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Contact No.:00966583000785 KSA.
E-mail: ahmadmostafa_70@yahoo.com
Senior Sales Manager Assignments
Offers expertise in management; sales & marketing; proven ability in capturing new & emerging markets; responsibility
and sales force development
Career Abstract
 Innovative professional with over 21 years of progressive management expertise with demonstrated skills in
initiative, creativity and success in the domain of Sales & Marketing and Business Development.
 Adept in managing business operations with focus on top & bottom-line performance and expertise in determining
companys mission & strategic direction as conveyed through policies & corporate objectives.
 . At ease in high stress, fast-paced environments with emerging and multiple responsibilities.
 Experience in managing distribution network, partner channels, large accounts and territories as well as
finding and converting prospects to customers.
 An enterprising leader with proven abilities in leading teams towards the achievement of organizational goals and
industry best practices.
Areas of Excellence
 Developing sales & marketing strategies to build consumer preference and
driving volumes.
 Conducting competitor analysis by keeping abreast of market trends and
competitor moves to achieve market share metrics.
 Establishing and implementing the short & long range goals, objectives,
policies and procedures.
 Conceptualizing and executing sales promotion schemes to increase the
brand visibility.
 Building and maintaining healthy business relations with corporate clients,
ensuring high customer satisfaction matrices by achieving delivery norms.
 Setting up retail stores for revenue enhancement and market penetration.
 Aligning merchandising activities like window display for effective visual
impact for higher conversion and maintaining a high-end store image.
2015 Till Now National Sales Manager (Italian Company). KSA.
Employment Scan
Strategic Planning
Business Development
Sales& Marketing
Channel Management
Franchisee Development
Category Management
Team Management
April 2011 till Sep 2015: Dairy and Juices Company - Eastern Region
Regional Sales Manager
 Steering entire gamut of business operations including strategic planning, operations management, market
research, channel management and relationship management.
 Developing high performance culture to encourage and motivate sales team, distributors and business associates.
 Strengthening the distributor and retail network in the existing and previously unexplored markets
 2002 --2010 : Worked as a Sales Manager in Nader Group.
 Formulated action plans, schedules to identify specific targets and projected number of contacts .
 Planning & Leading Direct Distribution and Pre-Sale sales .
 Appointing Distributors & Business Associates for expanding market share.
 Headed entire sales and distribution management functions in the Kingdom.
 Developed and implemented monthly and quarterly business review with the Sales Director and NS Manager.
 Monitored the KBIs for the Kingdom by Branch by Salesman and takes the corrective action whenever needed.
 Controlled cost per case and achieved company goals.
20002002 worked in Sales field in U.S.A. (Diet food products).
19982000 Worked as a S .Manager at Energizer, Gillette, Johnson Wax Stork Food, Braun, Personal
Care, Dajani Group.
 Spearheaded complete distribution management functions for each region .
 Led and managed 3 Branches with 1 Van Manager, 3 Supervisors and 42 Salesmen.
 Defined and put in place Sales Distribution Plans.
 Maintained control cost per case and worked towards achieving company goals.
 Monitored the KBIs for the Kingdom by branch and conducted quarterly business review with the NS Manager.
1992  1994 salesman then 1994- 1997 Worked as a supervisor at:
Energizer, Gillette, Johnson Wax, Stork Food, Braun, Personal care under Dajani Group.
 Handled all sales & marketing and distribution management functions in the company.
 Developed and implemented sales plans & targets including routing as well as distribution plans.
 Administered complete key account management functions for (A & B) class customers.
 Defined and implemented proper Key Account Structure and set the promo calendar per account.
Key Projects Executed
Title: Hand Held implementation ~ Duration: 2004
Overview: Implemented HHT software in assigned area chosen to be the pilot for this project in JOR.
Role: Conducted study of HHT software with Manager and finalized it before implementation.
Title: Routes Creation (Sun white) ~ Duration: 2003.
Role: Created routes and sub routes for all van team which was not done before.
Professional Enhancement (Training / Courses)
 Microsoft Excel..JOR 2003.
 Time Management. JOR 2004.
 Negotiating Skills (2 Courses).JOR 2002
 Customer Service. UAE 1999.
 Training Program. Cyprus 2000
 Supervising Route Distribution Effectiveness. KSA 2011.
 Sales Techniques. KSA 2012
 Game Plan. Bahreen 2013
Scholastic s
 Diploma of Business Administration, from Science University in year 2000.
 Math: from Amman University college, Jordan in year 1992.
 Business administration :Nicholson University -USA-distance learning
Academic Accolades:
 Conferred with Award of Excellence in Business Administration and Management Project.
 Awarded with Certificate of Distinction in Consumer Behavior.
IT Skills: Conversant with MS-Office, Computer Hardware and Internet Applications
Personal Dossier
Date of Birth : 8th
Aug 1970.
Nationality : Jordanian.

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  • 1. AHMAD MOSTAFA Contact No.:00966583000785 KSA. E-mail: ahmadmostafa_70@yahoo.com Senior Sales Manager Assignments Offers expertise in management; sales & marketing; proven ability in capturing new & emerging markets; responsibility and sales force development Career Abstract Innovative professional with over 21 years of progressive management expertise with demonstrated skills in initiative, creativity and success in the domain of Sales & Marketing and Business Development. Adept in managing business operations with focus on top & bottom-line performance and expertise in determining companys mission & strategic direction as conveyed through policies & corporate objectives. . At ease in high stress, fast-paced environments with emerging and multiple responsibilities. Experience in managing distribution network, partner channels, large accounts and territories as well as finding and converting prospects to customers. An enterprising leader with proven abilities in leading teams towards the achievement of organizational goals and industry best practices. Areas of Excellence Developing sales & marketing strategies to build consumer preference and driving volumes. Conducting competitor analysis by keeping abreast of market trends and competitor moves to achieve market share metrics. Establishing and implementing the short & long range goals, objectives, policies and procedures. Conceptualizing and executing sales promotion schemes to increase the brand visibility. Building and maintaining healthy business relations with corporate clients, ensuring high customer satisfaction matrices by achieving delivery norms. Setting up retail stores for revenue enhancement and market penetration. Aligning merchandising activities like window display for effective visual impact for higher conversion and maintaining a high-end store image. Role: 2015 Till Now National Sales Manager (Italian Company). KSA. Employment Scan Strategic Planning Business Development Sales& Marketing Channel Management Franchisee Development Category Management Team Management
  • 2. April 2011 till Sep 2015: Dairy and Juices Company - Eastern Region Regional Sales Manager Role: Steering entire gamut of business operations including strategic planning, operations management, market research, channel management and relationship management. Developing high performance culture to encourage and motivate sales team, distributors and business associates. Strengthening the distributor and retail network in the existing and previously unexplored markets 2002 --2010 : Worked as a Sales Manager in Nader Group. Role: Formulated action plans, schedules to identify specific targets and projected number of contacts . Planning & Leading Direct Distribution and Pre-Sale sales . Appointing Distributors & Business Associates for expanding market share. Headed entire sales and distribution management functions in the Kingdom. Developed and implemented monthly and quarterly business review with the Sales Director and NS Manager. Monitored the KBIs for the Kingdom by Branch by Salesman and takes the corrective action whenever needed. Attainments: Controlled cost per case and achieved company goals. 20002002 worked in Sales field in U.S.A. (Diet food products). 19982000 Worked as a S .Manager at Energizer, Gillette, Johnson Wax Stork Food, Braun, Personal Care, Dajani Group. Role: Spearheaded complete distribution management functions for each region . Led and managed 3 Branches with 1 Van Manager, 3 Supervisors and 42 Salesmen. Defined and put in place Sales Distribution Plans. Maintained control cost per case and worked towards achieving company goals. Monitored the KBIs for the Kingdom by branch and conducted quarterly business review with the NS Manager. 1992 1994 salesman then 1994- 1997 Worked as a supervisor at: Energizer, Gillette, Johnson Wax, Stork Food, Braun, Personal care under Dajani Group. Handled all sales & marketing and distribution management functions in the company. Developed and implemented sales plans & targets including routing as well as distribution plans. Administered complete key account management functions for (A & B) class customers. Defined and implemented proper Key Account Structure and set the promo calendar per account. Key Projects Executed Title: Hand Held implementation ~ Duration: 2004 Overview: Implemented HHT software in assigned area chosen to be the pilot for this project in JOR. Role: Conducted study of HHT software with Manager and finalized it before implementation.
  • 3. Title: Routes Creation (Sun white) ~ Duration: 2003. Role: Created routes and sub routes for all van team which was not done before. Professional Enhancement (Training / Courses) Microsoft Excel..JOR 2003. Time Management. JOR 2004. Negotiating Skills (2 Courses).JOR 2002 Customer Service. UAE 1999. Training Program. Cyprus 2000 Supervising Route Distribution Effectiveness. KSA 2011. Sales Techniques. KSA 2012 Game Plan. Bahreen 2013 Scholastic s Diploma of Business Administration, from Science University in year 2000. Math: from Amman University college, Jordan in year 1992. Business administration :Nicholson University -USA-distance learning Academic Accolades: Conferred with Award of Excellence in Business Administration and Management Project. Awarded with Certificate of Distinction in Consumer Behavior. IT Skills: Conversant with MS-Office, Computer Hardware and Internet Applications Personal Dossier Date of Birth : 8th Aug 1970. Nationality : Jordanian. Thanks.