(1) The purpose of the AFM 1st Agenda draft is to review and align local and national strategies, bring the International Congress home, and develop functional knowledge and hard skills.
(2) The goals are to review strategies and understand strategy building, introduce 2015 programs and partnerships, and build functional knowledge, skills, and cross-functional synergy.
(3) The agenda covers blocks on functions, strategy, the MC plan, cross-functional topics, and bringing the International Congress home over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
2. The purpose Strategy review & alignment of local/national strategies Bringing IC home Functional knowledge development & hard skills building
3. The goals (1) Strategy review & alignment of local/national strategies Delegates get to understand strategy building and implementing Delegates get to revise their strategies Delegates get to understand the MC plan and strategy
4. The goals (2) Bringing IC home Introduction to 2015 Education about 2015’s programs Partnerships
5. The goals (3) Functional Knowledge development and hard skills building Functional knowledge and skills Strategies Cross-functional synergy
6. The goals (4) Leadership Motivation for the top and middle management of AIESEC Croatia Connecting leadership to the responsibility of strategy implementation
7. EB agenda (blocks) Functional time Strategy MC plan &strategy Cross functional time IC – Bringing home Sunday Saturday Friday