Introduction: The advanced communication technology has reached to the remote nodal parts of our country and today, Smart Phones are commonly available even in distant villages. But unfortunately the real benefits of Smart Phones have not reached to the villagers especially to the farmer community who forms the backbone of our countrys economy. This is because, most of the mobile applications for Smart Phone have been developed only for urban life. But now or latter, the focus of mobile app development has to be redefined and some useful app has to be developed for the rural people especially for the farmers which not only provide them better livelihood, it will also strengthen our countrys economy. Proposed project will focus itself on agricultural information providing mobile app development for the nodal Indian farmers.
Problem Definitions: Even though our country has achieved phenomenal technological progress, still today, our Agricultural yield vastly depends on soil quality and climatic condition. Thus, the ever-increasing need for food to support the growing population in our country demands a systematic appraisal of its soil and climate resources in order to perform effective cultivation. The Soil and Land Use Survey of India (SLUSI), has dedicated many years in conducting Soil Survey and they have prepared Soil Fertility database area wise with details. With the Soil Fertility database, area wise, they have enlisted several vital soil parameters useful for cultivations e.g.; Soil pH, Electrical Conductance, Organic Matter, Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation, Exchangeable bases, Water Holding Capacity, Particle Density, Bulk Density, Percent Pore Space, Particle Size Distribution, Moisture Equivalent etc. Similarly, India Meteorological Department is also providing information about agriculture related weather parameters for coming months and years. But till now impact of such valuable information has not reached to the end users the farmers in effective manner. Thats way, every year before cultivating any crop/vegetable, still our farmers want to know;
If they cultivate this crop/vegetable this year, will they get sufficient yield or not?
This valuable question can be answered by effectively analyzing available soil and weather data which will help the farmer to make valuable decision. Proposed AGRI APP will be designed to answer such questions and will also provide helpful suggestions to the framers, instantly, even at the remote part of our India.
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Agri app
1. Agricultural Information Providing
Smart Phone Application:
Project Proposal
Dr. Sanjoy Deb (PI)
Mr. Sajan P. Philip (Co-PI)
Dept. of ECE
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology Sathyamangalam,
Tamilnadu, India, Pin-6384015/17/2017 1
2. Introduction
Real benefits of Smart Phones
have not reached to the villagers
especially to the farmer
Proposed project will focus on
agricultural information
providing mobile app
development for the nodal
Indian farmers.
5/17/2017 2
3. Problem Definition
Even with phenomenal technological progress, still today,
our Agricultural yield vastly depends on soil quality and
climatic condition. Thats way, every year before cultivating
any crop/vegetable, still our farmers want to know;
If they cultivate this crop/vegetable this year, will they
get sufficient yield or not?
This valuable question can be answered by effectively
analyzing available soil (Soil and Land Use Survey of
India) and weather data (Indian Meteorological
Proposed AGRI APP will be designed to answer such
questions and will also provide helpful suggestions to the
framers, instantly, even at the remote part of our India.
5/17/2017 3
4. Objectives
Understanding inter-relation between yields with
parameters: Detail data analysis will be executed to generate
valuable understanding and pattern about the inter-relation
between yields of various crops/vegetables with various
agricultural parameters.
Developing a Smartphone App: A real-time smart phone
App will be developed, using Android platform, to provide
preferable crops/vegetables list to the farmers based on an
indigenous scientific data analysis approach.
Providing suggestions to the nodal farmers: Valuable online
real-time suggestion will be provided to enhance the yield
and App will also answer various relevant quarries of our
farmers even at remote part of our country.
5/17/2017 4
13. Details of your
Parameter Value
Soil Type
Crop Suggestions
If the user click here,
the App will display a
selection list from
which the customer
can select any crop
5/17/2017 13
14. Crop % Match
Rice 98
Maize 90
Cholam 88
Bajra 84
Red gram 78
Green gram 77
Ragi 64
Oil seeds 63
Cotton 60
Coffee 59
Tea 53
Coconut 51
Possible Crops for
your location are
Crop List
5/17/2017 14
15. Suggestions for
Rain is less this year, so you
need to check for water
resources for irrigation
pH value of your soil is
suitable for Cholam. You need
to add <manure name> to
improve the pH
Humidity of your location is
<value>. You need to arrange
water sprinkling mechanism
Temperature of your location
is apt for cholam, so no need
to worry about that
For more information
specific to your land, contact
the nearest Agriculture officer
Mr. Gobala Krishnan @
for optimum
5/17/2017 15
16. Select the crop
from the list
Select Crop
from List
5/17/2017 16
17. Suggestions for
Match % - 78
Adequate rain is expected
this year
pH value of your soil is
suitable for Banana.
Humidity of your location is
<value>. You need to arrange
water sprinkling mechanism
Temperature of your location
is not apt for banana, so you
need to arrange some green
house technique
For more information
specific to your land, contact
the nearest Agriculture officer
Mr. Gobala Krishnan @
for optimum
5/17/2017 17