This document describes an artificial intelligence system called "AI LANDSLIDE" that analyzes monitoring data to predict landslide velocity based on past inclinometric data and rainfall. It discusses applying the system to the Cassas Landslide in Italy, including input data used in the learning phase and accurate predictions of velocity data from 1998-2002 and displacement from 1991-2002. The document also mentions using the predictions to trigger civil protection alerts more reliably and studying mitigative measures like drainage tunnels. It concludes by noting the system could potentially be applied to predicting other natural phenomena beyond landslides.
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AI Artificial Intelligence. Landslide velocity prediction applied to the Cassas Landslide, Piedmont, Italy
2. Table of contents
Cassas Landslide
Input data
Velocity data prediction
Past displacement prediction
Mitigative measures
Other applications
3. Introduction
"AI LANDSLIDE" analyses
monitoring data and allows
reliable predictions of landslide
velocity based on past inclino-
metric data and rainfall.
Civil Protection Alerts can be
triggered with more reliability,
thus avoiding many costlycostly
crisis planning errorscrisis planning errors.
7. The learning phase encompassed 40 points.
A.I. LANDSLIDE can already effectively
predict velocities after a rather short learning
Prediction: Velocity data 98-02
12. Displacement
Real displacement Nov-98 to Ago-02
(46 months) Inclinometer n属3 20.5 cm
20.5 cm
Calculated displacement Jan-91 to Nov-98
(94 months) Inclinometer n属3 21.1 cm
13. According to the 束 AI Landslide 損 model the need of
implementing mitigative measures has clearly emerged. The
main scope being the depression of the ground water table
Three alternatives have been studied with a risk management
Deep drainage by vertical shafts and submerged
600 m long tunnel in stable ground with ascending
drainage boreholes
150 m long 3 x 3 m drainage tunnel in the
sliding mass with subhorizontal drains
束AI Landslide損 engineering
14. The system 束 AI Landslide 損 can be custom tailored to study
other events and phenomena than landslides.
Practically, any activity in which the driving parameters can be
measured and identified can be studied with 束 AI Landslide 損.
However the model has to be custom tailored for each
- Levels of water in a river or creek
- Deformations and settlements
- Tunnels convergence
- Rock mass movements
- Dispersion of contaminants
- Etc.
Other 束AI Landslide損 applications