This document presents the development of a smart traffic light system that uses a PLC to control traffic lights based on sensor input. The system uses infrared sensors to detect vehicle traffic levels on each road. If traffic is heavy on a road as detected by the sensors, the PLC will increase the green light time for that road. Otherwise, the traffic lights will operate on their normal timer cycle saved in the PLC program. This dynamic traffic light control system aims to improve traffic flow when vehicle volumes vary on different roads.
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Presented By,
ANIXON DURAI T (1122511001)
M.E - Control and Instrumentation Engineering
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Noorul Islam Centre For Higher Education
Kumaracoil, Thuckalay
Guided By,
Dr. S. Felix Stephen, M.E., Ph.D.,
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Noorul Islam Centre For Higher Education
Kumaracoil, Thuckalay
Traffic signal light is used to control the movement of vehicles
and passengers, so that traffic can flow smoothly and safely.
In the conventional traffic control system it may be observed
that the time of signal light glowing for a particular road will be
always constant. Sometimes it may happen that, one particular
road may be crowded more than any other.
In such cases, the conventional traffic control system will fails
to give priority to the heavy traffic lanes.
4. Sensor
A sensor is a device that detects the change in the
environment and responds to some output on the other system.
A networking technology that includes the protocol,
port, cable, and computer chip needed to plug a desktop or
laptop into a local area network (LAN) for speedy data
transmission via coaxial or fiber optic cables.
S7-1214 PLC
The S7-1214 PLC is a new generation of the classic S7-
200 PLC. It's a programmable logic controller (PLC)
manufactured by Siemens that controls and automates industrial
Traffic signals
Traffic signals use three colors to transmit information
to road users: red, yellow, and green. The colors are arranged
vertically or horizontally.
5. In this model, all the inputs of traffic light
indicators are given to the PLC and it is
programmed according to which traffic Signals will
In the program, have provided a specific time for a
particular signal. The lights will glow according to
the time which has been initially saved in PLC.
The timer of the lights will vary according to the
output of all the IR sensors.
6. If the density of traffic is increased and if all IR
sensors give output then timer count of the lights will
increase by the defined time interval.
If the traffic density falls in the normal range then the
timer counter of traffic signal will work according to
the initial count saved previously in PLC.
Control over traffic where the traffic flow is variable.
We have placed sensors in each path of T point.