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IOSCO/AIFMD Hedge Fund Reporting Template 
1 General Partner and GGGeeennneeerrraaalll PPPaaarrrtttnnneeerrr aaannnddd aaaaddddvvvviiiisssseeeerrrr iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn 
 Key principals, registered address, number of employees, number of funds, name of compliance 
officer, overseas offices, regulatory status, related affiliates, equity owners, relevant information about 
the financial health of the asset management company including, if applicable, any guarantees or 
agreements with parent companies 
 Key service providers, e.g., PBs, custodians, auditor, etc. 
2 PPPPeeeerrrrffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaannnncccceeee aaaannnndddd iiiinnnnvvvveeeessssttttoooorrrr iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn rrrreeeellllaaaatttteeeedddd ttttoooo ccccoooovvvveeeerrrreeeedddd ffffuuuunnnnddddssss 
 Recent performance details (net and gross) 
 Recent investor redemptions/subscriptions 
 NAV vs. High Water Mark 
 Investor classifications (Institutional, fund of funds, high net worth) 
 Primary marketing channels 
3 AAAAsssssssseeeettttssss uuuunnnnddddeeeerrrr mmmmaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeemmmmeeeennnntttt 
 Group wide assets under management i.e. Total AUM and HF AUM 
4 GGGGrrrroooossssssss aaaannnndddd nnnneeeetttt pppprrrroooodddduuuucccctttt eeeexxxxppppoooossssuuuurrrreeee aaaannnndddd aaaasssssssseeeetttt ccccllllaaaassssssss ccccoooonnnncccceeeennnnttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn 
 Material positions in various asset classes (for securities: value of long and short positions in 
equities/unlisted equities/corporate bonds/sovereign bonds/convertible bonds/loans/securitised credit 
products/other structured products; for derivatives: long and short CDS positions and the gross value 
of FX, Interest rate and other derivatives, and the geographic split of assets within some of these 
asset classes 
5 GGGGrrrroooossssssss aaaannnndddd nnnneeeetttt ggggeeeeooooggggrrrraaaapppphhhhiiiicccc eeeexxxxppppoooossssuuuurrrreeee 
 High level regional investment focus: e.g. US, Europe, Asia ex-Japan, Japan, Global, Global EM 
 Split of aggregate assets by the underlying currency of the assets held 
6 TTTTrrrraaaaddddiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd ttttuuuurrrrnnnnoooovvvveeeerrrr iiiissssssssuuuueeeessss 
 Turnover in various asset classes 
 Clearing mechanisms for balance sheet instruments and derivatives 
7 AAAAsssssssseeeetttt////lllliiiiaaaabbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy iiiissssssssuuuueeeessss 
 Liquidity of assets 
 Investor liquidity demands 
 Extent of term financing 
 Use of side pockets 
 Ability to gate or suspend funds and any restrictions currently in place 
8 BBBBoooorrrrrrrroooowwwwiiiinnnngggg 
 Value of borrowings by source (PB, repo, stock lending, off balance sheet, unsecured) 
 Borrowing from regulated vs unregulated entities 
9 RRRRiiiisssskkkk iiiissssssssuuuueeeessss 
 Unencumbered cash 
 Various risk measures used by hedge fund managers, e.g DV01, CS01, Equity delta  which are 
examples of a portfolios sensitivity to movements in interest rates, credit spreads and equity markets 
 Description of mechanisms to assess tail risk e.g. stress tests 
10 CCCCrrrreeeeddddiiiitttt ccccoooouuuunnnntttteeeerrrrppppaaaarrrrttttyyyy eeeexxxxppppoooossssuuuurrrreeee 
 Net credit counterparty risk, identifying primary counterparties and identities and locations of those 
 Extent of rehypothecation 
11 OOOOtttthhhheeeerrrr iiiissssssssuuuueeeessss 
 Complexity e.g. gross size of options book, Number of open positions 
 Concentration e.g. Top 10 positions as a % of gross market value.

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Aifmd iosco hedge fund reporting template 2010draft-LiteVersion

  • 1. IOSCO/AIFMD Hedge Fund Reporting Template 1 General Partner and GGGeeennneeerrraaalll PPPaaarrrtttnnneeerrr aaannnddd aaaaddddvvvviiiisssseeeerrrr iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn Key principals, registered address, number of employees, number of funds, name of compliance officer, overseas offices, regulatory status, related affiliates, equity owners, relevant information about the financial health of the asset management company including, if applicable, any guarantees or agreements with parent companies Key service providers, e.g., PBs, custodians, auditor, etc. 2 PPPPeeeerrrrffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaannnncccceeee aaaannnndddd iiiinnnnvvvveeeessssttttoooorrrr iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn rrrreeeellllaaaatttteeeedddd ttttoooo ccccoooovvvveeeerrrreeeedddd ffffuuuunnnnddddssss Recent performance details (net and gross) Recent investor redemptions/subscriptions NAV vs. High Water Mark Investor classifications (Institutional, fund of funds, high net worth) Primary marketing channels 3 AAAAsssssssseeeettttssss uuuunnnnddddeeeerrrr mmmmaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeemmmmeeeennnntttt Group wide assets under management i.e. Total AUM and HF AUM 4 GGGGrrrroooossssssss aaaannnndddd nnnneeeetttt pppprrrroooodddduuuucccctttt eeeexxxxppppoooossssuuuurrrreeee aaaannnndddd aaaasssssssseeeetttt ccccllllaaaassssssss ccccoooonnnncccceeeennnnttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn Material positions in various asset classes (for securities: value of long and short positions in equities/unlisted equities/corporate bonds/sovereign bonds/convertible bonds/loans/securitised credit products/other structured products; for derivatives: long and short CDS positions and the gross value of FX, Interest rate and other derivatives, and the geographic split of assets within some of these asset classes 5 GGGGrrrroooossssssss aaaannnndddd nnnneeeetttt ggggeeeeooooggggrrrraaaapppphhhhiiiicccc eeeexxxxppppoooossssuuuurrrreeee High level regional investment focus: e.g. US, Europe, Asia ex-Japan, Japan, Global, Global EM Split of aggregate assets by the underlying currency of the assets held 6 TTTTrrrraaaaddddiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd ttttuuuurrrrnnnnoooovvvveeeerrrr iiiissssssssuuuueeeessss Turnover in various asset classes Clearing mechanisms for balance sheet instruments and derivatives 7 AAAAsssssssseeeetttt////lllliiiiaaaabbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy iiiissssssssuuuueeeessss Liquidity of assets Investor liquidity demands Extent of term financing Use of side pockets Ability to gate or suspend funds and any restrictions currently in place 8 BBBBoooorrrrrrrroooowwwwiiiinnnngggg Value of borrowings by source (PB, repo, stock lending, off balance sheet, unsecured) Borrowing from regulated vs unregulated entities 9 RRRRiiiisssskkkk iiiissssssssuuuueeeessss Unencumbered cash Various risk measures used by hedge fund managers, e.g DV01, CS01, Equity delta which are examples of a portfolios sensitivity to movements in interest rates, credit spreads and equity markets Description of mechanisms to assess tail risk e.g. stress tests 10 CCCCrrrreeeeddddiiiitttt ccccoooouuuunnnntttteeeerrrrppppaaaarrrrttttyyyy eeeexxxxppppoooossssuuuurrrreeee Net credit counterparty risk, identifying primary counterparties and identities and locations of those counterparties Extent of rehypothecation 11 OOOOtttthhhheeeerrrr iiiissssssssuuuueeeessss Complexity e.g. gross size of options book, Number of open positions Concentration e.g. Top 10 positions as a % of gross market value.