African and Latin American music share some common characteristics. African music often uses yodeling and upbeat tempos accompanied by drums for important life events. It features repetition, improvisation, and polyrhythms played by the body. Maracatu is a dynamic Brazilian rhythm that originated in Pernambuco, featuring large drumming ensembles and singers, choruses, and dancers parading in groups called na巽達o. Drums are central to African music and are believed to contain guiding spirits.
2. African Music
Yodeling and upbeat
Accompaniment of drum instrument
Significant purpose; for activities such as birth,
christening, thanks giving, harvesting crops,
wedding rites and death and mourning.
3. Characteristics
Uses OSTINATO repeated patterns, maybe short or long depending
on the choice of musician and purpose of the composition.
Heterophony two or more musicians play improvisation of the same
melody done independently and simultaneously.
Upbeat, uses human body movements
Polymeter is present
5. Maracatu
A dynamic rhythm first appeared in the
African state of Pernambuco.
Groups are called NACAO, which means
NATION, who paraded with large
drumming ensemble and accompanied by
singer, chorus and dancer.
10. It is believed that drums are the center of almost all music and dance performances.
Drum makers place charms with in the drums and they contain spirits that guides the player.
Types of drums
Hand drum
Stick drum
Slit drum
Water drum
Human body(stomach and thigh)
GRIOTS professional african musicians.