Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemeriksaan kadar antigen CA 125 dengan metode ELISA untuk skrining, diagnosis, pemantauan terapi, dan prognosis kanker ovarium. Metode ELISA digunakan karena ekonomis dan sensitivitas yang tinggi. Kadar CA 125 yang meningkat dapat menandakan adanya kanker ovarium.
Presentation by Jacob van Etten.
CCAFS workshop titled "Using Climate Scenarios and Analogues for Designing Adaptation Strategies in Agriculture," 19-23 September in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Save the Children's flood relief response in Odisha 2011SaveTheChildrenIn
The Odisha floods in India have affected over 2 million people and damaged over 11,000 houses. Lack of safe drinking water could lead to water-borne disease epidemics. People are taking shelter in disaster risk reduction shelters and children are helping to clean up schools, as they are particularly vulnerable during natural disasters. Local organizations are providing ready-to-eat food with support from international non-profits.
This document discusses secondary gains, which refers to hidden reasons for holding onto an undesirable condition. Some common secondary gains include receiving attention, avoiding responsibility, and maintaining the status quo. Chronic pain is often prolonged due to secondary gains like receiving care or avoiding conflict. It is important to identify one's own secondary gains to understand what needs they may be serving and to find alternative ways of meeting those needs that do not require holding onto problems.
Makalah ini membahas pendekatan-pendekatan dalam mengelola kelas, termasuk pendekatan otoriter, permisif, pengubahan tingkah laku, sosio-emosional, dan proses kelompok. Pendekatan otoriter fokus pada perintah dan larangan sementara pendekatan permisif memberikan kebebasan berlebih. Pengubahan tingkah laku menekankan penguatan dan penghukuman. Pendekatan sosio-emosional menciptakan iklim kelas yang hangat dan menduk
¨¦tat financier pr¨¦sent¨¦ par l'ARS regroupe l¡¯ensemble des charges de l¡¯Etat, des r¨¦gimes d¡¯Assurance maladie et de la Caisse Nationale de Solidarit¨¦ pour l¡¯Autonomie, relatives ¨¤ la politique de sant¨¦ et aux services de soins et m¨¦dico-sociaux, de la r¨¦gion Pays de la Loire.
El documento resume los cap¨ªtulos 3 y 4 del libro La Quinta Disciplina sobre el juego de la cerveza. Este juego simula un sistema de producci¨®n de cerveza y muestra c¨®mo la estructura del sistema genera patrones de conducta que causan crisis, no por fuerzas externas sino por las interacciones entre los participantes. El juego ense?a la importancia de la comunicaci¨®n, la relaci¨®n arm¨®nica y la toma de decisiones informadas entre los miembros de un equipo.
Este documento describe algunas herramientas y servicios b¨¢sicos de Internet como la red, los navegadores, los motores de b¨²squeda, el correo electr¨®nico, los chats, los foros de discusi¨®n y ºÝºÝߣShare. Define qu¨¦ es cada uno y c¨®mo funcionan para permitir la comunicaci¨®n y el intercambio de informaci¨®n entre usuarios a trav¨¦s de Internet.
Finish 2011 Strong: Six Funnel Focal Points to Maximize Time, Resources and R...B2B Lead Roundtable
The document summarizes the results of an experiment run by MECLABS to optimize the lead generation process for a software company. Testing various pay-per-click ads, the researchers found that an ad emphasizing the product as the #1 on-demand solution with over 6,000 clients and a free trial outperformed the original ad and increased clickthrough rates by 21%. Looking holistically, the optimized path increased overall conversion 272% through improvements to the ad, landing page, and form.
This document provides a summary of news items from July to September 2012 related to emerging trends in media. Some of the key points covered include: the growing number of mobile subscriptions and smartphones in use globally; Google activating over 1.3 million Android devices per day; the influence of smartphones on in-store purchases; the growth of Instagram to over 100 million users; and the financial success of digital news platforms like the Daily Mail and Financial Times. It also summarizes news about the popularity of Fifty Shades of Grey and the monetization strategies of Amazon and Coca-Cola's innovative advertising campaigns.
Wef global competitivenessreport_2012-13Peter Smirnov
The Global Competitiveness Report 2012¨C2013 examines the factors driving countries' productivity and prosperity. It finds that strengthening recovery requires raising productivity through focusing on infrastructure, higher education, goods market efficiency and financial market development. The report also assesses countries' sustainability and competitiveness over the long term. It acknowledges the valuable contributions of partner institutes in over 100 countries, whose input is critical to understanding national competitiveness.
The document contains demographic data on Facebook users worldwide, including statistics on users by country, continent, gender, age, and the top 20 countries by user numbers. Each section features a chart or graph visualizing the metrics and is credited to Amodiovalerio Verde and the website
Makalah ini membahas pendekatan-pendekatan dalam mengelola kelas, termasuk pendekatan otoriter, permisif, pengubahan tingkah laku, sosio-emosional, dan proses kelompok. Pendekatan otoriter fokus pada perintah dan larangan sementara pendekatan permisif memberikan kebebasan berlebih. Pengubahan tingkah laku menekankan penguatan dan penghukuman. Pendekatan sosio-emosional menciptakan iklim kelas yang hangat dan menduk
¨¦tat financier pr¨¦sent¨¦ par l'ARS regroupe l¡¯ensemble des charges de l¡¯Etat, des r¨¦gimes d¡¯Assurance maladie et de la Caisse Nationale de Solidarit¨¦ pour l¡¯Autonomie, relatives ¨¤ la politique de sant¨¦ et aux services de soins et m¨¦dico-sociaux, de la r¨¦gion Pays de la Loire.
El documento resume los cap¨ªtulos 3 y 4 del libro La Quinta Disciplina sobre el juego de la cerveza. Este juego simula un sistema de producci¨®n de cerveza y muestra c¨®mo la estructura del sistema genera patrones de conducta que causan crisis, no por fuerzas externas sino por las interacciones entre los participantes. El juego ense?a la importancia de la comunicaci¨®n, la relaci¨®n arm¨®nica y la toma de decisiones informadas entre los miembros de un equipo.
Este documento describe algunas herramientas y servicios b¨¢sicos de Internet como la red, los navegadores, los motores de b¨²squeda, el correo electr¨®nico, los chats, los foros de discusi¨®n y ºÝºÝߣShare. Define qu¨¦ es cada uno y c¨®mo funcionan para permitir la comunicaci¨®n y el intercambio de informaci¨®n entre usuarios a trav¨¦s de Internet.
Finish 2011 Strong: Six Funnel Focal Points to Maximize Time, Resources and R...B2B Lead Roundtable
The document summarizes the results of an experiment run by MECLABS to optimize the lead generation process for a software company. Testing various pay-per-click ads, the researchers found that an ad emphasizing the product as the #1 on-demand solution with over 6,000 clients and a free trial outperformed the original ad and increased clickthrough rates by 21%. Looking holistically, the optimized path increased overall conversion 272% through improvements to the ad, landing page, and form.
This document provides a summary of news items from July to September 2012 related to emerging trends in media. Some of the key points covered include: the growing number of mobile subscriptions and smartphones in use globally; Google activating over 1.3 million Android devices per day; the influence of smartphones on in-store purchases; the growth of Instagram to over 100 million users; and the financial success of digital news platforms like the Daily Mail and Financial Times. It also summarizes news about the popularity of Fifty Shades of Grey and the monetization strategies of Amazon and Coca-Cola's innovative advertising campaigns.
Wef global competitivenessreport_2012-13Peter Smirnov
The Global Competitiveness Report 2012¨C2013 examines the factors driving countries' productivity and prosperity. It finds that strengthening recovery requires raising productivity through focusing on infrastructure, higher education, goods market efficiency and financial market development. The report also assesses countries' sustainability and competitiveness over the long term. It acknowledges the valuable contributions of partner institutes in over 100 countries, whose input is critical to understanding national competitiveness.
The document contains demographic data on Facebook users worldwide, including statistics on users by country, continent, gender, age, and the top 20 countries by user numbers. Each section features a chart or graph visualizing the metrics and is credited to Amodiovalerio Verde and the website
Social networks and blogs continue to dominate Americans' time spent online, accounting for nearly a quarter of total time. Social media usage has grown rapidly, with nearly 80% of active internet users visiting social networks and blogs. Americans now spend more time on Facebook than any other website. Close to 40% of social media users access social content from their mobile phone.