The document discusses the importance of managing electronic health records as business records. It notes that while paper records still exist, more digital records are being created every day through various systems. Courts now accept secured electronic files and printouts of electronic records as evidence in lawsuits as long as the integrity of the records can be demonstrated. Healthcare organizations must have rigorous policies for retrieving and transmitting original electronic source records in response to subpoenas or requests for patient information. Electronic health records encompass a wide range of digital health information and must be properly managed throughout their lifecycle.
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Ahima2010 Summer Presentation Writ Kohn
Deborah Kohn
1 息 2007
2. Learning Objectives
1. Understand the importance of managing Electronic
Health Records (EHRs) as business records.
2. Manage the process of electronic records management
for evidentiary discovery purposes.
3. Review information systems capable of creating
electronic health records, such as eMail systems,
dynamic Web site systems, and PACS.
4. Create a comprehensive plan for the life cycle
management of the organizations electronic business
息 2007
4. Todays Healthcare Organization
However, more digital / electronic
records are created than analog
servers log thousands of network interactions
staff members create hundreds of eMail
databases record gigabytes of information
息 2007
5. Trade Off?
Digital / electronic records / film
might take up less physical space
than their predecessors, but they
remain business records that
might be subpoenaed for medical
malpractice lawsuits or other
legal actions.
息 2007
6. Managing Electronic Records/Film
As such, the management of
electronic records / film
requires the same rigorous
principles applied to analog
paper records / film.
息 2007
7. Way Back When 1970s
Acknowledging Subpoenas
The physical delivery of original,
analog source documents / records.
Only rudimentary paper photocopy
machines existed (thermo facsimiles)
息 2007
8. Way Back When 1970s
Deborahs cardboard box approach!
息 2007
9. Way Back When 1980s - 1990s
Acknowledging Subpoenas
Photocopies of original, electronic
source documents and records
息 2007
10. 2010
Acknowledging Subpoenas
Secured electronic files of original,
electronic source documents and
Hard copy computer printouts of
original, electronic source documents
and records
息 2007
11. 2010
Secured electronic files and hard copy
computer printouts are admissible in court as
long as the healthcare organization can
the trustworthiness of the system(s) used to store
and retrieve the documents and records
the accuracy of the organizations records
management policies and procedures
the documents and records were not created just
for a court case.
It is important to verify the courts acceptance
of digital records on a state-by-state basis.
息 2007
12. 2010
Acknowledging the humungous
number of other requests for
Release of Information (RoI) /
Disclosure of Information
Demanding and, in most cases, entitled
to any and all records connected to
an episode of care
息 2007
13. No Longer Cardboard Boxes
Organizational intranets and Web portals
allowing designated Custodians of Records,
RoI professionals, and even patients
after rigorous authorization and
authentication processes to
click on hyperlinks
instantaneously retrieve original electronic
source documents and objects required by
subpoenas or other requests
securely transmit them to the requesters
息 2007
14. Electronic Source Records
All related digital (electronic)
patient financial records from
financial data repositories
息 2007
15. Electronic Source Records
All related digital (electronic)
patient medical records from
clinical data repositories, such
acute care health records
ambulatory care health records
long-term care health record
mental health care records
息 2007
16. Electronic Source Records
Includes all related:
Digital conversations, including
eMail messages, vMail messages, e-
annotations (the equivalent of
electronic Post-it notes), text
messages, and digitized telephone
息 2007
17. Electronic Source Records
Includes all related:
Digital diagnostic images from
diagnostic image repositories,
including digital X-rays as well as
CT, MR, and nuclear medicine
息 2007
18. Electronic Source Records
Includes all related:
Cine, including cardiac
catheterization and ultrasound
images (video files) from video
Digital medical dictation (audio
files) from audio repositories
息 2007
19. Electronic Source Records
Includes all related:
Medical transcription (text files)
from text repositories
Digital photographs, including those
taken from pathology digital
息 2007
20. Electronic Source Records
Includes all related:
Waveforms (signal trace or graphic
files) from signal trace repositories,
including ECGs, fetal traces, and
output from other electronic, point-
of-care medical devices
息 2007
21. Electronic Source Records
Handwritten Notes Laboratory Orders / Results
and Drawings
Orders / Medication Orders / MARs
Signed Patient
Online Charting
Consent Forms Original, and
Analog Discrete, Documentation
Documents- Structured
Document Data
Image Data Detailed
Radiology Charges
Reports Diagnostic
Text Data CT
Transcribed Image Data MR
Reports Video Ultrasound
Signal Nuclear Med
UBs and Data
Audio Tracing
Itemized Bills Data
Data Pathology
Ultrasound and Images
Cardiac Catheterization
Examinations Heart Voice Dictations Monitoring Signal
Sounds & Annotations Tracings 息 2007
22. Electronic Health Records
Encompass health information
recorded on any digital medium
as read-only or rewritable
Magnetic tape / disk
WORM optical disk
息 2007
23. Electronic Health Records
Are evidence of transactions or
events that
have legal or business value (i.e.,
the records reflect the business
objectives of the organization,
such as receiving reimbursement
for services provided)
indicate an intention to be
息 2007
25. Electronic Health Records =
Not Business Records
Reproductions of the electronic
records that are provided by the
organization to an individual or
another healthcare organization
for convenience purposes
息 2007
26. Electronic Health Records =
Not Business Records
Ad hoc or draft electronic record
documents, such as some eMail,
some vMail, some eAnnotations,
text messages, work sheets, work
lists, works-in-progress, and
database manipulations
息 2007
27. Electronic Health Records =
Not Business Records
Personal Health Records (PHRs),
which are patient owned,
managed, and populated -- and
might include copies of the
healthcare organizations business
record files.
息 2007
28. Caveat?
the records are subsequently used by the
healthcare organization in evaluating or
treating the patient, such as providing care,
reviewing data, and documenting
observations, actions, or instructions
patient-owned, managed, and populated
tracking records, such as electronic
medication tracking records, glucose and
insulin tracking records, etc.
息 2007
29. Caveat?
December 1, 2006.
For example:
息 2007
30. Caveat?
Rule 26 the Rule that describes
the legal obligation to maintain and
disclose relevant records specifies
that a party must now, without
awaiting a discovery request,
provide to other parties a copy of, or
description by category and location
of, electronically stored
息 2007
31. Think About That
Without awaiting a Discovery
Provide a Copy of, or Description by
Category And
Location Of
Electronically Stored Information
息 2007
32. Electronic Records Management
The process by which
electronic records are created
and preserved for evidentiary
discovery (i.e., legal /
business) and, now, electronic
discovery purposes
息 2007
33. Electronic Records Management
Requires astute decision
making throughout the life
cycle of the electronic record
息 2007
34. Electronic Record Decision Making
What electronic records to keep?
How long to keep?
How to assign record authorities and
How to design the process?
How to administer the process?
How to audit the process?
How to review the process?
息 2007
36. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Example healthcare information
systems capable of creating electronic
records and then processing,
distributing, maintaining, storing,
retrieving, archiving, and destroying
the records
息 2007
37. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Patient billing and accounts
receivable systems
Healthcare information systems
Clinical information systems
息 2007
38. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Cardiology, laboratory, radiology, and
pharmacy information systems
Picture Archiving and
Communications Systems (PACS)
息 2007
39. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Digital dictation systems and speech
recognition systems
Word processing (i.e., transcription)
息 2007
40. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Electronic document management
systems (EDMSs)
Report, print, and output management
systems (e.g., reproduction systems)
息 2007
41. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
eMail systems (e.g., Microsoft
Collaboration systems (e.g., project
extranets and online conferencing
息 2007
42. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Dynamic Web site systems with online
forms, transactions, and metadata
息 2007
43. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Its now time for healthcare
organizations to address the new
challenges involved in the ongoing
maintenance and management of the
This requires:
management strategies
knowledge and leadership skills to
shape and deploy the strategies
息 2007
44. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Creating and maintaining EHR retention and
disposition schedules based on administrative,
legal, fiscal, and historical needs
Establishing documented procedures for the
scheduled destruction of obsolete EHRs and
retaining proof of such destruction
Developing, implementing, and maintaining
efficient EHR filing systems
Quickly locating and organizing EHRs
息 2007
45. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Training personnel in the use and
function of EHR management processes
Ensuring the confidentiality, security, and
integrity of the information contained in
the EHRs
Monitoring / auditing the completeness
and accuracy of the EHR content
息 2007
46. Automated EHRM Functions
Record capture, where a predefined set of
metadata is established supporting
accurate representation of the record
with disciplined disposition and retention
Record classification, where appropriate
categories of records are established with
applied rules
息 2007
47. Automated EHRM Functions
Record preservation format, where a
format, such as eXtensible mark-up
language (XML) or portable document
format (PDF), is established for retrieval
and cross-departmental interchange
Record retention calculation, where
triggers automatically save electronic
documents or Web content as records
according to pre-established business
息 2007
48. Automated EHRM Functions
Record disposition control, where rules
provide electronic notifications to
managers that certain records or
documents have met their retention
dates and require manual confirmation
to delete, save, or destroy
Record deletion and destruction and
suspension of record deletion and
destruction to support litigation.
息 2007
49. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Develop a comprehensive plan for
EHR life cycle management
Incorporate the plan into the
organizations IT strategic plan
Dictate the plan to the users
息 2007
50. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Develop EHR policy / procedure
guidelines for existing
information systems
Develop EHR policy / procedure
guidelines before buying new
EHR technologies / systems
息 2007
51. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
A ________ information system shall allow users
to create folder hierarchies, wherein users can
place electronic documents or records that contain
A ________ information system shall be capable of
automatically applying classification and retention
schedules that are established by the healthcare
A ________ information system shall be capable of
taking Web site snapshots, allowing users to
record the sequence of the screens encountered
during a Web site transaction.
息 2007
52. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Identify all existing enterprise-wide
repositories that securely store EHR
records and documents which merit
evidentiary discovery handling
Move all inactive or semi-active files
to separate, secure storage
息 2007
53. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Implement a regular sweep of EHR
information to ensure that the archive
is kept accurate and up to date
Trawl the archive and assign retention
flags to information
息 2007
54. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Destroy unflagged files from the
Manage large files and file types for
security purposes
息 2007
55. Health
Electronic ^ Records Management
Legal professionals
HIT professionals
HIM professionals
Risk / Compliance professionals
Clinical professionals
息 2007