This document provides an introduction and overview of 5S, a methodology for organizing and managing workspaces and workflows. It defines the five steps of 5S as sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. The document explains that 5S aims to improve efficiency by eliminating waste, improving flow, and reducing unreasonable processes. It also lists some potential benefits of 5S, such as improved teamwork, reduced waste, and increased productivity and safety.
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1. Introduction to
Prepared & Presented By:-
Eng. Ahmed ElSobhy M. M. Omaira
Engineering Manager.
ElRazy Pharmaceuticals.
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5. 5
5S is a way of organizing and managing
the workspace and work flow. The
Objective is to improve efficiency by
eliminating Waste, improving flow and
reducing process unreasonableness.
6. 6
5S in Japanese/English/Arabic
5S is literally five abbreviations of Japanese terms with 5 initials of S.
English Arabic
S-1 Seiri Sort 惠惶
S-2 Seiton Set 惠惘惠惡
S-3 Seiso Shine 惠惴
S-4 Seiketsu Standardize 惠愀
惴 惠惓惡惠
S-5 Sitsuke Sustain 惠惓惡惠
12. 12
Problem Analysis/Solving Tools:-
1) 5Wys 2Hs
2) Cause and effect
3) Reason and Result
4) Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FMEA
5) Fault Tree
6) Fishbone
7) Pareto Analysis (80/20 rule)
8) Root Cause Analysis
9) What Ifs Scenarios
10)SWOT Analysis
11)Risk Analysis