In this presentation we will see some problems with agile practices of quality assurance.
Then we will focus on the particular problem of non-functional requirements.
Finally we will refer to the quality problems that arise when using agile methods in large projects.
Is assumed that these practices improve the quality of a software product.
We will see that in any case there are problems in implementation, especially when scaling agile projects and take them to big projects distributed environments.
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Quality problems related to agile methods / scalability.
2. Agile
Agile practices can improve quality
if they are implemented correctly
(Sfetsos, P., & Stamelos, I. (2010). Empirical Studies on Quality in Agile Practices: A Systematic Literature Review.)
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3. Lack of evidence to prove its
effectiveness and successful implementation
(Timperi, O. (2004). An Overview of Quality Assurance Practices in Agile Methodologies.)
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4. ISO 9126
Pair Programming
Simple Design
User Stories
Coding Standard
What quality characteristics are improved with each practice?
(Mnkandla, E., & Dwolatzky, B. (2006). Defining Agile Software Quality Assurance.)
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5. Focus on building the right product for the customer
(instead of only build it properly)
(Timperi, O. (2004). An Overview of Quality Assurance Practices in Agile Methodologies.)
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6. Por último…
Testing is left mandatory but vague because its level and
coverage are not instructed.
(Timperi, O. (2004). An Overview of Quality Assurance Practices in Agile Methodologies.)
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7. New role of QA
Is help in
definition, risk
know user needs
and underlying
nFR ill-defined
(Mnkandla, E., & Dwolatzky, B. (2006). Defining Agile Software Quality Assurance.)
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8. Non-Functional Requirements (nFR) example
As a Universidad
ORT Uruguay
student I want to
come from my
house to this
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9. Non-Functional Requirements (nFR) example
As a Universidad
ORT Uruguay
student I want to
come quickly from
my house to this
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10. Non-Functional Requirements (nFR) example
As a Universidad
ORT Uruguay
student I want to
come quickly and
economically from
my house to this
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11. Non-Functional Requirements (nFR) example
As a Universidad
ORT Uruguay
student I want to
come quickly,
economically and
safely from my
house to this
My own car
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12. The problem is…
Stakeholders concentrate on software functionality (FR).
Critical nFR are likely to be ill-defined and neglected.
(Um, T., Kim, N., Lee, D., & In, H. P. (2011). A Quality Attributes Evaluation Method for an Agile Approach.)
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13. ±Ê±ô³Ü²õ…
Developers accustomed to cascade assume that nFR are
solved by architects and designers.
(Rachel Davies, Agile Experience Ltd, UK, Non-Functional Requirements: Do User Stories Really Help?)
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14. Then…
New approach is needed to improve non-functional aspects
through quality attributes.
(Um, T., Kim, N., Lee, D., & In, H. P. (2011). A Quality Attributes Evaluation Method for an Agile Approach.)
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15. Useful to
manage FR and
nFR at the same
time (but some
nFR traverse the
entire project)
(Um, T., Kim, N., Lee, D., & In, H. P. (2011). A Quality Attributes Evaluation Method for an Agile Approach.)
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16. Example:
Test that …
As a blogger, I want to post - A blog post should be posted in less
than 3 clicks.
an entry quickly and
efficiently to easily update - A blog post should be posted in less
the blog than 5 seconds.
The problem is that:
- The stories are designed to be completed
- Tunnel vision: when the team focuses on a story is easy to
forget the RnF.
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17. How to deal
with those nFR
As a blogger, I want to post spanning all the
an entry quickly and stories?
efficiently to easily update
the blog
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18. Involving the
customer is
explaining the
importance of
(Leffingwell D. (2009). Scaling Software Agility. Agile Requirements Information Model. Online.)
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19. nFR filters Reminders
As ablogger, I want to post
an entry to update the blog
User friendly
Assign responsibles for each quality attr.
As a blogger, I want to post
an entry quickly and
efficiently to easily update
the blog
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20. General Issues Non-functional Proposed
requirements solutions
Stories quality
New role, Involving the
responsible for customer is
QA to essential,
understand and explaining the
measure risk importance of
and assist in QA quality
responsibles for
activities. attributes.
each quality attr.
nFR ill-defined
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Editor's Notes
#2: Quality problems related to agile methods / scalability.In this presentation we will see some problems with agile practices of quality assurance. Then we will focus on the particular problem of non-functional req. Finally we will refer to the quality problems that arise when using agile methods in large projects.Is assumed that these practices improve the quality of a software product. We will see that in any case there are problems in implementation, especially when scaling agile projects and take them to big projects distributed environments.
#3: Agile practices improve the quality if implemented correctly.Here is some of the agile practices which, according to some authors, if implemented correctly improves product quality.These can be deployed from the inside out and the goal is to adopt as many practices as necessary to obtain outside agile values​​.(Sfetsos, P., & Stamelos, I. (2010). Empirical Studies on Quality in Agile Practices: A Systematic Literature Review.)
#6: General Issues - Most agile methodologies have focused on validation and making sure that benefits exist in the software at the expense of verification. The exceptions are XP and FDD that emphasize verification over validation.(Timperi, O. (2004). An Overview of Quality Assurance Practices in Agile Methodologies.)
#7: General issues - The problems are mainly associated with testing in many methodologies because concrete guidance and instructions are not given. (Timperi, O. (2004). An Overview of Quality Assurance Practices in Agile Methodologies.)
#8: Suggests the figure of a QA manager (Role) to understand and measure the risks, which works in every activity undertaken by the agile team.?(Opelt, K., & Beeson, T. (2008). Agile Teams Require Agile QA: How to Make it Work, An Experience Report.)
#15: The ISO 9126 series provides guidelines for assessing quality, but it applies to traditional projects (especially from the point of view of the documentation).(Um, T., Kim, N., Lee, D., & In, H. P. (2011). A Quality Attributes Evaluation Method for an Agile Approach.)
#16: Raising use of stories to introduce aspects of quality attributes. Involving the customer in this area is essential because these methodologies revolve around them.(Um, T., Kim, N., Lee, D., & In, H. P. (2011). A Quality Attributes Evaluation Method for an Agile Approach.)