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...SINCE 1964
About Us
Springfield Partners for
Community Action is the federally
designated Community Action Agency
(CAA) for the greater Springfield area,
serving low-income individuals and
families. Established in 1964 under the
Economic Opportunity Act, Springfield
Partners is a 501(c)(3) non-profit,
SOMWBA-certified enterprise. The
agency has over 50 years of experience
providing services and advocacy to
alleviate the conditions of poverty for
area residents.
Springfield Partners is a lifeline for the
low-income residents of Springfield and
Hampton County we help every year.
Nearly 29% of the people living in
Springfield live below the poverty line.
We help these families break the cycle of
We assist up to 7,000 individuals in our
community every year with our
programs, and we strive to provide even
Nearly 29% of the people living in
Springfield live below the poverty line.
Who We Are
Our Mission
Springfield Partners mission is to
partner with people and the
community as a whole, in a way that
leads to economic stability, so that we
all enjoy a better quality of life.
Springfield Partners vision is to
transform its facility into a one-stop
Resource center, so we can address the
needs of the community.
With this initiative we seek to empower
low-income families of our community
by offering more financial services and
education programs to help them
achieve economic stability.
We continue building and strengthening
partnerships with non-profits,
businesses, and individuals to be more
efficient and proactive in offering short
and long term solutions to the deserving
residents of our community.
We provide free of cost program
services to low to moderate income
individuals and families to help them
improve their quality of lives.
What We Do
Springfield Partners for Community Action is one of 24 Community
Action Agencies (CAAs) in Massachusetts providing services and advocacy to
alleviate the conditions of poverty for area residents. Springfield Partners and other
CAAs embrace the practice of not turning away anyone seeking help.
Helping people become productive,
financially self-sufficient citizens
ultimately enhances the quality of life
for everyone in our community.
We accomplish this by ensuring the
basic needs of our neighborsfood,
shelter, healthcare and educationare
met, and by helping families back on
their feet.
We are striving to enhance our
programs and services all the time and it
is our community that drives us to keep
working harder towards our goals.
Our Success Story
"I am 42 years old and have never had any sort of
public assistance in my life before this past fall. I
divorced last summer and have very little income at
the moment. The service of insulating my new (moved
in Nov. 2014) home that is 90 years old was
invaluable to me. We went through so much fuel this
winter. With Springfield Partners help we saved up to
50% on our fuel bill!
The work Springfield Partners, Weatherization
program did is sure to help save us on fuel costs and
assisting in keeping warm for years to come.
Thank you again for doing what you've done. I will
always be grateful!"
Danielle Dellaquila
N e w
B e g i n n i n g s
E a r l y
E d u c a t i o n &
C a r e C e n t e r
V o l u n t e e r
I n c o m e T a x
A s s i s t a n c e
W e a t h e r i z a t i o n
A s s i s t a n c e
New Beginnings provides a warm, safe, and affordable Childcare
Center for children 4 weeks to 6 years. We have specially
designed a nurturing, caring and supportive environment,
allowing each child to learn at his or her own pace. We are
NAEYC accredited and we provide foundation for children to
achieve new skills, connect with others and develop their minds.
We help residents of Hampden County save on bills by making
homes more energy efficient. Contractors can install weather-
stripping to doors and windows, insulate, attics, and walls, and
provide a heating analysis.
VITA provides income tax filing assistance to mid to low-income;
disabled, elderly, and non-English speaking residents of Hampden
County. VITA helps working families take advantage of all of the
tax credits available to them. Volunteers from the community help
prepare basic, current year, electronic, state and federal tax returns
for eligible taxpayers.
LITC offers mediation assistance to low-income taxpayers from
all of Western Massachusetts, who have questions about Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) procedures or who need help with any long
-standing IRS issues. The clinic provides educational seminars and
personalized, confidential, one-on-one counseling to individuals,
including those with limited English proficiency.
L o w I n c o m e
T a x p a y e r
C l i n i c
I n d i v i d u a l
D e v e l o p m e n t
A c c o u n t s
Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) provides residents of
Hampden County with matched savings accounts that double
participants' savings at a 1:2 ratio, up to $4000. IDA participants
can save for a down payment on a home, college or post-
secondary school tuition, or to start a business.
F i n a n c i a l
L i t e r a c y
W o r k s h o p s
Financial Literacy workshops are designed to help residents set up
household budgets, establish savings accounts, reduce debt, build
and maintain credit and more. New sessions begin every month,
and consist of four classes each. Workshops are free and open to
all Springfield residents of moderate or low incomes.
How We Do It
H o u s i n g
C o u n s e l i n g
We aim to get veterans and their families connected with the
community. We have assisted over 300 veterans and their
families in all of Western Massachusetts, by helping them obtain
safe and affordable housing, health care and benefits, providing
job readiness, preparing tax returns, and much more.
As a HUD-Certified Housing Counseling agency, we provide
comprehensive housing counseling to hundreds of residents of
Western Massachusetts every year. Our Homebuyer Education
classes are certified by the Mass Housing Partnership and the
Citizens Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA). We also
offer workshops for first-time homebuyers on a rotating basis
throughout the year.
How We Do It
V e t e r a n  s
P r o g r a m
M u l t i c u l t u r a l
A l z h e i m e r  s
P r o g r a m
C r e d i t
C o u n s e l i n g
Our program provides case management for clients from
Springfield afflicted with Alzheimer's disease and for their
families and caregivers. In partnership with the VNA, the
program coordinator visits referred clients to help with service
assessments, interpretation, and in providing information about
the disease to client and family.
We offer confidential, one-on-one counseling to Springfield
residents seeking to establish, improve or repair their credit. We
also facilitates workshops on budgeting and financial literacy.
E m e r g e n c y
F u e l
A s s i s t a n c e
Our Eviction Clinic offers counseling and education to
Springfield residents at risk of being evicted from their homes.
Our counselor serves as a mediator between the tenant and the
landlord. The program offers one-on-one assistance to residents
preparing for Hampden County Housing Court hearings.
E v i c t i o n
C l i n i c
S c h o l a r s h i p s
P r o g r a m
We help qualified low-income students from Springfield attend
colleges or trade schools. We award at least 10, $1000
scholarships annually.
Our Emergency Fuel Assistance program offers financial
assistance to Hampden County residents struggling with a short-
term economic hardship who do not qualify for the New England
Farmer Workers Fuel Assistance program. The payments are
made directly to the fuel vendor or utility company on behalf of
the participants.
How You Can Help
We invite you to join us, to help reach our campaign goal and turn our
vision into reality. Together we can build a better future by providing
Springfield community with a path to economic stability and moving
our people out of poverty!
Please support Springfield Partners for
Community Action's programs by
making a donation today.
With your help, we can continue providing
these crucial services to the community, and
respond to people's needs proactively.
Your donation is an investment in your
community. Investing in the self-sufficiency
of your neighbors offers a big return: more
educated citizens, more homeowners, more
stable neighborhoods, and more personal
income being spent at local businesses.
Springfield Partners is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and
your donation is fully tax-deductible to the extent
allowed by law.
Our Board
Benjamin Swan
Jr., President
Public Official
Robert "Cee"
Jackson, Vice President
Public Official
Dale Mazanec, 2nd Vice
Representative of
Dawkins, Treasurer
Representative of
Sophie E. Jeffery, Clerk
Public Official
Carmen Rivera
Melvin Edwards
Mickey E.Harris
Representative of
Sonia Colon
Representative of
Michael King
Representative of
George Kohout
Representative of
Maria Perez
Public Official
Rhodaja Shubrick
Olivia Walter
Brendaliz Cepeda
Board of DirectorsExecutive Director
Paul F. Bailey has been
Springfield Partners for Community
Actions Executive Director since
2000. Paul is building a legacy of
improved facilities and service
delivery, as well as a host of new
programs, partnerships, and initiatives.
He currently serves on the Leadership
Council of the Western Massachusetts
Network to End Homelessness and
Regional Employment Board of
Hampden County. He is currently
President of the Board of Directors for
the Massachusetts Association for
Community Action
Under his leadership, the agency has
increased revenues and funding by
more than $4 million.
Springfield Partners' FY2015 budget was
about $5 million
721 State Street, 2nd Floor,
Springfield, MA 01109
Phone 揃 413.263.6500 揃 Fax 413.263.6511 揃
揃 1-844-877-7422 揃
Find Us on:

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  • 2. About Us Springfield Partners for Community Action is the federally designated Community Action Agency (CAA) for the greater Springfield area, serving low-income individuals and families. Established in 1964 under the Economic Opportunity Act, Springfield Partners is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, SOMWBA-certified enterprise. The agency has over 50 years of experience providing services and advocacy to alleviate the conditions of poverty for area residents. Springfield Partners is a lifeline for the low-income residents of Springfield and Hampton County we help every year. Nearly 29% of the people living in Springfield live below the poverty line. We help these families break the cycle of poverty. We assist up to 7,000 individuals in our community every year with our programs, and we strive to provide even more. DID YOU KNOW? Nearly 29% of the people living in Springfield live below the poverty line. Who We Are Our Mission Springfield Partners mission is to partner with people and the community as a whole, in a way that leads to economic stability, so that we all enjoy a better quality of life. Springfield Partners vision is to transform its facility into a one-stop Resource center, so we can address the needs of the community. With this initiative we seek to empower low-income families of our community by offering more financial services and education programs to help them achieve economic stability. We continue building and strengthening partnerships with non-profits, businesses, and individuals to be more efficient and proactive in offering short and long term solutions to the deserving residents of our community. We provide free of cost program services to low to moderate income individuals and families to help them improve their quality of lives.
  • 3. What We Do Springfield Partners for Community Action is one of 24 Community Action Agencies (CAAs) in Massachusetts providing services and advocacy to alleviate the conditions of poverty for area residents. Springfield Partners and other CAAs embrace the practice of not turning away anyone seeking help. Helping people become productive, financially self-sufficient citizens ultimately enhances the quality of life for everyone in our community. We accomplish this by ensuring the basic needs of our neighborsfood, shelter, healthcare and educationare met, and by helping families back on their feet. We are striving to enhance our programs and services all the time and it is our community that drives us to keep working harder towards our goals. Our Success Story "I am 42 years old and have never had any sort of public assistance in my life before this past fall. I divorced last summer and have very little income at the moment. The service of insulating my new (moved in Nov. 2014) home that is 90 years old was invaluable to me. We went through so much fuel this winter. With Springfield Partners help we saved up to 50% on our fuel bill! The work Springfield Partners, Weatherization program did is sure to help save us on fuel costs and assisting in keeping warm for years to come. Thank you again for doing what you've done. I will always be grateful!" Sincerely, Danielle Dellaquila
  • 4. N e w B e g i n n i n g s E a r l y E d u c a t i o n & C a r e C e n t e r V o l u n t e e r I n c o m e T a x A s s i s t a n c e W e a t h e r i z a t i o n A s s i s t a n c e New Beginnings provides a warm, safe, and affordable Childcare Center for children 4 weeks to 6 years. We have specially designed a nurturing, caring and supportive environment, allowing each child to learn at his or her own pace. We are NAEYC accredited and we provide foundation for children to achieve new skills, connect with others and develop their minds. We help residents of Hampden County save on bills by making homes more energy efficient. Contractors can install weather- stripping to doors and windows, insulate, attics, and walls, and provide a heating analysis. VITA provides income tax filing assistance to mid to low-income; disabled, elderly, and non-English speaking residents of Hampden County. VITA helps working families take advantage of all of the tax credits available to them. Volunteers from the community help prepare basic, current year, electronic, state and federal tax returns for eligible taxpayers. LITC offers mediation assistance to low-income taxpayers from all of Western Massachusetts, who have questions about Internal Revenue Service (IRS) procedures or who need help with any long -standing IRS issues. The clinic provides educational seminars and personalized, confidential, one-on-one counseling to individuals, including those with limited English proficiency. PROGRAM SERVICES L o w I n c o m e T a x p a y e r C l i n i c I n d i v i d u a l D e v e l o p m e n t A c c o u n t s Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) provides residents of Hampden County with matched savings accounts that double participants' savings at a 1:2 ratio, up to $4000. IDA participants can save for a down payment on a home, college or post- secondary school tuition, or to start a business. F i n a n c i a l L i t e r a c y W o r k s h o p s Financial Literacy workshops are designed to help residents set up household budgets, establish savings accounts, reduce debt, build and maintain credit and more. New sessions begin every month, and consist of four classes each. Workshops are free and open to all Springfield residents of moderate or low incomes. How We Do It
  • 5. H o u s i n g C o u n s e l i n g We aim to get veterans and their families connected with the community. We have assisted over 300 veterans and their families in all of Western Massachusetts, by helping them obtain safe and affordable housing, health care and benefits, providing job readiness, preparing tax returns, and much more. As a HUD-Certified Housing Counseling agency, we provide comprehensive housing counseling to hundreds of residents of Western Massachusetts every year. Our Homebuyer Education classes are certified by the Mass Housing Partnership and the Citizens Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA). We also offer workshops for first-time homebuyers on a rotating basis throughout the year. How We Do It V e t e r a n s P r o g r a m M u l t i c u l t u r a l A l z h e i m e r s P r o g r a m C r e d i t C o u n s e l i n g Our program provides case management for clients from Springfield afflicted with Alzheimer's disease and for their families and caregivers. In partnership with the VNA, the program coordinator visits referred clients to help with service assessments, interpretation, and in providing information about the disease to client and family. We offer confidential, one-on-one counseling to Springfield residents seeking to establish, improve or repair their credit. We also facilitates workshops on budgeting and financial literacy. E m e r g e n c y F u e l A s s i s t a n c e Our Eviction Clinic offers counseling and education to Springfield residents at risk of being evicted from their homes. Our counselor serves as a mediator between the tenant and the landlord. The program offers one-on-one assistance to residents preparing for Hampden County Housing Court hearings. E v i c t i o n C l i n i c S c h o l a r s h i p s P r o g r a m We help qualified low-income students from Springfield attend colleges or trade schools. We award at least 10, $1000 scholarships annually. PROGRAM SERVICES Our Emergency Fuel Assistance program offers financial assistance to Hampden County residents struggling with a short- term economic hardship who do not qualify for the New England Farmer Workers Fuel Assistance program. The payments are made directly to the fuel vendor or utility company on behalf of the participants.
  • 6. How You Can Help We invite you to join us, to help reach our campaign goal and turn our vision into reality. Together we can build a better future by providing Springfield community with a path to economic stability and moving our people out of poverty! Please support Springfield Partners for Community Action's programs by making a donation today. With your help, we can continue providing these crucial services to the community, and respond to people's needs proactively. Your donation is an investment in your community. Investing in the self-sufficiency of your neighbors offers a big return: more educated citizens, more homeowners, more stable neighborhoods, and more personal income being spent at local businesses. Springfield Partners is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and your donation is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 14% MANAGEMENT & GENERAL 86% PROGRAMS & SERVICES FY2014 EXPENDITURES
  • 7. Our Board Benjamin Swan Jr., President Public Official Representative Robert "Cee" Jackson, Vice President Public Official Representative Dale Mazanec, 2nd Vice President Representative of Organizations Demetrice Dawkins, Treasurer Representative of Organizations Sophie E. Jeffery, Clerk Public Official Representative Carmen Rivera Low-Income Representative Melvin Edwards Low-Income Representative Mickey E.Harris Representative of Organizations Sonia Colon Representative of Organizations Michael King Representative of Organizations George Kohout Representative of Organizations Maria Perez Public Official Representative Rhodaja Shubrick Low-Income Representative Olivia Walter Low-Income Representative Brendaliz Cepeda Low-Income Representative Board of DirectorsExecutive Director Paul F. Bailey has been Springfield Partners for Community Actions Executive Director since 2000. Paul is building a legacy of improved facilities and service delivery, as well as a host of new programs, partnerships, and initiatives. He currently serves on the Leadership Council of the Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness and Regional Employment Board of Hampden County. He is currently President of the Board of Directors for the Massachusetts Association for Community Action (MASSCAP). Under his leadership, the agency has increased revenues and funding by more than $4 million. DID YOU KNOW? Springfield Partners' FY2015 budget was about $5 million
  • 8. 721 State Street, 2nd Floor, Springfield, MA 01109 Phone 揃 413.263.6500 揃 Fax 413.263.6511 揃 揃 1-844-877-7422 揃 www.springfieldpartnersinc.com Find Us on: