This document discusses Agile implementation, specifically using Scrum. It provides an overview of Scrum processes and roles. It also discusses adoption rates of different Agile methodologies and Agile development rhythms. The document then presents a case study of implementing Agile for a data warehouse project previously using Waterfall. Challenges included getting upstream and downstream teams not using Agile onboard. Implementing Agile across teams required awareness initiatives and support from senior leadership.
2. Contents
Agile Awareness
About Scrum
Scrum Team /Roles
Adoption Rate of different flavors of Agile Methodologies
Agile Development Rhythms(Checklist)
Implementation Case Study
4. About Scrum
Scrum is an iterative and incremental Agile development framework for managing software
projects and product or application development. Scrum includes some of the following key
Agile practices:
Self directed and self organizing teams
No external addition of work to an iteration, once chosen
Daily stand up meetings, with special questions
30 calendar day iterations
Demo to external stakeholders at the end of each iteration
For each iteration, client-driven, adaptive planning
5. Agile Awareness-Scrum Team
Acts an interface
Defines functionality based on stakeholder input between business and
Prioritizes functionality based on market value Confirms software development. This is role
Responsible for the ROI functions as intended Designs the
is typically filled by the
Accepts or rejects final results system from the
Product Owner.
Adjusts functionality and priorities each Sprint customers point
as needed of view
Business/ Product
Stakeholders Quality Assurance Analyst (BA/PA) User Experience
Customers (QA)1 Design (UX)
Market experts
Visionaries Product Owner1 Scrum Team Roles2
Tech Lead/
Disruptions Scrum-Master1
Breakdown in Scrum process
Communication and cooperation
failures Software Defines technical
Absenteeism at daily Scrum Development1 direction,
Manages the Scrum process standards, shared
Allows the team to self-organize
Members pulled in different application
Ensures the team is fully components for
functional and has what it needs reuse, etc.
to succeed Creates technical
Handles disruptions design, develops
Shields team from external software, and
influences tests code
6. Agile Development Rhythms
Begins with vision
Strategy associated with a
business need.
Releases begin
Release with a release
planning meeting
Iteration Planning,
Iteration Iteration Review
and Retrospective
Daily 15 minutes
Daily stand up meeting
continuous, planning,
collaboration, design,
Continuous development, testing
and integration
7. Adoption Rate of different flavors of Agile
Data taken from Abrachan Pudusserrys Thought paper Agile Implementation
8. Cultural Aspects of moving towards
Agile Implementation
While implementing Agile, one will have to unlearn many of the conventional
management practices to accept the culture imbibed on the foundations agile values
and principles.
Commitment Be willing to commit to a goal. Scrum provides people all the
authority they need to meet their commitments.
Focus Do your job. Focus all of your efforts and skills on doing the work that
you have committed to doing. Dont worry about anything else.
Openness Keep everything about the project visible to every one
Respect Individuals are shaped by their background, and their experiences. It is
important to respect the different people who comprise a team.
Courage Have the courage to commit, to act, to be open, and to expect respect.
9. Key Agile Principles
Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of
valuable software.
Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness
change for the customers competitive advantage.
Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months,
with a preference to the shorter time scale.
Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support
they need, and trust them to get the job done.
The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a
development team is face-to-face conversation.
Working software is the primary measure of progress.
Agile processes promote sustainable development.
11. Agile Implementation Case Study
The Project background
The Existing Project in this case study is a Data warehouse project implemented using
Waterfall Methodology where the data used to come from the various upstream databases
,massaged within the Warehouse and moved to the corporate reporting teams to produce
the desired output of Micro strategy reports.
There were around 1000 business users using these Micro- strategy reports. This project
was managed and owned by the Technology Warehouse team, with business users
representing the clients. The overall team included data Architects, Tech Leads, Developers,
Project Managers, Portfolio Leads , Reporting Team.
Project Phases in the existing Waterfall Model :
a. Project Initiation
b. Pre- Development and Planning(PDP)
c. Analyze
d. Design
e. Build
f. Test
12. Agile Implementation case Study
Challenges observed using existing Approach
1. Frequent requirement changes by the business users .
2. No extra funds available for the changes requests.
3. Budget constraints and last minute funding cuts.
Since Agile was new to the organization and business not completely aware , development team
decided to do a POC(Proof of Concept) using Agile for Phase I requirements of the current project
and based on the results implement Agile across all Phases.
Actions/Benefits Observed as a result to implement the POC for Phase I using Agile
a. 100% dedicated resources to the POC team . 1 Tech Lead , Data Architect, Project Manager,
Test Lead with product owner from business.
b. Scheduled the Release Planning meeting with all the stakeholders to identify the
stories(define features of the Phase I) and assign them to the respective teams. The team
then estimated the user stories (requirements) per iteration.
c. This helped the team break down user stories down to a 2 week iteration where the focus
of delivering was a smaller section of user stories. Rather than entire project as compared to
waterfall model.
d. Sprint Review meeting focused on any issues ,risks and on track schedule for that iteration.
However during the first review meeting it was found that business changed the user story
for the phase 1. This included the Reporting parameter change. In fact this change not only
effected the Warehouse Technology team but also the downstream reporting team.
13. Agile Implementation case Study
Challenges observed during Agile Implementation
Since the warehouse team had the data coming from the upstream and going to the down stream
systems, Agile implementation was a challenge .
The Upstream and the Downstream teams were not implementing Agile hence delivery of the
data from the upstream team as per the iteration 1 schedule became an issue.
The downstream team was also not implementing the Agile hence output reporting schedule also
was a challenge
Since the POC was a success as it only required few data elements from upstream and
downstream systems, however implementation across teams for larger data set was an
Mitigation Approach used
Team leads and Project Managers took self initiatives to introduce Agile benefits and principles
across different data streams.
This involved Directors, VP, Senior Leadership and Business Sponsor to be part of agile Awareness
initiatives across various Data warehouse teams.
Go ahead of senior leadership within IT and business was a critical step for Agile implementation
across various data streams.
Collaboration effort across teams to make the resources aware and hence implement Agile was a
big success.
14. Appendix/Scrum Glossary
Product Backlog All Features of the Product
Release Backlog Subset of the Product Backlog, targeted at next product
Sprint Backlog Tasks for the iteration. Typically 4-16 hrs.
Sprint Iteration of 30 days
Daily Scrum Meeting Daily Standup meeting
Team Introspection Reflect and improve upon learning
The Product Owner The product owner is responsible for representing the
interests of every one with a stake in the project and its
resulting system.
Teams Team is responsible for developing the functionality
Scrum Master Is the facilitator between the product owner and
development team
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