Obesity in America has become a major problem, affecting people of all ages including children. It can cause serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The document discusses obesity rates in different US states and globally, with Mississippi having the highest average BMI. Solutions proposed include eating healthier, exercising more, and improving processed foods. The presenter hopes to raise awareness and motivate lifestyle changes to address this important issue.
Child abuse occurs worldwide and takes many forms including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse as well as neglect. It has long-lasting negative effects on children's development and mental health. While many cases go unreported, addressing child abuse requires awareness of warning signs, ensuring children's basic needs are met, and creating a support system to protect them. Some jurisdictions have had success eliminating child abuse through community intervention and policy changes.
Poaching occurs around the world, mostly in Southeast Africa and other areas with high wildlife populations. Poaching involves illegally taking wild plants and animals. It is harmful because it can lead species to become endangered or extinct if people exceed legal limits. People poach for money due to greed or need, putting many species at risk. If poaching continues, we could lose many animal populations and disrupt natural predator-prey balances. More conservation officers are needed to curb heavy poaching in vulnerable areas.
Cyclones are the most destructive storms in the world. Typhoon Tip, which occurred in the Pacific in 1979, remains the largest and most intense tropical cyclone ever recorded. Cyclones form from clusters of strong thunderstorms and have an eye surrounded by an eyewall that is the calmest area with low pressure and no rain. They are most common in ocean regions like the Pacific, where around 15 occur each year, and can cause major economic damage, like Hurricane Katrina which cost nearly $1 billion.
Liver cancer affects many people and their families. It has no known cure yet, but treatments like chemotherapy and surgery are used. The document discusses the history of cancer research and treatments over time. It also provides potential risk factors and ways to help prevent cancer, as well as organizations working toward a cure. The author has a personal connection, as their great grandmother passed away from liver cancer.
The document discusses the benefits of wind turbines as an energy source. It notes that wind turbines are an efficient way to generate power without relying on other countries and that the US government has provided $90 billion to install wind turbines across the country. The author believes wind turbines are a better energy solution and has a personal connection to them from seeing some near where they golf.
3rd Hour- Homelessness Around The World. By. Emily A. Scharich.(:yourpassport
This document discusses homelessness around the world. It begins with an introduction stating that homelessness is a global issue that affects children and can influence their views. It then provides an overview of some organizations that provide aid to the homeless, such as food and shelters. The document also examines the financial and long-term human impacts of homelessness increasing worldwide.
The United States has been engaged in the War in Afghanistan since 2001 following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Over 1,196 U.S. troops have died and the war has cost $285 billion to date. The war has severely impacted both U.S. and Afghan families through loss of life and ongoing violence and instability in Afghanistan. Many argue the U.S. should begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, though others believe this could further destabilize the region. There are ongoing debates around how to best bring peace and security to Afghanistan.
An extremely powerful 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan's Tohoku region on March 11, 2011, causing widespread damage and loss of life. It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan and displaced Honshu eastward by 2.4 meters. Critical infrastructure was severely impacted, fires broke out at an oil refinery, and many residents were left homeless or orphaned in the aftermath of the devastating quake.
This document provides an introduction and overview of Apache Spark. It discusses what Spark is, its performance advantages over Hadoop MapReduce, its core abstraction of resilient distributed datasets (RDDs), and how Spark programs are executed. Key features of Spark like its interactive shell, transformations and actions on RDDs, and Spark SQL are explained. Recent new features in Spark like DataFrames, external data sources, and the Tungsten performance optimizer are also covered. The document aims to give attendees an understanding of Spark's capabilities and how it can provide faster performance than Hadoop for certain applications.
The document discusses child labor, providing definitions and history. It notes that child labor is worst in Nigeria, Pakistan, India, and Yemen currently. While some low-income families may send their children to work due to economic pressures, big businesses also exploit child labor for cheap wages. The document lists some organizations providing help to address child labor issues, such as the International Labor Organization.
Domestic violence is a major global problem that has serious long-term mental and physical health effects. It has increased significantly worldwide over the past century. In the US, one in three women experience domestic violence. The author then discusses several personal experiences with an abusive father and outlines various types and costs of domestic violence. The document advocates for increased funding and programs to address domestic violence, as speaking up and getting help can help reduce and prevent further abuse.
This document discusses the issue of marine pollution and its effects on ocean life and humans. The author's project aims to show how pollution is threatening fish populations and hurting the ocean environment. Some solutions proposed include cleaning up the ocean themselves and helping to reduce pollution. If the ocean is cleaned up, fish populations could recover and continue providing benefits to industries and recreation. The BP oil spill is cited as an example of an environmental disaster that killed thousands of animals and impacted coastal areas. The conclusion restates that marine pollution is a serious problem that requires efforts to clean the oceans and reduce contaminants to ensure sustainable fish populations for the future.
Child abuse is a global problem that negatively impacts children physically, emotionally, and psychologically both in the short and long term. It can result in visible scars, feelings of shame, low self-esteem, and difficulty trusting others. While abuse is often perpetrated by someone close to the family, all forms of child abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, are unacceptable. To address this issue, communities must work together to prevent abuse through education, intervene in suspected cases of abuse, and support organizations providing aid to victims.
Liver cancer affects many people and causes devastating loss of life. It has been studied for centuries but still takes many lives every day. Finding a cure is critical as liver cancer impacts individuals, families, and society through high costs and loss of life. The document outlines the history of liver cancer research and treatments, risk factors, potential solutions, organizations working on a cure, and the author's personal connection to liver cancer.
The document discusses the Halo Effect and how physical attractiveness impacts how people are perceived and treated. The Halo Effect is the belief that attractive people are viewed as more successful, but the theory has not been proven true in all cases. While attractiveness may help some people get jobs more easily, it can also lead to harder times for less attractive individuals and increased suicide risks among teens. The impact of the Halo Effect is still debated as appearances become increasingly important in society.
Liver cancer affects many people and their families. It has no known cure yet, but treatments like chemotherapy and surgery are used. The document discusses the history of cancer research and treatments over time. It also provides potential risk factors and ways to help prevent cancer, as well as organizations working toward a cure. The author has a personal connection, as their great grandmother passed away from liver cancer.
The document discusses the benefits of wind turbines as an energy source. It notes that wind turbines are an efficient way to generate power without relying on other countries and that the US government has provided $90 billion to install wind turbines across the country. The author believes wind turbines are a better energy solution and has a personal connection to them from seeing some near where they golf.
3rd Hour- Homelessness Around The World. By. Emily A. Scharich.(:yourpassport
This document discusses homelessness around the world. It begins with an introduction stating that homelessness is a global issue that affects children and can influence their views. It then provides an overview of some organizations that provide aid to the homeless, such as food and shelters. The document also examines the financial and long-term human impacts of homelessness increasing worldwide.
The United States has been engaged in the War in Afghanistan since 2001 following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Over 1,196 U.S. troops have died and the war has cost $285 billion to date. The war has severely impacted both U.S. and Afghan families through loss of life and ongoing violence and instability in Afghanistan. Many argue the U.S. should begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, though others believe this could further destabilize the region. There are ongoing debates around how to best bring peace and security to Afghanistan.
An extremely powerful 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan's Tohoku region on March 11, 2011, causing widespread damage and loss of life. It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan and displaced Honshu eastward by 2.4 meters. Critical infrastructure was severely impacted, fires broke out at an oil refinery, and many residents were left homeless or orphaned in the aftermath of the devastating quake.
This document provides an introduction and overview of Apache Spark. It discusses what Spark is, its performance advantages over Hadoop MapReduce, its core abstraction of resilient distributed datasets (RDDs), and how Spark programs are executed. Key features of Spark like its interactive shell, transformations and actions on RDDs, and Spark SQL are explained. Recent new features in Spark like DataFrames, external data sources, and the Tungsten performance optimizer are also covered. The document aims to give attendees an understanding of Spark's capabilities and how it can provide faster performance than Hadoop for certain applications.
The document discusses child labor, providing definitions and history. It notes that child labor is worst in Nigeria, Pakistan, India, and Yemen currently. While some low-income families may send their children to work due to economic pressures, big businesses also exploit child labor for cheap wages. The document lists some organizations providing help to address child labor issues, such as the International Labor Organization.
Domestic violence is a major global problem that has serious long-term mental and physical health effects. It has increased significantly worldwide over the past century. In the US, one in three women experience domestic violence. The author then discusses several personal experiences with an abusive father and outlines various types and costs of domestic violence. The document advocates for increased funding and programs to address domestic violence, as speaking up and getting help can help reduce and prevent further abuse.
This document discusses the issue of marine pollution and its effects on ocean life and humans. The author's project aims to show how pollution is threatening fish populations and hurting the ocean environment. Some solutions proposed include cleaning up the ocean themselves and helping to reduce pollution. If the ocean is cleaned up, fish populations could recover and continue providing benefits to industries and recreation. The BP oil spill is cited as an example of an environmental disaster that killed thousands of animals and impacted coastal areas. The conclusion restates that marine pollution is a serious problem that requires efforts to clean the oceans and reduce contaminants to ensure sustainable fish populations for the future.
Child abuse is a global problem that negatively impacts children physically, emotionally, and psychologically both in the short and long term. It can result in visible scars, feelings of shame, low self-esteem, and difficulty trusting others. While abuse is often perpetrated by someone close to the family, all forms of child abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, are unacceptable. To address this issue, communities must work together to prevent abuse through education, intervene in suspected cases of abuse, and support organizations providing aid to victims.
Liver cancer affects many people and causes devastating loss of life. It has been studied for centuries but still takes many lives every day. Finding a cure is critical as liver cancer impacts individuals, families, and society through high costs and loss of life. The document outlines the history of liver cancer research and treatments, risk factors, potential solutions, organizations working on a cure, and the author's personal connection to liver cancer.
The document discusses the Halo Effect and how physical attractiveness impacts how people are perceived and treated. The Halo Effect is the belief that attractive people are viewed as more successful, but the theory has not been proven true in all cases. While attractiveness may help some people get jobs more easily, it can also lead to harder times for less attractive individuals and increased suicide risks among teens. The impact of the Halo Effect is still debated as appearances become increasingly important in society.
1. z叩vren箪 report - propagace partner哲 v r叩mci festivalu
6. - 14. z叩鱈 2011
6. - 14. z叩鱈 2011
st転ejn鱈 akce festivalu:
7.9. 2011 Mezin叩rodn鱈 konference Beton v architektue
8.9. 2011 Trojsk辿 sympozium
12.9. 2011 Mezin叩rodn鱈 koneference BIM Day
Propagan鱈 materi叩ly k festivalu a jednotliv箪m akc鱈m:
- katalog festivalu AFP - program akc鱈, 炭vodn鱈ky, profily pedn叩邸ej鱈c鱈ch...
- pozv叩nka na konferenci Beton v architektue a BIM Day k zasl叩n鱈 po邸tou
- vstupenky a visaky na konference
- plak叩ty konferenc鱈
- d叩rkov叩 ta邸ka s vlo転en箪mi promo materi叩ly a katalogem AFP
- bannery na konference Beton v architektue a BIM Day
- elektronick叩 pozv叩nka na konference
- webov辿 str叩nky festivalu
- prezentace - loga partner哲 k prom鱈t叩n鱈 na konferenc鱈ch
- fyzick辿 bannery a promo pedmty partner哲 na akc鱈ch
6. - 14. z叩鱈 2011
logo v sekci partnei na homepage www.archforpeople.cz
6. - 14. z叩鱈 2011
転 *
out *
S m }
011 { mpozi辿 akce
鱈 2 * Sy dn
4. z叩 o
6. 1 erence Doprov
f y *
Ko n D a
loga a inzerce v katalogu ARCH FOR PEOPLE
katalog vy邸el v n叩kladu 600 ks
6. - 14. z叩鱈 2011
koneference beton v architektue FA VUT, 7.9. 2011 息 Martin Stank
n叩klad - celkem 600 ks
Ta邸ky se rozd叩valy na konferenci Beton v architektue,
na Trojsk辿m sympoziu i BIM Dayi.
d叩rkov叩 ta邸ka s propagan鱈mi materi叩ly a katalogem ARCH FOR PEOPLE
6. - 14. z叩鱈 2011
Nechte se inspirovat skvl箪mi architekty ze panlska, Finska a esk辿 republiky. Z鱈s-
Gener叩ln鱈 partner kejte nov辿 znalosti o油technologi鱈ch, pohledov辿m ztv叩rnn鱈, historii, ale tak辿 ped-
sudc鱈ch v哲i betonu, jak z ech, tak ze zahrani鱈.
Pozv叩nka na konferenci Registrujte se na
Prvn鱈ch 100 pihl叩邸en箪ch si u転ije
Hlavn鱈 partnei
7. z叩鱈 2011 | 1100 - 1900 VIP vstupenku na Trojsk辿 vinobran鱈 !
Blok I. 1100 1400 Blok II. 1445 1900
1100 1135 | Ing. Jana Margoldov叩, CSc. 1445 1515 | Ing. V叩clav Jand叩ek
BETON TKS Projektov叩, konzultan鱈 a in転en箪rsk叩 kancel叩
O pedsudc鱈ch v哲i betonu a jeho vn鱈m叩n鱈 Betonov叩 stavba, architektura a statika
sto let zku邸enost鱈
Registrujte se na Partnei Pozv叩nka na konferenci | Mgr. Akad. arch. Roman Brychta
BETON V ARCHITEKTUE Dekorativn鱈 povrchy z vym箪van辿ho betonu
Prvn鱈ch 100 pihl叩邸en箪ch si u転ije
VIP vstupenku na Trojsk辿 vinobran鱈 ! 7. z叩鱈 2011 | 11
1 00
- 19 00
| Davide Zampini [CH]
Nechte se inspirovat skvl箪mi architekty ze panlska, Integrovan辿 izolan鱈 syst辿my
Hlavn鱈 medi叩ln鱈 partner
nologi鱈ch, pohledov辿m ztv叩rnn鱈, historii, ale tak辿 | Mgr. Iveta Heczkov叩 1605 1635 | Ing. arch. Petr Burian
pedsudc鱈ch v哲i betonu, jak z ech, tak ze zahranii. DaM, architektonick叩 kancel叩
Ztv叩rnn鱈 pohledov辿ho betonu Bytov箪 d哲m s tlocvinou
Co? Mezin叩rodn鱈 konference Beton v architektue
ARCH FOR PEOPLE Medi叩ln鱈 partnei | Ing. arch. Anton鱈n Nov叩k
nton鱈n 1635 1705 | DISKUZE K 2. BLOKU
00 00
Kdy? Steda 7. z叩鱈 2011 od 11 do 19
1705 1730 | Coffee break
Kde? Fakulta architektury VUT , m鱈stnost Kotra,
Th叩kurova 9, Dejvice 1325 1400 | DISKUZE K 1. BLOKU 1730 1900 | Felipe Artengo Ru鍖no [E]
AMP arquitectos
Pozn叩v叩n鱈 m鱈sta
Registrujte se vas na WWW.ARCHFORPEOPLE.CZ 1400 1445 | Lunch break
a prvn鱈ch 100 z v叩s si u転ije VIP vstupenku na Trojsk辿
Konferenc鱈 provede: Simult叩nn鱈 peklad zaji邸tn.
vinobran鱈. David 泥叩hlavsk箪, Program festivalu najdete
moder叩tor esk辿ho rozhlasu na WWW.ARCHFORPEOPLE.CZ
Simult叩nn鱈 peklad zaji邸tn. Chytr叩 n鱈 pro ka d辿ho
Vstupn辿 1200 K
Sn鱈転en辿 vstupn辿 200 K Co? Mezin叩rodn鱈 konference Beton v ar- Registrujte se vas na Vstupn辿 1200 K
chitektue v油 r叩mci festivalu ARCH WWW.ARCHFORPEOPLE.CZ a prvn鱈ch
Konference je zaazena do projektu celo転ivotn鱈ho FOR PEOPLE 100 z v叩s si u転ije VIP vstupenku na Trojsk辿
Sn鱈転en辿 vstupn辿 200 K
vzdl叩v叩n鱈 KAIT. Vzdl叩vac鱈 program je hodnocen Kdy? Steda 7. z叩鱈 2011 od 1100 do 1900
vinobran鱈. Konference je zaazena do projektu celo転i-
votn鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 KAIT. Vzdl叩vac鱈 pro-
Simult叩nn鱈 peklad zaji邸tn.
Kde? Fakulta architektury VUT, m鱈st- gram je hodnocen 1油kreditn鱈m bodem.
nost Kotra, Th叩kurova 9, Dejvice Sleva na vlo転n辿 pro leny KAIT 10 %.
pozv叩nka AFP - 210x297+3mm - v12.indd 1 22.8.2011 10:35:40
00 00 45 00
Blok I. 11 14 Blok II. 14 19
11 00 11 35 | Ing. Jana Margoldov叩, CSc. 14 45 15 15 | Ing. V叩clav Jand叩ek
BETON TKS Projektov叩, konzultan鱈 a in転en箪rsk叩 kancel叩
O pedsudc鱈ch v哲i betonu a jeho vn鱈m叩n鱈 ka
Betonov叩 stavba, architektura a statika
sto let zku邸enost鱈
11 35 12 05 | Mgr. Akad. arch. Roman Brychta 15 15 15 40
| Davide Zampini [CH]
Na邸e domy z betonu Dekorativn鱈 povrchy z vym箪van辿ho betonu
Felipe Artengo Ru鍖 no [E] 12 05 12 30
| Davide Zampini [CH] 15 40 16 05 | Jutta Telivuo [FI]
AMP arquitectos Integrovan辿 izolan鱈 syst辿my
pro betonov辿 stny
Gra鍖 ck箪 beton
panlsk箪 atelier AMP arquitectos je zn叩m svou schop-
12 30 12 55 | Mgr. Iveta Heczkov叩 16 05 16 35 | Ing. arch. Petr Burian
nost鱈 vyu転鱈t kvalit prosted鱈, ve kter辿m tvo鱈. Jejich stav-
by vyr哲staj鱈 ze zem jako monument叩ln鱈 sochy a ve sv箪ch RECKLI GmbH DaM, architektonick叩 kancel叩
炭trob叩ch skr箪vaj鱈 ohromuj鱈c鱈 interi辿ry. Dvojice architekt哲 Ztv叩rnn鱈 pohledov辿ho betonu Bytov箪 d哲m s tlocvinou
Felipe Artengo Ru鍖 no a Jos辿 Ma Rodr鱈guez-Pastra-
na Malag坦n poch叩z鱈 ze 邸panlsk辿ho ostrova Tenerife,
1981. Pou転鱈vaj鱈 hrub箪ch betonov箪ch textur, kter辿 p哲so- 12 55 13 25 | Ing. arch. Anton鱈n Nov叩k 16 35 17 05
b鱈 転iveln a転 surov. Odm鱈taj鱈 uhlazen辿 om鱈tan辿 povrchy Atelier DRNH
Betonov叩 p鱈le転itost
17 05 17 30
ee break
AMP arquitectos jsou vedle prezidentsk辿ho s鱈dla v San- 25 00 17 30 19 00 | Felipe Artengo Ru鍖 no [E]
13 14 | DISKUZE K 1. BLOKU
ta Cruz (2000) AMP arquitectos
tav (2004), budova konferenn鱈ho centra Magma Art
(2006), nebo (2006), bravur- Pozn叩v叩n鱈 m鱈sta
14 00 14 45
| Lunch break
n vyu転鱈vaj鱈c鱈 ter辿nn鱈ch podm鱈nek m鱈sta. Dal邸鱈 tv叩鱈 AMP
sign. Tak vzniklo jejich Konferenc鱈 provede: Simult叩nn鱈 peklad zaji邸tn.
berl鱈nsk箪 David 泥叩hlavsk箪 , Program festivalu najdete
plovouc鱈 baz辿n z n叩kladn鱈ho lunu na uhl鱈 moder叩tor esk辿ho rozhlasu na WWW.ARCHFORPEOPLE.CZ
pozv叩nka AFP - 210x297+3mm - v12.indd 2 22.8.2011 10:35:49
ti邸tn叩 pozv叩nka rozesl叩na celkem na 4500 adres
pozv叩nky na konference Beton v architektue a BIM Day k rozes鱈lce po邸tou a e-mailem
6. - 14. z叩鱈 2011
bannery k akc鱈m festivalu AFP 2011 na webech medi叩ln鱈ch partner哲
6. - 14. z叩鱈 2011
2. odbo
rn辿 setk
dn鱈 kon
na t辿ma
modelu ost informan
budovy 鱈h
BIM v o
j鱈c鱈: ini /
Johanis ZampIan[CH] e [G k
vide Bogl
uo [FI] / Da rg/ Miro叩 / v Vy Van / Arto Kivi
sla Petr鱈 B]
n/ Jutta Teliv Ma oldov tal / Jose niemi [G
/ Petr Buria ychta / Jana f Reme邸 B] /
tengo Ru鍖
no [E]
kov叩 / Roma
n Br / Jan Ko Enni Laine [FI]
lipe Ar ta Hecz lomazn鱈 /
k / tp叩n Petr Vokoun / Ja
Ped n叩邸ej鱈c鱈: Fe Anton鱈n Nov叩k / Ive ka Toman n Fousek
叩ek /
V叩clav Jand ov叩 / Pe a
tr Vank Viktor
Pite na a na
Beton v architektu BIM*Da
12. z叩鱈 20
11 | 13
30 - 20
M鱈sto ko
00 | FA VUT
12. z叩鱈
2011 | 1
3 - 20
n叩n鱈: P
edn叩邸kov | FA V
ce na w 叩 m鱈stno
st Go叩r,
ww.arch Fakulta
forpeopl architekt
e.cz ury VUT
v Praze,
a 9, Prah
a 6-Dejvi
dal邸鱈 tiskoviny - visaky, vstupenky a plak叩ty ke konferenc鱈m