本演講將引領您以學習 Angular 前端技術為起點,並火力展示當下最熱門的 ChatGPT 作為輔助工具,示範如何透過 AI 工具提升個人技術能力。我們將深入探索 ChatGPT 的原理,並介紹實用的 AI 工具,讓您輕鬆掌握任何知識,拒做 AI 的奴隸!透過本演講,您將發現 AI 不再是一個陌生的存在,而是您的最佳學習夥伴。別錯過這個學習技術的絕佳機會!
This is my first time to be a Speaker on COSCUP 2018(Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters), Introduce GDB(GNU Project Debugger) and share my working experience in semiconductor, help new developer could debug easily. That's my pleasure to share my debug experience on open source community
.NET Conf Taiwan 2022 - Tauri -前端人員也能打造小巧快速的 Windows 應用程式升煌 黃
Web 技術要統治世界真的不是說說的,現在到哪裡都可以看得到 web 技術的影子,透過 web 技術打造 Windows 應用程式也早已行之有年,但過去許多工具產出來的應用程式大小都非常龐大,直到 Tauri 的出現提供了我們另外一種選擇,透過 Tauri 我們可以輕易的打造檔案更小、速度更快、也更安全的 Windows 應用程式,而你所要會的,依然還是那些本來就該會的前端開發知識而已!本次分享將帶大家實際看看使用 Tauri 來撰寫 Windows 應用程式是一個怎麼樣的體驗。
This document discusses Angular standalone components, which were introduced in Angular 14 developer preview. Standalone components can be defined with the standalone: true flag, and import other modules, components, directives and pipes directly without needing NgModules. This allows for a more intuitive and lightweight development approach compared to traditional NgModules. Some key benefits mentioned are faster build times, smaller bundle sizes, and easier finding of components through direct imports. Examples are provided of defining and using standalone components. Readers are directed to the Angular documentation for more details on this new feature.
This is my first time to be a Speaker on COSCUP 2018(Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters), Introduce GDB(GNU Project Debugger) and share my working experience in semiconductor, help new developer could debug easily. That's my pleasure to share my debug experience on open source community
.NET Conf Taiwan 2022 - Tauri -前端人員也能打造小巧快速的 Windows 應用程式升煌 黃
Web 技術要統治世界真的不是說說的,現在到哪裡都可以看得到 web 技術的影子,透過 web 技術打造 Windows 應用程式也早已行之有年,但過去許多工具產出來的應用程式大小都非常龐大,直到 Tauri 的出現提供了我們另外一種選擇,透過 Tauri 我們可以輕易的打造檔案更小、速度更快、也更安全的 Windows 應用程式,而你所要會的,依然還是那些本來就該會的前端開發知識而已!本次分享將帶大家實際看看使用 Tauri 來撰寫 Windows 應用程式是一個怎麼樣的體驗。
This document discusses Angular standalone components, which were introduced in Angular 14 developer preview. Standalone components can be defined with the standalone: true flag, and import other modules, components, directives and pipes directly without needing NgModules. This allows for a more intuitive and lightweight development approach compared to traditional NgModules. Some key benefits mentioned are faster build times, smaller bundle sizes, and easier finding of components through direct imports. Examples are provided of defining and using standalone components. Readers are directed to the Angular documentation for more details on this new feature.
1. 跟著 AI 學習 Angular
黃升煌 Mike Huang
Angular GDE
活用 AI 讓你輕鬆快速掌握任何知識
2. About Me
黃升煌 Mike
● 著作
○打通 RxJS 任督二脈
○Angular GDE
○Microsoft MVP
● Awards
○第 12 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽冠軍
○2019 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽優選
○2018 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽冠軍
41. Thank You & QA
黃升煌 Mike Huang
Angular GDE