Home Grown Cow (http://www.homegrowncow.com?src=slideshare) is the first national web site focused on connecting meat, poultry and cheese producers with customers who care where their meat comes from. We welcome all farms and all farming practices as our goal is to offer as much choice as possible to our customers. We also empower many small farms to use the Internet to market and sell their products.
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AgWired Blog - A little business
1. 04.18.2011
Going fishing. Gulf of Mexico here I come.
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A Little IntroβA Little Business About
This is my first post on AgWired and Cindy asked that I write a Directory
little about myself. Clients
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Herearesomeofthefacts:Im the daughter News
Biggest Agri-Marketing ofafourthgenerationfamilyfarmer.IthinkI Testimonials
Conference since 2000 and you
can enjoy it in photos. Thanks to have the greatest job in the world. I get to tell
Denny Eilers, Iowa Photo Farm, thestoryofAmericanAgriculture.Whetherit AgWired
for once again making great Profiles
contributions. is educating the consumer about the real
facts of agriculture or talking to the farmer Digg
about new and exciting things related to their Facebook
What causes higher food industryeverydayseemstobeanadventure.IamtheAgri- Flickr
prices?online survey Business Director for WMBD and WIRL located in the heart of Friendfeed
corncountry(Peoria,Ill.).And the fun stuff I like to think Im Linked in
eccentric.Alittleartsy.Ilikefunkymusic,evenfunkierjewelry MySpace
and creating art from behind the lens of camera. Thats me in the 12seconds.tv
2011 Agri-Marketing photo with my friend and fellow NAFBer Rick Coyle with AgWired
Conference Northern Ag Network. Twitter
Welcome to Agri- Twitter
Marketing Conference One of the great things about my job I constantly hear about
Week. new and innovative things. Twitter
AgWired Live
In this week's program I get a While Farmers Markets may not be new and innovativethey TV
preview of the conference from YouTube
vice chair, Matt Coniglio, are certainly a hottopicallyearlong.JohnAikmanbecamea
Fastline Publications. statisticoftherecession.AfterAikmanlosthisjobhesayshis Our Network
ZimmComm can be found in idle time and over active mind came up with the concept of
booth 412 in the Connection AgNewsWire
Home Grown Cow.Sowhatisit?Hes created a virtual meat Domestic Fuel
Point trade show.
market of sorts with a goal or pairing farmers with eaters (what a Precision Pays
Subscribe if you haven't and concept,huh?!)withsomenetworkingalongtheway. World Dairy
enjoy. Diary
Listen to the ZimmCast ZimmComm
Often times when I hear ideas like this and it is aimed at
Subscribe in iTunes promoting organic farming practices only.What
ZimmCast Archives agvertisements
caught my attention with Johns site and
business venture it supports all types of
make farmers the price makers instead of price takers.
Categories Aikmansvisionwillsoonbecomeareality.Whiletheyarent
quite ready to take orders yet they are signing up farmers and
Select Category 6
hope to be fully operational soon.
You can check them out at Home Grown Cow and listen to
Select Month 6 Johns story here: John's Story
2. Posted by Meghan April 6, 2011 7:04 pm 1
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Categories: Grocery,Social Networking
1 Comment 損
April 7, 2011 12:56 pm
AgWired 損Blog Archives 損Introducing Meghan Grebner
[...] should have done this before her first post, but AgWired
is proud to introduce Meghan Grebner as our newest [...]
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