This document discusses cloud computing and DevOps. It provides background on the speaker and explains how Morningstar adapted to use cloud computing to scale their infrastructure. Cloud computing allows for much higher server-to-engineer ratios and elastic scaling. DevOps aims to break down silos between development and operations through automation, measurement, and culture change. It emphasizes infrastructure as code and continuous delivery to improve business agility.
DevOps, Agile and Open Source at ImmobilienScout24Schlomo Schapiro
How Open Source, Agile Methods and DevOps come together at ImmobilienScout24.
Was verbindet Open Source, Agiles Mindset und DevOps? In der richtigen Kombination dieser Themen entsteht f端r die IT eine neue Basis der Zusammenarbeit.
Ein R端ckblick auf die letzten 6 Jahre bei ImmobilienScout24 zeigt, wie die Anwendung in der Praxis unsere IT-Abteilung voran gebracht hat. Bei der Cloudmigration profitieren wir insbesondere von der offenen Kultur in der Firma und der Community.
This session examines how Legal Counsel can help software development teams create an automated compliance process to make daily decisions related to open source licenses.
Making Sense of DevOps Tools: Open Source to Enterprise SolutionsIBM DevOps
This document outlines the agenda for a webinar on DevOps tools. The agenda includes discussions on the future of DevOps, findings from Ovum reports on application lifecycle management, release management, and agile project management tools. It will also cover open source and enterprise solutions, building microservices with continuous delivery, multi-speed DevOps environments, and how to succeed with DevOps at an enterprise scale. Presenters will be Michael Azoff from Ovum and Sanjeev Sharma from IBM.
How open source is driving DevOps innovation: CloudOpen NA 2015Gordon Haff
Its no coincidence that all the interest around DevOps today comes at a time when open source technologies and processes are so dominant in cloud computing, data storage and analysis, and--increasingly--in networking. Innovations in Linux and other projects, including containers, configuration management, and continuous integration, are what make DevOps workflows and portable application deployments possible. But its also the result of open source culture, practices, and the tools supporting those practices that have made iterative development and collaboration such a powerful model for creating great software in communities. And now, theyre also providing a template for how to develop and operate applications internally within enterprises. In this session, we will discuss how open source tools and practices can be applied to create effective DevOps workflows and practices.
Linkage of agriculture nutrition education and incomesayednaim
1. The document discusses the linkages between agriculture, nutrition, education, and income in developing countries like Afghanistan. It provides a framework for understanding how these sectors influence each other.
2. Agriculture can impact nutrition through increased food production and household income, as well as women's empowerment and time for childcare. Better nutrition also enhances agricultural productivity.
3. Education influences nutrition by empowering individuals with knowledge about health and feeding practices, and nutrition education specifically improves diets and choices. Maternal education leads to better child nutrition.
4. Income generated from agriculture or other means allows for greater food access and purchasing of nutritious foods, linking income to improved nutrition outcomes.
How and why to implement haccp in food businesses in developing countriessayednaim
1) The document discusses implementing Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) in food businesses in Afghanistan to improve food safety and public health.
2) It outlines challenges that food businesses face in implementing HACCP, including lack of infrastructure, expertise, funding, and legal requirements.
3) The author proposes solutions for the Afghan government to promote HACCP through education, training, guidelines, and potentially mandatory requirements to reduce foodborne illness and its economic impacts.
Food labeling regulations in saarc countries 2015sayednaim
The document summarizes food labeling regulations in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries. It discusses the requirements in each SAARC member country, which vary significantly. For example, while India and Pakistan have detailed regulations on nutrition labeling and ingredient lists, Afghanistan currently has no food law or labeling requirements. Harmonizing labeling standards across SAARC countries could help facilitate regional trade but also poses challenges given differences in existing regulations. The document advocates for information sharing and regional coordination to work towards greater regulatory alignment.
Food safety Afghanistans context : Some basic thingssayednaim
The document discusses food safety standards in Afghanistan and compares them to international standards. It covers many topics related to food safety including common foodborne illnesses, important issues in Afghanistan's food system, approaches to prevent problems like Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). Afghanistan faces challenges in food safety from lack of laws, awareness, and education in food science. International organizations provide guidelines on standards but Afghanistan will need further capacity development in its regulatory system and food production practices to improve food safety.
The document summarizes the tuna processing and production process. It discusses that tuna is caught using methods like purse seining and longlining. After catching, tuna are rapidly cooled. They then undergo precooking using atmospheric steam, which is a critical process before retorting. Precooking involves cooking the tuna to a target temperature to facilitate canning. It also provides nutritional information and discusses laws and regulations for canned tuna standards.
Linkage of agriculture nutrition education and incomesayednaim
1. The document discusses the linkages between agriculture, nutrition, education, and income in developing countries like Afghanistan. It provides a framework for understanding how these sectors influence each other.
2. Agriculture can impact nutrition through increased food production and household income, as well as women's empowerment and time for childcare. Better nutrition also enhances agricultural productivity.
3. Education influences nutrition by empowering individuals with knowledge about health and feeding practices, and nutrition education specifically improves diets and choices. Maternal education leads to better child nutrition.
4. Income generated from agriculture or other means allows for greater food access and purchasing of nutritious foods, linking income to improved nutrition outcomes.
How and why to implement haccp in food businesses in developing countriessayednaim
1) The document discusses implementing Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) in food businesses in Afghanistan to improve food safety and public health.
2) It outlines challenges that food businesses face in implementing HACCP, including lack of infrastructure, expertise, funding, and legal requirements.
3) The author proposes solutions for the Afghan government to promote HACCP through education, training, guidelines, and potentially mandatory requirements to reduce foodborne illness and its economic impacts.
Food labeling regulations in saarc countries 2015sayednaim
The document summarizes food labeling regulations in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries. It discusses the requirements in each SAARC member country, which vary significantly. For example, while India and Pakistan have detailed regulations on nutrition labeling and ingredient lists, Afghanistan currently has no food law or labeling requirements. Harmonizing labeling standards across SAARC countries could help facilitate regional trade but also poses challenges given differences in existing regulations. The document advocates for information sharing and regional coordination to work towards greater regulatory alignment.
Food safety Afghanistans context : Some basic thingssayednaim
The document discusses food safety standards in Afghanistan and compares them to international standards. It covers many topics related to food safety including common foodborne illnesses, important issues in Afghanistan's food system, approaches to prevent problems like Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). Afghanistan faces challenges in food safety from lack of laws, awareness, and education in food science. International organizations provide guidelines on standards but Afghanistan will need further capacity development in its regulatory system and food production practices to improve food safety.
The document summarizes the tuna processing and production process. It discusses that tuna is caught using methods like purse seining and longlining. After catching, tuna are rapidly cooled. They then undergo precooking using atmospheric steam, which is a critical process before retorting. Precooking involves cooking the tuna to a target temperature to facilitate canning. It also provides nutritional information and discusses laws and regulations for canned tuna standards.