This document summarizes a presentation on the Personal Agility System (PAS) given by Adelina Stefan and Frederik Vannieuwenhuyse. PAS is a simple framework to help keep one's personal and professional life organized while aligning with one's purpose. It involves visualizing priorities on a map, focusing on what really matters, and learning from celebration of successes. The presenters share their personal experiences using PAS and how it has provided clarity, helped achieve goals, and learn to reward themselves. They compare PAS to other systems like GTD and discuss doing a practice activity where participants identify their priorities and plan their week.
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Agile Tour Brussels 2021 - Personal Agility System
1. Personal Agility System
Agile Tour Brussels 2021
2021, Oct 29th 10AM-11AM30
Adelina Stefan & Frederik Vannieuwenhuyse
2. What are you celebrating lately?
What is a goal youve always wanted
to achieve?
3. Adelina Stefan
ICF Professional Certified Coach
Ignite Coach Training Facilitator
Ignite Coach Mentor
Certified Team & Group Coach
Certified Career Coach and Outplacement Consultant
Professional Brand Expert
Intercultural Facilitator
Certified Scrum Master
Personal Agility Ambassador (PARA)
4. Frederik
Frederik Vannieuwenhuyse
Married, father of 3 sons
Living in Belgium, nearby Brussels
Scrum Master, Agile coach, facilitator, educator
Agile community organizer, speaker, facilitator
P.A.S. Recognized Practitioner
Previous experiences with Personal Kanban, GTD.
Occupied a lot with "personal development
5. Learn about the Personal Agility System (PAS)
Share our personal story with PAS
- Adelina
- Frederik
Comparison PAS with GTD/PK
Concrete practice: Get started with PAS
6. What would agility mean to you on a
personal level?
7. Personal Agility System
A simple framework to keep your private and
professional life on track,
while at the same time, it will help you in aligning
purpose with others (team, organization).
8. I have so much
to do ?!
I dont know
where to start ?!
Everything is
important ?!
10. The challenge is different
There is no team, just one person
There is no customer
Life changes faster than you can plan
There is never enough time
There is always too much to do
Questions help solve problems, a process usually does not.
23. Adelinas story
"I learned about Pas while I had a challenging situation in my life - I had an almost
1y.o daughter and my husband was recovering after a burnout, searching for a job,
and given my profession as a Career Transition Coach, I felt it was my responsibility
to support him in finding a new role, knowing the challenges that my coachees were
facing in finding a job, at the same time it was totally different because he was part
of my what really matters and the family time."
30. Benefits and challenges experienced up till now
I have more clarity in mind
I identified what I want to STOP doing
I make more conscious choices of how I spend my time
I am making time available for things previously considered "someday-sometime."
I achieved an LT goal
I achieve mini-goals (contributing to my LT goals)
I learn to take time to celebrate
I finetune my system as I need it
To apply P.A.S. in the heat of the moment
To celebrate!
31. PAS / GTD / PK
Capture Conceptualize Plan Do
33. The Essence of Personal Agility in 5 Words
The Personal Agility System is a simple coaching-based framework to help
you be or become who you want to be.
Purpose Celebration Choice Emergence Kindness
34. Concrete Practice
1st round: What Really Matters? (10 mins)
Individually write it down
Discuss in pairs (breakout rooms pairs)
(or groups of 3)
2nd round: Start to create your Priority map
(10 mins) (breakout same groups)
List of possibilities
Plan your week
Q&A (whole group)
35. Priority Map template
PAS Priorities Map Why Do Personal Agility? ->
What Really Matters [3] Possibilities Urgent This Week Today [1]
Most Important 1
Important 2
Still Important 3
Dont Forget 4
Align Here ->
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