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 This introduction contains :
 What is culture
 What is organizational culture
 Law of Diffusion of Innovations
 How to build/change organizational culture
 Common Challenges in Transforming Org. Culture
What is Culture
Culture is an umbrella term which encompasses
the social behavior and norms found in human
societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts,
laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the
individuals in these groups.
What is Organizational Culture
What form of company reputation is communicated between customers and stakeholders?
What stories do people tell new employees about the company?
What do these stories say about the culture of the business?
Diagram adapted from Fundamentals of Strategy by Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes. Published by Pearson Education, 2012.
What do employees expect when they arrive each day?
What experience do customers expect from the
What do these rituals and routines say about
organizational beliefs?
What kind of image is associated with the company from
the outside?
How do employees and managers view the organization?
How does the organization advertise itself?
Which processes are strongly and weakly
Are employees rewarded or punished for
What reports and processes are used to keep
control of finance, etc?
How hierarchical is the organization?
Where are the official lines of authority?
Are there any unofficial lines of authority?
Who holds the power within the organization?
who makes decisions on behalf of the company?
How is power used within the organization?
Culture eats strategy for breakfast
Peter Drucker
Management consultant, educator, and author,
Law of Diffusion of Innovations
Developed by Everett Rogers in 1962
Five main factors that influence adoption
of a new idea
1. Relative Advantage 2. Compatibility 3. Complexity
4- Triability 5- Observability
Building Agility Culture
Common Challenges in Transforming Org.
1. Resistance to change
(Start with small victories)
2. Not communicating the purpose
(Create a movement)
3. Rigid organizational structures
(Move decision-making closer to the front-line)
4. Lack of commitment and reinforcement
(Tie innovation to actual ways of working and
reward active participation)

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Agile Culture Transformation

  • 2. This introduction contains : 2 Contents What is culture What is organizational culture Law of Diffusion of Innovations How to build/change organizational culture Common Challenges in Transforming Org. Culture
  • 3. What is Culture Culture is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.
  • 4. 4 What is Organizational Culture What form of company reputation is communicated between customers and stakeholders? What stories do people tell new employees about the company? What do these stories say about the culture of the business? Diagram adapted from Fundamentals of Strategy by Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes. Published by Pearson Education, 2012. What do employees expect when they arrive each day? What experience do customers expect from the organization? What do these rituals and routines say about organizational beliefs? What kind of image is associated with the company from the outside? How do employees and managers view the organization? How does the organization advertise itself? Which processes are strongly and weakly controlled? Are employees rewarded or punished for performance? What reports and processes are used to keep control of finance, etc? How hierarchical is the organization? Where are the official lines of authority? Are there any unofficial lines of authority? Who holds the power within the organization? who makes decisions on behalf of the company? How is power used within the organization?
  • 5. 5 Culture eats strategy for breakfast Peter Drucker Management consultant, educator, and author,
  • 6. Law of Diffusion of Innovations Developed by Everett Rogers in 1962
  • 7. Five main factors that influence adoption of a new idea 1. Relative Advantage 2. Compatibility 3. Complexity 4- Triability 5- Observability
  • 9. 9 Common Challenges in Transforming Org. Culture 1. Resistance to change (Start with small victories) 2. Not communicating the purpose (Create a movement) 3. Rigid organizational structures (Move decision-making closer to the front-line) 4. Lack of commitment and reinforcement (Tie innovation to actual ways of working and reward active participation)