Elgg is a social networking framework. It provides the necessary functionality to allow you to run your own social networking site, whether publicly (like Facebook) or internally on a networked intranet (like Microsoft Sharepoint).
'Finding Baby Bear's Bed: a tale of two spaces' Jon Dron #ECSFCondiminds
This document summarizes Jon Dron's presentation on social software for learning at the ElggCamp conference in San Francisco in 2012. It discusses how social software can enable sharing of content, discovery of connections, and empowerment for both consuming and creating information. It also examines challenges faced by Athabasca University in facilitating dialogue and collaboration due to its fully online nature and highly structured systems. The document advocates for a social learning commons like Landing to give more control to individuals and groups to make what they need without strict permissions or reliance on purpose-built technologies.
'Elgg in Education: Stanford University' David Adams #ECSFCondiminds
This document provides an overview of a courseware platform that was built at Stanford for creating and hosting online courses within the U.S. university system. It aims to provide a more collaborative and interactive teaching and learning experience through features like assignments, quizzes, peer grading, videos with in-video quizzes and annotations, forums, and the ability for instructors to share content across courses and institutions. Going forward, it aims to add analytics to help drive student interventions and provide visibility into student and class progress and performance.
ElggCamp SF 2012 is a conference organized by the Elgg Foundation and Condiminds on March 24th, 2012 to discuss the open source social networking engine Elgg. Elgg allows users to create their own social networks and is managed by the Elgg Foundation with 3 core developers and many contributors. The summary provides essential information on bathroom locations, wifi credentials, the conference hashtag, session locations, and thanks attendees and sponsors for participating.
Este documento resume las caracter鱈sticas clave de la Web 2.0, incluyendo su enfoque en el usuario, la interacci坦n, la colaboraci坦n y la distribuci坦n de contenido. Explica tecnolog鱈as como etiquetado, RSS, blogs, wikis y plataformas de almacenamiento y compartici坦n de archivos multimedia. El documento tambi辿n describe c坦mo estas herramientas permiten una mayor participaci坦n y satisfacci坦n del usuario al facilitar la creaci坦n y distribuci坦n de contenido generado por los usuarios.
1) O documento discute como a percep巽達o da idade muda ao longo da vida, desde a inf但ncia onde se deseja envelhecer at辿 a velhice onde se deseja permanecer jovem.
2) Fornece dez dicas para como permanecer jovem, incluindo livrar-se de n炭meros, manter amigos positivos, aprender coisas novas, apreciar o simples e cuidar da sa炭de.
3) Conclui que a vida deve ser vivida ao m叩ximo a cada dia.