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AIESEC Macquarie
Developing LC of the Year
    1/7/11  30/6/12
Executive Board 2011
Board 2012
 In the past year, AIESEC MQ has gone a
  tremendous transformation, to become
  one of the fastest growing LCs in Australia
 Its growth has come through its
  members, who remain the lifeline of the
  organization and are aiming to create its
  own history


   OGX                                    40

   Growth *                               30
                                               OGX Re
                                               OGX Ra


*Based on myaiesec.net , Time frame
of July 1st  June 30th for every term.
ICX Growth
Growth in Exchange

          2010/11*                             2011/12**

          *compared to 2009/10                 *compared to 2010/11

             Numbers                  %             Numbers                %

            Ra       Re          Ra       Re     Ra       Re          Ra       Re

OGX         +2        -     +12.5%        -    +39      +17      +217%     +189%

ICX         -         -          -        -    +2       +2       +200%     +200%
2011       2012

 42 Ra     34 Ra
 17 Re     13 Ma for Winter
            8 Re
            Middle management
            2 TLPs realized
            3 TLPs RA and Matched
             for Semester 2.
            OGX hunger games 3rd
 Our OGX team expanded in order to accommodate our MoS in terms
  of EP Res for 2012. The team grew to 10 people (including the EP)
 The portfolio was divided into 2 teams :

                                                    TL  CEE   TL  AP
                                                    & MENA     & WENA

 The teams were managed by senior members (Carlson , Exchange in
  Lithuania & Celine, Exchange in Turkey). Both teams were in-charge
  of one MRB session during the semester.
 Maintained effective tracking tools to monitor EP progress in order to
  improve matching efficiencies
 Held Matching Session with countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia,
  Indonesia, Ukraine and Poland during mid-semester break for EPs.
2011                        2012
 First IRQ signed in 7      First TN in 8 years
  years                       realized
 Sales team established     2nd TN realized 3 weeks
                             VPICX was not the only
                              person going on sales
                             3 accounts in pipeline
                             2 Partners  GoGet &
Marketing and Communications
2011                       2012
 Facebook and YouTube        Facebook page hits 473 likes
  page launched               Exchange video on YouTube
                               viewed 10k+ (used by AIESEC in
 Marketing campaign for       Canada, Lebanon, Switzerland,
  raising exchange             India .etc)
                              Handprints Campaign
 Website Established          (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.30093788664

                              EP newsletter started
                              EP stories published in University
                               magazine  The Grapeshot
                              Website refreshed
                              Event attendance increase by
 In line with OGXs plan, MaC has created materials
  based on specific countries and projects to target
  specific market at university.
 Launched EP newsletter, consisting on TN information (2
  countries every fortnight) and tips for GIP Eps and past
 Focused on Fan engagement on Facebook to increase
  likes by 285% in 6 months
 Ran Hand Prints Campaign to increase awareness on
  World Issues, in line with marketing for World Issues
  Forum and promoting GCDP exchange.
University Relations
2011                          2012
 Confident connections        ITT held at Macquarie
  attended by 100+             $1,900 Sponsorship received
  students and ran by           for ITT by Graduate School &
                                Student Council
  Deloitte, ToastMasters &
                               Established connections with
  AIESEC Australia              various student
 AIESEC Day                    groups, promoting exchange
  held, leading to 19 OGX       and events
  Ra                           Proposal inserted for AIESEC
 Meetings held with 3
                               World Issues Forum attended
  Faculties and Chancellery     by 50+ and ran by
  office                        UNICEF, ActionAid and
Initiate The Tour at Macquarie University
                      Delegates : 78

                        Sponsors including :
                        MUSRA (Union)
                        MGSM (Graduate

                      Chaired by Peter
Talent Management
2011                     2012
 Member reward system    LC RnR
  introduced              Easter Egg hunt
 PLPs introduced         Refreshed PLPs
 LCM framework           Re-integrated 5 Eps into
  established              LC
                          Received 85 applications
                           for Membership
                          Held volunteer event,
                           working for Salvation
Finance & Governance
2011                         2012
 $10k mark hit for C.A.B     Passed Finance Sub
 Subsidies for conference     Committee
  provided                    $20 k mark hit for C.A.B
                              Several policies regarding
                               membership, rewards, ex
                               change rewards and
                               financial matters enforced
                              Extranet and dropbox
                               created for sustainable
                               storage of information
Aiesec macquarie   developing lc award
   Besides the numbers and statistics what is AIESEC Macquarie at the end of
    the day?
   What it is, is an LC that is striving to become the best. It is filled with hard-
    working, talented individuals who ache for more opportunities to grow within
    the organization. It has now become an LC that plans for the future and
    works towards it.
   By aiming for sustainable growth, in both leadership and processes, the LC
    is establishing its foundation now, for the coming generation of AIESEC
   Once the base is solidified, it will look to add more to the National and
    International network of AIESEC, to help the organization grow as one.
   And we also want to continue the growing trend in bringing back the
    AIESEC culture. Being a part of this organization not only means
    development, but also any opportunity to make life-long friends and enjoy
    crazy experiences (SKOLLING)
Thank you!!!!

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Aiesec macquarie developing lc award

  • 1. AIESEC Macquarie Developing LC of the Year 1/7/11 30/6/12
  • 4. Introduction In the past year, AIESEC MQ has gone a tremendous transformation, to become one of the fastest growing LCs in Australia Its growth has come through its members, who remain the lifeline of the organization and are aiming to create its own history
  • 5. 60 50 OGX 40 Growth * 30 OGX Re OGX Ra 20 10 0 *Based on myaiesec.net , Time frame of July 1st June 30th for every term.
  • 7. Growth in Exchange 2010/11* 2011/12** *compared to 2009/10 *compared to 2010/11 Numbers % Numbers % Ra Re Ra Re Ra Re Ra Re OGX +2 - +12.5% - +39 +17 +217% +189% ICX - - - - +2 +2 +200% +200%
  • 9. OGX 2011 2012 42 Ra 34 Ra 17 Re 13 Ma for Winter 8 Re Middle management established 2 TLPs realized 3 TLPs RA and Matched for Semester 2. OGX hunger games 3rd place
  • 10. Our OGX team expanded in order to accommodate our MoS in terms of EP Res for 2012. The team grew to 10 people (including the EP) The portfolio was divided into 2 teams : VPOGX TL CEE TL AP & MENA & WENA The teams were managed by senior members (Carlson , Exchange in Lithuania & Celine, Exchange in Turkey). Both teams were in-charge of one MRB session during the semester. Maintained effective tracking tools to monitor EP progress in order to improve matching efficiencies Held Matching Session with countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Ukraine and Poland during mid-semester break for EPs.
  • 11. ICX 2011 2012 First IRQ signed in 7 First TN in 8 years years realized Sales team established 2nd TN realized 3 weeks later VPICX was not the only person going on sales meetings!!!! 3 accounts in pipeline 2 Partners GoGet & WorkingIn
  • 12. Marketing and Communications 2011 2012 Facebook and YouTube Facebook page hits 473 likes page launched Exchange video on YouTube viewed 10k+ (used by AIESEC in Marketing campaign for Canada, Lebanon, Switzerland, raising exchange India .etc) Handprints Campaign Website Established (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.30093788664 8103.69080.171358266272733&type=3) EP newsletter started EP stories published in University magazine The Grapeshot Website refreshed Event attendance increase by 35%
  • 13. In line with OGXs plan, MaC has created materials based on specific countries and projects to target specific market at university. Launched EP newsletter, consisting on TN information (2 countries every fortnight) and tips for GIP Eps and past experiences Focused on Fan engagement on Facebook to increase likes by 285% in 6 months Ran Hand Prints Campaign to increase awareness on World Issues, in line with marketing for World Issues Forum and promoting GCDP exchange.
  • 14. University Relations 2011 2012 Confident connections ITT held at Macquarie attended by 100+ $1,900 Sponsorship received students and ran by for ITT by Graduate School & Student Council Deloitte, ToastMasters & Established connections with AIESEC Australia various student AIESEC Day groups, promoting exchange held, leading to 19 OGX and events Ra Proposal inserted for AIESEC Office Meetings held with 3 World Issues Forum attended Faculties and Chancellery by 50+ and ran by office UNICEF, ActionAid and Oaktree
  • 15. Initiate The Tour at Macquarie University Delegates : 78 Sponsors including : MUSRA (Union) ActionAid MGSM (Graduate School) Chaired by Peter McDermott
  • 16. Talent Management 2011 2012 Member reward system LC RnR introduced Easter Egg hunt PLPs introduced Refreshed PLPs LCM framework Re-integrated 5 Eps into established LC Received 85 applications for Membership Held volunteer event, working for Salvation Army
  • 17. Finance & Governance 2011 2012 $10k mark hit for C.A.B Passed Finance Sub Subsidies for conference Committee provided $20 k mark hit for C.A.B Several policies regarding membership, rewards, ex change rewards and financial matters enforced Extranet and dropbox created for sustainable storage of information
  • 19. Summary Besides the numbers and statistics what is AIESEC Macquarie at the end of the day? What it is, is an LC that is striving to become the best. It is filled with hard- working, talented individuals who ache for more opportunities to grow within the organization. It has now become an LC that plans for the future and works towards it. By aiming for sustainable growth, in both leadership and processes, the LC is establishing its foundation now, for the coming generation of AIESEC Macquarie. Once the base is solidified, it will look to add more to the National and International network of AIESEC, to help the organization grow as one. And we also want to continue the growing trend in bringing back the AIESEC culture. Being a part of this organization not only means development, but also any opportunity to make life-long friends and enjoy crazy experiences (SKOLLING)