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Stacie Madden
SEM Associates

   Experience in nonprofit, healthcare
    and consumer products
   Former director of marketing and
    corporate giving for IFAW
   Communications and community
    outreach for EMD Serono
   Brand building roles at Reebok,
    Dunkin Donuts and HealthBridge
   MBA from Babson College
Nancy Barr
International Fund for Animal Welfare

   Joined IFAW in 2006, currently
    Senior Manager, Educational
   18 years experience in nonprofit
    marketing and international
   Previous positions with the United
    Nations, World Vision, CBS News and
    Time Magazine
   MA, International Relations: USC
    BA: Williams College

   What is branding?
   Key messages and positioning
   What is cause marketing?
   Developing strategic partnerships
   Case study: IFAW
What is branding?
       kind, grade, or make, as indicated by a stamp,
        trademark, or the like: the best brand of coffee
       a mark made by burning or otherwise, to indicate kind,
        grade, make, ownership, etc.
       a mark formerly put upon criminals with a hot iron
       a kind or variety of something distinguished by some
        distinctive characteristic: The movie was filled with
        slapsticka brand of humor he did not find funny
   Verb (used with object)
       to label or mark with or as if with a brand
       to mark with disgrace or infamy; stigmatize
       to impress indelibly: The plane crash was branded
        on her mind
       to give a brand name to: branded merchandise
       to promote as a brand name

                                                  Source: Dictionary.com
What does branding really mean?

   Brands are the promises you make
   Brands are the experience you
   Your brand is not your logo
       Its not how you look, what you say or
        even what you do
   Your brand is what people believe
    you stand for
What does branding really mean?

   Starbucks sells coffee
       It stands for daily inspiration
   Apple sells computers
       It stands for thinking differently
   Disney sells animated and
    amusement park family
       It stands for making dreams come true

                                      Source: Chiaravalle & Schenck
Top ten global brands

                   Source: Business Week
                     The 100 top brands
What does branding really mean?
    Branding is the process of developing beliefs
     and perceptions that are accurate and in
     alignment with what you want your brand to be

1.   You establish your brand by building trust for
     your promise about what unique and meaningful
     benefits you deliver
2.   You build your brand by living up to that
     promise every time people come into contact
     with you
3.   You strengthen your brand by constantly
     reinforcing your brand promise
Top 10 nonprofit brands
                            Brand value

Based on five years of consolidated financial data             Source: Cone
and a consumer perception survey                     The Cone Nonprofit Power Brand 100
Top nonprofit brands
                        Brand image

Familiarity and personal relevance,
media coverage, percent of revenue
                                                      Source: Cone
from direct public support                  The Cone Nonprofit Power Brand 100
Branding for nonprofits

   Donors give your organization funds
    primarily because they support your
   Critical aspects of your
    communications strategy
       Communicating in one voice
       Developing key messages on why its
        important to support your institution
Brand identity components


                Icon                              Navigation

Language                             Sound

                                             Tradition     Ritual
           Behavior        Service
Key messages and positioning

   Focus on your core mission
       Make your message strong and relate it
        back to your true mission
   Deliver crisp communication
       First impression - make it easy to
        understand who you are and what you
   Tell a story
       Drive your message into a story to
        make an emotional connection
Key messages and positioning
   Find your unique voice
       Messages from individuals and your
        CEO drives the response higher than a
        faceless organization
   Listen and be specific
       Ask and invite supporters and donors
        to give their opinion on what your
        organization is doing
   Be thankful
       Acknowledge contributions to your
NPO key messages
NPO key messages
NPO key messages
What is cause marketing?

   Strategic positioning and marketing
    tool that links a company or brand
    to a relevant social cause or issue
    for mutual benefit
   Successful cause marketing
    alliances requires comprehensive
    and integrated elements to achieve
    desired objectives
   Partnership is profitable for both
Cause marketing background

   Cause-related marketing was first used
    by American Express in 1983 to describe
    its campaign to raise money for the
    restoration of the Statue of Liberty
       American Express made a one-cent donation
        to the Statue of Liberty every time someone
        used its charge card
   The practice has evolved to include a
    wide range of activities
       Simple agreements to donate a percentage of
        the purchase price for a particular item or
        items to a charity for a specific project
       To longer, more complex arrangements
Three cause marketing categories

       Company makes a contribution to a
        designated cause based on consumer
            Buying a specific product, redeeming a
             coupon, registering at a website or shopping
             at a particular retail chain
   Message Promotion
       Joint campaigns that raise awareness of a
        causes message - fight skin cancer
       Participation in programs while building a
        positive association with the corporate
        sponsor or its brands - join us in a coastal
Three cause marketing categories

       The nonprofit allows its information or
        knowledge to be used for a fee or an
        agreement in which a nonprofit's name is
        attached to a product
          A nonprofit licenses a company to develop,
           produce, market and/or distribute a mission-
           related product that is promoted either with
           the organization's brand name or co-branded
           with both the company's and nonprofit's
   Most cause marketing programs combine
    two or three of these tactics
Why cause marketing?
   Secures resources other development
    activities cannot
   Enhances reputation
   Success is based on creating and
    delivering quid pro quo opportunities
       Generates revenue
       Creates momentum, builds a movement
       Broadens mission and reach
       Increases mindshare and emotional relevance
        among consumers
       Gains new constituents
Cause marketing market size

   Companies in North America are
    projected to spend $1.55 billion on
    cause partnerships in 2009, +2.2%
    from 2008
       Popular with corporate marketers due
        to their ability to support worthwhile
        organizations while driving sales
   Consumers expect corporations to
    increase their support of causes in
    this economy
                                          Source: IEG, LLC
Create brand awareness by developing
strategic partnerships
Strategic partnerships
Strategic partnerships
Strategic partnerships
Strategic partnerships
Strategic partnerships
Building cause marketing alliances
   Develop the structure. To create a corporate
    alliance, you need a strategy and the staffing
    structure to back it
       You can't decide to create a corporate alliance plan
        without the muscle behind it
   Have a policy. The organization should outline
    what it would be willing to do with corporate cause
       Implementing policies can help guide cause marketing
        talks and create boundaries
   Show the strength. Companies may not have the
    marketing dollars they once had, but the positive
    news is that consumers are pro-cause
       A connection with a good cause helps move a
        company's product as well as boost corporate social
Building cause marketing alliances

   Learn from others. Take a look at other cause
    marketing that you admire
       See why it works for the organization and the
        company and analyze how you can translate that
        success for your own organization
   Dont let the company take over. Cause
    marketing is about mutually-beneficial relationships.
    That means your organization should have a reason
    for getting into the relationship
       Dont hand over your brand and hope for the best.
        Thats the fastest way to lose those most loyal to your

                                                        Source: AFP NY
Case study:
IFAWs Animal Action Program
   For IFAW: Integrates branding into educational
    and marketing programs to raise awareness, lists
    and donations
   For cause marketing partners: High-quality
    educational materials, integrated web site,
    celebrity involvement and special events provide
    value-add benefit to offer existing and new
    cause marketing partners
   Achieves the cause marketing goal of mutual
    benefit: Raises brand-awareness of both IFAW
    and partner; Raises funds for IFAW and creates
    marketing opportunities and CSR of partner
Animal Action Education
   What: Education and
    outreach program
   Reach: more than
    4,000,000 people in 16
   Scope: New theme
    launched each fall
    (pegged to World
    Animal Day, Oct. 4)
   Goal: Engage and
    empower people,
    especially youth, to
    take positive action on
    behalf of animals and
    the environment
Animal Action Education

 Program focuses on a
  different animal welfare
  and conservation
  theme each year
 Established and
  developed over past
  five years primarily
  through Foundation
 IFAWs only ongoing
  institutional outreach
  program in the United
Challenge: Build CM-worthy program
   Develop Animal Action program to achieve
    IFAW goals while creating value and benefits for
    corporate partner
   Achieve this by building program:
   PR: Opportunities for celebrity involvement;
    Special events
   Reach: expand publishing, media, institutional
    & community partnerships
   Audience: Include broader age range of youth
    participation, engage parents, expand quality of
    educator engagement
   Feedback mechanisms for measuring ROI
Celebrity Involvement
Leonardo DiCaprio,
   honorary board member,
   became the celebrity face
   and voice of Animal
   Action program

   Creates PR opportunities

   Expands branding and
    builds IFAW supporter
    base - outreach to Di
    Caprio fan base via email
    and social networks

   Enhances ability to
    attract funding and
    marketing partners,
    including corporations
Afp Cause Marketing And Branding Rev 11.9.09
National Educational Partner
o Vendor & Partner: Content
  development, printing, and
  distribution plus co-branding
  & co-marketing
o Expanded reach from 10,000
  educators to 80,000
  educators nationwide each
  year (with no increase in
o Develop and manage
  feedback mechanisms for
  measuring ROI  surveys,
Build Media Partnerships

Channel One Connection is the
leading provider of news and
educational programs to America's
secondary schools. Their award-
winning daily program is delivered
by satellite directly to more than
8,000 public, private and parochial
schools across the U.S., reaching
more than 6 million students.
Institutional & NPO partners

  A program of the Jane Goodall Institute
Institutions & NGO partners
Museum Partnership:   NGO Partnership:
Special Exhibit       Special Contest
Bridge from teachers to parents
Testing the waters: Corporate Partner

   Tropical Seas & Itzazu
    color-changing hand
    soaps for kids.
   Benefits to IFAW:
    Branding and fund-
   Shared Values: Animal-
    themed, environmentally
    friendly and animal-kind
    products and packaging
   Audience alignment:
    Educators (classroom-
    sized products), Kids and
Co-branding: Tropical Seas
Afp Cause Marketing And Branding Rev 11.9.09
Whats the Cause Marketing recipe?
o   Remember: Mission and values - establish
    criteria for evaluating potential partners
o   Go for: Mutual Benefit  focus not only on
    what partnerships can bring you, but what
    you can deliver to them
o   Measure: ROI in terms of both income and
o   Consider: Cause marketing alliances require
    significant time, effort and often upfront
    costs to be successful
Contact Information

   Stacie Madden
   Nancy Barr

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Afp Cause Marketing And Branding Rev 11.9.09

  • 1. presenting油level champion油level patron油level
  • 2. How油to油Build油Cause油Marketing油 Alliances油through油Branding油 Stacie油Madden,油SEM油Associates Nancy油Barr,油International油Fund油for油Animal油 Welfare presenting油level champion油level patron油level
  • 3. Stacie Madden SEM Associates Experience in nonprofit, healthcare and consumer products Former director of marketing and corporate giving for IFAW Communications and community outreach for EMD Serono Brand building roles at Reebok, Dunkin Donuts and HealthBridge MBA from Babson College
  • 4. Nancy Barr International Fund for Animal Welfare Joined IFAW in 2006, currently Senior Manager, Educational Marketing 18 years experience in nonprofit marketing and international communications Previous positions with the United Nations, World Vision, CBS News and Time Magazine MA, International Relations: USC BA: Williams College
  • 5. Agenda What is branding? Key messages and positioning What is cause marketing? Developing strategic partnerships Case study: IFAW Q&A
  • 6. What is branding? Noun kind, grade, or make, as indicated by a stamp, trademark, or the like: the best brand of coffee a mark made by burning or otherwise, to indicate kind, grade, make, ownership, etc. a mark formerly put upon criminals with a hot iron a kind or variety of something distinguished by some distinctive characteristic: The movie was filled with slapsticka brand of humor he did not find funny Verb (used with object) to label or mark with or as if with a brand to mark with disgrace or infamy; stigmatize to impress indelibly: The plane crash was branded on her mind to give a brand name to: branded merchandise to promote as a brand name Source: Dictionary.com
  • 7. What does branding really mean? Brands are the promises you make Brands are the experience you deliver Your brand is not your logo Its not how you look, what you say or even what you do Your brand is what people believe you stand for
  • 8. What does branding really mean? Starbucks sells coffee It stands for daily inspiration Apple sells computers It stands for thinking differently Disney sells animated and amusement park family entertainment It stands for making dreams come true Source: Chiaravalle & Schenck
  • 9. Top ten global brands Source: Business Week The 100 top brands
  • 10. What does branding really mean? Branding is the process of developing beliefs and perceptions that are accurate and in alignment with what you want your brand to be 1. You establish your brand by building trust for your promise about what unique and meaningful benefits you deliver 2. You build your brand by living up to that promise every time people come into contact with you 3. You strengthen your brand by constantly reinforcing your brand promise
  • 11. Top 10 nonprofit brands Brand value Based on five years of consolidated financial data Source: Cone and a consumer perception survey The Cone Nonprofit Power Brand 100
  • 12. Top nonprofit brands Brand image Familiarity and personal relevance, media coverage, percent of revenue Source: Cone from direct public support The Cone Nonprofit Power Brand 100
  • 13. Branding for nonprofits Donors give your organization funds primarily because they support your mission Critical aspects of your communications strategy Communicating in one voice Developing key messages on why its important to support your institution
  • 14. Brand identity components Color Name Shape Picture Icon Navigation Language Sound Tradition Ritual Behavior Service
  • 15. Key messages and positioning Focus on your core mission Make your message strong and relate it back to your true mission Deliver crisp communication First impression - make it easy to understand who you are and what you do Tell a story Drive your message into a story to make an emotional connection
  • 16. Key messages and positioning Find your unique voice Messages from individuals and your CEO drives the response higher than a faceless organization Listen and be specific Ask and invite supporters and donors to give their opinion on what your organization is doing Be thankful Acknowledge contributions to your cause
  • 20. What is cause marketing? Strategic positioning and marketing tool that links a company or brand to a relevant social cause or issue for mutual benefit Successful cause marketing alliances requires comprehensive and integrated elements to achieve desired objectives Partnership is profitable for both
  • 21. Cause marketing background Cause-related marketing was first used by American Express in 1983 to describe its campaign to raise money for the restoration of the Statue of Liberty American Express made a one-cent donation to the Statue of Liberty every time someone used its charge card The practice has evolved to include a wide range of activities Simple agreements to donate a percentage of the purchase price for a particular item or items to a charity for a specific project To longer, more complex arrangements
  • 22. Three cause marketing categories Transactional Company makes a contribution to a designated cause based on consumer activity Buying a specific product, redeeming a coupon, registering at a website or shopping at a particular retail chain Message Promotion Joint campaigns that raise awareness of a causes message - fight skin cancer Participation in programs while building a positive association with the corporate sponsor or its brands - join us in a coastal cleanup
  • 23. Three cause marketing categories Licensing The nonprofit allows its information or knowledge to be used for a fee or an agreement in which a nonprofit's name is attached to a product A nonprofit licenses a company to develop, produce, market and/or distribute a mission- related product that is promoted either with the organization's brand name or co-branded with both the company's and nonprofit's names Most cause marketing programs combine two or three of these tactics
  • 24. Why cause marketing? Secures resources other development activities cannot Enhances reputation Success is based on creating and delivering quid pro quo opportunities Generates revenue Creates momentum, builds a movement Broadens mission and reach Increases mindshare and emotional relevance among consumers Gains new constituents
  • 25. Cause marketing market size Companies in North America are projected to spend $1.55 billion on cause partnerships in 2009, +2.2% from 2008 Popular with corporate marketers due to their ability to support worthwhile organizations while driving sales Consumers expect corporations to increase their support of causes in this economy Source: IEG, LLC
  • 26. Create brand awareness by developing strategic partnerships
  • 32. Building cause marketing alliances Develop the structure. To create a corporate alliance, you need a strategy and the staffing structure to back it You can't decide to create a corporate alliance plan without the muscle behind it Have a policy. The organization should outline what it would be willing to do with corporate cause marketing Implementing policies can help guide cause marketing talks and create boundaries Show the strength. Companies may not have the marketing dollars they once had, but the positive news is that consumers are pro-cause A connection with a good cause helps move a company's product as well as boost corporate social responsibility
  • 33. Building cause marketing alliances Learn from others. Take a look at other cause marketing that you admire See why it works for the organization and the company and analyze how you can translate that success for your own organization Dont let the company take over. Cause marketing is about mutually-beneficial relationships. That means your organization should have a reason for getting into the relationship Dont hand over your brand and hope for the best. Thats the fastest way to lose those most loyal to your organization. Source: AFP NY
  • 34. Case study: IFAWs Animal Action Program For IFAW: Integrates branding into educational and marketing programs to raise awareness, lists and donations For cause marketing partners: High-quality educational materials, integrated web site, celebrity involvement and special events provide value-add benefit to offer existing and new cause marketing partners Achieves the cause marketing goal of mutual benefit: Raises brand-awareness of both IFAW and partner; Raises funds for IFAW and creates marketing opportunities and CSR of partner
  • 35. Animal Action Education What: Education and outreach program Reach: more than 4,000,000 people in 16 countries Scope: New theme launched each fall (pegged to World Animal Day, Oct. 4) Goal: Engage and empower people, especially youth, to take positive action on behalf of animals and the environment
  • 36. Animal Action Education Program focuses on a different animal welfare and conservation theme each year Established and developed over past five years primarily through Foundation support IFAWs only ongoing institutional outreach program in the United States.
  • 37. Challenge: Build CM-worthy program Develop Animal Action program to achieve IFAW goals while creating value and benefits for corporate partner Achieve this by building program: PR: Opportunities for celebrity involvement; Special events Reach: expand publishing, media, institutional & community partnerships Audience: Include broader age range of youth participation, engage parents, expand quality of educator engagement Feedback mechanisms for measuring ROI
  • 38. Celebrity Involvement Leonardo DiCaprio, honorary board member, became the celebrity face and voice of Animal Action program Creates PR opportunities Expands branding and builds IFAW supporter base - outreach to Di Caprio fan base via email and social networks Enhances ability to attract funding and marketing partners, including corporations
  • 40. National Educational Partner Scholastic: o Vendor & Partner: Content development, printing, and distribution plus co-branding & co-marketing o Expanded reach from 10,000 educators to 80,000 educators nationwide each year (with no increase in budget). o Develop and manage feedback mechanisms for measuring ROI surveys, contests
  • 41. Build Media Partnerships Channel One Connection is the leading provider of news and educational programs to America's secondary schools. Their award- winning daily program is delivered by satellite directly to more than 8,000 public, private and parochial schools across the U.S., reaching more than 6 million students.
  • 42. Institutional & NPO partners A program of the Jane Goodall Institute
  • 43. Institutions & NGO partners Museum Partnership: NGO Partnership: Special Exhibit Special Contest
  • 44. Bridge from teachers to parents
  • 45. Testing the waters: Corporate Partner Tropical Seas & Itzazu color-changing hand soaps for kids. Benefits to IFAW: Branding and fund- raising Shared Values: Animal- themed, environmentally friendly and animal-kind products and packaging Audience alignment: Educators (classroom- sized products), Kids and Parents
  • 48. Whats the Cause Marketing recipe? o Remember: Mission and values - establish criteria for evaluating potential partners o Go for: Mutual Benefit focus not only on what partnerships can bring you, but what you can deliver to them o Measure: ROI in terms of both income and marketing/branding o Consider: Cause marketing alliances require significant time, effort and often upfront costs to be successful
  • 50. Contact Information Stacie Madden staciemadden@yahoo.com 617-750-1981 Nancy Barr nbarr@ifaw.org 508-744-2069