Fungi are the commonest pathogens in insects, with approximately 1000 species known to cause disease in arthropods.
most entomopathogenic fungi infect insects by direct penetration through the cuticle and killed by production of toxins.
Several entomopathogenic fungi, such as Metarhizium spp. And Beauveria spp., have been developed as environmentally friendly alternatives to chemical insecticides in biocontrol programs for agricultural pests and vectors of disease
Mushroom cultivation A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director Gene...Mr.Allah Dad Khan
Mushroom cultivation A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General Agriculture Extension KPK Province and Visiting Professor the University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan
The document discusses determining the optimum adult population density for rearing Chrysoperla carnea (green lacewings) in cages. It finds that glass cages were best, allowing easier feeding, egg harvesting, and cleaning. Experiments testing densities of 50, 100, 150, and 200 adults found the lowest mortality (10%) and highest egg production (630 eggs) at the lowest density of 50 adults. Higher densities led to increased mortality and fewer eggs laid.
Computer Top 500 Questions Best MCQ in HindiSONU HEETSON
Computer Top 500 Questions. Best MCQ in Hindi PDF for all competitive exams like Delhi police, DRDO, Bank, RRB PO, SSC CGL , RAILWAY, CHSL, MP POLICE, HSSC etc.
Strategies for resistance management.pptxHarman Singh
This document discusses strategies for pesticide resistance management. It begins by defining pesticide resistance as populations of pests becoming less responsive to pesticides over time due to evolution. The rate of resistance development depends on factors like the frequency of resistant genes and selection pressure from pesticides. Resistance can be cross-resistance between pesticides with the same mode of action or multiple resistance to multiple pesticides via different mechanisms. Strategies to manage resistance include rotating pesticides, using mixtures, integrating pest control methods, and developing new pesticides. Proper pesticide use and resistance monitoring are important to delay resistance problems.
Genetic engineering can be used to improve the traits of beneficial insects used for biological control. Some traits that can be modified include host range, temperature tolerance, pesticide resistance, pathogen resistance, and reproductive abilities. Transposable elements and viral/bacterial vectors are tools used to transform insects. Genes from other species have been introduced to produce strains with improved traits. Similar techniques have been applied to entomopathogenic fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and viruses to enhance their efficacy against pests while reducing risks to the environment. Future work requires thorough evaluation of genetically modified organisms' ecological impacts.
Biological control agents can be applied using three main techniques: introduction, augmentation, and conservation. Introduction involves deliberately introducing natural enemies into areas where they are not native. Augmentation involves mass rearing and releasing natural enemies to supplement existing populations. Conservation preserves and increases natural enemies through environmental manipulation. Specific application methods depend on the type of agent. For insects, techniques include seed treatment, soil application, and foliar application. Release methods aim to maximize agent effectiveness against target pests.
Host range of mungbean yellow mosaic virus (mymv) and influence of age of see...Jayappa Singanodi
Among twelve different plant species belonging to two families viz. Leguminosae and Solanaceae, only leguminous crops such as soybean (Glycin max (L.) Merr.), Pigeonpea (Cajanuscajan (L.) Millsp.), Black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper), Horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.) and French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were transmitted with MYMV. Seedlings with early inoculation recorded highest per cent transmission. 93.33 per cent transmission was recorded in ten days old seedlings followed 80, 66.66, 46.66 and 33.33 per cent transmission were recorded by 15, 20, 25 and 30 days old seedlings, respectively.
Kertas Soalan Subjek Sains Tahun 5
Eksperimen ini melihat hubungan antara jumlah sel kering dan kecerahan mentol. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak sel kering yang digunakan, semakin terang mentolnya. Eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah sel kering terhadap kecerahan mentol. Pembolehubah yang dapat diidentifikasi adalah jumlah sel kering sebagai pembolehubah manipulasi dan kecerahan mentol sebagai pembolehubah tergantung.
This document provides information about microbial biopesticides, specifically entomopathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It begins with an introduction to microbial control and defines entomopathogens. It then discusses the history, classification, mode of action, symptoms, and target pests of entomopathogenic bacteria including Bacillus thuringiensis. Next, it covers entomopathogenic viruses including classification, examples, and mode of action. Finally, it summarizes entomopathogenic fungi including some of the most common types, their history of use, mode of action, and toxins produced.
The document summarizes the commercial production process of Trichogramma spp., a biocontrol agent used to control pest populations. It discusses the mass production technique which involves rearing Corcyra cephalonica moths on maize grains to produce eggs, which are then used to rear Trichogramma spp. The parasitized eggs are placed on cards ("Trichocards") and delivered to agricultural fields, where they are stapled to plant leaves to control pests. The document also provides details on the market potential, basic requirements, financial and project details to establish a commercial production unit of 30,000 Trichocards per year.
Ujian bahasa malaysia tahun 2 akhir tahun 2016moonbeam8705
Dokumen ini berisi soalan-soalan ujian bahasa Melayu untuk tingkatan 2. Soalan-soalannya meliputi kefahaman bacaan, penulisan, tatabahasa, dan padanan kata. Ujian ini terdiri dari 2 bahagian dan memerlukan peserta untuk menjawab semua soalan sebanyak 100 markah.
Biological control (from the ecological viewpoint) is, the action of parasites, predators, or pathogens in maintaining another organism's population density at a lower average than would occur in their absence.
This document outlines the terms and conditions for a rental agreement between John Doe and Jane Smith for the property located at 123 Main St. It specifies the monthly rental rate of $1,000 due on the 1st of each month, the security deposit of $1,000, and the lease term of 1 year beginning January 1st, 2023. The landlord and tenant responsibilities for repairs and maintenance are also defined.
Fungi are the commonest pathogens in insects, with approximately 1000 species known to cause disease in arthropods.
most entomopathogenic fungi infect insects by direct penetration through the cuticle and killed by production of toxins.
Several entomopathogenic fungi, such as Metarhizium spp. And Beauveria spp., have been developed as environmentally friendly alternatives to chemical insecticides in biocontrol programs for agricultural pests and vectors of disease
Mushroom cultivation A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director Gene...Mr.Allah Dad Khan
Mushroom cultivation A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General Agriculture Extension KPK Province and Visiting Professor the University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan
The document discusses determining the optimum adult population density for rearing Chrysoperla carnea (green lacewings) in cages. It finds that glass cages were best, allowing easier feeding, egg harvesting, and cleaning. Experiments testing densities of 50, 100, 150, and 200 adults found the lowest mortality (10%) and highest egg production (630 eggs) at the lowest density of 50 adults. Higher densities led to increased mortality and fewer eggs laid.
Computer Top 500 Questions Best MCQ in HindiSONU HEETSON
Computer Top 500 Questions. Best MCQ in Hindi PDF for all competitive exams like Delhi police, DRDO, Bank, RRB PO, SSC CGL , RAILWAY, CHSL, MP POLICE, HSSC etc.
Strategies for resistance management.pptxHarman Singh
This document discusses strategies for pesticide resistance management. It begins by defining pesticide resistance as populations of pests becoming less responsive to pesticides over time due to evolution. The rate of resistance development depends on factors like the frequency of resistant genes and selection pressure from pesticides. Resistance can be cross-resistance between pesticides with the same mode of action or multiple resistance to multiple pesticides via different mechanisms. Strategies to manage resistance include rotating pesticides, using mixtures, integrating pest control methods, and developing new pesticides. Proper pesticide use and resistance monitoring are important to delay resistance problems.
Genetic engineering can be used to improve the traits of beneficial insects used for biological control. Some traits that can be modified include host range, temperature tolerance, pesticide resistance, pathogen resistance, and reproductive abilities. Transposable elements and viral/bacterial vectors are tools used to transform insects. Genes from other species have been introduced to produce strains with improved traits. Similar techniques have been applied to entomopathogenic fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and viruses to enhance their efficacy against pests while reducing risks to the environment. Future work requires thorough evaluation of genetically modified organisms' ecological impacts.
Biological control agents can be applied using three main techniques: introduction, augmentation, and conservation. Introduction involves deliberately introducing natural enemies into areas where they are not native. Augmentation involves mass rearing and releasing natural enemies to supplement existing populations. Conservation preserves and increases natural enemies through environmental manipulation. Specific application methods depend on the type of agent. For insects, techniques include seed treatment, soil application, and foliar application. Release methods aim to maximize agent effectiveness against target pests.
Host range of mungbean yellow mosaic virus (mymv) and influence of age of see...Jayappa Singanodi
Among twelve different plant species belonging to two families viz. Leguminosae and Solanaceae, only leguminous crops such as soybean (Glycin max (L.) Merr.), Pigeonpea (Cajanuscajan (L.) Millsp.), Black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper), Horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.) and French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were transmitted with MYMV. Seedlings with early inoculation recorded highest per cent transmission. 93.33 per cent transmission was recorded in ten days old seedlings followed 80, 66.66, 46.66 and 33.33 per cent transmission were recorded by 15, 20, 25 and 30 days old seedlings, respectively.
Kertas Soalan Subjek Sains Tahun 5
Eksperimen ini melihat hubungan antara jumlah sel kering dan kecerahan mentol. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak sel kering yang digunakan, semakin terang mentolnya. Eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah sel kering terhadap kecerahan mentol. Pembolehubah yang dapat diidentifikasi adalah jumlah sel kering sebagai pembolehubah manipulasi dan kecerahan mentol sebagai pembolehubah tergantung.
This document provides information about microbial biopesticides, specifically entomopathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It begins with an introduction to microbial control and defines entomopathogens. It then discusses the history, classification, mode of action, symptoms, and target pests of entomopathogenic bacteria including Bacillus thuringiensis. Next, it covers entomopathogenic viruses including classification, examples, and mode of action. Finally, it summarizes entomopathogenic fungi including some of the most common types, their history of use, mode of action, and toxins produced.
The document summarizes the commercial production process of Trichogramma spp., a biocontrol agent used to control pest populations. It discusses the mass production technique which involves rearing Corcyra cephalonica moths on maize grains to produce eggs, which are then used to rear Trichogramma spp. The parasitized eggs are placed on cards ("Trichocards") and delivered to agricultural fields, where they are stapled to plant leaves to control pests. The document also provides details on the market potential, basic requirements, financial and project details to establish a commercial production unit of 30,000 Trichocards per year.
Ujian bahasa malaysia tahun 2 akhir tahun 2016moonbeam8705
Dokumen ini berisi soalan-soalan ujian bahasa Melayu untuk tingkatan 2. Soalan-soalannya meliputi kefahaman bacaan, penulisan, tatabahasa, dan padanan kata. Ujian ini terdiri dari 2 bahagian dan memerlukan peserta untuk menjawab semua soalan sebanyak 100 markah.
Biological control (from the ecological viewpoint) is, the action of parasites, predators, or pathogens in maintaining another organism's population density at a lower average than would occur in their absence.
This document outlines the terms and conditions for a rental agreement between John Doe and Jane Smith for the property located at 123 Main St. It specifies the monthly rental rate of $1,000 due on the 1st of each month, the security deposit of $1,000, and the lease term of 1 year beginning January 1st, 2023. The landlord and tenant responsibilities for repairs and maintenance are also defined.
This document provides an overview of a presentation on carbon stock and sequestration potential under different land uses in Indian soils. It discusses definitions of soil organic carbon sequestration and stock. It also reviews studies on soil organic carbon distribution and pools in India. Specific data is given on soil organic carbon concentration in major Indian city soils and benchmark soils. Comparisons of organic carbon stocks are made between soil orders and land uses in India and worldwide.
This document discusses carbon stocks, carbon pools, and carbon sequestration potential under different land uses in Indian soils. It provides background on carbon cycling and storage in soils, outlines carbon pools in Indian soils, and discusses factors that influence carbon sequestration potential such as soil type, climate, land use and management practices. The document reviews research on carbon storage in Indian agricultural soils and the potential to enhance soil organic carbon through improved land management.
Agricet model paper 3
1. 1
T.Raja Shekar
1. 牋朽或牋伍牋む旭牋 牋朽或牋牘牋 牋朽或牋о鮎牋 牋牘牋萎握牋 牋迦 4 牋 牋牋鉦圧牋 牋蹏牋? [C]
A. 牋牋逗渥牘牋牋牋 B. 牋牋牋о牋謹牋牋 C. 牋牘牋迦牋牋牋牘牋牋 D. 牋牘牋朽或 牋牋鉦圧牘
2. 牋伍牋牘牋牋鉦渥牋牘 牋牋牘牘牋む或 牋牘 牋о姶 牋牘牋萎握牋 牋蹏牋 ? [D]
A. 牋朽鮎牋萎牋
牋 牋牋む或牋逗牘牋迦 B. 牋牋む牋む旭牘牋鉦芦牘 C. 牋牋牋÷牋迦 D. 牋伍牋牘牋朽牋謹鮎牋迦
3. 牋牘牋迦牋牋逗姶牘 牋迦 牋朽牋牋÷挨 牋牘牋牘牋 牋伍牋牋牘牋 ? [B]
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40
4. 牋牋牘牋劇葵牋鉦阿牘牋 牋迦牋牘牘牋牋÷牋, 牋牋む牋萎牋迦牘牘 牋牘牘牋÷鮎 牋牋朽 牋牋迦或牋む鮎牋迦 牋牋牋牋逗牋牘牋 牋牋牘牋牋 牋 牋謹鮎牋伍牋む牋む牋 牋牋萎牋逗斡牘牋о姶
牋牋牋謹牋 ? [A]
A. 牋迦牘牋劇渥牋 B. 牋朽或牋謹芦牘牋劇娃 C. 牋牋鉦牘牋劇或牋牘牋 D. 牋朽鮎牋伍牋む圧牋
5. 牋む或牋逗牘牋 牋朽或牋о鮎牋牋鉦姶牋逗或 牋牋逗圧牘牋謹 牋牋牋逗或牋 牋伍牋牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋? [B]
A. 1996 B. 1991 C. 2001 D. 2002
6. 牋朽牋牘 牋牋鉦渥牋牘牘牋迦姶牘 牋牋牋逗或 牋萎牋鉦芦牘牋牋 牋朽旭牘牋牘牋牘牋萎牋逗牋牘牋牘? [D]
A. 3 B. 5 C. 2 D. 4
7. 牋牘牋萎牋
牋 牋牋÷ 牋牋
牋 牋牘牋牘牘
牋 牋牘牋牘牋迦 牋牋牋逗或牋牋牋 牋牋朽旭牘? [D]
A. 牋牋鉦牋о B. R. 牋牋鉦牘牋萎 C. H. 牋劇芦牘 D. S. 牋項牘
8. 牋牋牋÷芦 牋牋逗牋 牋牋萎牋逗扱牋む 牋迦 牋伍牋む牋む牋 牋萎牋逗牋逗宛牘牋む牋逗牋劇姶牘 牋謹鮎牋む牋? [C]
A. 15 B. 33 C. 9 D. 20
9. 牋牋逗芦牘
牘 牋伍牋
牋 牋牋逗芦牘 牋伍牋鉦牋牘牋む或牋牘 牋朽鮎牋牋牋む阿牋牋 牋牘牋項愛牘牋牋÷挨 牋伍牋牋伍牋? [D]
10. 牋牋
牋 牋牋伍牋 牋伍牋牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牘牋鉦姶牋逗牋 牋牋牋逗或牋伍牋鉦旭牘
牘 牋牋萎牋牘牋牘? [B]
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
2. 2
11. WTO 牋牋
牋 牋萎牋牋 牋牋萎牋逗牋逗姶 牋伍牋牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋? [D]
A. 1990 B. 1996 C. 1940 D. 1955
12.GST 牋牋牋牋? [C]
A. 牋牋鉦亜牘牘 牋伍牋萎牋牘牋伍 牋牋鉦牘牋伍宛 B. 牋牘牋萎牘 牋伍牋萎牋牘牋伍 牋牋鉦牘牋伍宛 C. 牋朽宛牘牘
牋 牋伍牋む牋朽芦 牋牋牘牋 D. 牋牘牋 牋伍牋む牋朽芦 牋牋牘牋
13.1949牋迦 牋 牋牋鉦渥牋牋牘牘 牋牋鉦阿牘牋牋 牋牋о渥牋牋÷或牋牋牋? [C]
14.牋 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋牋逗芦牘
牘 牋牋鉦渥牋牋牘牘 牋蹏牋? [D]
A. NABARD B. RRB C. RBI D. 牋迦牋÷ 牋牋鉦渥牋牋牘牘
15.牋伍牋項牋鉦旭 牋伍牋牋伍牋鉦芦 牋牘牋牘牋 牋迦牘牋劇渥牋 牋伍牋牘牋牋 牋牋朽宛牘牋萎牋鉦芦牘 牋む牋萎牋÷ 牋迦牋牋鉦葵牘牋牘牋 牋牋鉦愛牘牘 牋牋牘牋牋 牋
牋 牋牋逗牋 牋伍牋牋牋牋о或牋牋牋逗姶牋牋? [D]
牋牋む或牋牋逗宛牋牋鉦芦牘 牋牋牘
牋牋む或牋牋逗宛牋牋鉦芦牘 牋牋牘
牋牋む或牋牋逗宛牋牋迦 牋牋牘
牋牋む或牋牋逗宛牋牋迦 牋牋牘
16.牋 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋牋萎牋逗扱牋 牋迦牋牋鉦旭牘牋 牋伍牘牋む牋逗? [D]
17.牋朽姶牋萎牋迦 牋牋萎牋逗握牋逗阿牘牋 牋牋鉦姶牘, 牋牘牋萎牋逗牘牋迦 牋牋牋萎牋逗握牋逗阿牘牋. 牋 牋朽渥牋牋 牋牘牋牘牋 牋迦牘牋劇娃牋 ? [B]
A. 牋朽鮎牋伍牋む圧牋逗牘 B. 牋牋朽牋鉦斡牘 C. 牋伍牋牋劇或牋牘牋 D. 牋伍牋牋劇或牋む牋迦牋牋
18.DY/DX 牋伍牘牋む牋逗 牋 牋牋む牋牋む或牋 牋牋 牋牘牋牋む宛牘牘
牋 牋牋牋? [A]
A. 牋牋牋鉦旭牘牋逗阿牘 B. 牋伍牋牋牘 C. 牋牘牋む牋む D. 牋牋む鮎牋牋牋逗牘
19. 牋牋萎牋逗牋牘牋朽牋む牋む芦 牋牋逗牋鉦旭牋 牋牋む牋牋む或牋 牋牋鉦旭牋牋鉦芦牘 牋牋牋逗或 牋萎牋鉦芦牘? [B]
A. 3 B. 4 C. 7 D. 5
20. 牋朽牋牘牋伍牋む阿牋牘 牋牘牘牋牘牋牋牋牘 牋牋牋÷ 牋蹏牋? [D]
A. 牋牋萎牋 B. 牋牋鉦握 C. 牋牋伍牋む阿牋萎牋 D. 牋牋
牋 牋牘牋
3. 3
21.牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋牋牋鉦握牘 牋む牋牘牋迦 牋牘 牋む牋牘
牋 牋牘牘牋牘 牋萎牘牋 牋蹏牋? [D]
A. 牋 牋牋む B. 牋牋牘牋む 牋牋鉦娃牋 C. KL 9 D. 牋朽鮎牋牋牋牘牋迦
22. 牋牘牋牋牋 牋牋逗圧牋萎牋 牋牋鉦牋鉦姶牋逗或 牋む 牋牋牋牋鉦姶牋逗或 牋蹏牋牋牋鉦旭牘 ? [B]
A. 牋牋÷或牋÷牋牘 B. 牋牋む牋牋逗牋牘 C. 牋牋逗葵牋む葵牋牋牘 D. 牋牘牋朽姶牘牋
23. 牋牋逗牋牋迦 牋迦牋牋 牋牋牋÷
牘 牋 牋項鮎牋萎牋牋牋牘 牋朽芦牋 牋朽牘牋牋牘 ? [B]
A. 牋牋牋逗宛牋牘 B. GA3 C. ABA D. NAA
24. 牋 牋牋鉦葵牋牋 牋迦 牋牘牘牋牘 牋÷牘牋牘牋伍牋む阿牋牋伍 牋萎牋鉦芦牘 牋蹏朽或? [D]
A. CO-1 B. CO-2 C. CO-4 D. CO-3
25. Feni 牋牋む牋 牋牋牋鉦旭牘牋 牋 牋牋牋÷ 牋牘牋牋牋 牋む牋牘牋萎 牋牋о宛牘牋
牋 牋萎? [C]
A. 牋牋
牋 牋牘牋 B. 牋牘牋牋逗亜牋 C. 牋牘牋÷或 牋牘牋牋逗亜牋 D. 牋牋牋鉦宛牘
26. 牋牋牋む 牋謹鮎牋む牋 牋牋伍牋む阿牋牋逗牋鉦握牘
牘 牋牘牋 牋朽姶牋逗牋萎 牋牋 牋牋萎牋逗牋牋逗宛牘牋
牋 牋萎 ? [B]
A. 4% B. 2 % C. 5 % D. 10 %
27. 牋牋÷牘 牋迦 牋牘牋牘牋牋迦姶牘 牋牋牋む 牋牋む牋 牋迦 牋牘牋む或牋む旭牘牋逗宛牘牋
牋 牋萎 ? [D]
A. 1 M B. 1 cm C. 10 cm D. 1 foot
28. 牋牋鉦牋逗牋伍 牋 牋萎牘牋 牋牋牘牋牋 牋 牋牋牋む或 牋萎牘牋? [B]
A. 牋牋牋÷或牋牋牘 B. 牋牋牘牋む或牋牋 C. 牋牘牋逗牋牘 D. 牋牋牋萎牋逗牋
29. 牋牋伍牋む阿牋逗牋÷或牋牋牘 牋迦牋牋牘 牋牋
牋 牋伍 牋 牋牋
牋 牋牋む牋 牋迦 牋牘牋萎牋牘牘牋牘? [D]
A. 牋牋牋牋鉦芦牘 B. 牋牘牋牋牘 C. 牋牘牋牘牋 D. 牋牘牋萎鯵
30. 牋牋牋о或 牋牋逗愛牋о斡牘 牋牘牋牋牋橿或牋牘 牋朽或牋伍牋む牋む旭牋牋 牋迦 牋牋牋む 牋牋牋朽 牋牘牋牋 牋牘牋迦或牋牋 牋朽牋牋牋? [A]
A. 6.3 M ha. B. 7.2 M ha. C. 7.92 M ha. D. 6.13 M ha.
T.Raja Shekar
4. 4
31.牋牋鉦阿牘牋 牋牋牋朽 牋牋鉦芦牋伍牋む 牋牋逗牋鉦旭牋 牋牋牋む 牋謹鮎牋む牋 牋牋÷圧牋 牋朽牋牋牘 牋牋萎牋鉦渥牋朽旭牋牋 牋伍牋牋む 牋迦渥牋 牋牋
牋朽牋牋牘牋牋牋 [C]
A. 50% B. 25 % C. 33 % D. 60%
32. 牋朽姶 牋牋項 牋む牋伍圧牋鉦芦牘 牋 牋牋迦芦牘 牋牋萎牋牘牋牘 ? [C]
A. Jan-Feb B. June-July C. July-August D. Dec-Jan
33. 牋牘 牋÷ 牋朽渥牋朽宛牘牋鉦渥牋 牋牋牋逗或牋伍牋牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牘牋鉦芦牘 牋牋о宛牘牋む牋む旭牘? [B]
A. 5-7 B. 2-3 C. 4-6 D. 8-10
34. 牋牋萎牋逗亜牘 牋牘牋牘 牋牋萎牋逗斡牘牋о姶牋 牋伍牋
牋 牋牋 牋牋牘牋牋 牋朽牋牋牋? [C]
A. 牋牋牋о或 牋牋逗愛牋о斡牘 B. 牋牋む牋む旭 牋牋逗愛牋о斡牘 C. 牋萎牋鉦牋伍牋
牋 牋牘 D. 牋牘牋萎鯵
35. 牋牋逗圧牘牋謹 牋牋牋逗穐牋÷或牋 牋牘牋迦牋牘 牋牘牋牘牋? [B]
A. 牋牋鉦旭牘牋 B. 牋迦牋牋牋鉦姶牋 C. 牋伍牘 牋萎牋 D. 牋伍牋む牋牘牋÷鮎牋牘
36. 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋牘牋牘 牋牋朽旭牋牋 牋蹏牋? [C]
A. 牋牋
牋 牋牘 B. 牋伍牋
牋逗 牋牋 C. 牋牘牋伍牘 D. 牋ム牋萎牋牋
37. 牋牘牋朽姶 牋牋萎牋朽牋迦 牋 牋朽渥牋朽宛牘牋鉦渥 牋牋萎牋逗斡牘牋о姶牋鉦芦牋牋牋逗牋 牋伍牋牋牋牋÷或牋牋牋逗姶牋朽或? [C]
A. 牋牘牋萎牘牋逗旭牘 B. 牋牘牋÷葵 C. 牋о旭牘牋牋 D. 牋牋牋萎牋鉦圧牋む或
38. 牋朽牋萎牋謹牋牋 牋謹鮎牋伍牋む牋む牋 牋牋鉦握牋 牋 牋牋鉦扱 牋牘牋牋牋 牋牋牘牋牋朽或牋牋牋逗牋牋? [B]
A. 牋迦牋牋逗姶牘 B. 牋牋牋萎牘牋 C. 牋牋萎穐牋逗牘牋 D. 牋項牋牘
39. 牋牘牋牋逗旭牘牋-6 牋萎牘牋 牋牋牋 牋牋鉦芦牋 ? [C]
A. 110-140 B. 115-125 C. 90-100 D. 160-170
40. 牋伍牘牋牘牋劇握 牋牋
牋 牋項阿牘 牋迦牋牋 牋牘牋 牋牋逗牋 牋牋牋? [C]
A. 牋牘牘牋伍牘牋 B. 牋牘牋朽牘牋迦 C.
牋牋萎或 牋牘牘
牘 牋む或牋萎牋牘牋÷
D. 牋朽牋萎牋謹牋牋
T.Raja Shekar
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41. Sunflower 牋迦 牋伍牘牋牋 牋萎牘牋 牋蹏牋? [D]
A. DRMF 108 B. KBSH-1 C. KBSH -2 D. 牋牘牋萎亜牋牘
42. 牋牋牘牋牘牋 牋む牋牘
牋 牋牘牘牋牘 牋牋む或 牋牋迦或 牋牋劇牘牋 牋牋萎阿牘 牋牋牋む ? [A]
A. -165 B. -180 C. -116 D. -120
43. 牋牋÷鮎牋迦或牋牋逗牋伍牋む阿牋牋逗 牋牘牘牋牘牋牋牋鉦姶牋逗牋 牋牘牋牋牋逗姶 牋牘牋 牋牋逗牋 牋牋牋 牋蹏牋? [C]
A. 牋牋朽或牋伍牋迦 B. 牋牋牘牋牘牋 C. 牋牘牋朽牘牋迦 D. 牋牘牘牋伍牘牋
44. 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋牋逗阿牋逗阿 牋伍牋牋牘牋 牋萎牋鉦芦牘 ? [D]
A. 牋伍牋萎宛牘牘牋む B. 牋牋萎圧牋逗牋牘 C. 牋牘牘牋劇娃 D. 牋迦牋 牋牋鉦牋牘 H-5
45. BT 牋牋逗阿牋逗阿 牋牋牋逗或 牋萎牋牋牘牋 牋朽旭牋牘牘 牋謹牋牋 牋牋牋 牋牘牋萎牋牘牋牘 牋む牋牘
牋 牋牘牋牘牋牘? [C]
A. 60-70 B. 100-150 C. 90-100 D. 120-140
46. 牋牋迦或 牋朽鮎牋む鮎牋朽旭牋牋 牋 牋牋謹 牋牋
牋 牋伍 牋牋牋 牋牋萎牋牘牋牘牋迦牘牘 牋牘牋項愛牘牋牋÷牋牘? [C]
A. 牋牋鉦旭牘牋 B. 牋牋迦牋 牋牋迦牋 C. 牋牋萎牘牋伍握牘 D. 牋牋鉦姶牋逗牘牋
47. 牋朽旭牘牋逗芦牘 牋о牋萎 牋牘牋迦牋牘 牋萎牋鉦芦牋牘牘 牋牋鉦牋朽芦牋伍牋む阿牋 牋牘牘牋萎? [A]
A. 25 x 15 cm B. 15 x 15 cm C. 15 x 10 cm D. 10 x 15 cm
48. 牋牘牋牘牋 牋牘牋牋 牋伍牋鉦挨牋鉦旭牋 牋萎牋鉦芦牋牘牘 牋朽或牋む牋む姶 牋萎牘牋牘 牋牋牘牋萎牋鉦牘牘 牋牋牋む? [A]
A. 7kg B. 10kg C. 4-5kg D. 10-12kg
49. 牋牋迦宛牘牋牋牋牋 牋牘牋牋 牋牋牋÷或牋牋牋 牋萎穐牘 牋牋
牋 牋牋む鮎牋迦 牋蹏朽或? [A]
A. 牋牋迦
牘 牋萎 B. 牋牋迦
牘 牋牋 C. 牋牘牋牋牋 D. 牋牘牋÷葵
50. 牋牘牋 牋牘牋牋逗 牋牋迦芦牘 牋朽或牋む牋 牋む鮎牋萎? [D]
A. 牋牋牋伍牘
牋 B. 牋牘牋牘 C. 牋牘牋迦牘 D. 牋伍牋む葵牋逗牋牋萎
T.Raja Shekar
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51.Bulrush millet 牋牋牋 牋 牋牋牋 牋牘牘 牋牘牋萎? [B]
A. 牋朽旭牘牋 B. 牋伍牋牘 C. 牋牘牋牋 D. 牋萎牋鉦牋
52. 牋謹牋牋 牋牋牋 牋牋朽或牋萎牋鉦悪牋朽 ? [B]
A. 牋牋牘牋む或牋牋 B. 牋牋牘牋牋牋逗宛牘牋
牋 牋牘 C. 牋牋牋牋
牘 牋牋о斡牘 D. 牋牋萎牋鉦姶牘
53. JS-335 牋萎牘牋 牋 牋牋牋萎牋鉦芦 牋牋牋牋牋 牋伍牋牋牋牋÷或牋牋牋逗姶牋牋? [C]
A. 牋牋迦圧 B. 牋謹牋牋 C. 牋伍牘 牋牘 D. 牋牘牋牋牋
54. 牋牘牋牘牋 牋牘牋牋 牋迦 牋 牋む牋牘牋迦牋牘 牋牋鉦旭牘牋牘牋迦 牋萎牋鉦牘 牋牋牋牋鉦旭牘? [D]
A. 牋牋 牋 牋む牋牘牋迦 B. 牋牋牋 牋む牋牘牋迦 C. 牋朽牋萎 牋牘牘牋迦
牘 D. 牋牋鉦牋÷ 牋牘牘牋迦
55. 牋牘牘牘牋伍牋む牋牋
牘 牋牘牋迦 0.6 牋牋
牋 /1牋迦 牋牋む牋逗牋鉦旭牘牋 牋牋о渥牋牋 牋朽芦牋 牋萎牋鉦牋 牋迦 牋 牋む牋牘牋迦 牋牘 牋牋逗圧牋鉦旭牘牋逗牋 牋牋朽牘牋牋牘?
A. 牋牋牋о牋 牋牋牋 B. 牋牋牋 牋む牋牘牋迦 C. 牋牋牋逗 牋む牋牘牋迦 D. 牋牘牋朽或 牋牋鉦圧牘
56. 牋牘牋萎牘牘 牋迦 牋牋÷或牋 牋牘牘牋牘牘 牋む牋牘牋迦牋牘 牋牘牋迦牋牋牋о宛牘牋む 牋牋鉦旭牋牘牋 ? [D]
A. 牋謹或牋迦牋牋о或牋牘 B. 牋朽牋萎宛牘 C. 牋謹牋朽芦牋 D. 牋牘牋牘牋牋
牘 牋伍牋鉦握
57. 牋朽旭牋 牋朽或牋牘牋牘牋伍牋 牋 牋牘牋朽或 牋伍牋牋牘牋萎握牋 牋朽芦牋 牋牋萎牋牘牋牘? [B]
A. 牋謹或牋迦牋牋о或牋牘 B. 牋朽牋萎宛牘 C. 牋牋鉦牘牋逗旭牘牋逗渥牘 D. 牋迦牘牋牘牋牘
58. 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋牋鉦葵牋萎 牋伍牋牋牋牋牋逗阿牘 牋謹或牋迦牋牋牘牋 牋牋鉦斡牋逗姶牋? [B]
A. MgCl2 B. 牋牘 牋萎牋牋 牋牋逗斡牘牋萎握牋 C. 牋牘
牘 牋萎牋鉦姶牋逗芦牘 D. 牋牋
牘 牋牋牋鉦圧牋鉦牘牋伍宛
59. 牋萎牘牘牋牘牋牋鉦牘牋逗旭牘牋逗渥牘 牋伍牋 牋迦姶牋 牋朽芦牘 牋朽旭牘牋逗芦牘 牋朽牋о 牋む牋牘牋迦 ? [D]
A. 牋牋牋о牋 牋牋牋 B. 牋牋牋逗 牋む牋牘牋迦 C. 牋牘牋牋 牋牋牋÷ D.
牋牋鉦握牘 牋牋 牋
60. 牋朽牋萎牋謹牋牋 牋迦 牋牘牋朽 牋牘牘牋迦
牘 牋む牋牘牋迦 牋牘牘 牋朽鮎牋項牘牋 牋蹏牋? [C]
A. 牋牘牋牘牋牋
牘 牋伍牋鉦握 B. 牋む牋迦 牋牘牋 C. 牋む鮎牋牋 牋牘牋萎牋牘牋迦 D. 牋牘牋迦或 牋牘牋萎牋牘牋迦
T.Raja Shekar
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61.牋牋牘牋牘牋牋迦 牋牘牋 牋萎牋鉦牘 牋 牋牋鉦牋鉦芦牋牘 牋む牋牘牋迦 牋牘 牋牘牋迦或牋牋逗牋牘牋牘? [C]
A. 牋朽牋萎
牘 B. 牋牋牘牘牋迦 C. 牋牋鉦渥牋迦 D. 牋牘牋劇葵牋
62. 牋 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋牋逗牘牘牋牋む 牋牘牋萎牋牘牘 牋迦牋÷旭牘 牋牋朽旭牘 牋牘牋逗亜牋萎? [C]
A. C D Pate B. M.S.牋伍牋鉦牋牋逗姶牋鉦挨牋牘 C. P.Venkata raman D. 牋牋鉦旭牋牋牘 牋牘 牋萎牋
牘 牋牋牘
63. 牋牋牋 牋牋牋 牋迦 牋牘牋÷或牋牘 牋む牋牘牋迦 牋牘牋迦或牋牋逗牋牋 牋牋鉦旭牋牘牋? [C]
A. 牋萎牘牘牋牘牋牘牋 牋牋逗渥牘 B. 牋朽牋萎宛牘 C. 牋蹏萎牋逗宛牘牋む阿牋 D. 牋牋鉦姶牘 牋ム牋牘牋牋鉦宛牘
64. 牋о
牋 牋朽牋牘牋萎娃 牋朽或牋む牋む姶牋 牋牘牋牘牋 牋牋牘牋 牋伍牘牋牋牋む 牋牋牋む? [B]
A. 100% B. 99% C. 99.9% D. 99.5%
65. 牋牋牋牋鉦旭牘 牋牋伍牘牋牘牋萎牋牘 牋朽或牋む牋む姶牋 牋牋萎牋逗握牘牋牋 牋牋牋む? [A]
A. 12 x 6 Cm B. 15 x 7.5 Cm C. 15 x 15 Cm D. 15 x 10 Cm
66. 牋牋む或牋む芦牘 牋牋牋牋
牋 牋伍牋む葵牋伍牋む阿牋牘牋む牘牋 牋伍牋牋牘牋 牋萎牘牋 牋蹏牋? [C]
A. 牋朽旭牋迦牘牋劇或牋 B. DCH-1 C. 牋伍牘牋牘牋 D. 牋о鮎牋萎牋鉦牋
67. 牋牋牘牋牋牋 牋伍牋牋牋萎牋 牋朽牋牋逗芦牘 牋牘牋牋逗葵牋む牋牋牘? [A]
A. Sunflower B. Ragi C. 牋牘牋牋 D. 牋牘牋牋牋
68. 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋逗圧牋鉦姶牋逗芦牘 牋む挨牋牋牘牋牋迦 牋 牋牘牋萎握牘牋牋逗牋 牋牘牋牋牘牘牋む鮎牋牋 ? [C]
A. Dipteran B. coleopteran C. hymenoptera D. orthopteran
69. 牋朽或牋む牋む姶 牋牋牋逗 牋蹏萎葵牋÷或牋 牋伍牋牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋 牋蹏牋? [B]
A. 1963 B. 1966 C. 1969 D. 1972
70. 牋牘牋牋牘牋 牋朽或牋む牋む姶 牋牋萎牋牋牘牋 牋牋逗渥牘牋牋謹鮎牋 牋牋牘牋牋 牋牋牋牋? [B]
A. 牋迦牘牋 B. 牋牘牋 牋∇或牋迦牘 C. 牋牘牋牘牋 D. 牋朽牋牋鉦牘
71.牋 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋 牋朽或牋む牋む姶 牋牋牘牋牋鉦牘牘 牋牘牘 牋牋о或牋牋鉦旭 牋項 牋牋 牋牋牋÷愛牘牘? [B]
A. 牋朽旭牘牋逗牋牋牘 B. 牋伍牋む牋朽鮎 C. 牋牘牘牋朽牋牘牋萎娃 D. 牋牋о或牋牋鉦旭牘牋逗牘
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72. 牋牋逗牋牋牋牋鉦旭牘牋 牋項牘牘牋牋 牋牋牋逗或 牋伍牋牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牘牋鉦芦 牋朽旭牋牘牘 牋朽旭牘牋逗阿牋伍牋
牋 牋牋 ? [C]
A. 1-2 牋牋牋萎牋 B. 5-10 牋牋牋萎牋 C. 15-20 牋牋牋萎牋 D. 20-25 牋牋牋萎牋
73. 牋朽牋萎 牋牘牋萎牋牘牋迦 , 牋牋む芦牘 牋牘牋萎牋牘牋迦 牋 牋牋牋鉦旭牋 牋迦 牋朽牋牋牋鉦渥牋? [D]
A. A B. V C. B D. C
74. 牋牋逗旭牋牋迦 牋牘 牋牘牋÷阿牘 牋 牋牘牋萎牋牘 牋朽芦牋 牋朽牘牋牋牘? [A]
A. 牋む鮎牋牋 B. 牋牋萎旭 牋牋迦或牘 C.
牋謹牋牋 牋牋牋
D. 牋朽牋萎 牋牘牋萎牋牘
75. 牋牋牋 牋迦 牋 牋牘牋萎牋牘 牋牘牋牘牋 牋牘牋牋牘牘 牋牋む 牋牋牘牘牋牋牋 牋牋鉦姶牘, 牋朽姶牘牋牘 牋牋鉦阿牘 牋む牋迦牋牋鉦姶牘 牋朽牋牋÷牋牘
牋牘牋牋 /牋牋鉦渥
牋む牋迦牋牘 牋牘牋萎牋牘
B. 牋む牋迦 牋牘牋 C. 牋牘牋牋牘 牋牘牋萎牋牘牋迦 D.
牋牋牘牘 牋む牋迦牋牘
76. 牋牋萎牋 牋伍牋萎牋 牋牘牋牋垂 牋牘牋伍 牋迦 牋 牋牘牋萎牋牘牋迦姶牘 牋む牋牘
牋 牋牘牘牋牘 牋萎牘牋 ? [A]
A. 牋牋 B. 牋牋牋牘牘 牋牘牋萎牋牘 C. 牋牋牘 牋牋牋牘 D. 牋迦牋牋萎
77. 牋牋迦
牘 牋 牋牋牘牘牋迦 牋牋牘牋朽或 牋牋鉦渥牋牘牋牘 牋迦 牋牋謹或牋牋牋 牋 牋牘牋萎牋牘 牋迦牘牋劇娃牋鉦芦牘? [A]
A. 牋迦愛牘牘 牋牘牋萎牋牘 B. 牋む牋迦牘牋牘
牋 牋牘牋萎牋牘 C. 牋伍牋 牋牋迦 D.
牋÷牘牋牋牋÷ 牋牋鉦牘牋
78. 牋 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋牘牋牋逗亜牋逗芦牘 牋朽牋о 牋牘牋牘 牋牋鉦牋伍 牋牋伍牋 牋蹏牋? [A]
牋む挨牋 牋牋牋牘
牋牋鉦牋÷ 牋む牋迦牋牘
C. 牋牘牋牋牘 牋牘牋萎牋牘 D. 牋牋む牋÷或 牋牘牋萎牋牘
79. 牋牋迦牋牘牋 牋迦 牋萎愛牘牋牋逗牘牋迦 牋伍牋牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牘牋鉦姶牋逗牋 牋牋牋逗或 牋伍牋む牋牘牋牘牋牋萎
牘 牋牋萎牋牘牋む鮎牋牋? [B]
A. 10.5 B. 12.5 C. 13.5 D. 9.5
80. 牋伍牋む阿牋牋萎牘牋牘 牋牘牋牋逗芦牘 牋 牋牋牋牋迦 牋牋謹或牋牋牋牘? [B]
A. 牋牋 牋牋鉦牘牘 B. 牋牋伍牘牋牘 C. 牋牋迦牋 D. 牋牘牋朽姶牘牋
T.Raja Shekar
9. 9
81.牋牋鉦娃牋 牋牘牋萎
牋 牋迦(arrows) 牋牘牋牘牋 牋牋牋牘牋 牋牋萎牋逗渥牘 牋牋 牋÷圧牘? [A]
A. 5,40 B. 5,20 C. 5,50 D. 5,30
82. 牋萎牘牋牋牋逗牋牘 牋萎牋鉦亜牘 牋迦 牋朽牋牋÷姶牋 牋迦牋牋 牋牘牋牋逗葵牋む牋牋逗姶 牋萎牋牘 牋牋牋? [D]
A. 牋む牋迦牋牘 B. 牋牋伍牘牋牘 C. 牋牋萎牋牘 D. 牋牘牋迦
83. Q=28AD/EH 牋牋牘 牋伍牘牋む牋逗 牋迦 D 牋牋牘牋劇旭牋 牋蹏牋 牋む牋迦牋牘牋牘? [C]
A. 牋朽或牋伍牋む牋む旭牋牋 B. 牋牋鉦芦牋 C. 牋迦牋む D. 牋牋 牋牋萎牋逗握牘牋牋
84. 牋牋牋萎姶牘 牋項牋伍 牋迦 牋謹牋む鮎牋牋鉦芦牋 牋迦 牋牋牋÷圧牋迦宛牘牋む阿牋 牋牋鉦牋む或 牋牋萎牋逗握牘牋牋? [B]
A. 129.6 k Lux B. 3.2 k Lux C. 312 k Lux D. 415 k Lux
85. Fog cooling system 牋牋牋萎姶牘 牋項牋伍 牋迦 牋牋逗圧牘牋謹 牋牋牋逗或牋 牋伍牋牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋? [B]
A. 1972 B. 1980 C. 1969 D. 1988
86. 牋牋
牋 牋牘牋逗旭牘 牋牋 牋牋牋逗牘牋牘 牋伍牋む牋萎牋牋萎 牋牋牋逗或 牋迦牋牋萎 牋萎宛牘牋鉦渥牋 牋牋
牋 牋朽姶牋鉦姶牋逗或 牋牋逗牋牋牋÷牋牘? [C]
A. 100-1000 B. 100-500 C. 500-2000 D. 2000-4000
87. 牋朽旭牘牋 牋牋牋 牋迦 牋牋牘牋 牋 牋牋鉦牋萎牋 牋牋牋 牋牘牘 牋牋牋逗或 牋牘牋牘牋 牋牋逗牋牋迦 牋朽牋萎 牋牋о渥牋朽牘牋 ? [A]
A. 15-20 B. 10-20 C. 50-60 D. 40-60
88. 牋牘牋牘牋牋牘牋牋 牋迦 牋牋о阿牋逗阿牘 牋む或牋牋牋牋÷ 牋牋牋む牋逗牋迦 牋牋牋÷挨 牋萎牘牋牘牋牋 牋伍牋牋牘牋 牋牋牋む? [B]
A. 1-5 B. 3-4 C. 5-6 D. 2-5
89. 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋伍牋項牋牘牋 牋牋萎穐牋牘
牋 牋 牋牋牘牘牋む或 牋蹏牋? [A]
A. 牋伍牋牘 牋÷牘牘牋牋逗牋牘 B. 牋劇牋鉦牘牋 牋÷牘牘牋牋萎 C. 牋牋逗姶牘 牋÷牘牘牋牋萎 D. 牋牋逗圧牋鉦姐 牋÷牘牘牋牋萎
90. LSU 牋÷牘牘牋牋萎 牋迦 牋牋逗牋 牋牋萎穐牋牘牋 牋伍牋牋牋牋迦 牋牋劇牘牋 牋牋萎阿牘 牋牋牋む 牋牋逗牋牋牘牘牋÷愛牘牘? [B]
A. 300
B. 400
C. 600
D. 1800
T.Raja Shekar
10. 10
91.CRIDA 牋伍牋牋伍牋 牋牋牘牋牋 牋牋牋牋? [D]
A. 牋牘牋牋牋牋 B. 牋牘牋牘牋 C. 牋牋牋牋橿牋萎 D. 牋項牋牘牋萎牋鉦穐牋鉦愛牘
92. 牋牋鉦亜牘牋牘 牋牘牋牋牘 牋伍牘
牋 牋迦 NPK 牋謹鮎牋む牋? [A]
A. 0.8: 0.3: 1.3 B. 1 : 2 : 3 C. 0.5 : 0.2 : 0.5 D. 1.6 : 2 : 2
93. 牋牋牋む 牋伍牋牋牋牋о或牋む 牋伍牋鉦牋牘牋逗牘牘牋む 牋伍牋む牋牋牋逗或牋 牋牋萎牋朽 牋蹏牋? [D]
A. FYM B. 牋朽旭牘牋逗握 牋牘牋牋牘 牋伍牘
牋 C. 牋朽牋 牋牋む牋÷或 D. 牋牘 牋牘 牋牘牋迦
94. 牋牘牋牘牋 牋伍牋む阿牋牘 牋牋萎 牋牋牋 牋萎牋逗渥牘 牋 牋牋牋逗 牋萎牘牋牋 牋牋萎牋朽 牋牘牋牘牋 牋謹鮎牋伍牋む牋む牋 牋牋鉦握牋? [D]
A. 牋牋牘牋牘 B. 牋牘牋迦牋 C. 牋伍牋む牋 牋牘牋迦牋 D. 牋朽牋牋迦或
95. 牋朽旭牘牋 牋牋牋 牋迦 牋朽鮎牋÷挨 牋項旭牘牋逗阿牘 牋牋萎牋朽 牋蹏牋? [D]
A. 牋萎牘牘牋牘牋牋逗渥牋 B. 牋朽牋牋迦或 C. 牋牋
牋 牋牋牋逗渥牘 D. 牋牋牘牋迦
96. 牋牋逗牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 VAM 牋牋牘牋牋 牋 牋牘 牋劇牋鉦姶牋逗或 牋牘牋萎牋逗牋逗牋牋÷鮎牋牋逗牋 牋牋牋牘牋牋逗牋牋牋÷牋牘? [B]
A. N B. P C. K D. Ca
97. 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋牋牘牋÷ 牋牋萎牋朽 牋蹏牋? [D]
B. NH4Cl C. NaNO3 D. 牋牘牋萎牋逗渥牘
98. 牋牘 牋萎牋逗牘牋 牋牋
牘 牋 牋迦 牋牘 牋萎牋鉦姶牘 牋謹鮎牋む牋? [B]
A. 11% B. 18% C. 22% D. 21%
99. 牋牋迦 牋牘牋÷ 牋牘牋迦芦牘 牋牋牘牘牋牋朽牋 牋牘牋牋逗葵牋む牋 牋牋牘牋牘 牋蹏牋? [A]
A. Na
B. Ca
C. Mg
D. K
100. 牋む牋迦 牋牘牋÷ 牋牘牋迦芦牘 牋迦圧牋 牋伍牋鉦牋牘牋逗阿牘 牋牋牋む? [B]
A. < 4 B. > 4.0 C. 4-5 D. 2-3
T.Raja Shekar
11. 11
101. 牋朽旭牘牋, 牋牋 牋牋鉦牘牘, 牋牘牘牋萎牋鉦渥牋,牋牋萎牋逗渥牘 牋牋牋 牋む牋牋迦姶牘 牋牋牋牋牋鉦姶牋逗牋 牋牋牘牋朽牋 牋牘牋迦芦牘? [A]
牋む牋 牋牋
牋 牋牋む 牋牋伍牘牋牘
B. 牋÷牋迦
牋 牋牘牋迦芦牘 C. 牋 牋牋む 牋萎牋鉦阿牋 牋牘牋迦芦牘 D. 牋牋萎旭 牋牘牋迦芦牘
102. 牋牋牋о或 牋牋逗愛牋о斡牘 牋迦 牋牘牋迦芦牘 牋牘牋牘牋牋牋牋 牋牋牋逗或 牋萎牋鉦芦牘? [B]
A. 4 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9
103. 牋牘牋牘牋牋迦芦牘 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋牋 牋伍牋牋牘牋 牋牋逗旭牋, 牋牋む牋逗牋牋 牋牘牋朽牋逗旭牋牋迦芦牘 牋牋牋牘牋牋牋÷挨 牋伍牘牋牘牋劇握 牋牘 牋劇牘牋?
A. Cu B. K C. Mn D. Na
104. 牋牘
牘 牋萎牋牋伍牋む阿牋伍 牋牋牘牋牋 牋 牋牘 牋劇牘 牋迦牋牋鉦牋, 牋牘牋萎牋逗阿牋牋牘 牋迦牘牋劇娃牋? [A]
A. Fe B. Cu C. Mn D. Mo4-
105. 牋牋む牋逗姐牋萎牋逗阿牘牋 牋牋逗旭牘牋鉦握牋牋牋迦 牋迦 牋牋牋牋逗牘 牋牋鉦牋 牋牋牋逗姶牋 牋牘 牋劇牘牋? [B]
A. Na+
B. Mg2+
C. K+
D. Cu2+
106. 牋牘牋牋 牋伍牋牋牋牋о握牘牋迦姶牘 牋伍牋萎
牘 牋牋鉦牘 牋牋о渥牋÷牋迦 牋牋牋牘牋牋牋÷挨 牋牘 牋劇牘牋 牋蹏牋? [C]
A. N B. P C. K D. B
107. 牋牘牋牘牋牋迦芦牘 牋牋萎牋逗牘 牋牘牋朽牋逗旭牋牋迦牘牘 牋牋牋牘牋牋牋÷挨 牋牋牋逗或 牋項鮎牋萎牋牋牋牘牋牘 k+ 牋牋逗渥牋牋む或牋逗宛牘牘
牋 牋牋牋?[D]
A. 100 B. 50 C. 80 D. 60
108. C: N 牋牋逗扱牋牋む或牋 牋牋牋む 牋牋牋牘 牋牘 牋劇牋鉦芦 牋朽或牋÷牋牘牋 牋牋萎牋牘牋牘? [B]
A. 10:1 B. <20:1 C. >30:1 D. 12:1
109. 牋牘牋迦芦牘 牋牋萎牋逗牘 牋牋牘牋牋牋 牋伍牘牋牋逗牘 牋牘牋萎牋牋迦姶牘 牋牘牋萎握牋牋牘牘牋牘牋萎牋逗牋牋 牋牘牋 牋伍牋鉦握牋萎牋
牋 牋鉦姶牋逗或 牋蹏牋牋牋鉦旭牘?
C. ACE D. Buffering Capacity
110.牋牋牘牋牘 牋牋萎握牘牋牘 牋伍牋牋牘牋 牋牋牋む? [C]
A. 20 B. 25 C. 26 D. 30
12. 12
111. 牋牋牋牘 牋牘牋牋 180 牋÷或牋牋牋萎芦 牋牋牋逗姶 牋牋牘牋朽 牋牋牘牘牋む或? [B]
A. 牋牋劇或 牋牋迦牘 B. 牋萎牘牋牘牋牋 C. 牋む或牋逗牘牋牘牋牋 D. 牋牋む 牋萎牋牋牘牋
112.牋牘牘 牋牋逗牋牘 牋牘牋÷旭牘 牋萎宛牘牋鉦渥牋 牋牋鉦旭牘牋牋迦? [C]
A. CaO B. Ca(OH)2 C. CaOCl2 D. Mg(OH)2
113.牋牘牋逗圧 牋萎牋鉦牋 牋迦牋牋 牋牋牋鉦牋萎牋牋牋牋 牋迦 HCl : NHO3 牋牋逗扱牋牋む牋 牋迦 牋牋牋む? [B]
A. 1:3 B. 3:1 C. 2:1 D. 4:1
114.牋牋伍牋む阿牋牋逗牘牋 牋牋
牘 牋 牋牋 牋む牋牘牋萎牋牋о宛牘牋む阿牋牋牋 牋牋朽旭牘? [A]
A. 牋牘牋迦牘 B. 牋朽牋迦旭牘 C. 牋牋萎牋逗鮎 牋迦牋牘 D. 牋牋萎牋牘牋迦或牋牋伍
115.牋牋牋牘牋牘 牋迦 牋牋牋÷挨 牋牋逗 牋牋牋о鮎牋 牋伍牋牋牘牋 牋牋牋む? [C]
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
116.牋牋逗挨牋鉦姶 牋牋鉦牋牋牋 牋伍牋牋牘牋 牋牘 牋 牋牋牘牋劇旭牋 牋む 牋伍牘牋牋逗宛牘牋
牋 牋萎? [A]
A. n B. s C. l D. m
117.I am waiting _______ the bus stop. (Choose correct preposition) [C]
A. On B. In C. At D. Into
118.How many oval sounds are there in English language? [B]
A. 5 B. 12 C. 24 D. 44
119.牋 牋牋逗旭牋牋牋 牋朽鮎牋牋逗芦牘 牋牋む牋牋牋む 牋牘牋萎牋牋牘牘牋, 牋朽牋牋牋牋 牋牋牋逗牋о宛牘牋む 牋牘牋牋牋牋牋牋萎牋 牋蹏朽或? [B]
C. Laptops D. Servers
120. 牋牋鉦旭牋む牋牋о斡牘牋牋迦 牋牘牋牋 牋牘牋牘牋牋 牋伍牘牋牋萎 牋牘牋牋牋牋牋牋萎 牋蹏牋? [A]
A. Param Shivax B. Vikram C. COC 6600 D. DRDO
T.Raja Shekar