2. When it comes to Agile Project Management it is worth
noting that most agile processes - and Scrum in particular -
do not include a role called project manager. Without a
specific person tasked with performing all managing duties,
those responsibilities are distributed among the other roles
on the project, namely the team, the ScrumMaster, and the
Product Owner.
Mike Cohn
Agil Projektledning, Knowit 2013-06-03 2
3. Agenda idag
08:00 08:10 Intro, Lars Irenius, Knowit
08:10 - 08:30 Varifr奪n kommer grindbaserade modeller och
varf旦r fungerar dom d奪ligt? Lars Irenius, Knowit
08:30 08:55 Erfarenheter fr奪n Astra Zaneka och Apotekens
Service, Susanna H旦glund, Apotekens Service
08:55 09:10 Paus
09:10 09:30 Erfarenheter fr奪n De Laval, Peter Wallin,
09:30 10:00 Diskussion vilken roll har egantligen
projektledaren i en agil organisation?
3Agil Projektledning, Knowit 2013-06-03
4. Input fr奪n n奪gra kursdeltagare.
Vi arbetar med agil implementation av mjukvaran
och grindbaserade modeller(PPS) f旦r
produktproduktion. Det 辰r alltid problem n辰r
旦verl辰mningar ska ske och vilka milstolpar som
kan definieras och f旦rst奪s av b奪da parter. Jag vill
diskutera gr辰nssnittet mellan agilt och
grindbaserade modeller.
Vi har kommit ganska l奪ngt i Agil implementation
p奪 v奪rt f旦retag men projektledningsroll 辰r otydlig
trots att behovet finns 辰nd奪. Beh旦ver influenser
Jag har arbetat mycket med projektledning (IT)
och tycker att det 辰r sv奪rt att kombinera
grindbaserade modeller med det agila
utvecklingst辰nkandet. Jag hoppas p奪 att
kursen ska ge mig verktyg f旦r det.
Agil Projektledning, Knowit 2013-06-03 4
7. 7Agil Projektledning, Knowit 2013-06-03
Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on
a scientific study of the tasks.
Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than
passively leaving them to train themselves.
Provide "Detailed instruction and supervision of each worker
in the performance of that worker's discrete task
Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers,
so that the managers apply scientific management principles
to planning the work and the workers actually perform the
Frederick Winslow Taylor
(1856 1915)
Henry Laurence Gantt
(1861 - 1919)
Industrial Efficiency: Industrial efficiency can only be produced
by the application of scientific analysis to all aspects of the
work in progress. The industrial management role is to improve
the system by eliminating chance and accidents.[5]
The Task And Bonus System: He linked the bonus paid to
managers to how well they taught their employees to improve
The social responsibility of business: He believed that businesses
have obligations to the welfare of the society in which they operate
Scientific Management
8. Six Sigma, 1986
Features that set Six Sigma apart from
previous quality improvement
initiatives include:
A clear focus on achieving measurable
and quantifiable financial returns from
any Six Sigma project.[5]
An increased emphasis on strong and
passionate management leadership and
A special infrastructure of "Champions",
"Master Black Belts", "Black Belts",
"Green Belts", etc. to lead and implement
the Six Sigma approach.[5]
A clear commitment to making
decisions on the basis of verifiable
data and statistical methods, rather
than assumptions and guesswork
8Agil Projektledning, Knowit 2013-06-03
K辰lla Wikipedia
John F. Mitchell
(1928 2009)
Agil Projektledning, Knowit 2013-06-03
Project analysis Project planning
Project Delivery Precision
Time, Cost
and Scope
TG2 A key investment decision Business Value
13. T辰ta leveranser snabb feedback
Undvik l奪nga projekt!
St辰ndig utv辰rdering/ompr旦ving
Prioritera det som man vet ger v辰rde.
Ta beslut s奪 sent som m旦jligt.
13Agil Projektledning, Knowit 2013-06-03
14. Besluta s奪 sent som m旦jligt
Welcome changing
requirements, even late in