Smalltalk is an object-oriented programming language and GemStone/S is an object database that integrates program code and data. This allows for agile development with test-driven development, easy refactoring, and quick deployment. Smalltalk is easier to learn than other languages and provides a stable development environment. Integrating the program and data in the object database saves significant developer time and allows the developer to focus on business logic rather than persistence. Objects can also be highly reused, reducing development and maintenance costs.
2. Agenda
This presentation brings an overview of Smalltalk
programming language and Smalltalk object database
and benefits of program and data integration into
object database
3. Current situation
We use object oriented languages (C# .NET, Java)
Complicated (more than 300 rules), mastering takes 3-4 years
Change very often (every 2-3 years in Microsoft .NET)
Data persistence is not part of languages
We use relational databases to store data (Oracle, SQL Server)
There are no objects, only plain tables and procedures
Different procedural languages, mastering takes also 3-4 years
Difficult to be agile and response to business changing needs
Problems with separate application and database
Business logic is often on more places hard to maintain
Different platforms, languages and tools takes a lot of time to learn
Difficult and time consuming to change existing database and application
Frequent changes in all platforms
High costs
4. Possible solution?
We should use true object programming language and
true object database that integrates program and
data, supports agile test driven development,
refactoring and quick deployment
Have a look at Smalltalk object programming
language and GemStone/S Smalltalk object database
5. Smalltalk is
Programming language
Simple and powerful object language
Has only few basic rules and easy to learn
Very stable (no breaking changes since 1980)
Object database
Stores complete objects in object database
Application code is together with data in objects
Everything is written in Smalltalk language
Productive development environment
Integrates all tools for rapid application development
Best for web and mobile applications, web services and service
oriented architectures
6. Stability, lower costs, reuse
Smalltalk is well designed and easy to learn
No breaking changes since 1980
No need to rewrite applications every 2-3 years
Mastering Smalltalk takes 6 months vs. 3-4 years of C# .NET
Persistence is integrated into Smalltalk
Saves 60% 90% of developer time to handle persistence
Developer can focus on real business processes
Code and data stored together in objects in object database
Only one platform and Smalltalk language
Objects can be reused
High reuse of existing code up to 80%
Saves development and maintenance costs
Better and stable applications
7. Agile, test driven, quickly to market
Agile test driven development and refactoring
Supports agile and iterative test driven development
All kinds of tests are part of Smalltalk program
IDE allows refactoring of code together with data
Rapid application prototyping
Allows rapid application prototyping and frequent changes
Contains all development tools with web server and source codes
Can be used even on restricted enterprise desktops without special
permissions (all in 40 MB)
Quick and easy deployment with packages
Packages contains all objects, data, tests, examples, documentation
Supports different pillars (DEV, ACC, PRO)
Built-in concurrent version system, no need for other software (SVN)
Can be deployed from web application by authorized user (ISO Admin)