maintain, and record an energy profile. The methodology and criteria used to develop the energy profile shall be documented. Energy Baseline The energy baseline shall be established using the information in the initial energy profile considering a minimum of 12 months of data. Changes in energy performance shall be measured against the energy baseline. Energy performance indicators The organization shall identify EnPIs to be used to determine energy performance and to subsequently evaluate progress towards objectives and targets.
  • 21. Legal and other requirements The organization shall identify and have access to the applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes related to its energy uses. Objectives, targets and action plans The organization shall establish, implement and maintain documented energy objectives and targets at the relevant functions, levels, processes or facilities within the organization. The energy objectives and target(s) shall be measurable and a time frame set for achievement.
  • 22. Plan ENERGY POLICY ISO/FDIS 50001 defines Energy Policy as Statement by the organization of its overall intentions, and direction of an organization related to its energy performance, as formally expressed by top management. The energy policy provides a framework for action and for the setting of energy objectives and energy targets and is documented, communicated, and understood well within the organization. Appropriate to the scale and nature of the organization energy use. Availability of necessary resources and support. Commitment to comply with applicable regulations and other requirements. Setting and reviewing of energy objectives and targets. Supports the purchase of energy efficient technology and services. Energy policy declaration by an organization is seen as a top management commitment to continual improvement of organization's energy performance
  • 23. Plan (contd.) ENERGY PLANNING Consistent with energy policy and has the following activities: Energy review- determination of Energy performance for identification of energy saving opportunities Energy baseline- establishing basis for energy performance comparison. Energy performance indicators (EnPIs)- setting EnPIs, measure of energy performance. Objectives- establishing, implementing and maintaining documented energy objectives. Targets- setting targets consistent with the objectives. Action plans- formulating action plans to achieve objectives and targets, legal/ regulations and other requirements and shall include: designation of responsibility; the means and time frame by which individual targets are to be achieved; a statement of the method by which an improvement in energy performance shall be verified; a statement of the method of verifying the results.
  • 24. Clause 4.5: Implementation & 4.5: operation The organization shall ensure that any person or person(s) working for, or on its behalf related to significant energy uses are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills or experience. The organization shall identify training needs associated with the control of its significant energy uses and the operation of its energy management system. It shall provide training or take other action to meet these needs. The importance of conformity with the energy policy, procedures and with the requirements of the EnMS, Provide inputs for significant energy uses associated with their work, and the potential consequences of departure from specified procedures,
  • 25. IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION Organization to use the action plans and other outputs resulting from the planning process for implementation and operations and would require: Competence, training and awareness of work force on their role, responsibilities and duties Communicate internally with workforce on energy performance, EnMS and establish a process through which suggestions can be invited to improve EnMS Records and document of the implementation and operation of the EnMS- scope and boundaries, energy policy , objectives , targets, action plan and other documents as required Operational Controls of those operation and maintenance activities related to significant use of energy Design of new, modified and renovated facilities, equipment, systems and processes that can have a significant impact on energy performance. Procurement of energy efficient products, services and energy.
  • 26. The organization should ensure awareness, understanding, commitment and participation that personnel at all levels within the organization are encouraged to and have a process to make proposals for improvements, and submit relevant comments on the EnMS. The organization shall decide whether to communicate externally about its energy management system energy performance, and shall document its decision. If the decision is to communicate externally, the organization shall establish and implement a method for this external communication.
  • 27. The EnMS documentation should include: The energy policy; Objectives, targets, and action plans; Plans for achieving the energy objectives and targets; documents and records required by this International Standard Documents and records determined by the organization to be necessary to ensure the effective planning, Operation and control of processes and equipment related to its identified significant energy uses.
  • 28. MONITORING ,MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS Key characteristics of operations that determine energy performance are monitored, measured and analysed at planned intervals Corrective and preventive actions Significant energy uses and other outputs. Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs). Effectiveness of Action plans. Energy measurement plan. Evaluation and correction of deviations of the energy performance. Control of records.
  • 29. 4.6.3 INTERNAL AUDIT Conduct internal audits to ensure that Energy Management System(EnMS) confirms to: planned arrangements for energy management energy objectives and targets established; effective implementation An Audit Plan & Schedule developed factoring earlier audits & implemented Selection of Auditors Records maintained & reported to top management
  • 30. Reviewing nonconformities or potential nonconformities Determining the causes of nonconformities or potential nonconformities Evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not occur or reoccur Determining and implementing the appropriate action needed Reviewing the effectiveness of the action taken Corrective actions and preventive actions shall be appropriate to the magnitude of the actual or potential problems and the energy consequences encountered. The organization shall ensure that any necessary changes are made to the energy management system documentation. Records of corrective and preventive actions shall be maintained.
  • 31. The organization shall establish and maintain records as necessary to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of its energy management system and the energy performance results achieved. Records shall be and remain legible, identifiable and traceable to the relevant activity, product or service for the established retention period.
  • 32. At planned intervals top management shall review the performance of the organizations energy management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Input Following-up actions from previous management reviews; Review of the energy policy Review of energy performance; Review on Energy management system audit results status of corrective and preventive actions
  • 33. Output a) the improvement in the energy performance of the organization since the last review; b) changes to the energy policy; c) Changes in Energy Performance Indicators d) changes to objectives, targets or other elements of the energy management system, consistent with the organizations commitment to continual improvement; e) allocation of resources
  • 34. Act MANAGEMENT REVIEW Top management shall review the organization's EnMS to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Inputs for review will include: Calendar of review. Records. Follow-up actions from previous management reviews. Energy policy. Energy Performance Indicators(EnPIs). Legal compliance and other requirements. Energy objectives and targets. Results of the audit.
  • 35. Continual Improvement A recurring process which results in enhancement of overall energy performance and the EnMS Output of Management Review will include: Changes in the energy policy. Changes in the EnPIs. Changes in the targets, goals and objectives. Allocation of resources.
  • 36. Comparison between ISO 50001, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 ISO 50001 is proposed to be in line with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards that address quality management and environmental management issues. ISO 50001 is based on the same Plan-Do-Check-Act approach of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and it draws extensively on the structure and content of the QMS and EMS. Implementation of ISO 9001 means what the organization does to fulfill the customer's quality requirements, and applicable regulatory requirements, while aiming to enhance customer satisfaction, Implementation of ISO 14001 means what the organization does to minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities, and to achieve continual improvement of its environmental performance. Similarly ISO 50001 implementation is expected to address what the organization does to effectively manage energy resources and performance that is relevant to global standards.
  • 38. What are we doing? Implementing an Energy Management System! 38
  • 39. Why are we doing it? 39
  • 40. How will an Energy Management System help us? 40
  • 41. Who is leading the effort? 41
  • 42. Who is on the energy team? 42
  • 43. Who else is involved? EVERYONE! 43
  • 44. What energy commitments have we made? [Insert energy policy] 44
  • 45. Why do your actions matter? 45