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Aig process
The purpose of the Academically Intellectually Gifted Program in
Northampton County is to provide students with the opportunity to
reach their maximum academic and social potential through an
enriching continuum of services.油
Our responsibility is to discover, to nurture, and to develop the
abilities of the total school population.油
The AIG Program provides an appropriately challenging education
for students who perform, or show potential for performing at
remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others
of their age, experience, or environment.
Services for AIG students include differentiated curriculum and
instruction that extends and enriches the Common Core and
Essential Standards
Robert Sternberg (2003)
Giftedness cannot possibly be
captured a single number. Unless we
examine multiple sources of giftedness,
we risk missing identification of large
numbers of gifted individuals.
Procedures For AIG Considerations
Use the Observation Student Form for (4-6 weeks)
as one measure of documenting gifted behaviors
and/or characteristics.
Compile materials to document behaviors student is
being considered for and validate gifted behaviors
(i.e. work samples, portfolio, drawings, poems,
leadership qualities/activities...)
Persons wishing to make a nomination should get
forms (AIG Referral, Student Interest Inventory,
Parent Inventory, Teacher Checklist ) from the AIG
Coordinator or from the NCS webpage (district
Secure parental permission for an evaluation (AIG-1);
circle information requested (Aptitude, Educational);
an Appeals Procedure Booklet should be sent when
permission to evaluate is requested.
Collect data from EOG tests, Benchmark
Assessments, or any other academic
Gather all forms/documentation and
submit to the AIG Coordinator.
Contact information-Grace Blythe
Referred students are administered an
aptitude test (Kuhlman Anderson,
Naglieri, or CoGat)
Eligibility is determined based on
multiple criteria
(Aptitude scores, achievement scores,
classroom performance, student
A student may qualify for differentiated
services in ELA and/or Math.
A Differentiated Education Plan (DEP)
is developed to meet/match students
needs. The DEP reflects appropriate
service delivery options.

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Aig process

  • 2. The purpose of the Academically Intellectually Gifted Program in Northampton County is to provide students with the opportunity to reach their maximum academic and social potential through an enriching continuum of services.油 Our responsibility is to discover, to nurture, and to develop the abilities of the total school population.油 The AIG Program provides an appropriately challenging education for students who perform, or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment. Services for AIG students include differentiated curriculum and instruction that extends and enriches the Common Core and Essential Standards
  • 3. Robert Sternberg (2003) Giftedness cannot possibly be captured a single number. Unless we examine multiple sources of giftedness, we risk missing identification of large numbers of gifted individuals.
  • 4. Procedures For AIG Considerations Use the Observation Student Form for (4-6 weeks) as one measure of documenting gifted behaviors and/or characteristics. Compile materials to document behaviors student is being considered for and validate gifted behaviors (i.e. work samples, portfolio, drawings, poems, leadership qualities/activities...)
  • 5. Persons wishing to make a nomination should get forms (AIG Referral, Student Interest Inventory, Parent Inventory, Teacher Checklist ) from the AIG Coordinator or from the NCS webpage (district templates). Secure parental permission for an evaluation (AIG-1); circle information requested (Aptitude, Educational); an Appeals Procedure Booklet should be sent when permission to evaluate is requested.
  • 6. Collect data from EOG tests, Benchmark Assessments, or any other academic assessments/measures. Gather all forms/documentation and submit to the AIG Coordinator. Contact information-Grace Blythe blytheg@northampton.k12.nc.us 326-5505-cell
  • 7. Referred students are administered an aptitude test (Kuhlman Anderson, Naglieri, or CoGat) Eligibility is determined based on multiple criteria (Aptitude scores, achievement scores, classroom performance, student interest/motivation)
  • 8. A student may qualify for differentiated services in ELA and/or Math. A Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) is developed to meet/match students needs. The DEP reflects appropriate service delivery options.