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Michelle St. Amour and Neluka Leanage
Toronto Centre for ActiveTransportation,
CleanAir Partnership |York University | February 28, 2012
Advocating for Active Urban Mobility
Presentation Overview
 TCAT Overview & Complete Streets
 Land Use & Big Box in Leslieville
 One Advocacy Case Study
Guiding Questions/Outline
 What do Complete Streets mean for you?
 How does urban development affect your mobility?
 How can you get involved?
What is active transportation?
What is mode share?
What is urban mobility and why does it matter?
Advocating for Active Urban Mobility_MSANLNSL
Mode Share forWorkTrips inWard 8
(York University)
How did you get toYork University today?
How do you usually travel toYork?
TCAT Overview
 Formed in 2006 to give a unified voice for groups and
individuals working for a better cycling and pedestrian
environment inToronto.
 Came together around a simple idea:
Active transportation (cycling and walking) is the most
affordable, healthy and sustainable mode of transportation.
 Yet the City falls short in prioritizing walking and cycling
(active transportation) in its budget and city planning
 Tripled the number of member organizations in three years.
ActiveTransportation  Is there demand?
Photo byTObike from theTorontoist Flickr Pool.
The Potential is there for Change
In the GTHA:
 17 percent of trips are walkable (less than 2 kilometres).
 40 per cent are bikeable
(less than five kilometres).
 7 in 10 Canadians would
cycle to work if there
were bike lanes.
Source: Copenhagenize.com
ActiveTransportation on the rise in Canada
 Active transportation has been rising at a significant rate
amongst Canadians since 2000. Almost a quarter of Canadians
walk 6 or more hours per week (Canadian Journal of Public
Health, 2007).
 A national study found that 7 in 10 Canadians would cycle to
work if there were bike lanes (Go forGreen, 2004).
What are Complete Streets?
 Complete streets are safe,
comfortable, and
convenient for travel for
everyone, regardless of
age or ability  motorists,
pedestrians, bicyclists,
and public transit users.
Incomplete Streets:The Norm
Photo: PaulYoung
Complete Streets: the Exception
 Prior to revitalization in 1997,
cycling and walking mode share
was 70% yet 80% of the right-of-
way was devoted to cars.
 Traffic lanes reduced from four to
 Space reallocated to bike lanes,
trees, wider sidewalks, sidewalk
bulbouts and new pedestrian
 Speeding reduced.
 Traffic collisions decreased by
Photo courtesy of the City ofToronto (TransportCanada)
What is a Complete Streets Policy?
 A complete streets policy
ensures that transportation
agencies routinely design and
operate the entire right of way
to enable safe access for all
Complete Streets Policies in the U.S.
US Jurisdictions with Policies: 125
Policies Adopted Since 2005: 100
Policies in 2009: 42
As of 01/15/10
Courtesy of Barbara McCann, Complete Streets Coalition
Waterloo adopted Complete Streets
Policy in 2011
Complete Streets Promotion inToronto
 InAugust 2009, before
any policies had been
adopted in Canada yet,
TCAT and theToronto
Cyclists Union began
working together to
bring Complete Streets
to Canada.
 Complete Streets was
an election issue in
Toronto in 2010.
Complete Streets in the City ofToronto
 St. George Street is
Torontos best example of
a complete street.
 The City ofTorontos Public
Realm office is currently
working on a plan to
implement complete
streets more broadly
across the city.
Photo Credit: Elana Horowitz
Urban Development and Mobility
(land use transportation dynamic)
Leslie Street
Courtesy of Jamie Austin, Ontario Growth Secretariat
Courtesy of Jamie Austin, Ontario Growth Secretariat
Recent DevelopmentContext
February 17, 2011
Recent DevelopmentContext
Leslie Street south facing to Lakeshore Blvd. East
How would you create a complete street here?
How would streetcars
affect cyclists and pedestrians
at this intersection?
OneAdvocacy Case Study
BikeSauce: Bicycle Resource Centre
What is it?
 A not-for-profit, all volunteer run, do-it yourself bicycle repair
facility and advocacy centre.
235 Broadview Avenue,Toronto
Monday,Tuesday,Thursday - 5 pm  9 pm
Saturday, Sunday 12 pm  6 pm
What does BikeSauce Do?
 Help people learn how to fix their bike.
What does BikeSauce Do?
 Help people learn how to fix their bike.
What does BikeSauce Do?
 Refurbish and sell donated bikes.
What does BikeSauce Do?
 Offer a social space, coffee bar, library with freeWiFi.
What does BikeSauce Do?
 Develop and implement bicycle advocacy campaigns.
What does BikeSauce Do?
 Develop and implement bicycle advocacy campaigns.
How Can I Get Involved?
 Join the:
Guiding Questions/Outline
 What do Complete Streets mean for you?
 How does urban development affect your mobility?
 How can you get involved?
Subscribe toTCAT News at: http://torontocat.ca/main/user/register
Michelle St. Amour and Neluka Leanage
Toronto Centre for Active Transportation, Clean Air
Te l e p h o n e : 4 1 6 . 3 9 2 . 0 2 9 0
E m a i l : n s m i t h l e a @ t o r o n t o c a t . c a
W e b s i t e : w w w . t o r o n t o c a t . c a , w w w . c l e a n a i r p a r t n e r s h i p . o r g

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Advocating for Active Urban Mobility_MSANLNSL

  • 1. Michelle St. Amour and Neluka Leanage Toronto Centre for ActiveTransportation, CleanAir Partnership |York University | February 28, 2012 Advocating for Active Urban Mobility
  • 2. Presentation Overview TCAT Overview & Complete Streets Land Use & Big Box in Leslieville One Advocacy Case Study
  • 3. Guiding Questions/Outline What do Complete Streets mean for you? How does urban development affect your mobility? How can you get involved?
  • 4. Discussion What is active transportation? What is mode share? What is urban mobility and why does it matter?
  • 6. Mode Share forWorkTrips inWard 8 (York University)
  • 7. Discussion How did you get toYork University today? How do you usually travel toYork?
  • 8. TCAT Overview Formed in 2006 to give a unified voice for groups and individuals working for a better cycling and pedestrian environment inToronto. Came together around a simple idea: Active transportation (cycling and walking) is the most affordable, healthy and sustainable mode of transportation. Yet the City falls short in prioritizing walking and cycling (active transportation) in its budget and city planning processes. Tripled the number of member organizations in three years.
  • 9. ActiveTransportation Is there demand? Photo byTObike from theTorontoist Flickr Pool.
  • 10. The Potential is there for Change In the GTHA: 17 percent of trips are walkable (less than 2 kilometres). 40 per cent are bikeable (less than five kilometres). 7 in 10 Canadians would cycle to work if there were bike lanes. Source: Copenhagenize.com
  • 11. ActiveTransportation on the rise in Canada Active transportation has been rising at a significant rate amongst Canadians since 2000. Almost a quarter of Canadians walk 6 or more hours per week (Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2007). A national study found that 7 in 10 Canadians would cycle to work if there were bike lanes (Go forGreen, 2004).
  • 12. What are Complete Streets? Complete streets are safe, comfortable, and convenient for travel for everyone, regardless of age or ability motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit users.
  • 14. Complete Streets: the Exception Prior to revitalization in 1997, cycling and walking mode share was 70% yet 80% of the right-of- way was devoted to cars. Traffic lanes reduced from four to two. Space reallocated to bike lanes, trees, wider sidewalks, sidewalk bulbouts and new pedestrian crossings. Speeding reduced. Traffic collisions decreased by 40%. Photo courtesy of the City ofToronto (TransportCanada)
  • 15. What is a Complete Streets Policy? A complete streets policy ensures that transportation agencies routinely design and operate the entire right of way to enable safe access for all users.
  • 16. Complete Streets Policies in the U.S. 16 US Jurisdictions with Policies: 125 Policies Adopted Since 2005: 100 Policies in 2009: 42 As of 01/15/10
  • 17. Courtesy of Barbara McCann, Complete Streets Coalition
  • 18. Waterloo adopted Complete Streets Policy in 2011
  • 19. Complete Streets Promotion inToronto InAugust 2009, before any policies had been adopted in Canada yet, TCAT and theToronto Cyclists Union began working together to bring Complete Streets to Canada. Complete Streets was an election issue in Toronto in 2010.
  • 20. Complete Streets in the City ofToronto St. George Street is Torontos best example of a complete street. The City ofTorontos Public Realm office is currently working on a plan to implement complete streets more broadly across the city. Photo Credit: Elana Horowitz
  • 21. Urban Development and Mobility (land use transportation dynamic) Leslieville, Toronto Leslie Street
  • 22. Courtesy of Jamie Austin, Ontario Growth Secretariat
  • 23. Courtesy of Jamie Austin, Ontario Growth Secretariat
  • 25. February 17, 2011 Recent DevelopmentContext
  • 26. Leslie Street south facing to Lakeshore Blvd. East LeslieStreet How would you create a complete street here?
  • 27. How would streetcars affect cyclists and pedestrians at this intersection? Discussion
  • 29. BikeSauce: Bicycle Resource Centre What is it? A not-for-profit, all volunteer run, do-it yourself bicycle repair facility and advocacy centre.
  • 30. BikeSauce Location: 235 Broadview Avenue,Toronto Open: Monday,Tuesday,Thursday - 5 pm 9 pm Saturday, Sunday 12 pm 6 pm
  • 31. What does BikeSauce Do? Help people learn how to fix their bike.
  • 32. What does BikeSauce Do? Help people learn how to fix their bike.
  • 33. What does BikeSauce Do? Refurbish and sell donated bikes.
  • 34. What does BikeSauce Do? Offer a social space, coffee bar, library with freeWiFi.
  • 35. What does BikeSauce Do? Develop and implement bicycle advocacy campaigns.
  • 36. What does BikeSauce Do? Develop and implement bicycle advocacy campaigns.
  • 37. How Can I Get Involved? Email: info@bikesauce.org Join the: Facebook Twitter Listservs: groups.google.com/group/bicyclesauce
  • 38. Guiding Questions/Outline What do Complete Streets mean for you? How does urban development affect your mobility? How can you get involved?
  • 39. ThankYou Subscribe toTCAT News at: http://torontocat.ca/main/user/register Michelle St. Amour and Neluka Leanage Toronto Centre for Active Transportation, Clean Air Partnership Te l e p h o n e : 4 1 6 . 3 9 2 . 0 2 9 0 E m a i l : n s m i t h l e a @ t o r o n t o c a t . c a W e b s i t e : w w w . t o r o n t o c a t . c a , w w w . c l e a n a i r p a r t n e r s h i p . o r g