
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
 Focus on building an organization culture to "be agile" rather than "follow Agile".
 Software agility delivered through team agility and using agile tools, techniques and technologies.

  Agility Services
   Software Craftsmanship
   Midas Touch - Agility in software maintenance
   Agile Enterprise Architecture solutions
   Agility Nurseries (Agile ODC)

  Organization Metamorphosis
   Agility Assessment Radars and Roadmap
          Team Agility Assessment
          Value Stream Mapping
          Shared Vision and Team Chartering
   Team Agility Coaching, Executive Coaching
          Scrum Coaching
          XP Engineering Practices Coaching
          Lean Software Development Coaching
Agile Developers
Create Their Own Identity
    Agile Developers
Create Their Own Identity
Values, Practices and Principles : Relationship

    Values bring purpose to Practices, Practices are evidence of Values, Practices bring
    accountability to Values.

    Bridging the gap between Values and Practices are Principles. Principles are context
    specific guidelines.
    practice  Pair Programming
    values  communication and feedback
    principle  driver-navigator principle  dual thinking hats of constructing and
    preventing from breaking.

    practice  Companion Planting used in agriculture
    values  sustainability and responsibility
    principle  Diversity is nature's design, cooperation is more apparent than
    competition in plants, crop stability tends to increase with increasing diversity.
 Sources: -
 Extreme Programming  Embrace Change by Kent Beck
 Intercropping Principles and Production Practices by National Sustainable Agriculture Service
Values, Practices and Principles : Relationship
        Interpreting Value rather than Practice

            I wont reveal the estimate
                 as I would be held
              accountable and blamed
               unfairly like in the past.

              I value Protection over

                                            I dont want
                                            to estimate.
Values, Practices and Principles : Relationship
         Failure of Value rather than Practice

           I am reluctant to learn
               from the defect.
          I did not try to find root
             cause for the defect.
            I value Laziness over
              Learning and Self         Oops, a defect.
                Improvement                Ignore it.
                                       I will fix it when
                                         QA reports it.
Agile Developers Create Their Own Identity
Layers of the Agile Manifesto
         Agree to disagree on
        detailed project specific
     ground tactics and prescriptive

          Barely agree on 12

               Agree on 4

             Agree on the
           meaning of Agile
Individuals and Interactions (amongst Individuals)
Value - Individuals and Interactions

       Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the
environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.

        The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge
                     from self-organizing teams.

      At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more
       effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
My Survival Cycle Persona - Others define My identity
     I am fearful and reactive.
     I react to and avoid obstacles.
     By doing this, I reinforce my old strategies for coping, conspiring, adapting, and
      assimilating when difficulties arise. (All fear-based responses)
     My purpose is not fulfilled and I feel disappointed.
     As a life-long habit, this approach is limiting, lacks purpose and meaning.

My Creative Cycle Persona - I define My identity
       I am excited about possibilities to connect with my strengths, talents, and gifts.
       I look at obstacles as opportunities to observe, reflect, experiment and learn.
       My experiments align to my actions with purpose and potential.
       When I achieve the desired result, I feel fulfilled and celebrate my successes.

    But, it is very difficult for me to be in Creative Cycle all the time.
    I tend to fall back to my Survival Cycle.

         Tune the mind and conscience to be in the Creative Cycle (Intrinsic Motivation).
Natural vs. Coercive Self-Organizing
Examples of naturally self-organizing systems
 homeostasis (the self-maintaining nature of systems from the cell to the whole
 pattern formation and morphogenesis, or how the living organism develops and
 the coordination of human movement
 the creation of structures by social animals, such as social insects (bees, ants,
termites), and many mammals
 flocking behavior (such as the formation of flocks by birds, schools of fish, etc.)
 the origin of life itself from self-organizing chemical systems

Its in the genes !!!

How can we apply this principle into a practice to self-organize in agile context?
Self-organization in teams can be taught .
Self-organization Practices
 Apprenticeship over Classroom Training
  ( Tacit Knowledge )   (Explicit Knowledge)

 Collaboration over Document Handoff - ( for Knowledge Management )

 Argumentation over Passive Acceptance - ( for Logical conclusions )

 Constructive Conflict Mining over Artificial Harmony

 Aggregating Team Intelligence over Intelligence of Individuals

 Psychological distance solvent over Geographical distance solvent
Geographical Distance Solvent
 Traditional Conduit Co-ordination
                                            Onsite         Offshore
                                          Coordinator   Manager / Lead

                        Business                                               Business
          Customer    Requirements                                           Requirements    Development

 Peer-To-Peer Co-ordination
                                      Onsite                    Offshore
                                     Facilitator               Facilitator

                        Business                                                Business
           Customer   Requirements                                            Requirements   Development
Psychological Distance Solvent
      Traditional Team Hierarchy (Crowns) to Cross-Functional Roles (Caps)
                                Project Manager
Tech Architect                               Test Architect
                                                                                      Test                                   Business
                                                                                 Creation                                    Analysis
  Tech Lead                                       Test Lead

           Designer                                    Test Analyst                                      Leadership
                                                                               Test                                             Project
                                                                         Automation                                           Management
                                                    Automation Tester

                                                                                               Build &
       Business Analyst                                                                                             Development

   Crowns                                                               Caps
    Creates and widens gap                                              Can be swapped depending on situations
    Restricts knowledge sharing                                         Increase sense of collective ownership
    Builds up power distance                                            Rotation of responsibilities
    Steep learning curve for increase in maturity                       Open culture within the team
Problem - Team Dysfunction Model
                            - Patrick Lencioni
Solution - Team Leadership Model
Team Leadership is a condition of a team
    reduction of uncertainty (Constructive Conflict Mining)
    comes from clear messages (Argumentation before
    leads to focused actions that cannot easily be
     misinterpreted (Aggregating Team Intelligence for
     Collective Accountability)
    developing channels for continuous feedback
     (Collaboration against Blame games)
    uniform effort balance - sustainable pace
    having a very high fun factor
Shu-Ha-Ri Pattern In Team Members
     Initial guidance needed to come up to speed
     Show progress after some hand holding
     Need to be mentored to grow into volunteers
     Self inspired
     Take technology and process initiatives
     Come up with ideas that build the team
     Implement innovative concepts
     Lift the team
     Servant Leader
     authority used to serve the needs of others
     genuine compassion for his people
     knows the problems of the community as a whole
     finds the solution to the problem
     has the skill to carry out the solution
     develop the next generation of leaders
Leader Apprenticeship
          The great leader is first experienced as a servant to others. 
                                                      - Robert Greenleaf, Servant Leadership

 Leaders do
    Encourage the hearts of followers
       Help build confidence and expectations of followers
       Equip them and be their mentor.
       Grow followers into volunteers.

    Value and recognize volunteers as VIPs
       Affirm / Affirm / Affirm your volunteers
       Challenge volunteers to stretch and grow
       Grow volunteers into mentors.
    Agile Developers
Create Their Own Identity
Are You Creative Or Just Surviving !!
My Creative Cycle Persona - I define My identity
       I am excited about possibilities to connect with my strengths, talents, and gifts.
       I look at obstacles as opportunities to observe, reflect, experiment and learn.
       My experiments align to my actions with purpose and potential.
       When I achieve the desired result, I feel fulfilled and celebrate my successes.

My Survival Cycle Persona - Others define My identity
     I am fearful and reactive.
     I react to and avoid obstacles.
     By doing this, I reinforce my old strategies for coping, conspiring, adapting, and
      assimilating when difficulties arise. (All fear-based responses)
     My purpose is not fulfilled and I feel disappointed.
     As a life-long habit, this approach is limiting, lacks purpose and meaning.

    But, it is very difficult for me to be in Creative Cycle all the time.
    I tend to fall back to my Survival Cycle.

                    Tune the mind and conscience to be in the Creative Cycle.
Agile Developers Create Their Own Identity
Developer to Craftsperson
                            What is Software Craftsmanship?
     Software Craftsmanship is all about putting responsibility and pride back into the software
     development process. 

     The best processes in the world will not save a project from failure if the people involved
     do not have the necessary skills to execute the process; conversely, really good developers
     can make any process work

     A Software Craftsman is a continuous learner. When he doesnt work, he spends his time
     studying, to find new methods and tools can refine him as a Software Craftsman

                                                     - Pete McBreen, Software Craftsmanship: The New Imperative

Software Craftsmanship is about
     Taking responsibility
     Taking pride in work
     Signing your work
     Being a continuous learner
     Practicing deliberately
     Writing code
     Having the right attitude
     Contributing to the community
Developer to Craftsperson through Apprenticeship
         How should I become an expert in software craftsmanship?

Read and understand the concepts in the book on Apprenticeship Patterns
                                                       - David Hoover, Adewale Oshineye
Find a mentor
Study, Train and Practice
     Performing Code Katas
     Performing Coding Dojos
     Performing Acceptance-Test based
     Learning TDD
     Learning programming paradigms 
    functional, dynamic, statically typed languages
     Refactoring  keep your code healthy
     Learning design patterns, tools and frameworks
     Learning emergent design, evolutionary design
Developer to Craftsperson
        How will I know the learning levels in software craftsmanship?

               Dreyfus Model of Skills Acquisition
 Novice - Needs to be told exactly what to do. No context to work from.

 Advanced Beginner - Has more context, but needs rigid guidelines

 Competent - Questions reasoning behind the tasks and can see consequences

 Proficient - Still relies on rules, but can separate whats important

 Expert - Works mainly on intuition, except when problems occur
Finding Your Own Identity is about Metamorphosis (Shu  Ha  Ri)
         From Developer (Crawling Caterpillar) to Craftsman Leader (Soaring Butterfly)

 Creative Cycle                 To Follow Agile  To Be agile                  Responsibility

 Apprenticeship                                                                     Pride
                                                                                 Your Work)
 Argumentation                                                                     Learner
                      Novice          Advanced
                                      Beginner     Competent
 Conflict Mining                                                                  Deliberate
Team Intelligence                Expert
                                                                               Right Attitude
    Distance                    Follower  Volunteer  Mentor                    Community
     Solvent                                                                     Contributor
Synthesized From
                  際際滷 24  Corey Haines, Cory Foy,
                 G淡ran Hansen

                  際際滷 25  Giordano Scalzo

                  際際滷 26  Cory Foy

Thank you

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Agile Developers Create Their Own Identity

  • 1. Me Focus on building an organization culture to "be agile" rather than "follow Agile". Software agility delivered through team agility and using agile tools, techniques and technologies. Agility Services Software Craftsmanship Midas Touch - Agility in software maintenance Agile Enterprise Architecture solutions Agility Nurseries (Agile ODC) Organization Metamorphosis Agility Assessment Radars and Roadmap Team Agility Assessment Value Stream Mapping Shared Vision and Team Chartering Team Agility Coaching, Executive Coaching Scrum Coaching XP Engineering Practices Coaching Lean Software Development Coaching
  • 4. Leaders Agile Developers Create Their Own Identity
  • 5. Values, Practices and Principles : Relationship Values bring purpose to Practices, Practices are evidence of Values, Practices bring accountability to Values. Bridging the gap between Values and Practices are Principles. Principles are context specific guidelines. e.g. practice Pair Programming values communication and feedback principle driver-navigator principle dual thinking hats of constructing and preventing from breaking. practice Companion Planting used in agriculture values sustainability and responsibility principle Diversity is nature's design, cooperation is more apparent than competition in plants, crop stability tends to increase with increasing diversity. Sources: - Extreme Programming Embrace Change by Kent Beck Intercropping Principles and Production Practices by National Sustainable Agriculture Service
  • 6. Values, Practices and Principles : Relationship Interpreting Value rather than Practice I wont reveal the estimate as I would be held accountable and blamed unfairly like in the past. I value Protection over Communication I dont want to estimate.
  • 7. Values, Practices and Principles : Relationship Failure of Value rather than Practice I am reluctant to learn from the defect. I did not try to find root cause for the defect. I value Laziness over Learning and Self Oops, a defect. Improvement Ignore it. I will fix it when QA reports it.
  • 9. Layers of the Agile Manifesto Agree to disagree on detailed project specific ground tactics and prescriptive Barely agree on 12 Agree on 4 Agree on the meaning of Agile
  • 10. Individuals and Interactions (amongst Individuals) Values
  • 11. Value - Individuals and Interactions Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. (Retrospective)
  • 12. Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation My Survival Cycle Persona - Others define My identity I am fearful and reactive. I react to and avoid obstacles. By doing this, I reinforce my old strategies for coping, conspiring, adapting, and assimilating when difficulties arise. (All fear-based responses) My purpose is not fulfilled and I feel disappointed. As a life-long habit, this approach is limiting, lacks purpose and meaning. My Creative Cycle Persona - I define My identity I am excited about possibilities to connect with my strengths, talents, and gifts. I look at obstacles as opportunities to observe, reflect, experiment and learn. My experiments align to my actions with purpose and potential. When I achieve the desired result, I feel fulfilled and celebrate my successes. But, it is very difficult for me to be in Creative Cycle all the time. I tend to fall back to my Survival Cycle. Tune the mind and conscience to be in the Creative Cycle (Intrinsic Motivation).
  • 13. Natural vs. Coercive Self-Organizing Examples of naturally self-organizing systems homeostasis (the self-maintaining nature of systems from the cell to the whole organism) pattern formation and morphogenesis, or how the living organism develops and grows. the coordination of human movement the creation of structures by social animals, such as social insects (bees, ants, termites), and many mammals flocking behavior (such as the formation of flocks by birds, schools of fish, etc.) the origin of life itself from self-organizing chemical systems Its in the genes !!! How can we apply this principle into a practice to self-organize in agile context? Self-organization in teams can be taught .
  • 14. Self-organization Practices Apprenticeship over Classroom Training ( Tacit Knowledge ) (Explicit Knowledge) Collaboration over Document Handoff - ( for Knowledge Management ) Argumentation over Passive Acceptance - ( for Logical conclusions ) Constructive Conflict Mining over Artificial Harmony Aggregating Team Intelligence over Intelligence of Individuals Psychological distance solvent over Geographical distance solvent
  • 15. Geographical Distance Solvent Traditional Conduit Co-ordination Onsite Offshore Coordinator Manager / Lead Business Business Customer Requirements Requirements Development Team Peer-To-Peer Co-ordination Onsite Offshore Facilitator Facilitator Business Business Customer Requirements Requirements Development Team
  • 16. Psychological Distance Solvent Traditional Team Hierarchy (Crowns) to Cross-Functional Roles (Caps) Project Manager System Architecture Tech Architect Test Architect Test Business Creation Analysis Data Tech Lead Test Lead Architect Team Designer Test Analyst Leadership Test Project Automation Management Automation Tester Developer Build & Application Release Business Analyst Development Management Crowns Caps Creates and widens gap Can be swapped depending on situations Restricts knowledge sharing Increase sense of collective ownership Builds up power distance Rotation of responsibilities Steep learning curve for increase in maturity Open culture within the team
  • 17. Problem - Team Dysfunction Model - Patrick Lencioni
  • 18. Solution - Team Leadership Model Team Leadership is a condition of a team reduction of uncertainty (Constructive Conflict Mining) comes from clear messages (Argumentation before Commitment) leads to focused actions that cannot easily be misinterpreted (Aggregating Team Intelligence for Collective Accountability) developing channels for continuous feedback (Collaboration against Blame games) uniform effort balance - sustainable pace having a very high fun factor
  • 19. Shu-Ha-Ri Pattern In Team Members Followers Initial guidance needed to come up to speed Show progress after some hand holding Need to be mentored to grow into volunteers Volunteers Self inspired Take technology and process initiatives Come up with ideas that build the team Implement innovative concepts Lift the team Mentor Servant Leader authority used to serve the needs of others genuine compassion for his people knows the problems of the community as a whole finds the solution to the problem has the skill to carry out the solution develop the next generation of leaders
  • 20. Leader Apprenticeship The great leader is first experienced as a servant to others. - Robert Greenleaf, Servant Leadership Leaders do Encourage the hearts of followers Help build confidence and expectations of followers Equip them and be their mentor. Grow followers into volunteers. Value and recognize volunteers as VIPs Affirm / Affirm / Affirm your volunteers Challenge volunteers to stretch and grow Grow volunteers into mentors.
  • 21. Craftsperson Craftsmen Agile Developers Create Their Own Identity
  • 22. Are You Creative Or Just Surviving !! My Creative Cycle Persona - I define My identity I am excited about possibilities to connect with my strengths, talents, and gifts. I look at obstacles as opportunities to observe, reflect, experiment and learn. My experiments align to my actions with purpose and potential. When I achieve the desired result, I feel fulfilled and celebrate my successes. My Survival Cycle Persona - Others define My identity I am fearful and reactive. I react to and avoid obstacles. By doing this, I reinforce my old strategies for coping, conspiring, adapting, and assimilating when difficulties arise. (All fear-based responses) My purpose is not fulfilled and I feel disappointed. As a life-long habit, this approach is limiting, lacks purpose and meaning. But, it is very difficult for me to be in Creative Cycle all the time. I tend to fall back to my Survival Cycle. Tune the mind and conscience to be in the Creative Cycle.
  • 24. Developer to Craftsperson What is Software Craftsmanship? Software Craftsmanship is all about putting responsibility and pride back into the software development process. The best processes in the world will not save a project from failure if the people involved do not have the necessary skills to execute the process; conversely, really good developers can make any process work A Software Craftsman is a continuous learner. When he doesnt work, he spends his time studying, to find new methods and tools can refine him as a Software Craftsman - Pete McBreen, Software Craftsmanship: The New Imperative Software Craftsmanship is about Taking responsibility Taking pride in work Signing your work Being a continuous learner Practicing deliberately Writing code Having the right attitude Contributing to the community
  • 25. Developer to Craftsperson through Apprenticeship How should I become an expert in software craftsmanship? Read and understand the concepts in the book on Apprenticeship Patterns - David Hoover, Adewale Oshineye Find a mentor Study, Train and Practice Performing Code Katas Performing Coding Dojos Performing Acceptance-Test based Learning TDD Learning programming paradigms functional, dynamic, statically typed languages Refactoring keep your code healthy Learning design patterns, tools and frameworks Learning emergent design, evolutionary design
  • 26. Developer to Craftsperson How will I know the learning levels in software craftsmanship? Dreyfus Model of Skills Acquisition Novice - Needs to be told exactly what to do. No context to work from. Advanced Beginner - Has more context, but needs rigid guidelines Competent - Questions reasoning behind the tasks and can see consequences Proficient - Still relies on rules, but can separate whats important Expert - Works mainly on intuition, except when problems occur
  • 27. Finding Your Own Identity is about Metamorphosis (Shu Ha Ri) From Developer (Crawling Caterpillar) to Craftsman Leader (Soaring Butterfly) Creative Cycle To Follow Agile To Be agile Responsibility Apprenticeship Pride (Signing Your Work) Collaboration Continuous Argumentation Learner Novice Advanced Beginner Competent Conflict Mining Deliberate Proficient Practice Team Intelligence Expert Right Attitude Psychological Distance Follower Volunteer Mentor Community Solvent Contributor
  • 28. Synthesized From Interpreted References 際際滷 24 Corey Haines, Cory Foy, G淡ran Hansen 際際滷 25 Giordano Scalzo 際際滷 26 Cory Foy Thank you www.stixis.com

Editor's Notes

  • #6: Without Values , Practices are performed for their own sake but lacking any purpose or direction.
  • #7: When a programmer says, "I don't want to estimate my tasks," he generally isn't talking about technique. He already estimates, but doesn't want to reveal what he really thinks for fear of providing a fixed point of judgment that will be used against him later. Better triple that estimate! Refusing to communicate estimates reveals something much deeper about how he sees the social forces in development. Perhaps he doesn't want to be accountable because he has been blamed unfairly in the past. In this case, the programmer values protection over communication.
  • #8: When I hear a programmer brush off a defect, I hear a failure of values, not technique. The defect itself might be a failure of technique, but the reluctance to learn from the defect shows that the programmer doesn't actually value learning and self-improvement as much as something else. This is not in the best interest of the program, the organization, or the programmer. Bringing values together with practices means that the programmer can perform a practice, in this case root-cause analysis, at effective times and for good reasons.
  • #15: Refer Hofstedes dimensions for distributed work
  • #27: Novice rigid adherence to taught rules or plans no exercise of "discretionary judgment or context Advanced Beginner limited "situational perception has context but needs rigid guidelines all aspects of work treated separately with equal importance Competent "coping with crowdedness" (multiple activities, accumulation of information) some perception of actions in relation to goals questions reasoning behind the tasks and can see consequences deliberate planning, formulates routines Proficient holistic view of situation prioritizes importance of aspects perceives deviations from the normal pattern employs maxims for guidance, with meanings that adapt to the situation at hand Expert transcends reliance on rules, guidelines, and maxims intuitive grasp of situations based on deep, tacit understanding has "vision of what is possible uses "analytical approaches" in new situations or in case of problems