At Agilogy we have a curated way of testing software. In these slides we share basic Principles, Patterns and Strategies to test software in Hexagonal Architectures.
Defying the typical test pyramid, we focus our testing strategy on testing the whole domain. To do so, we avoid the abuse of mocks and stubs and, instead, we use hand-crafted test fakes that behave like their production counterparts. We make sure they actually do so by testing both the production driven adapters and their fakes with the very same test suite.
6. Principles
Usable tests make developers and testers test better. Write tests that:
Are deterministic
Make changes easy to welcome
Are user friendly (for developers and testers)
Automated tests are software, they should have good software quality
High cohesion & low coupling
Test economy is of uttermost importance
7. Deterministic tests
Flaky tests
laky tests
laky tests is a test that sometimes fails but that retried enough times
ends up passing
They undermine your con
idence in tests
Or, even worse, if you continue to trust them, you may ignore a test
failure that is actually signaling a bug
8. Deterministic tests
Tests with undesired dependencies
Isolate tests
Some tests are not
laky in isolation but they fail if they are executed...
In a di
erent order
In concurrency with other tests
When some external system fails or changes its state
When the stars align (or are misaligned) (hint: the clock)
9. Tests that (allow you to) welcome change
Tests should allow refactoring to enhance the design
Don't test the implementation does what it does, but that the outcome
of what it does is the expected outcome (behavior vs outcome)
UI tests are di
icult to automate... if you welcome changes to UI
Tests should allow requirement changes
Design tests with high cohesion: There should only be one reason why
you need to change any single test.
11. Economics of testing
Prioritize what to test depending on the likeliness of detecting or
preventing bugs
Even for trivial programs it is impossible or impractical to test every
possible test input / initial state
Design software in a way that testing is cheaper
Choose your testing strategy wisely
12. Technical concepts
(aka buzzwords)
Black box / white box
Broad stack / component tests
Test doubles: dummy, fake,
mock, stub, spy
Unit tests
Integration tests
13. Broad stack tests vs component tests
Broad stack test: A test that exercises most of the parts of an application.
a.k.a. Full-stack tests, end-to-end tests.
Component (narrow) test: A test that limits the scope of the exercised
software to a portion of the system under test
The component is tested through its interface
Components used by the component under test can be replaced with
test doubles
14. Test double
Something (a component, value, etc) that replaces a production element
for testing purposes.
Dummy: Values or components that are never used
Fake: A component with a working implementation that is not the one
used in production (e.g. an in memory test database).
Mocks, stubs and spies
15. Test double
Mocks, stubs and spies
Mocks vs spies
Mocks: Components that are pre-programmed with expectations which
form a speci
ication of the calls they are expected to receive.
Spies: Components that record some information based on how they
were called, so you can do assertions on the recorded information after
the fact.
Stubs: Components that provide canned answers to calls made during the
Usually both mocks and spies are also stubs
16. Unit tests
Slippery word meaning di
erent things to di
erent people:
Tests written by developers themselves
Focusing on small parts of the system:very narrow component tests
Fast, signi
icantly faster than other kinds of tests
17. Integration tests
Slippery word meaning di
erent things to di
erent people:
Originally: Test that separately developed modules worked together
Today: Test that the system correctly interacts with an external service
(e.g. a database)
Require live versions of the service (e.g. an actual database)
Require networking
Usually isolated thanks to virtualization (e.g. docker)
20. Driver adapters
(aka transport layer)
Low level implementation of APIs, listeners, etc to get commands, queries
or events from the outside to the driver ports in the hexagon.
21. Driver ports
(aka interactors)
Domain interface of the app used by the driver adapters to pass
commands, queries and events in the language of the domain.
23. Driven adapters
(aka data sources)
Low level implementation of the interfaces of driven ports that use
ic external services or technologies (e.g. a PostgreSql database).
24. Patterns
AAA: Arrange-Act-Assert
AAA with state
In-memory production-ready
test fakes
Isolated, production-like
external systems
25. Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA)
Used to: Test stateless components (e.g. a function that calculates
1. Arrange: Select the inputs to use and the expected result
2. Act: Exercise the component and collect any result
3. Assert: Assert the actual result is the expected result
26. AAA with state
Used to: Test stateful components
1. Arrange: Select the inputs and initial state to use and set the initial state
2. Act: Exercise the component and collect any result
3. Assert:
1. Collect the
inal state
2. Assert the actual result is the expected result and the
inal state is
the expected state
27. In-memory production-ready test fakes
Use test fakes (that behave like the production component) implemented in-memory to avoid
the dependency to external systems in tests
Make tests run fast!
Make tests deterministic and isolated
They may behave di
erent than the actual production components
Implementation cost
A. Test in integration with Isolated, production(-like) external systems
B. Use mocks and stubs
You test the behavior of the system, not the outcome
28. Isolated, production(-like) external systems
Run integration tests with isolated versions of the actual production
external systems
Isolate tests from other tests, testers from other testers, etc.
Usually through virtualization (e.g. Docker)
You test the actual component
29. Strategy
Test all the domain
Narrow tests of complex logic
Integration tests of driven adapters
Test driver adapters
Test the assembly end-to-end
Test test fakes
31. Test all the domain
Broad test of all the components that form the domain
Write tests of the whole domain of your system, including all domain
Exercise it through the appropriate (driver) ports
Use AAA with state
32. A. Test with In-memory,
production-ready test fakes
Test all the domain
Two alternative strategies
B. Test in integration with Isolated,
production(-like) external systems
34. Narrow tests of complex logic
Test complex logic inside your domain with narrow tests
Write a classical unit test to test some function or algorithm
Usually tests stateless components (AAA), but may test stateful
components too (AAA with state)
Take into account they may be fragile to refactoring
Use really few of these
36. Integration tests of driven adapaters
Test components interacting with external services in integration with the
actual external services (e.g. databases, message queues, etc)
Test your driven adapters with integration tests (with Isolated,
production-like external systems)
Test them in isolation
Use AAA with state
38. Test driver adapters
Tests driver adapters: APIs, GUIs and other components driver the system
Two alternatives:
A. Test their behavior with Mocks and stubs
B. Test their outcome with the actual domain (and tests doubles for
driven adapters)
39. A. Test their behavior with
Mocks and stubs
Test Driver Adapters
Two alternative strategies
B. Test their outcome with the actual
domain (and tests doubles for
driven adapters)
41. Test the assembly with end-to-end tests
Write a few tests that check all the components are correctly assembled
Don't test whatever can be tested with the previous strategies
Use AAA with state and Isolated, production(-like) external services
43. Test test fakes
Many of the tests so far depend on In-memory, production-ready tests
fakes to actually behave like production components.
Make them actually production-ready by testing them like production
Parameterize the Integration tests of driven adapters so that they test
whatever adapter of such ports they receive
Run the same test suite for both the production driven adapters and
their test fakes to guarantee both behave exactly equal