The document outlines several learning objectives across different subjects:
In Social Studies 10, the student can describe First Nations sovereignty and self-governing status prior to entering treaties with the crown as evidenced by references to "The Royal Proclamation Skit" and articles on Indian Affairs policies.
In IP 10, the student can share documents online and collaborate with others as shown by a reference to following another Twitter account.
In Psychology 20, the student can describe memory dysfunctions and their effects on the brain as indicated by a reference to revising a case study on the topic.
In Social Studies 7/8, the student can explain that First Nations were sovereign nations with their own systems and spiritual way
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1. Social Studies 10I can ¡describe First Nations sovereignty and self-governing status prior to entering into treaty with the crown. "The Royal Proclamation Skit"
2. "Policy and Administration of Indian Affairs, 1830-1867"
3. "The Effects of The British North America Act of 1867 on First Nations Sovereignty¡° IP 10Twitter-er: KeeganElizabeth, Keegan, Steven, and Kyle (still need to follow rouleau_school)I can¡share my documents online and collaborate with others.
5. Social Studies 7/8I can¡explain that First Nations were sovereign nations with political, economic, and social systems, and a spiritual way of life prior to European contact.