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Advertising Campaign
Alexander Purvis
Print Adverts
On Agency  Stop Stroke Fast Browstown Design  Inders Kitchen
On Agency
Brownstone Designs
What was my Campaign?
Client - Mentos
Campaign UP2U
Company - Martin Agency
The TV and Billboard
Billboard Advert
TV Advert
UP2U Campaign
Its Competitors
Agency profile v3
Agency Profile - History
Who have they advertise for?
Agency profile v3
Agency profile v3
But who would buy this product?
Spending Power
Agency profile v3
Not a variety in ages
Biast as I ask people I know
Advert was not that effective
Who is the advert aimed at?
Distribution Channels
Where was the advert placed?
 贈200 for 48 sheet billboard.
 贈300 For Bus stop for 2 weeks.
 $10,00 for full age advert in regional Magazine.
 $250,000 for national full page advert.
Legal And Ethical Issues
What's the effect on the audience?
What are the representations and issues with the advert?
How Was This Advert Created?
Are there any legal or ethical issues with the advert?
Whats the ASA?
USA Advertising Agency?

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Agency profile v3

Editor's Notes

  • #3: For part of the tasks we were asked to analyse two advert that were print based from two companies. And I chose these two.
  • #4: On Agency stop stroke fast What forms and conventions does the advert adopt? Shows old people in the advert, this can relate to everyone as one day we will all get old and we have people that we know who are old so if we help now it may not happen to us later in life. Is there recognisable style to the advert? Can you place it within a genre of adverts? The advert is quitewordyand most young people wont read wordy things so itsprobablyaimed at old people. We can also tell its aimed more to old people as the image in the advert is a old couple. What does the advert say about the product? What is thepurpose of the the advert? Thepurposeof the advert is to make people donate money to the charity to help the stop strokes and help people who are having strokes to stop them quicker. What is itsmeaning? I think the meaning of the advert is trying to show how strokes can happen to anyone and it can beunexpectedshown by the picture of the couple looking happy and then one has been taken outof the photo by astrokeof paint. Who is the advert targeted at? (target audience) Allgenerationbut mainly the oldergeneration. again this is because we will all get old and will bemorevenerableto having strokes so theearlieryou give thebetterit will be later on in life. What is the advert trying to get the audience/consumer to do? Give money to the charity and raiseawarenessabout strokes.
  • #5: Brownstone Design What does the advert say about the product? What is thepurpose of the the advert? That the food that they cook in this kitchen is high quality and that they use freshingredientsto createtheirIndianfood witch makes it more appealing to the viewers. What is itsmeaning? To show people that they can cook fresh food with high qualityingredientsand that they can deliver the good food to your door. Who is the advert targeted at? (target audience) I think that theaudienceof this advert are mainly students who want to eat good quality food butdon'twant tospendallot, and to people who want to go out to a goodrestaurantand eat thegoodquality food butdon'tnecessarywant toleavetheir homes. What is the advert trying to get the audience/consumer to do? Come to the restraunt and eat their food or order it and that they will deliver it to your home.
  • #6: In the US Mentos released a new line of gum that has two flavors in one pack allowing the costumer to chose what gum that want each time from one pack of gum. To release the new gum they created a billboard advert, a TV advert and a website that allows you to chose the path and switch between both and these were created by The Martin Agency.
  • #7: In all 3 of the adverts they all have a sort of style. All seem to be fairly simple and use minimal colours (such as a light blue, pink/red, white and green) that makes it look clean and fresh. By using the minimal colours it helps the advert show what the product is that they are trying to get across to the audience and show us that by chewing on this gum it makes our breath clean and fresh just like the advert. To make their campaign interesting, on the billboard you can see a phone number (800-304-UCHOOSE) if people called this number they would go though to a questionnaire asking what they would prefer for instance would they choose a Cheese Burger or an Ice-cream. This made the product more intresting as people thought that this was a cool and qwerty idea. On top of creating a TV advert and a billboard they created a website for the bum that had no relation to the actual advert. What it was is a video/ game that you played seeing what it would be like to be two different people for instance you got to see what it was like to be a musician but at the same time what its like to be an astronaut. The purpose of these 3 adverts is purely to show the public that they have a new product and that they need to get it out there for people to see and then buy and to show that its not just any old gum as it has a twist that they can chose what they want. They do this by repeating the advert all over the place across different media platforms.
  • #8: The purpose of these 3 adverts is purely to show the public that they have a new product and that they need to get it out there for people to see and then buy and to show that its not just any old gum as it has a twist that they can chose what they want. They do this by repeating the advert all over the place across different media platforms though their adverts on billboards, TV and the Web. The advert is mainly aimed at young people who like to have a laugh and like something new, as the whole purpose of the gum is to give people a choice and something new. With using 3 different cross media platform adverts they are showing and exposing the product to a wider audience and even using a website that allows people to interact with your product helps to get it in peoples minds.
  • #9: So how good is the Mentos Print advert compeared to the Orbit print advert? When looking at both adverts one for me stands out more than the other and thats the orbit advert. For me it think its because of the look of the advert. Its completely different to any other advert as the ad makes the illusion that you are inside of a mouth. The colours on the advert are also more bright and colorful and more inviting because of this. But when you look at the Mentos advert its quite plain and simple. But this can have its benefits. By being plain and simple I think that they are targeting a more mature and older age of children. Where as the orbit advert by being bright and colorful seems to be like that they are trying to get young primary school age children. With the colours again you can kind of tell what flavor of gum that they are selling in their product. Orbit seem to be selling a fruity and sweet gum as the colours around the gum are orange, green and pink that are all bright colours and the look make it look mouth watering. Compared to the look of the mentos advert it seems to be more simple . Most of the advert is simple and blue making it seem like it will be minty and fresh as the look is more clean and fresh and isn't crammed full of colour..
  • #10: With chewing gum, its mostly sold in shops at the checkout and is an impulse buy form the customer. They either do it because they just simply fancy some gum or if they have heard about the new product and want to try some. And with our two adverts one seems to me that they will be at an advantage over the consumer with their print advert. The mentos advert contains the packaging on their advert and takes up 1/3 of the space making sure that the public can see the product that they are trying to sell so when they are in the situation of impulse buying gum at the check out they are more likely to buy the mentos as they have seen the packaging before and are more familiar with it and they also know that the product is new so will be more drawn toward it then a normal packet of gum that they have tried before. The packaging is also a key factor in this as well, as when looking at both the mentos one stands our more as is packaging is a bright vibrant pink and would stand out at the checkout more compared to the simple green and orange on the orbit.
  • #11: On July 5th 1969 the agencywas founded as martin & Woltz in RichmondVirginia. However the agency was divided in 1975 and the Martin Agency was born. The agency was an independentcompanytill 1986 when it joined Scali McCabe & Solves Advertising of New York. Then in 1994 Scali wasacquiredby The interpublic Group Of Companies, and the martin agency became part of the IPG. The Martin Agency first bigcampaignwas in 1969 with "Virginia is for lovers" that stills runs to the present day. John Adams joined the team in 1973 and was Chairman and Chiefofficerand then became thepresidentin 1992. Mike Hughes, President and former Chief Creative Officer has been with the agency since 1978. And with the leadership of John and Mike the company has grown from a small local agency to a world wide leading company. And the company has been ranked one of the top 6 advertisingagencyas voted by 1,850 CMOs (Chief Marketing Officers) from domestic companies. The other main competitors are Wieden + Kennedy, droga5, Grey, BBDO and Ogilvy. It was also awarded 'agencyof the year' in 2010 by Adweek magazine.
  • #12: The Martin Agency employees from 501 - 1000 people either in their headquartersin Richmond Virginia, New York or now in London. And they have createdcampaign'sand adverts for multiple people andcompanies They have made adverts for Mentos, OREO,WalmartNorwegianCruse Line, GEICO, Manpower Group and more! They create TV ads, Websites and print based adverts for thesecompanies.The most common company that they seem to be advertising for are GEICO who sell insurance but the agency seems to create adverts for alldifferentcompanies.
  • #13: The most common company that they seem to be advertising for are GEICO who sell insurance but the agency seems to create adverts for alldifferentcompanies.. Here is an example of an advert that they have produced for GEICO. And this is probably one of the more serious ones. The Martin Agency onaverage earns from 贈25 - 贈50 Million a year and from creating their adverts forcompaniesworld wide. The most common company that they advertise for are GEICO with andexampleof there advert above. But at them moment they don't seem to have many competitors as they are part of the Scali McCabe & Solves Advertising of New York since 1986 and they are one of the biggest advertising companies .
  • #14: Another part of the tasks that I had to do was to research into what people thought about the product. I asked people from the age of 15 48 with different interests and hobbies and asked them all the same questions and wrought that they thought
  • #15: Here are my results. Most of the people that I asked said that they knew about the brand of the product Mentos and understood what they make and what they do but have never heard about this type of gum mainly due to the fact that this was a US product and advert and hasn't come across to the UK. They mostly said that they liked the product and that they would probably buy it but only if they saw it in the shops but wouldn'tt go out of their way to go and buy.
  • #16: So when thinking about who buys this product we need to think about what their gender will be, their age, their life style and spending power. First off gender. From some research I have found out about impulse buying and what gender will tend to impulse buy more than the other. This is because when buying gum people don't tend to plan out what gum their getting, How much of it that they want and if they want it in strips or pellits. And from research I found out that women are more likely to spend less money on impulse buying and will normally keep it under 贈10. where as men will tend to spend allot more. And that women are twice as more likely to impulse buy than men. However I feel that this product is aimed more towards both genders as gum is a gender nutral product that anyone can use and consume. Unlike product like PS4s and perfume. They are more aimed at curtain genders. Age is also another thing that we need to look at when thinking who will buy this product. From an article from the NCA (US National Confectioner's Association) they said that in a survey that they carried out, they found that adults aged 18 35 consume the most gum followed by adults aged 35 54, then teens aged 13 17 followed by adults aged 55+ and then children from 2 12. From this we can see that most gum is consumed by 18 35 year olds. Lifestyle of the potential consumer will be someone who is sporty and likes to spend time with their family. They are also more hard working and socialises allot. This is aging from the research from the NCA in thier survay. They found that people who chew gum are those who do these activities. This is because people that socilise and do exercise more tend to want to have fresh berth because they don't want to put people off them and by having fresh berth it helps people not to feel self contious about how their berth is smelling for others. Its also used by hard workers as well as they tend to want something to help them concentrated. Finally spending power. The spending power of a typical gum chewer will be anyone who can really afford it. Since we found out that gum is an impulse buy and that the cost of gum is from around 贈1.50 it will be anyone who has that b=much money laying around in their wallet or purse.
  • #17: So altogether we can guess that gum is aimed at women who are aged 18 35, are sporty and are social and have a few coins in their purse to spend and it will normally be an impulse buy.
  • #18: How ever with my research I think that it may not be that reliable, this is because I have asked people that I know and who are close to me an like some of the same things. So this is a bit biast. And most of the age rage that I asked are in their teens and really not a variety of ages. And we can also see that the advert was not that effective on my selected audience so was it worth it?
  • #19: The target audience for this advert is mainly young adults and children aged from 7 16 as the product is different is aimed to be shared due to how you take the the gum from the packet. The age range of the product is from 7 16 as they are most likely to buy the product as they have a lot of disposable money as this is the age that you get pocket money and start to have a small job bringing in enough money to buy the product. The product is targeted to this age range as they use 3 mulity media campaigns. They are on Facebook where most people are on from 14 up and by them linking their page they can then start to post adverts on their facebook telling them to buy the product. They also have a website that has a small game on and most teenagers and young children spend most of their time on the internet playing games and socializing and if they played this game they could potentially send it to a friend telling them to have a go making people more a wear of the advert. Does it taste good? Well we cant tell if a product tastes good or not until we buy it as we all have different tastes but with this product, if you dont like the flavor of one you can always take another gum in the other flavor so it will always taste good. The product is debatable if its gender neutral as the main adverts colour is blue and its known as a colour associated with men but then the packaging is pink on the product making it more for girls, so we dont know what gender its aimed at. The product isn't a luxury product it make seem like it is in the advert as it has reflections and is a clean crisp blue making it seem higher then all other gum products (like the orbit) so this makes people more likely to buy it as they think that the product is luxury and worth buying over the common brands. But then when you see it in a shop you will see it next to all of the other brands so its then not as luxury and more of an everyday item. The product can be found in most high street shops like news agents and supermarkets like Tesco, Asda and M&S so you dont need to find a special shop that just sells mentos products. Everyone can buy the item.
  • #20: The advertising campaign has a TV advert but in addition they also had the advert inMagazinesand also onbillboards and probably some digital banners. ThebillboardsroundChicagohad the number on saying to call 800-304-UCHOOSE. The number would then go though asking questions that had no relation to the gum.
  • #21: This advert is just a national campaign in the USA. Its all aboutchoosingthe gum in the pack and witch one you prefer. In myresearchicouldn'tfind where the advert was shown in magazine, but if i was to place it in magazines i would put it in kids magazines for children aged 7 - 17. This is because i feel that they would be moreinterestedin buying new different products and as they contain odd flavours i think that it would be a good place for it to go.
  • #22: Cost The cost of advertising varies on different factors. For instance to advertise in a magazine it varies on the size of the advert weather that's a fill page, two pages or a 10th of a page ad and then where it is in the magazine. And then it depends on what type of magazine you advertise in. A national magazine will charge up to $250,000 for a full page advert where as a smaller regional advert could charge $10,000. But when you look at out door advertising it seems to be allot cheaper, purely due to the fact that they are shown to a smaller number of people as its stuck in one place. In the UK a bus stop advert for 2 weeks will cost around 贈300 and then a 48 sheet billboard will cost 贈200.
  • #23: Effect onaudience- With my Advert I feel that there is no issue that offends anyone about their religion, faith, sex or sexual orientation as it contains no images of people of any colour and uses nooffensivelanguage. This is probably because there's no specific type of person or group of people that they want to aim to as the product is for anyone who wants a new flavour of gum each day. Relevant Issues Of Representation- With the advert that i have chosen when people look at the advert they think that it looks clean and fresh and simple. and that can reflect the product that its advertising. So they would then think that the chewing gum is clean and fresh and will make theirberthfresh and clean.
  • #24: When adverts are created there is a whole phase of stages that the advert will go though to be created. First off the advertising campaign will get a brief from their client about what they want in their advert and what they want out of it. The agency will then look at the ranking of the product amongst others. They will also look at who will consume the product and look at other product that are similar to the one that they will be advertising. After doing this first stage they will then look at possible target audiences that they can aim the product at. And what media channels that they can use to target this audience. They will then also create a time line for the campaign with what will happen on each date till the relese of the campaign, this wil also include a budget of the who campaign. After they have created a plan for the advert they will then ask their creative team to crate the agencies words into slogans and pictures. The people that will do this are the copy writers who will create the wording for the advert,. Another member of thei process is the art director. They will make the wording of the copywriter into visual form. Helping to grap the attention of the potential target audiance. Both will make up proofs for the client to look at and decide on what to use. They will then create the final product with all of the infomation needed for the advert. After the advert has been created they will then produce the advert. Eg printing the advert for posters. After this is done the advert will then be released on the comfermed date and hopefully will increase the popularity and sales of the product.
  • #25: Relevant legal and/or ethical issues- With my advert i feel that there will be minimal or no complaints to the ASA about the advert. This is due to the fact that there is nooffensivelanguage used in the advert as there's minimal wording used and that there is nobody in the advert that its biest towardsmeaningthat its notoffensiveto anyone. But there is one big problem with the advert and could make people angry and annoyed at mentos for not saying in their avert. There is a phone number that you can call and answer question of what item would you prefer, but on the advert nowhere does it say that the number is free to call, so people may be getting charged for something that they didnt mean to call creating an untrustworthy relationship between company and buyer.
  • #26: Role of relevant regulatory bodies- In the UK there is an organisation called the ASA witch was established in 1962 control and regulate adverts wether there on TV, on vidies or online on websites. They will look at adverts and check that the adverts are not misleading, harming or offending potential customers. As well as making it clean for people they also make sure that all businesses have a fir chance of advertising and that they all play by the same rules. They will also look into adverts that people have complained about. even if its just one complaint they will look into seeing if they agree or not and will go from there.
  • #27: However with this advert its aimed at the us market and has only been shown in the US and so has the product aswell. So who regulate their advertising in the US? Well in the US the federal Train Commissions is an independent agency from the united states gouvoment and was formed in 1914. The FTC is there to protect the people of America but also to promote competition. The FTC protects consumers by stopping unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices in the marketplace. The reason that the FTC want to promote competition in their market place as they want the consumers to have the best possible product that's out there for the best possible price. A part of the FTC is another small independent organisation that are linked to the FTC. They are the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and they were established in 1986. the OIG is responsible for conducting audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations of the FTC. And one recent case that the FTC have finished is about a cream that has sliming capabilities. The FTC are refusing over 10,620 customers that brought this cream that fusly advertised that it had slimming capabilities.