Architectural Millwork requires intimate knowledge of client culture, space and objectives and the creative design skills of architects and designers to properly establish and implement.
Functional / Utility Millwork requires intimate knowledge of the clients business processes, technology, space and objectives and the analytical skills of a workspace planner to properly establish and implement.
Virtually all projects and clients require both types of millwork.
2. Millwork: Classifications & Characteristics FUNCTIONAL / UTILITY LOW VISIBILITY PROCESS ORIENTATION FREQUENT CHANGES MODERATE COST / LF ($275-$375 LF) ARCHITECTURAL VERY HIGH VISIBILITY CULTURE & IMPACT ORIENTATION RARELY CHANGES MODERATE TO HIGH COST / LF ($350-$700 LF) Architectural Millwork requires intimate knowledge of client culture, space and objectives and the creative design skills of architects and designers to properly establish and implement. Functional / Utility Millwork requires intimate knowledge of the clients business processes, technology, space and objectives and the analytical skills of a workspace planner to properly establish and implement. Virtually all projects and clients require both types of millwork.
4. Space churn is 40% - 200% per year (IFMA), but ordinary millwork is not designed to change. Tear out & rebuild is not Green and creates high costs of change
5. Modular Millwork: A structural millwork system for active workrooms. Custom, Premium or Lab Grade Spec (As defined by AWI / WIC) Easy to change when space and business needs change. Design for functional and process work interiors
6. Modular Millwork... Cost competitive Green system (Reuse = Precycling) User friendly, ergonomic design Easy to relocate & reconfigure Personal property 7yr depreciation Consistent quality Lifetime Warranty Advantages
44. Modular Millwork Allows Space & Process Flexibility (Easy to reconfigure, relocate & reuse.) Enhances User Productivity Reduces Life Cycle Costs (as change occurs) Durable (Lifetime Warranty) Summary
45. Modular Millwork Green Product (Reuse = Precycling) Ergonomic System Easy to specify (Lego 速 Style Design) Local Expert Support CAD, Specs, & Design Summary