Anand Murthy Raj, founder of Agile Spirit Pvt Ltd, discussed design thinking and how it can help address complex problems. He explained that design thinking involves empathizing with users to understand problems, generating ideas through prototyping and experimentation, and validating solutions. Raj presented examples of how design thinking was applied to address issues like infant mortality and breast cancer in rural India. He argued that organizations should adopt this approach of empathy, creativity, and experimentation to develop more effective solutions.
1. Name of the Speaker : Anand Murthy Raj
Company Name
Founder & Director : Agile Spirit Pvt ltd
Partner : Blinklane Consulting and Gladwell Academy , NL
Place: Bangalore
Why Design thinking?
1. We have become experts in
Doing wrong things right vs doing right things wrong
2. Non systemic thinking behavior
3. Problems solved today results in more complex problems
4. Focus in on short term gains to reduce the immediate pain
5. Blind for long term gains
6. Lack of human element in solutioning
What is Design thinking?
As a style of thinking, it is generally considered as the
ability to combine the empathy for the context for the
problem, creativity in the generation of insights and
solutions and the rationality to analyze and fit the
solutions to the context.
-Tim Brown, CEO and President, IDEO
10. Global Wicked Problem – Infant mortality
Ref :
(IMR) is the number of deaths of infants under one year old per 1,000 live births.
12. Saving rural Indian Woman from breast cancer
Ref :
1. Millions of woman in rural India suffer from
A. Breast cancer
B. Fibro cystic breast disease
C. Complication in Pregnancy
1. Free Medicines were provided, still
women do not consume
2. Education programs no use
1. Root cause - Iodine deficiency
2. Quantity required per day 150 -
220 micro grams daily
16. Design thinking – Golden Circles of Alignment
Experience Innovation
Emotional Innovation
17. How can leaders help develop this culture?
New problem solving methods
Apply systems thinking !!!
23. Hierarchy of content of mind
An ounce of information is worth a pound of data
An ounce of knowledge is worth a pound of information
An ounce of understanding is worth a pound of knowledge
An ounce of wisdom is worth a pound of understanding
We try to teach knowledge; How can you teach if you do not posses it?
Data , Information, Knowledge , Understanding -
Doing things right– Efficiency
Wisdom - Doing right things – How to make it more efficient
Wisdom – Diffrentiates Efficiency vs Effectiveness
24. Recap
1. Design thinking looks to solve wicked human problems
2. Design thinking is a verb not noun
3. You need to think by dirtying your hands (the evolution of
4. Shift in focus is key (baby to mother, woman to bindi)
5. Every idea is a great idea until your customer’s validate it
6. When you ideate, do not be in solution space
7. Collaborate as ideas always incubate for a vey long time
8. Remember the three circles- Human desirability, Technical
feasibility and Business viability
9. Solve problems by experiments – Actionable metrics vs vanity
metrics (Lean Startup)
10. An hypothesis has to be tested and tasted .. No point discussing it
on a closed room – Mike Rother - Toyota Kata
25. Identify * Idea * Insight * Impact = Innovation
"The future of our prosperity, relies on our collective
intelligence"- Eric Ries