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Ahmed Faraaz Mobile: (91) 7259595700
Email: ahmedfaraaz87@gmail.com
Computer Application Post Graduate (MCA) with around 3 years of
experience in Manual and Automation Testing and Debugging.
Worked on both static and dynamic applications, Insurance, Tele-
Communication, Finance and CMS related application, testing and maintenance.
Core Competency
• System & Functional Testing, Planning & Execution around 3 years.
• Good exposure in bugs finding and isolation cum reporting using tools Bugzilla & HPQC(Ver10)
• Good at Performance testing and debugging of Web Application using J-Meter
• Requirement Traceability Matrix preparation & Review
• Experience in developing capturing and reuse automated Unit Test Cases, Test Stubs, Drivers,
and other Development test objects.
• Involved in performance testing. (Load, Stress, Soak, Stability, Failure and recovery, Reliability,
Scalability, Peak load testing.) for both Desktop and
• Involved in developing SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures and Query Optimization
• Experience in Testing and Debugging Application Build on HTML, XML, CSS/CSS3, JAXB,
DOM, DHTML, ASP, XHTML, Progress APS, Progress DB and Dynamics, Perl, SOAP,
• Involved in Mobile application Development and Testing
• Involved in Web Analytics and CMS Testing platform (Adobe CQ)
• Excellent in Testing of ASP, Java applications, SOAP UI TESTING.
• Excellent knowledge in SDLC, Agile and Bug life cycle.
• Exit and Entry Criteria document preparation for product.
• Work breakdown structures, Strategy/ Plan documents, and Summary/closure deliverables
• Experience in Writing and Executing Test cases, Test Completion report, Status reporting
• Good in handling WEB based applications with 2/3/Multi-tier architecture with following
technologies, XHTML, CSS/CSS3, Apache Tomcat, and Oracle.
• Knowledge in Advance Automation Testing Tools Bugzilla, Silk Test.
Work Experience
Working at Client location Sapient Nitro Nov-14 till Date
Previous Company Webshore Oct-2012 to Nov -2014
IT Proficiency Skills
Operating Systems : Windows XP, UNIX and MAC.
Programming Languages : C, C++, HTML/HTML5, CSS/ CSS3
Scripting : Perl, Java Script, J Query
Databases : MYSQL
Testing Tools (Automation) : HP QTP 9.2, HPQC 10.0, Load Runner
Other Testing Tools : Bugzilla, Jira .
CMS Tools : Adobe CQ5
Educational & Qualification
BCA from Sahyadri Science (Autonomous) college Shimoga,
MCA from Manasa Gangothri Mysore
Project Details
Project1: Insurance System.
Description This project is executed for Life Insurance Company Ltd. This system
captures WC (workman’s compensation) claim information from claim office,
for registration and first report of injury.
The project covers 3 sub-systems. Those are IRS (Integrated Receipt
System), claims and account payable system.IRS, receives all claims from
workers who got injured and store them into the claim database. The second
one is claim sub system, in this adjudication process takes place which
determines perfectness of claim, weather the claim should be paid or denied,
if it is paid how amount should be paid
Duration 2 years
Contribution  Understanding of requirement of users.
 Interacting with Client.
 Writing Test Cases.
 Execution of Test cases.
 Reviewing all the Requirements from the Requirement Documents.
 Involved in developing SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures
 Code Review/Drivers and Stubs Development
/Os/Tools used
Manual, HP QC, Code Review,
Project 2: ELIMS (Electronic land Information and Management System)
Description Electronic land Information and Management is a complete business solution
to manage the entire information about real state for buying and selling of
plot. Admin is the key module and is useful for admin to define and manage
the master entities and transaction entities require for the business customer
log in and track his profile which includes information about purchasing and
selling of land without any trouble.
Duration 6 Months
Contribution  Preparation of Test cases
 Execution of Test cases
 Reviewing all the Requirements from the Requirement Documents
Perl Reports Testing.
 DB Scripts Reports Testing
 Involved in developing SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures
 Code Review, ASPX, JSP.
Os/Tools used
Manual Testing, Debugging HP QC, Code Review
Project 3: SIMS (Sales and Inventory Management System).
Description Project covers the complete business solution to manage the entire sales and
inventory. Admin is the key module and is useful for mange all the
transaction entities required for the business. Customer log in and tracks his
sales order details, invoice details. In warehouse module manager log in and
tracks the goods to shipped, shipping slip generation, generate dispatch
order and update inventory. Supplier logs in track the pending inventory
orders, confirmed inventory orders and goods to be shipped
Duration 9 Months
Contribution  Understanding of requirement of users
 Preparation of Test Scenario
 Writing Test Cases
 Execution of Test cases
 Reviewing all the Requirements from the Requirement Documents
 DB Scripts Reports Testing
 Involved in developing SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures
 Code Review proxy server
 Code Review, ASPX, JSP.
 Code Review/Drivers and Stubs Development
Os/Tools used
Manual, HP QC,
Project 4: IntralSP-Boss.
Description Billing and Business Management System.
Duration 6 months
Contribution  Understanding Requirements of user
 Preparation of Test Cases.
 Execution of Test cases.
 Interacting with Client.
 Reviewing all the Requirements from the Requirement Documents.
 Code Review/Drivers and Stubs Development
/Os/Tools used
Manual Testing , Jira
Project 5: Automation of AMS (Active Mediation System)
Description Automation of Active Mediation System
AMS provides an efficient mediation layer between heterogeneous Network
elements and CSS/BSS application such as customer care, billing and fraud
Duration 5 months-Till Date
Roles and
 Automation of all basic features of AMS.
 Preparation of Test Cases.
 Execution of Test Cases.
 Interacting with Client.
 Perl Reports Testing.
 DB Scripts Reports Testing
 Code Review/Drivers and Stubs Development
OS/Tools used
QC Manual Testing ,Code Review , Jira
Project 6: IP Multimedia Subsystem
Description The Alcatel CSC-S product fulfils the functional role of the S-CSCF in IP
Multimedia (IM) architecture. The CSC- S product can be used for mobile and
fixed subscribers. In the first edition, the CSC-S is targeted for the mobile
market as its requirements are derived from the 3GPP IMS specifications. This S-
CSCF product exposes the main external interfaces to provide the complete IM
Solutions such as SIP, Cx/Dx, RF, Ro, and DNS interfaces.
Contribution  Involved in interface and system testing.
 Involved in bug tracking and reporting.
 Preparing and Executing of test cases
 Responsible for Functionality testing, Regression testing
 Prepared Test Summary Report and Test Report.
 Logged the defects and coordinated efforts with the development team to
solve the problems using defect-tracking tool.
 Code Review/Drivers and Stubs Development
OS/Tools used
GSM, Linux, Sun Solaris
Apache, IIS, IMS, SIP, Alcatel Voice Tool.
Role Both Manual and Automation Testing, Frame work Development
Additional Courses
Web Development
Software Testing in both Manual Advance Automation Testing Tools:
QTP 9.2, QC 10.0, Silk Test, Load Runner, Jira, Selenium.
• Participated in Best Practices sharing Event: Prepared a Dashboard on HPQC – A centralized
test management tool for distributed teams. I was instrumental in launching this tool in
• Achieved lots of good appreciation from our management for detecting high priority defects
through which bring build from abnormal to normal condition.
• Contributed to organization by taking initiatives in various process improvements.
• Got appreciation for dedication & commitment for continuously working for 6 weeks without any
leaves including on weekend.
Role Both Manual and Automation Testing, Frame work Development
Additional Courses
Web Development
Software Testing in both Manual Advance Automation Testing Tools:
QTP 9.2, QC 10.0, Silk Test, Load Runner, Jira, Selenium.
• Participated in Best Practices sharing Event: Prepared a Dashboard on HPQC – A centralized
test management tool for distributed teams. I was instrumental in launching this tool in
• Achieved lots of good appreciation from our management for detecting high priority defects
through which bring build from abnormal to normal condition.
• Contributed to organization by taking initiatives in various process improvements.
• Got appreciation for dedication & commitment for continuously working for 6 weeks without any
leaves including on weekend.

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Ahmed Faraz

  • 1. Ahmed Faraaz Mobile: (91) 7259595700 Email: ahmedfaraaz87@gmail.com Synopsis Computer Application Post Graduate (MCA) with around 3 years of experience in Manual and Automation Testing and Debugging. Worked on both static and dynamic applications, Insurance, Tele- Communication, Finance and CMS related application, testing and maintenance. Core Competency • System & Functional Testing, Planning & Execution around 3 years. • Good exposure in bugs finding and isolation cum reporting using tools Bugzilla & HPQC(Ver10) • Good at Performance testing and debugging of Web Application using J-Meter • Requirement Traceability Matrix preparation & Review • Experience in developing capturing and reuse automated Unit Test Cases, Test Stubs, Drivers, and other Development test objects. • Involved in performance testing. (Load, Stress, Soak, Stability, Failure and recovery, Reliability, Scalability, Peak load testing.) for both Desktop and • Involved in developing SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures and Query Optimization • Experience in Testing and Debugging Application Build on HTML, XML, CSS/CSS3, JAXB, DOM, DHTML, ASP, XHTML, Progress APS, Progress DB and Dynamics, Perl, SOAP, HTTP/HTTPS, TCP/IP,SVG, ASPX, JSP. • Involved in Mobile application Development and Testing • Involved in Web Analytics and CMS Testing platform (Adobe CQ) • Excellent in Testing of ASP, Java applications, SOAP UI TESTING. • Excellent knowledge in SDLC, Agile and Bug life cycle. • Exit and Entry Criteria document preparation for product. • Work breakdown structures, Strategy/ Plan documents, and Summary/closure deliverables
  • 2. • Experience in Writing and Executing Test cases, Test Completion report, Status reporting • Good in handling WEB based applications with 2/3/Multi-tier architecture with following technologies, XHTML, CSS/CSS3, Apache Tomcat, and Oracle. • Knowledge in Advance Automation Testing Tools Bugzilla, Silk Test. Work Experience Working at Client location Sapient Nitro Nov-14 till Date Previous Company Webshore Oct-2012 to Nov -2014 IT Proficiency Skills Operating Systems : Windows XP, UNIX and MAC. Programming Languages : C, C++, HTML/HTML5, CSS/ CSS3 Scripting : Perl, Java Script, J Query Databases : MYSQL Testing Tools (Automation) : HP QTP 9.2, HPQC 10.0, Load Runner Other Testing Tools : Bugzilla, Jira . CMS Tools : Adobe CQ5 Educational & Qualification BCA from Sahyadri Science (Autonomous) college Shimoga, MCA from Manasa Gangothri Mysore Project Details Project1: Insurance System. Description This project is executed for Life Insurance Company Ltd. This system captures WC (workman’s compensation) claim information from claim office, for registration and first report of injury. The project covers 3 sub-systems. Those are IRS (Integrated Receipt System), claims and account payable system.IRS, receives all claims from workers who got injured and store them into the claim database. The second one is claim sub system, in this adjudication process takes place which determines perfectness of claim, weather the claim should be paid or denied, if it is paid how amount should be paid Duration 2 years Contribution  Understanding of requirement of users.  Interacting with Client.
  • 3.  Writing Test Cases.  Execution of Test cases.  Reviewing all the Requirements from the Requirement Documents.  Involved in developing SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures  Code Review/Drivers and Stubs Development Domain/Language /Os/Tools used Manual, HP QC, Code Review, Project 2: ELIMS (Electronic land Information and Management System) Description Electronic land Information and Management is a complete business solution to manage the entire information about real state for buying and selling of plot. Admin is the key module and is useful for admin to define and manage the master entities and transaction entities require for the business customer log in and track his profile which includes information about purchasing and selling of land without any trouble. Duration 6 Months Contribution  Preparation of Test cases  Execution of Test cases  Reviewing all the Requirements from the Requirement Documents Perl Reports Testing.  DB Scripts Reports Testing  Involved in developing SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures  Code Review, ASPX, JSP. Domain/Language Os/Tools used Manual Testing, Debugging HP QC, Code Review Project 3: SIMS (Sales and Inventory Management System). Description Project covers the complete business solution to manage the entire sales and inventory. Admin is the key module and is useful for mange all the transaction entities required for the business. Customer log in and tracks his sales order details, invoice details. In warehouse module manager log in and tracks the goods to shipped, shipping slip generation, generate dispatch order and update inventory. Supplier logs in track the pending inventory orders, confirmed inventory orders and goods to be shipped Duration 9 Months Contribution  Understanding of requirement of users  Preparation of Test Scenario  Writing Test Cases  Execution of Test cases  Reviewing all the Requirements from the Requirement Documents  DB Scripts Reports Testing  Involved in developing SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures  Code Review proxy server  Code Review, ASPX, JSP.  Code Review/Drivers and Stubs Development Domain/Language Os/Tools used Manual, HP QC,
  • 4. Project 4: IntralSP-Boss. Description Billing and Business Management System. Duration 6 months Contribution  Understanding Requirements of user  Preparation of Test Cases.  Execution of Test cases.  Interacting with Client.  Reviewing all the Requirements from the Requirement Documents.  Code Review/Drivers and Stubs Development Domain/Language /Os/Tools used Manual Testing , Jira Project 5: Automation of AMS (Active Mediation System) Description Automation of Active Mediation System AMS provides an efficient mediation layer between heterogeneous Network elements and CSS/BSS application such as customer care, billing and fraud management Duration 5 months-Till Date Roles and Responsibilities  Automation of all basic features of AMS.  Preparation of Test Cases.  Execution of Test Cases.  Interacting with Client.  Perl Reports Testing.  DB Scripts Reports Testing  Code Review/Drivers and Stubs Development Domain/language/ OS/Tools used QC Manual Testing ,Code Review , Jira Project 6: IP Multimedia Subsystem Description The Alcatel CSC-S product fulfils the functional role of the S-CSCF in IP Multimedia (IM) architecture. The CSC- S product can be used for mobile and fixed subscribers. In the first edition, the CSC-S is targeted for the mobile market as its requirements are derived from the 3GPP IMS specifications. This S- CSCF product exposes the main external interfaces to provide the complete IM Solutions such as SIP, Cx/Dx, RF, Ro, and DNS interfaces. Contribution  Involved in interface and system testing.  Involved in bug tracking and reporting.  Preparing and Executing of test cases  Responsible for Functionality testing, Regression testing  Prepared Test Summary Report and Test Report.  Logged the defects and coordinated efforts with the development team to solve the problems using defect-tracking tool.  Code Review/Drivers and Stubs Development Domain/language/ OS/Tools used GSM, Linux, Sun Solaris Apache, IIS, IMS, SIP, Alcatel Voice Tool.
  • 5. Role Both Manual and Automation Testing, Frame work Development Additional Courses Web Development Software Testing in both Manual Advance Automation Testing Tools: QTP 9.2, QC 10.0, Silk Test, Load Runner, Jira, Selenium. Achievements: • Participated in Best Practices sharing Event: Prepared a Dashboard on HPQC – A centralized test management tool for distributed teams. I was instrumental in launching this tool in organization • Achieved lots of good appreciation from our management for detecting high priority defects through which bring build from abnormal to normal condition. • Contributed to organization by taking initiatives in various process improvements. • Got appreciation for dedication & commitment for continuously working for 6 weeks without any leaves including on weekend.
  • 6. Role Both Manual and Automation Testing, Frame work Development Additional Courses Web Development Software Testing in both Manual Advance Automation Testing Tools: QTP 9.2, QC 10.0, Silk Test, Load Runner, Jira, Selenium. Achievements: • Participated in Best Practices sharing Event: Prepared a Dashboard on HPQC – A centralized test management tool for distributed teams. I was instrumental in launching this tool in organization • Achieved lots of good appreciation from our management for detecting high priority defects through which bring build from abnormal to normal condition. • Contributed to organization by taking initiatives in various process improvements. • Got appreciation for dedication & commitment for continuously working for 6 weeks without any leaves including on weekend.