The one-day Agroforestry Training-Workshop for Natural Resource Professionals will take place on June 5, 2008 in Lanesboro, Minnesota. The morning session will include presentations on alley cropping, silvopasture, forest farming, riparian buffers, the role of agroforestry in biomass energy and carbon sequestration, agroforestry and wildlife, and cost-share programs. After a boxed lunch on the bus, the afternoon field tour will include visits to agroforestry sites at Lea McEvilly's farm and the Badgersette Hazelnut Farm to observe different agroforestry practices.
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Agenda Agroforestry Education Training for Natural Resource Professionals held in Lanesboro, M Nc
1. Agroforestry Training-Workshop for Natural Resource Professionals
June 5, 2008
Lanesboro, MN
8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30-8:45 Welcome, Overview of the Principle and concept of Agroforestry
Speaker: Diomy Zamora, Assistant Extension Professor, University of Minnesota
8:45-9:15 Alley cropping as an alternative approach to enhancing ecological and economic
Speaker: Mike Demchik, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Steven Point
9:15-10:00 Silvopasture and forest farming agroforestry practices as approaches to increasing
landowners’ productivity, income and woodland management
Speaker: Dusty Walter, Agroforestry Technology Transfer Specialist, University of
Missouri - Center for Agroforestry
10:00-10:10 Break
10:10-10:40 Riparian Buffers/Implementing agroforestry concepts in the riparian forest buffer
Speaker: Ginger Kopp, State Staff Forester, NRCS, Minnesota
10:40:11:05 The role of agroforestry in biomass energy production
Speaker: Gregg Johnson, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota
11:05-11:30 The role of Agroforestry in carbon sequestration
Cost and benefit analysis of agroforestry practices
Speaker: Dean Current, Program Director, Center for Integrated Natural Resources and
Agricultural Management (CINRAM), University of Minnesota
11:30-11:45 Agroforestry and Wildlife
Speaker: Dusty Walter, Agroforestry Technology Transfer Specialist, University of
Missouri – Center for Agroforestry
11:45-12:00 The cost-share programs for agroforestry
Speaker: Ginger Kopp, State Staff Forester, NRCS, Minnesota
12:10 Bus leaves to Caledonia, MN
Lunch will be served at the Bus (Box Lunch)
1:10-2:15 Agroforestry site visits at Lea McEvilly’s farm and surrounding agroforestry areas
2: 15-3:15 Travel back to Eagle Bluff to visit the Badgersette Hazelnut Farm
3:15:4:00 Badgersette Hazelnut Farm tour
4:00 Adjourn