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Annual Report
#2 in
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Table of Contents | Page 2
? 2014
1.	 About AIESEC	 4
2.	 Letter from the President	 6
3.	 Letter from the Chairman of the Board	 7
4.	 Our story	 10
5.	 Our Team	 12
6.	 Timline of the year	 14
7.	 Our Reach	 16
8.	 Global Internship Program	 19
9.	 Global Community Development Program	 21
10.	 Team Member and Teader Porgrams	 23
11.	 Major Projects	 25
12.	 Our Stories	 27
13.	 Our Stakeholders	 31
14.	 Major Parners	 32
15.	 National Partners	 33
Stakeholders of AIESEC Ghana celebrate after receiving the African Regional Excellence award.
Top: Asare Sydney Kofi, Martina Frater, Babajide Okusanya, Courage Wemegah, Tinouye Oluwasho, Elizabeth Stava, Francis Kweku Ansah
Middle: Isaac Opoku, Andy Sarfo, ‘Nezer Quophi Maestro, Thomas Tarler
Bottom: Robert Tetteh, Francis Ayertey
Credit to Kareem Rida Photography
? 2014
This annual report is protected by copyright law and is owned by AIESEC Ghana.
This report may not be reproduced, copied, or archived without the prior written approv-
al of AIESEC Ghana. AIESEC Ghana is an independent legal subsidiary of AIESEC
International, and all rights are transfered to them in the event of the dislolution of
AIESEC Ghana. All rights reserved.
The AIESEC Name and logo are trademarked under Stiching AIESEC IP Licensing,
and are used with their permission.
A printed copy of this report may be requested by emailing ghana@aiesec.net, and
copies are availible at the AIESEC Ghana Office, No. 6 New Lodge Road, Taifa, Accra.
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | About AIESEC | Page 4
? 2014
AIESEC in Brief
AIESEC is the largest student run organization
in the world. With over 100,000 members and
operating in 124 different countries, no other organi-
zation even compares to our operations. For the eighth
year in a row, AIESEC is on the WorldBlue list of the
most democratic organizations in the world. We are
a member of the the World Economic Forum, and
have been invited several times to join the United Na-
tions. Our global partners include some of the largest
organizations in the world. Our alumni include Bill
Gates and Kofi Anon, as well as many other famous
world leaders.
Founded in 1948 by 6 students in Europe, the idea
behind AIESEC was to prevent another World War
by providing cross cultural experiences to students.
The underlying notion is easy to grasp: it’s hard to
fight a war against a country that you have lived in
and against people that you would call your brother.
Since then AIESEC has seen trememndous growth
while remaining true to its values.
One unique thing about AIESEC is that we change
over our leadership positions on a yearly bassis, and
ensure only students run AIESEC. Even the President
of AIESEC International is a recent graduate and will
only be in position for one year. This is what makes us
the most democratic organization in the world.
AIESEC bleives that leadership is the key solution
to all world problems. We develop the leadership of
students by having them participate in the organiza-
tion, and by also sending them on exchange. Our one-
year turnover constantly contributes to this turnover.
AIESEC by the Numbers
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | About AIESEC | Page 5
? 2014
The AIESEC Way is how AIESEC describes
the essence of our organization. It demon-
strates what we are as an organization, what we envi-
sion, our impact on the world, the way we do it, and
our values. While AIESEC goals and processses may
change, these remain constant year after year. These
are standard to all AIESEC entities accross the world.
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Letter from Our President | Page 6
? 2014
Aqui aceat faccatium et et
aut et, sum ut aut ever-
atquis dollor magnianimi, to quo
qui verchit, coratquos sumqui blam
nos andandae landem re conet etur
moditasseque con cum et officim
nonsed que qui ditiat.
Bisciumquae volupti onse-
quunt moditio reictempor sequo
ducientius aligende nobisita des
perum lis dolorerum, consecusam,
nonsequame velest, omnis repuda
consecta aut re everae ommolup
tasinvel illaut qui officit, ut aut ex-
eriscimus, velent mo quae. Solore
sit esequam, culluptia volupid ul-
laborro officiis et occulla turep-
eratio tes nonessunt quo eatendi
cidundus ratur, ad quaerore praes-
tius dolor sumquaecta non niminci
volum hit pore re int rentiates au-
tet et endignis rerum il exped ex-
plitatum qui tem dis ex et mint et,
to ventecatis quo magnia id quam
ressi temperem earcias eium ut pro
testibe atquod qui reium evendi ali-
ciate mo cuptati cumquae eatur, qui
tecte minus, omnis adi acipsande-
les arum quam facero elit vidiossin
repel etusam voluptate pligendunt
el in re quis idustoreris eate et volo
que secum quat la sectem quatas et
quibus, siminveles es quat.
Ullorem dit odi omnient.
Odicid ut audaes del il ipica-
tas nullabor aut et et es mosse nus
nonserchicab ipsaectem ipis dolup-
tatium dolorestor aciet lam alique
conem quo dusdandia pa exces et
et quiscia non earum autae vend-
Ovidessita pra dicieni mus-
ciet eiciisciis esequam quos exer-
erum sunt acepuda dolorat quiasse
netur, ut ent.
Obitatur as placesequam,
senimin porersperro expliquae
ipsamus alictum et pro odis quist
quibusae. Ime sit et por mossus cus
exceata cus expliquamus aspis ex-
Lectori onsere con natiatusci
Catquis milluptas el idunt,
optaspit qui quos sit ventur magni-
hi tasitatius, quo maio cusda dipis-
sit quam est, sum utatiaturit, veria-
tur apidele ctature, ute plabo. Itate
sum et diandel itatemp ernatius
nat escid enima precto cum id quo
moditi ulparum event accae quias
ese qui to intur?
Aximusae ipiciis sintibus
dignis comnis aut et inctotatio op-
At liquis sant ut lab ium do-
lorpo rehent est ditatque simu-
sa sus ipsum et inimagn ihiliqu
ataquiat am qui voluptu rerumqu
atquam rem sae vitiscienit pro vel-
leste sapitem ne sequis aut ex endi
doles doluptate pa sum quamenem.
Ape nonse nonsequis autae parum
fuga. Itam qui quam vent es quam
cus dolum rehenimus, optati cor
animincium in ra core volupta ti-
usdam eatus alit liquia volo qui-
ae. Nemporecus et adic temporit
harchitet este cumqui dolorestota
iuntiundi repuda qui tem dolorem
harunt fuga. Millupienet omnis si-
modi velis et quatiandae re volup-
tatur, qui quas enis repro moluptas
mi, invelit, eaqui que eseritatat et
voluptis dolupta tiaspis illorem-
quis duciditius exeri di odi iur rep-
tiasped quis il is autempo recuptam
nem liquos necto conessit moles
molorisciunt pa nonsequatem cora
nonecatibero eost atet pro blaci
corrum et venis alicitiatis inveriam
evenihicae magnita tusdam re et il-
As eicte seque explam, sim
rae doluptat.
Elis re, conserum eum ex-
cearum ut qui dolum quiam re,
sandign ienihillabor aborion non-
secerae moles mo quatur apicien
disciunt estiae del eum et et harci-
Ugit voloriam rem sum ip-
samus, ant et untisi ditation core-
ri ratempore, sinihil id ulpa que
invelen duciducipic te consequat
a doluptae verrorepro ommoditi
comnimo volorep raescitaeped et
eos niat.
Ur molorep edigendae. Bus.
Pudi dus nonserf erovit et
ellorrovidia sam aut ut re, expeliae
nossi natatisquas voluptist, suntias-
pit quibusti occab invero de quas
voloreptati cores eum voluptibu
Oluwashayo Tinouye Felicity,
President AIESEC Ghana, 2013-2014
Letter from the President
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Letter from the 
Chairman of the Board | Page 7
? 2014
Aqui aceat faccatium et et
aut et, sum ut aut ever-
atquis dollor magnianimi, to quo
qui verchit, coratquos sumqui blam
nos andandae landem re conet etur
moditasseque con cum et officim
nonsed que qui ditiat.
Bisciumquae volupti onse-
quunt moditio reictempor sequo
ducientius aligende nobisita des
perum lis dolorerum, consecusam,
nonsequame velest, omnis repuda
consecta aut re everae ommolup
tasinvel illaut qui officit, ut aut ex-
eriscimus, velent mo quae. Solore
sit esequam, culluptia volupid ul-
laborro officiis et occulla turep-
eratio tes nonessunt quo eatendi
cidundus ratur, ad quaerore praes-
tius dolor sumquaecta non niminci
volum hit pore re int rentiates au-
tet et endignis rerum il exped ex-
plitatum qui tem dis ex et mint et,
to ventecatis quo magnia id quam
ressi temperem earcias eium ut pro
testibe atquod qui reium evendi ali-
ciate mo cuptati cumquae eatur, qui
tecte minus, omnis adi acipsande-
les arum quam facero elit vidiossin
repel etusam voluptate pligendunt
el in re quis idustoreris eate et volo
que secum quat la sectem quatas et
quibus, siminveles es quat.
Ullorem dit odi omnient.
Odicid ut audaes del il ipica-
tas nullabor aut et et es mosse nus
nonserchicab ipsaectem ipis dolup-
tatium dolorestor aciet lam alique
conem quo dusdandia pa exces et
et quiscia non earum autae vend-
Ovidessita pra dicieni mus-
ciet eiciisciis esequam quos exer-
erum sunt acepuda dolorat quiasse
netur, ut ent.
Obitatur as placesequam,
senimin porersperro expliquae
ipsamus alictum et pro odis quist
quibusae. Ime sit et por mossus cus
exceata cus expliquamus aspis ex-
Lectori onsere con natiatusci
Catquis milluptas el idunt,
optaspit qui quos sit ventur magni-
hi tasitatius, quo maio cusda dipis-
sit quam est, sum utatiaturit, veria-
tur apidele ctature, ute plabo. Itate
sum et diandel itatemp ernatius
nat escid enima precto cum id quo
moditi ulparum event accae quias
ese qui to intur?
Aximusae ipiciis sintibus
dignis comnis aut et inctotatio op-
At liquis sant ut lab ium do-
lorpo rehent est ditatque simu-
sa sus ipsum et inimagn ihiliqu
ataquiat am qui voluptu rerumqu
atquam rem sae vitiscienit pro vel-
leste sapitem ne sequis aut ex endi
doles doluptate pa sum quamenem.
Ape nonse nonsequis autae parum
fuga. Itam qui quam vent es quam
cus dolum rehenimus, optati cor
animincium in ra core volupta ti-
usdam eatus alit liquia volo qui-
ae. Nemporecus et adic temporit
harchitet este cumqui dolorestota
iuntiundi repuda qui tem dolorem
harunt fuga. Millupienet omnis si-
modi velis et quatiandae re volup-
tatur, qui quas enis repro moluptas
mi, invelit, eaqui que eseritatat et
voluptis dolupta tiaspis illorem-
quis duciditius exeri di odi iur rep-
tiasped quis il is autempo recuptam
nem liquos necto conessit moles
molorisciunt pa nonsequatem cora
nonecatibero eost atet pro blaci
corrum et venis alicitiatis inveriam
evenihicae magnita tusdam re et il-
As eicte seque explam, sim
rae doluptat.
Elis re, conserum eum ex-
cearum ut qui dolum quiam re,
sandign ienihillabor aborion non-
secerae moles mo quatur apicien
disciunt estiae del eum et et harci-
Ugit voloriam rem sum ip-
samus, ant et untisi ditation core-
ri ratempore, sinihil id ulpa que
invelen duciducipic te consequat
a doluptae verrorepro ommoditi
comnimo volorep raescitaeped et
eos niat.
Ur molorep edigendae. Bus.
Pudi dus nonserf erovit et
ellorrovidia sam aut ut re, expeliae
nossi natatisquas voluptist, suntias-
pit quibusti occab invero de quas
voloreptati cores eum voluptibu
Felix Addo
Chairman of the Board of Advisors for AIESEC Ghana
Senior Country Partner, PWC Ghana
Letter from the
Chairman of the Board
Letter from the Chairman of the Board
The Story of Our Term
8 Individuals From 4 different
6 Local
In 5
In one
#2 in Africa
#25 Globally
African Regional
and Results
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Letter from the 
Chairman of the Board | Page 9
? 2014
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Story | Page 10
? 2014
Our Story
Our story
Annual Plan
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Story | Page 11
? 2014
Our Success
 ? 10%	
 ? 20%	
 ? 30%	
 ? 40%	
 ? 50%	
 ? 60%	
 ? 70%	
 ? 80%	
 ? 90%	
 ? 100%	
Key Non Numeric Achievements
Despite only achieving 35% of our numerical
goals, this year AIESEC Ghana made several signifi-
cant achievements that will help us achieve even great-
er exchange goals in coming years.
1.	 Social Business Model: Along with the rest
of the global network, we revised our frame-
work for evaluating our Global Community
Development Projects This ensures that the
programs provide value to society, AIESECer’s,
and those funding the project. As a result of this
revision, both Microsoft and Bacardi pledged
major amounts to fund these projects.
2.	 Leadership Enchancement Model: In
conjunction with Femex Consulting, we devel-
oped our own model to promote the leadership
values we want in our members. While the mod-
el is still being developed, it will further develop
the leadership of all members of AIESEC.
3.	 Career Fair: We also applied the social busi-
ness model to the events we run, and had great
success with our first annual career fair. This
united dozens of companies and hundreds of
students to help bring value to the Ghanaian
society. Many partners raised through this event
now want the AIESEC product.
4.	 Inter-regional Cooperation: We have also
started coordingating more with other coun-
tries in West Africa to co-deliver our products
and have massive exchange results.
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Team | Page 12
? 2014
Our Team
Our Team
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Team | Page 13
? 2014
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Timeline of the Year | Page 14
? 2014
Timline of the year
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Timeline of the Year | Page 15
? 2014
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Reach | Page 16
? 2014
Our Reach
Our Reach
Where We are Located
Full Member Expansion Specialized Unit
Full Member Local Commit-
tee’s (LC’s) have fulfilled all
membership requirements
under the AIESEC Ghana
compendium, and do at least
2 incoming and 2 outgoing ex-
changes a year.
Expansion LC’s are newly
formed, or full-members that
were downgraded based on
not fulfilled membership re-
Specialized Units are formed
to augment the operations of
another LC by opening at a
new university. They only fo-
cus on one exchange product.
Local Committee (LC):
The local unit where opera-
tions are run and based out of
a university.
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Reach | Page 17
? 2014
LC University City Status Year
Pre s id e n t
CUC Central
Tema Expansion 2009 Estelle
CUCG Catholic
College of
Sunyani Full
2012 Kweku
University of
Science and
Kumasi Full
2009 Nii Tackie
Legon University
of Ghana
Accra Full
1961 Isaac Opo-
UCC University
of Cape Coast
Cape Coast Full
2009 Francis
UCOMS Univeristy
College of
Accra Specialized
Unit (UCC)
UDS University
of Develop-
ment Studies
Waa Full Mem-
2013 Emmanuel
Adam Junior
RMU Regional
Maritime Uni-
Tema Specialized
Unit (Legon)
2013 N/A
TXP 565 460 223 176 44 10
GCDP 164 115 63 66 48 3
GIP 2 13 3 0 1 2
Members 129 203 81 46 34 27
Exchange Results
0 Re 100 Re 200 Re 300 Re 400 Re 500 Re 600 Re 700 Re 800 Re
Realizations of all exchange programs, top 5 countries in Africa
Incoming Global Internship Program
Explanation: The Incoming Global Internship
Program (iGIP) brings qualified professionals from
abroad to work for Ghanain corporations.
Incoming Global Community
Development Program
Explanation: The Incoming Global Community
Development Prrogram (iGCDP) brings volunteers from
abroad to work on various social impact projects to
benefit the communities of Ghana.
Outgoing Global Internship Program
Explanation: The OutgoingGlobal Internship
Program (oGIP) sends graduated students
abroad on professional internship experiences.
0Re 2Re 4Re 6Re 8Re 10Re 12Re
0Re 50Re 100Re 150Re 200Re 250Re 300Re 350Re
Explanation:The Outgoing Global Community
Development Prrogram (oGCDP) sends students
abroad to work on various social impact projects for the
benefit of the communities of the world.
Outgoing Global Community
Development Program
0Re 20Re 40Re 60Re 80Re 100Re 120Re0Re 5Re 10Re 15Re 20Re
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Historical Results | Page 19
? 2014
Historical Results
Total Realizations in GCDP, GIP, and Team Experiences, 2009-2014
Realtive and Absolute growth in GCDP, GIP, and Team Experiences, 2009-2014
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Global Internship Program | Page 20
? 2014
Global Internship Program
Incoming Global Internship Program
Origin Countries Quarterly Results
LC Results
Top 5 African
1.	 Kenya
2.	 Nigeria
3.	 Uganda
4.	Cote D’Ivoire
5.	 Ghana
Historical Growth
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Global Internship Program | Page 21
? 2014
Outgoing Global Internship Program
Destination Countries Quarterly Results
LC Results
Historical Growth
Top 5 African
1.	 Kenya
2.	 Cote D’Ivoire
3.	 Nigeria
4.	 Ghana
5.	 South Africa
? 2014
Global Community Development Program
Incoming Global Coummunity Development Program
Origin Countries Quarterly Results
LC Results
Top 5 African
1.	 Mauritius
2.	 Kenya
3.	 Ghana
4.	Tanzania
5.	 Uganda
Historical Growth
? 2014
Outgoing Global Coummunity Development Program
Destination Countries Quarterly Results
LC Results
Historical Growth
Top 5 African
1.	 Kenya
2.	 Nigeria
3.	 Ghana
4.	 South Africa
5.	 Tanzania
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Team Member and Leader
Programs | Page 24
? 2014
Team Member and Leader
Team Member and Teader Porgrams
LC Results
Members by LC ELD Make-Up
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Team Member and Leader
Programs | Page 25
? 2014
Historical Absoulte Growth
Historical Relative Growth
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Major Projects | Page 26
? 2014
Major Projects
Major Projects
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Major Projects | Page 27
? 2014
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Stakeholders | Page 28
? 2014
Our Stakeholders
Our Stakeholders
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Major Partners | Page 29
? 2014
Major Partners
Major Parners
AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | National Partners | Page 30
? 2014
National Partners
National Partners
Price Waterhouse
Standard Chartered
Media Majique
Contact Us:
National office:
No. 6, New Lodge Road
Taifa, Accra
Email: ghana@aiesec.net
Tel: +302-222-6902
Web: www.aiesecghana.org

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Aiesec ghana 2013 2014 annual report (draft)

  • 2. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Table of Contents | Page 2 ? 2014 1. About AIESEC 4 2. Letter from the President 6 3. Letter from the Chairman of the Board 7 4. Our story 10 5. Our Team 12 6. Timline of the year 14 7. Our Reach 16 8. Global Internship Program 19 9. Global Community Development Program 21 10. Team Member and Teader Porgrams 23 11. Major Projects 25 12. Our Stories 27 13. Our Stakeholders 31 14. Major Parners 32 15. National Partners 33
  • 3. Stakeholders of AIESEC Ghana celebrate after receiving the African Regional Excellence award. Top: Asare Sydney Kofi, Martina Frater, Babajide Okusanya, Courage Wemegah, Tinouye Oluwasho, Elizabeth Stava, Francis Kweku Ansah Middle: Isaac Opoku, Andy Sarfo, ‘Nezer Quophi Maestro, Thomas Tarler Bottom: Robert Tetteh, Francis Ayertey Credit to Kareem Rida Photography ? 2014 This annual report is protected by copyright law and is owned by AIESEC Ghana. This report may not be reproduced, copied, or archived without the prior written approv- al of AIESEC Ghana. AIESEC Ghana is an independent legal subsidiary of AIESEC International, and all rights are transfered to them in the event of the dislolution of AIESEC Ghana. All rights reserved. The AIESEC Name and logo are trademarked under Stiching AIESEC IP Licensing, and are used with their permission. A printed copy of this report may be requested by emailing ghana@aiesec.net, and copies are availible at the AIESEC Ghana Office, No. 6 New Lodge Road, Taifa, Accra.
  • 4. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | About AIESEC | Page 4 ? 2014 About AIESEC About AIESEC AIESEC in Brief AIESEC is the largest student run organization in the world. With over 100,000 members and operating in 124 different countries, no other organi- zation even compares to our operations. For the eighth year in a row, AIESEC is on the WorldBlue list of the most democratic organizations in the world. We are a member of the the World Economic Forum, and have been invited several times to join the United Na- tions. Our global partners include some of the largest organizations in the world. Our alumni include Bill Gates and Kofi Anon, as well as many other famous world leaders. Founded in 1948 by 6 students in Europe, the idea behind AIESEC was to prevent another World War by providing cross cultural experiences to students. The underlying notion is easy to grasp: it’s hard to fight a war against a country that you have lived in and against people that you would call your brother. Since then AIESEC has seen trememndous growth while remaining true to its values. One unique thing about AIESEC is that we change over our leadership positions on a yearly bassis, and ensure only students run AIESEC. Even the President of AIESEC International is a recent graduate and will only be in position for one year. This is what makes us the most democratic organization in the world. AIESEC bleives that leadership is the key solution to all world problems. We develop the leadership of students by having them participate in the organiza- tion, and by also sending them on exchange. Our one- year turnover constantly contributes to this turnover. AIESEC by the Numbers
  • 5. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | About AIESEC | Page 5 ? 2014 The AIESEC Way is how AIESEC describes the essence of our organization. It demon- strates what we are as an organization, what we envi- sion, our impact on the world, the way we do it, and our values. While AIESEC goals and processses may change, these remain constant year after year. These are standard to all AIESEC entities accross the world. The AIESEC Way
  • 6. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Letter from Our President | Page 6 ? 2014 Aqui aceat faccatium et et aut et, sum ut aut ever- atquis dollor magnianimi, to quo qui verchit, coratquos sumqui blam nos andandae landem re conet etur moditasseque con cum et officim nonsed que qui ditiat. Bisciumquae volupti onse- quunt moditio reictempor sequo ducientius aligende nobisita des perum lis dolorerum, consecusam, nonsequame velest, omnis repuda consecta aut re everae ommolup tasinvel illaut qui officit, ut aut ex- eriscimus, velent mo quae. Solore sit esequam, culluptia volupid ul- laborro officiis et occulla turep- eratio tes nonessunt quo eatendi cidundus ratur, ad quaerore praes- tius dolor sumquaecta non niminci volum hit pore re int rentiates au- tet et endignis rerum il exped ex- plitatum qui tem dis ex et mint et, to ventecatis quo magnia id quam ressi temperem earcias eium ut pro testibe atquod qui reium evendi ali- ciate mo cuptati cumquae eatur, qui tecte minus, omnis adi acipsande- les arum quam facero elit vidiossin repel etusam voluptate pligendunt el in re quis idustoreris eate et volo que secum quat la sectem quatas et quibus, siminveles es quat. Ullorem dit odi omnient. Odicid ut audaes del il ipica- tas nullabor aut et et es mosse nus nonserchicab ipsaectem ipis dolup- tatium dolorestor aciet lam alique conem quo dusdandia pa exces et et quiscia non earum autae vend- unt. Ovidessita pra dicieni mus- ciet eiciisciis esequam quos exer- erum sunt acepuda dolorat quiasse netur, ut ent. Obitatur as placesequam, senimin porersperro expliquae ipsamus alictum et pro odis quist quibusae. Ime sit et por mossus cus exceata cus expliquamus aspis ex- plat. Lectori onsere con natiatusci unt. Catquis milluptas el idunt, optaspit qui quos sit ventur magni- hi tasitatius, quo maio cusda dipis- sit quam est, sum utatiaturit, veria- tur apidele ctature, ute plabo. Itate sum et diandel itatemp ernatius nat escid enima precto cum id quo moditi ulparum event accae quias ese qui to intur? Aximusae ipiciis sintibus dignis comnis aut et inctotatio op- tat. At liquis sant ut lab ium do- lorpo rehent est ditatque simu- sa sus ipsum et inimagn ihiliqu ataquiat am qui voluptu rerumqu atquam rem sae vitiscienit pro vel- leste sapitem ne sequis aut ex endi doles doluptate pa sum quamenem. Ape nonse nonsequis autae parum fuga. Itam qui quam vent es quam cus dolum rehenimus, optati cor animincium in ra core volupta ti- usdam eatus alit liquia volo qui- ae. Nemporecus et adic temporit harchitet este cumqui dolorestota iuntiundi repuda qui tem dolorem harunt fuga. Millupienet omnis si- modi velis et quatiandae re volup- tatur, qui quas enis repro moluptas mi, invelit, eaqui que eseritatat et voluptis dolupta tiaspis illorem- quis duciditius exeri di odi iur rep- tiasped quis il is autempo recuptam nem liquos necto conessit moles molorisciunt pa nonsequatem cora nonecatibero eost atet pro blaci corrum et venis alicitiatis inveriam evenihicae magnita tusdam re et il- itatiant. As eicte seque explam, sim rae doluptat. Elis re, conserum eum ex- cearum ut qui dolum quiam re, sandign ienihillabor aborion non- secerae moles mo quatur apicien disciunt estiae del eum et et harci- amus. Ugit voloriam rem sum ip- samus, ant et untisi ditation core- ri ratempore, sinihil id ulpa que invelen duciducipic te consequat a doluptae verrorepro ommoditi comnimo volorep raescitaeped et eos niat. Ur molorep edigendae. Bus. Pudi dus nonserf erovit et ellorrovidia sam aut ut re, expeliae nossi natatisquas voluptist, suntias- pit quibusti occab invero de quas voloreptati cores eum voluptibu Oluwashayo Tinouye Felicity, President AIESEC Ghana, 2013-2014 Letter from the President
  • 7. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Letter from the Chairman of the Board | Page 7 ? 2014 Aqui aceat faccatium et et aut et, sum ut aut ever- atquis dollor magnianimi, to quo qui verchit, coratquos sumqui blam nos andandae landem re conet etur moditasseque con cum et officim nonsed que qui ditiat. Bisciumquae volupti onse- quunt moditio reictempor sequo ducientius aligende nobisita des perum lis dolorerum, consecusam, nonsequame velest, omnis repuda consecta aut re everae ommolup tasinvel illaut qui officit, ut aut ex- eriscimus, velent mo quae. Solore sit esequam, culluptia volupid ul- laborro officiis et occulla turep- eratio tes nonessunt quo eatendi cidundus ratur, ad quaerore praes- tius dolor sumquaecta non niminci volum hit pore re int rentiates au- tet et endignis rerum il exped ex- plitatum qui tem dis ex et mint et, to ventecatis quo magnia id quam ressi temperem earcias eium ut pro testibe atquod qui reium evendi ali- ciate mo cuptati cumquae eatur, qui tecte minus, omnis adi acipsande- les arum quam facero elit vidiossin repel etusam voluptate pligendunt el in re quis idustoreris eate et volo que secum quat la sectem quatas et quibus, siminveles es quat. Ullorem dit odi omnient. Odicid ut audaes del il ipica- tas nullabor aut et et es mosse nus nonserchicab ipsaectem ipis dolup- tatium dolorestor aciet lam alique conem quo dusdandia pa exces et et quiscia non earum autae vend- unt. Ovidessita pra dicieni mus- ciet eiciisciis esequam quos exer- erum sunt acepuda dolorat quiasse netur, ut ent. Obitatur as placesequam, senimin porersperro expliquae ipsamus alictum et pro odis quist quibusae. Ime sit et por mossus cus exceata cus expliquamus aspis ex- plat. Lectori onsere con natiatusci unt. Catquis milluptas el idunt, optaspit qui quos sit ventur magni- hi tasitatius, quo maio cusda dipis- sit quam est, sum utatiaturit, veria- tur apidele ctature, ute plabo. Itate sum et diandel itatemp ernatius nat escid enima precto cum id quo moditi ulparum event accae quias ese qui to intur? Aximusae ipiciis sintibus dignis comnis aut et inctotatio op- tat. At liquis sant ut lab ium do- lorpo rehent est ditatque simu- sa sus ipsum et inimagn ihiliqu ataquiat am qui voluptu rerumqu atquam rem sae vitiscienit pro vel- leste sapitem ne sequis aut ex endi doles doluptate pa sum quamenem. Ape nonse nonsequis autae parum fuga. Itam qui quam vent es quam cus dolum rehenimus, optati cor animincium in ra core volupta ti- usdam eatus alit liquia volo qui- ae. Nemporecus et adic temporit harchitet este cumqui dolorestota iuntiundi repuda qui tem dolorem harunt fuga. Millupienet omnis si- modi velis et quatiandae re volup- tatur, qui quas enis repro moluptas mi, invelit, eaqui que eseritatat et voluptis dolupta tiaspis illorem- quis duciditius exeri di odi iur rep- tiasped quis il is autempo recuptam nem liquos necto conessit moles molorisciunt pa nonsequatem cora nonecatibero eost atet pro blaci corrum et venis alicitiatis inveriam evenihicae magnita tusdam re et il- itatiant. As eicte seque explam, sim rae doluptat. Elis re, conserum eum ex- cearum ut qui dolum quiam re, sandign ienihillabor aborion non- secerae moles mo quatur apicien disciunt estiae del eum et et harci- amus. Ugit voloriam rem sum ip- samus, ant et untisi ditation core- ri ratempore, sinihil id ulpa que invelen duciducipic te consequat a doluptae verrorepro ommoditi comnimo volorep raescitaeped et eos niat. Ur molorep edigendae. Bus. Pudi dus nonserf erovit et ellorrovidia sam aut ut re, expeliae nossi natatisquas voluptist, suntias- pit quibusti occab invero de quas voloreptati cores eum voluptibu Felix Addo Chairman of the Board of Advisors for AIESEC Ghana Senior Country Partner, PWC Ghana Letter from the Chairman of the Board Letter from the Chairman of the Board
  • 8. The Story of Our Term 8 Individuals From 4 different countries 6 Local Committees In 5 regions 1,606 Leadership Experiences 1,606 Leadership Experiences 487 Exchanges In one year #2 in Africa #25 Globally African Regional Excellence Award Global Recognition and Results Microsoft Grant
  • 9. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Letter from the Chairman of the Board | Page 9 ? 2014
  • 10. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Story | Page 10 ? 2014 Our Story Our story Annual Plan
  • 11. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Story | Page 11 ? 2014 Our Success 35% ? 0% ? 10% ? 20% ? 30% ? 40% ? 50% ? 60% ? 70% ? 80% ? 90% ? 100% ? Total ?Experiences ? ?Goal: ?5,983 ?Life ?Changing ? Experiences ? 2,094 ?Life ?Changing ? Experiences ?Achieved ? Key Non Numeric Achievements Despite only achieving 35% of our numerical goals, this year AIESEC Ghana made several signifi- cant achievements that will help us achieve even great- er exchange goals in coming years. 1. Social Business Model: Along with the rest of the global network, we revised our frame- work for evaluating our Global Community Development Projects This ensures that the programs provide value to society, AIESECer’s, and those funding the project. As a result of this revision, both Microsoft and Bacardi pledged major amounts to fund these projects. 2. Leadership Enchancement Model: In conjunction with Femex Consulting, we devel- oped our own model to promote the leadership values we want in our members. While the mod- el is still being developed, it will further develop the leadership of all members of AIESEC. 3. Career Fair: We also applied the social busi- ness model to the events we run, and had great success with our first annual career fair. This united dozens of companies and hundreds of students to help bring value to the Ghanaian society. Many partners raised through this event now want the AIESEC product. 4. Inter-regional Cooperation: We have also started coordingating more with other coun- tries in West Africa to co-deliver our products and have massive exchange results.
  • 12. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Team | Page 12 ? 2014 Our Team Our Team
  • 13. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Team | Page 13 ? 2014
  • 14. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Timeline of the Year | Page 14 ? 2014 Timline of the year
  • 15. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Timeline of the Year | Page 15 ? 2014
  • 16. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Reach | Page 16 ? 2014 Our Reach Our Reach Where We are Located Full Member Expansion Specialized Unit Full Member Local Commit- tee’s (LC’s) have fulfilled all membership requirements under the AIESEC Ghana compendium, and do at least 2 incoming and 2 outgoing ex- changes a year. Expansion LC’s are newly formed, or full-members that were downgraded based on not fulfilled membership re- quirements. Specialized Units are formed to augment the operations of another LC by opening at a new university. They only fo- cus on one exchange product. Local Committee (LC): The local unit where opera- tions are run and based out of a university.
  • 17. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Reach | Page 17 ? 2014 LC University City Status Year Founded Pre s id e n t 2013-2014 CUC Central University College Tema Expansion 2009 Estelle Asare CUCG Catholic University College of Ghana Sunyani Full Member 2012 Kweku Boatin KNUST Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi Full Member 2009 Nii Tackie Legon University of Ghana Accra Full Member 1961 Isaac Opo- ku UCC University of Cape Coast Cape Coast Full Member 2009 Francis Ayertey UCOMS Univeristy College of Management Studies Accra Specialized Unit (UCC) 2013 UDS University of Develop- ment Studies Waa Full Mem- ber 2013 Emmanuel Adam Junior RMU Regional Maritime Uni- versity Tema Specialized Unit (Legon) 2013 N/A MembersGIPGCDPTXP AIESEC CUCAIESEC UDSAIESEC CUCGAIESEC UCCAIESEC LEGONAIESEC KNUST LC KNUST LEGON UCC CUCG UDS CUC TXP 565 460 223 176 44 10 GCDP 164 115 63 66 48 3 GIP 2 13 3 0 1 2 Members 129 203 81 46 34 27
  • 18. Exchange Results 0 Re 100 Re 200 Re 300 Re 400 Re 500 Re 600 Re 700 Re 800 Re UGANDA TANZANIA GHANA KENYA MAURITIUS Realizations of all exchange programs, top 5 countries in Africa Incoming Global Internship Program Explanation: The Incoming Global Internship Program (iGIP) brings qualified professionals from abroad to work for Ghanain corporations. Incoming Global Community Development Program Explanation: The Incoming Global Community Development Prrogram (iGCDP) brings volunteers from abroad to work on various social impact projects to benefit the communities of Ghana. Outgoing Global Internship Program Explanation: The OutgoingGlobal Internship Program (oGIP) sends graduated students abroad on professional internship experiences. 0Re 2Re 4Re 6Re 8Re 10Re 12Re 11 0Re 50Re 100Re 150Re 200Re 250Re 300Re 350Re Explanation:The Outgoing Global Community Development Prrogram (oGCDP) sends students abroad to work on various social impact projects for the benefit of the communities of the world. Outgoing Global Community Development Program 0Re 20Re 40Re 60Re 80Re 100Re 120Re0Re 5Re 10Re 15Re 20Re 350 17 109
  • 19. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Historical Results | Page 19 ? 2014 Historical Results Total Realizations in GCDP, GIP, and Team Experiences, 2009-2014 Realtive and Absolute growth in GCDP, GIP, and Team Experiences, 2009-2014
  • 20. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Global Internship Program | Page 20 ? 2014 Global Internship Program Incoming Global Internship Program Origin Countries Quarterly Results LC Results Top 5 African Entities: 1. Kenya 2. Nigeria 3. Uganda 4. Cote D’Ivoire 5. Ghana Historical Growth -5 Re -31% Re #57 Globally
  • 21. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Global Internship Program | Page 21 ? 2014 Outgoing Global Internship Program Destination Countries Quarterly Results LC Results Historical Growth #55 Globally +10 Re +143% Top 5 African Entities: 1. Kenya 2. Cote D’Ivoire 3. Nigeria 4. Ghana 5. South Africa
  • 22. AIESECGhanaAnnualReport2013-2014|GlobalCommunityDevelopmentProgram|Page22 ? 2014 Global Community Development Program Incoming Global Coummunity Development Program Origin Countries Quarterly Results LC Results Top 5 African Entities: 1. Mauritius 2. Kenya 3. Ghana 4. Tanzania 5. Uganda Historical Growth +48 Re +16% #26 Globally
  • 23. AIESECGhanaAnnualReport2013-2014|GlobalCommunityDevelopmentProgram|Page23 ? 2014 Outgoing Global Coummunity Development Program Destination Countries Quarterly Results LC Results Historical Growth -53 Re -33% #46 Globally Top 5 African Entities: 1. Kenya 2. Nigeria 3. Ghana 4. South Africa 5. Tanzania
  • 24. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Team Member and Leader Programs | Page 24 ? 2014 Team Member and Leader Programs Team Member and Teader Porgrams LC Results Members by LC ELD Make-Up
  • 25. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Team Member and Leader Programs | Page 25 ? 2014 Historical Absoulte Growth Historical Relative Growth
  • 26. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Major Projects | Page 26 ? 2014 Major Projects Major Projects
  • 27. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Major Projects | Page 27 ? 2014
  • 28. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Our Stakeholders | Page 28 ? 2014 Our Stakeholders Our Stakeholders
  • 29. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | Major Partners | Page 29 ? 2014 Major Partners Major Parners
  • 30. AIESEC Ghana Annual Report 2013-2014 | National Partners | Page 30 ? 2014 National Partners National Partners Price Waterhouse Coopers Standard Chartered Bank Media Majique Bacardi
  • 31. Contact Us: National office: No. 6, New Lodge Road Taifa, Accra Email: ghana@aiesec.net Tel: +302-222-6902 Web: www.aiesecghana.org