This pdf is about the Practical; Aim: To estimate vital capacity of lungs using balloons.
For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
This research proposal aims to study the effects of mechanical ventilation using Chest Compression Synchronized Ventilation (CCSV) combined with Aortic Balloon Occlusion (ABO) on resuscitation outcomes and post-resuscitation organ injury following long-term cardiac arrest in a porcine model. The study will involve establishing a cardiac arrest model in pigs, randomizing them into groups receiving different interventions, and observing resuscitation parameters and post-resuscitation organ function. The expected outcomes are that CCSV+ABO will improve resuscitation outcomes, reduce resuscitation time and defibrillation needs, and significantly prevent post-resuscitation organ damage compared to other ventilation strategies without ABO. The results
1. Vital capacity is the largest volume of air a person can exhale after taking the deepest breath possible. It is measured using a device called a vitalograph or spirometer.
2. When measuring vital capacity, the subject inhales fully then exhales as much air as possible into the vitalograph, which measures the volume expelled. Readings are taken in standing, sitting, and lying down positions.
3. Vital capacity is highest when standing and lowest when lying down due to effects of posture on lung volume and respiratory muscle function. Physiological factors like age, gender, and fitness level also impact vital capacity.
Embryo transfer is a technique where embryos are collected from donor females and transferred to recipient females. The key steps are superovulation of the donor, artificial insemination, embryo collection 5-8 days later, grading the embryos, and transferring high quality embryos into a synchronized recipient. This allows one superior donor to produce many offspring, accelerating genetic improvement. Embryo transfer has advantages like faster breeding, disease control and conservation, but requires synchronization of donors and recipients.
Spirometry is a common pulmonary function test that measures breath volume and flow. It can be used to detect lung disease, monitor occupational exposures, and assess medication effects. This document provides an overview of how to properly perform and interpret spirometry tests, including ensuring patient preparation and positioning, using correct technique, assessing test quality, and comparing results to reference values to determine if lungs are normal or abnormal. Quality is important for obtaining accurate and reproducible results.
This document provides information about Basic Life Support (BLS) training from the American Heart Association. It discusses the goals of BLS training, which is to help participants promptly recognize life-threatening emergencies and provide high-quality CPR, ventilations, and early defibrillation. The document outlines who should take BLS training, what it teaches, including CPR for adults, children and infants, and how to use an AED. It also summarizes the key techniques taught in BLS such as chest compressions, rescue breathing, ventilation, and how to respond in a cardiac emergency situation.
teps in adult Basic Cardiopulmonary Life Support (BCLS)
Safe place for resuscitation. Time is of the essence in the initiation of resuscitation. ...
Victim's response check. ...
Call for help, inform emergency medical system and get emergency equipment. ...
Check pulse and breath simultaneously.
Ventilation refers to the process of moving air in and out of the lungs. Respiration is the cellular process of gas exchange that occurs in the lungs, where oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide diffuses out. The ventilation system, which includes the trachea, lungs, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli, facilitates gas exchange through its features that maximize surface area for diffusion and maintain concentration gradients between the alveoli and blood. The diaphragm, intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles work together to change the volume and pressure of the lungs during breathing to ventilate air in and out.
This document provides instructions for an experiment to measure lung capacity. The experiment involves blowing into a balloon to determine the diameter, which corresponds to approximate lung capacity in liters. Students are asked to blow into the balloon four times and average their results. They then analyze the data and compare their lung capacity to others. The goal is to measure an individual's maximum lung air capacity.
PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS PLAY A VERY IMPORTANT ROLE IN ESTIMATING THE FUNCTION OF LUNGS ESPECIALLY IN ASTHAMA AND COPD, One of the frequent reasons patients see their primary care physicians is for the symptom of dyspnea. Among the objective tests to quantify this symptom is the pulmonary function test
pulmonary functions test powerpoint.pptxDrAmanSaxena
Pulmonary function tests help evaluate the mechanical function of the lungs by comparing an individual's measured lung volumes and capacities to predicted normal values based on their age, sex, height, and ethnicity. There are two main types of abnormal lung function: obstructive lung diseases, which make expiration difficult due to increased airway resistance; and restrictive lung diseases, which make inspiration difficult due to decreased lung compliance. Common pulmonary function tests measure lung volumes, flow rates, and gas transfer ability to identify what type of lung impairment may be present.
This document discusses the key components of caring for a critically ill patient requiring mechanical ventilation. It covers a team approach including physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists. It discusses bundles of care for specific conditions like ventilator-associated pneumonia. It outlines the assessment and care of airways, breathing, circulation, and use of radiological imaging. It also covers oral care, eye care, skin care, nutritional support and monitoring, and prevention of bed sores.
This document provides information about mechanical ventilation in neonates from the NICU at Al Shifaa Hospital in Gaza. It discusses [1] the goals and indications for mechanical ventilation in neonates, [2] procedures for intubation and setting appropriate ventilator settings, and [3] concepts of lung physiology and mechanics relevant to neonatal ventilation. The document is intended to guide clinicians on best practices for mechanically ventilating neonates.
CPAPs can provide benefits for premature infants by maintaining positive airway pressure and oxygen levels. The constant pressure helps strengthen weak lungs and reduces the workload of breathing. However, high CPAP pressure can also have negative effects by reducing cardiac output and blood pressure. Therefore, using the appropriate level of pressure is important to support lung development without compromising cardiovascular function.
1. The document provides information about Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), including its definition, purpose, indications, signs and symptoms, principles, general instructions, standard method, algorithm and comparison of components for adults, children and infants.
2. CPR is a technique used to manually maintain circulation and ventilation when the heart and lungs stop functioning on their own. It involves chest compressions and artificial ventilation through breathing or using a bag valve mask.
3. The goal of CPR is to restore effective circulation and ventilation to prevent irreversible brain damage, and is used in emergencies like cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, drowning or drug overdose until definitive medical treatment can restore normal heart function
"I have the catheter secured."
Leader: "Medication is in."
May repeat epinephrine every 3-5 minutes.
HR-80 bpm
Evaluates HR and pulse oximetry
Heart rate and oxygen saturation have
improved with epinephrine and effective
Continues PPV, CC, and monitoring
Continue resuscitation efforts until heart rate
is >100 bpm and baby is pink with good tone.
HR-120 bpm
Good tone
Evaluates HR, pulse oximetry, color,
Lab 9Body Composition AssessmentPurpose The purposes of t.docxcroysierkathey
Lab 9
Body Composition Assessment
The purposes of this laboratory experience is to develop your skill in using the skinfold and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to assess body composition and to use common anthropometric measures such as body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) to estimate health risks associated with being overweight. You will also gain knowledge of hydrodensitometry (hydrostatic weighing), the air displacement technique, and duel energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) methods to assess body composition.
Relative body fat percentage is a good indicator of general health and fitness. High percent body fat is associated with increased risks for several diseases including diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, and hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) among others. Conversely, appropriate body fat is associated with increased longevity and reduced risk for developing the conditions mentioned above. Body composition is estimated in order to determine a healthy body weight, to monitor growth in children, to monitor health status in malnourished or diseased populations, and to estimate competitive body weight for athletes.
Methods: (skinfolds, BIA, anthropometric)
揃 Anthropometric measuring tapes
揃 Marking pens
揃 Body weight scale
揃 Stadiometer
Skinfold Measurement:
Plastic or metal skinfold calipers, preferably metal calipers
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis:
BIA analyzer (OMRON)
Testing Procedures:
Work in groups of 2 - 3 for all measurements. Your write-up will include data for 2 subjects. One student will be measured, one will be measuring, and one will record. Rotate positions until all students have performed all roles.
Obtain demographic information from client and fill-in Data collection form
Follow the measuring procedures for skinfold measurement.
Use the standardized anatomical descriptions for skinfold sites to locate each site. Mark the six skinfold sites with the surgical marking pen.
Enter data into OMRON.
Have client grasp handles firmly and hold out in front of themselves with arms parallel to the ground and legs shoulder width apart.
Hit START button.
Anthropometric Measures:
BMI = wt/ht2
O Wt = weight in kilograms
O Ht = height in meters
Waist-to-Hip ratio = C-waist/C-hip
O C-waist = circumference of waist at narrowest point between xiphoid process and umbilicus
O C-hip = circumference of hip at widest point between iliac crest and gluteal fold
Data Analysis:
Calculate body densities for at least 3 subjects (may include yourself as one) using all 3 equations [converting skinfold thickness to body density (Db)]
Convert to percent body fat using the population specific equations
Classify the percent body fat for your subjects using the most appropriate equation
Measure percent body fat 2 times for each client
Record avera ...
Body Composition is the practice of breaking down the human body intoits individual components includingbody fat mass, muscle mass, bone, tissue, and water. Body Composition is essentially dissecting exactly what you're made up of.
There have a five test to know what body composition you have
1. Skinfold Tests
2. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
3. Hydrostatic (Underwater) Weighing
4. Air Displacement (BODPOD)
5. DXA/DEXA Scan
This document provides information on mechanical ventilator care. It discusses the purpose, equipment, types (invasive and non-invasive), modes, settings, and management of patients requiring mechanical ventilation. Key points include the goals of mechanical ventilation are to maintain effective ventilation and prevent complications. Modes of invasive ventilation discussed include volume control, pressure control, and pressure support. Settings that must be monitored and adjusted include tidal volume, respiratory rate, PEEP, FiO2 and more. The document also covers weaning a patient off the ventilator.
No cost spirometer to measure vital lung capacity - dr. g. nagarajgnriem
1) Dr. G. Nagaraj describes an inexpensive homemade spirometer that can be used to measure vital lung capacity. It is made from common waste materials like plastic bottles, tubes, and corks.
2) The homemade spirometer works on the principle of water displacement - when a person blows into the device, it displaces an equal amount of water in a measuring cylinder. This allows measurement of vital lung capacity.
3) Dr. Nagaraj suggests using the simple spirometer to conduct small studies comparing lung capacity between different groups based on factors like gender, health, lifestyle habits, and more. Comparing results could provide insights into how these factors impact respiratory health.
The document discusses ventilators, including their purpose, principles of operation, components, and maintenance. A ventilator is a machine that mechanically breathes for patients unable to breathe on their own. It delivers precise mixtures of air and oxygen, controls breathing cycles, and monitors patient safety. Key components include gas inlets, solenoid valves, pressure sensors, alarms, and a computer controller. Proper maintenance is required to ensure ventilators function reliably for critical patient care.
This document provides information on ventilators and respirators used in clinical teaching. It defines ventilators as machines that generate controlled gas flow into a patient's airway. Various types are described, including negative pressure ventilators like iron lungs, and positive pressure ventilators that are most commonly used today. Modes of ventilation and how to adjust ventilator settings are outlined. Potential problems and complications of mechanical ventilation are also summarized.
Pulmonary function tests measure how well the lungs work by assessing how much air they can hold and exhale. There are various lung volumes and capacities that are measured, including tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and total lung capacity. Spirometry is the main test used, which measures exhaled air volumes over time. It can help diagnose obstructive lung diseases like asthma which show decreased FEV1/FVC ratio, versus restrictive diseases which show increased FEV1/FVC ratio. Other tests include diffusing capacity to measure gas exchange, body plethysmography to measure total lung capacity, and inhalational challenges to identify allergens.
This document provides information on nursing care for a child undergoing a lumbar puncture procedure. It defines a lumbar puncture as a procedure where a needle is inserted into the spinal canal to collect cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic testing. The document outlines the indications, contraindications, necessary equipment, step-by-step procedure, normal test results, potential complications, and the nurse's responsibilities before, during, and after the procedure.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a technique used to manually maintain heart function and breathing in a person whose heart and breathing have stopped. It involves chest compressions to pump the heart and artificial ventilation to oxygenate the lungs until emergency medical treatment can restore normal heart function and breathing. The key steps of CPR include opening the airway, providing rescue breaths, and performing chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. Advanced CPR techniques involve use of equipment like defibrillators, endotracheal tubes, and resuscitation bags to improve oxygen delivery and restore a normal heart rhythm through defibrillation if needed. The goal of CPR is to prevent irreversible
Different types of Proteins and Amino Acids and its Structure with FunctionSPHStudy
This pdf is about the Different types of Proteins and Amino Acids and its Structure with Function.
For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
Fertilization Process in Human (Internal Fertilization)SPHStudy
This pdf is about the Fertilization Process in Human (Internal Fertilization).
For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
More Related Content
Similar to Aim: To estimate vital capacity of lungs using balloons (20)
PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS PLAY A VERY IMPORTANT ROLE IN ESTIMATING THE FUNCTION OF LUNGS ESPECIALLY IN ASTHAMA AND COPD, One of the frequent reasons patients see their primary care physicians is for the symptom of dyspnea. Among the objective tests to quantify this symptom is the pulmonary function test
pulmonary functions test powerpoint.pptxDrAmanSaxena
Pulmonary function tests help evaluate the mechanical function of the lungs by comparing an individual's measured lung volumes and capacities to predicted normal values based on their age, sex, height, and ethnicity. There are two main types of abnormal lung function: obstructive lung diseases, which make expiration difficult due to increased airway resistance; and restrictive lung diseases, which make inspiration difficult due to decreased lung compliance. Common pulmonary function tests measure lung volumes, flow rates, and gas transfer ability to identify what type of lung impairment may be present.
This document discusses the key components of caring for a critically ill patient requiring mechanical ventilation. It covers a team approach including physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists. It discusses bundles of care for specific conditions like ventilator-associated pneumonia. It outlines the assessment and care of airways, breathing, circulation, and use of radiological imaging. It also covers oral care, eye care, skin care, nutritional support and monitoring, and prevention of bed sores.
This document provides information about mechanical ventilation in neonates from the NICU at Al Shifaa Hospital in Gaza. It discusses [1] the goals and indications for mechanical ventilation in neonates, [2] procedures for intubation and setting appropriate ventilator settings, and [3] concepts of lung physiology and mechanics relevant to neonatal ventilation. The document is intended to guide clinicians on best practices for mechanically ventilating neonates.
CPAPs can provide benefits for premature infants by maintaining positive airway pressure and oxygen levels. The constant pressure helps strengthen weak lungs and reduces the workload of breathing. However, high CPAP pressure can also have negative effects by reducing cardiac output and blood pressure. Therefore, using the appropriate level of pressure is important to support lung development without compromising cardiovascular function.
1. The document provides information about Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), including its definition, purpose, indications, signs and symptoms, principles, general instructions, standard method, algorithm and comparison of components for adults, children and infants.
2. CPR is a technique used to manually maintain circulation and ventilation when the heart and lungs stop functioning on their own. It involves chest compressions and artificial ventilation through breathing or using a bag valve mask.
3. The goal of CPR is to restore effective circulation and ventilation to prevent irreversible brain damage, and is used in emergencies like cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, drowning or drug overdose until definitive medical treatment can restore normal heart function
"I have the catheter secured."
Leader: "Medication is in."
May repeat epinephrine every 3-5 minutes.
HR-80 bpm
Evaluates HR and pulse oximetry
Heart rate and oxygen saturation have
improved with epinephrine and effective
Continues PPV, CC, and monitoring
Continue resuscitation efforts until heart rate
is >100 bpm and baby is pink with good tone.
HR-120 bpm
Good tone
Evaluates HR, pulse oximetry, color,
Lab 9Body Composition AssessmentPurpose The purposes of t.docxcroysierkathey
Lab 9
Body Composition Assessment
The purposes of this laboratory experience is to develop your skill in using the skinfold and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to assess body composition and to use common anthropometric measures such as body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) to estimate health risks associated with being overweight. You will also gain knowledge of hydrodensitometry (hydrostatic weighing), the air displacement technique, and duel energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) methods to assess body composition.
Relative body fat percentage is a good indicator of general health and fitness. High percent body fat is associated with increased risks for several diseases including diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, and hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) among others. Conversely, appropriate body fat is associated with increased longevity and reduced risk for developing the conditions mentioned above. Body composition is estimated in order to determine a healthy body weight, to monitor growth in children, to monitor health status in malnourished or diseased populations, and to estimate competitive body weight for athletes.
Methods: (skinfolds, BIA, anthropometric)
揃 Anthropometric measuring tapes
揃 Marking pens
揃 Body weight scale
揃 Stadiometer
Skinfold Measurement:
Plastic or metal skinfold calipers, preferably metal calipers
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis:
BIA analyzer (OMRON)
Testing Procedures:
Work in groups of 2 - 3 for all measurements. Your write-up will include data for 2 subjects. One student will be measured, one will be measuring, and one will record. Rotate positions until all students have performed all roles.
Obtain demographic information from client and fill-in Data collection form
Follow the measuring procedures for skinfold measurement.
Use the standardized anatomical descriptions for skinfold sites to locate each site. Mark the six skinfold sites with the surgical marking pen.
Enter data into OMRON.
Have client grasp handles firmly and hold out in front of themselves with arms parallel to the ground and legs shoulder width apart.
Hit START button.
Anthropometric Measures:
BMI = wt/ht2
O Wt = weight in kilograms
O Ht = height in meters
Waist-to-Hip ratio = C-waist/C-hip
O C-waist = circumference of waist at narrowest point between xiphoid process and umbilicus
O C-hip = circumference of hip at widest point between iliac crest and gluteal fold
Data Analysis:
Calculate body densities for at least 3 subjects (may include yourself as one) using all 3 equations [converting skinfold thickness to body density (Db)]
Convert to percent body fat using the population specific equations
Classify the percent body fat for your subjects using the most appropriate equation
Measure percent body fat 2 times for each client
Record avera ...
Body Composition is the practice of breaking down the human body intoits individual components includingbody fat mass, muscle mass, bone, tissue, and water. Body Composition is essentially dissecting exactly what you're made up of.
There have a five test to know what body composition you have
1. Skinfold Tests
2. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
3. Hydrostatic (Underwater) Weighing
4. Air Displacement (BODPOD)
5. DXA/DEXA Scan
This document provides information on mechanical ventilator care. It discusses the purpose, equipment, types (invasive and non-invasive), modes, settings, and management of patients requiring mechanical ventilation. Key points include the goals of mechanical ventilation are to maintain effective ventilation and prevent complications. Modes of invasive ventilation discussed include volume control, pressure control, and pressure support. Settings that must be monitored and adjusted include tidal volume, respiratory rate, PEEP, FiO2 and more. The document also covers weaning a patient off the ventilator.
No cost spirometer to measure vital lung capacity - dr. g. nagarajgnriem
1) Dr. G. Nagaraj describes an inexpensive homemade spirometer that can be used to measure vital lung capacity. It is made from common waste materials like plastic bottles, tubes, and corks.
2) The homemade spirometer works on the principle of water displacement - when a person blows into the device, it displaces an equal amount of water in a measuring cylinder. This allows measurement of vital lung capacity.
3) Dr. Nagaraj suggests using the simple spirometer to conduct small studies comparing lung capacity between different groups based on factors like gender, health, lifestyle habits, and more. Comparing results could provide insights into how these factors impact respiratory health.
The document discusses ventilators, including their purpose, principles of operation, components, and maintenance. A ventilator is a machine that mechanically breathes for patients unable to breathe on their own. It delivers precise mixtures of air and oxygen, controls breathing cycles, and monitors patient safety. Key components include gas inlets, solenoid valves, pressure sensors, alarms, and a computer controller. Proper maintenance is required to ensure ventilators function reliably for critical patient care.
This document provides information on ventilators and respirators used in clinical teaching. It defines ventilators as machines that generate controlled gas flow into a patient's airway. Various types are described, including negative pressure ventilators like iron lungs, and positive pressure ventilators that are most commonly used today. Modes of ventilation and how to adjust ventilator settings are outlined. Potential problems and complications of mechanical ventilation are also summarized.
Pulmonary function tests measure how well the lungs work by assessing how much air they can hold and exhale. There are various lung volumes and capacities that are measured, including tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and total lung capacity. Spirometry is the main test used, which measures exhaled air volumes over time. It can help diagnose obstructive lung diseases like asthma which show decreased FEV1/FVC ratio, versus restrictive diseases which show increased FEV1/FVC ratio. Other tests include diffusing capacity to measure gas exchange, body plethysmography to measure total lung capacity, and inhalational challenges to identify allergens.
This document provides information on nursing care for a child undergoing a lumbar puncture procedure. It defines a lumbar puncture as a procedure where a needle is inserted into the spinal canal to collect cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic testing. The document outlines the indications, contraindications, necessary equipment, step-by-step procedure, normal test results, potential complications, and the nurse's responsibilities before, during, and after the procedure.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a technique used to manually maintain heart function and breathing in a person whose heart and breathing have stopped. It involves chest compressions to pump the heart and artificial ventilation to oxygenate the lungs until emergency medical treatment can restore normal heart function and breathing. The key steps of CPR include opening the airway, providing rescue breaths, and performing chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. Advanced CPR techniques involve use of equipment like defibrillators, endotracheal tubes, and resuscitation bags to improve oxygen delivery and restore a normal heart rhythm through defibrillation if needed. The goal of CPR is to prevent irreversible
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This pdf is about the Different types of Proteins and Amino Acids and its Structure with Function.
For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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This pdf is about the Fertilization Process in Human (Internal Fertilization).
For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY; Thanks...!
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY; Thanks...!
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For more details visit on YouTube; @SELF-EXPLANATORY;
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Detection of ferrihydrite in Martian red dust records ancient cold and wet co...S辿rgio Sacani
Iron oxide-hydroxide minerals in Martian dust provide crucial insights into
Mars past climate and habitability. Previous studies attributed Mars red color
to anhydrous hematite formed through recent weathering. Here, we show that
poorly crystalline ferrihydrite (Fe5O8H 揃 nH2O) is the dominant iron oxidebearing phase in Martian dust, based on combined analyses of orbital, in-situ,
and laboratory visible near-infrared spectra. Spectroscopic analyses indicate
that a hyperfine mixture of ferrihydrite, basalt and sulfate best matches Martian dust observations. Through laboratory experiments and kinetic calculations, we demonstrate that ferrihydrite remains stable under present-day
Martian conditions, preserving its poorly crystalline structure. The persistence
of ferrihydrite suggests it formed during a cold, wet period on early Mars
under oxidative conditions, followed by a transition to the current hyper-arid
environment. This finding challenges previous models of continuous dry oxidation and indicates that ancient Mars experienced aqueous alteration before
transitioning to its current desert state.
Unjustly Incriminating Bacteria: the Role of Bacteriophages in Bacterial Infe...christianagboeze2427
Based on human relationship with bacteria, virulence is one of the most important case to us. Some forms of virulence thought to arise only from the actions of bacteria are not actually caused by them but are indirectly influenced by another counterpart in the microbial mix of the ecosystem called bacteriophage; viruses that only infect prokaryotes such as bacteria but not eukaryotes. Bacteriophages preferably attack bacteria due to the lack of specific receptors for phages on eukaryotic cells which are found in bacteria e.g. peptide sequences and polysaccharide moieties in gram positive and gram negative bacteria, bacterial capsules, slime layers, flagella etc. They recognize and bind to bacteria using appropriate receptors, subsequently proceeding to inject their genome called prophage into their host. This review focuses on the most probable outcomes of phage-host interactions via the lytic and lysogenic cycles which are therapeutic effect and pathogenicity/resistance to antibiotics respectively. By lysogenic conversion or transfer of acquired genetic materials via transduction, phages can confer unusual traits such as virulence and antibiotics resistance. Important pathogenic bacteria that cause persistent and critical infections which have their pathogenicity engineered by phages include Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus spp., and Clostridium spp.
The prophages influence their virulence in a variety of ways which include: contribution to the production of phage-encoded toxins, modification of the bacterial envelope, mediation of bacterial infectivity, and control of bacterial cell regulation. The unwavering threat of antimicrobial resistance in global health, extreme difficulty involved in developing novel antibiotics, and the rate at which microorganisms develop resistance to newly introduced antimicrobials have sparked urgency and interest in research for effective methods to eradicate pathogenic bacteria and limit antibiotic resistance. As a result, interest in phage therapy has been reignited because of the high efficiency in detecting and killing pathogenic bacteria by phages.
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Presentation of our paper, "Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through the Use of Adversarially-Generated Samples", by K. Tsigos, E. Apostolidis and V. Mezaris. Presented at the AI4MFDD Workshop of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2025), Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb. 2025. Preprint and software available at
Simple Phenomena of Magnetism | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of the simple phenomena of magnetism for IGCSE Physics. It covers key concepts such as magnetic materials, properties of magnets, magnetic field patterns, the Earth's magnetism, electromagnets, the motor effect, and the principles of electromagnetic induction. The presentation also explains magnetization and demagnetization, methods of making magnets, applications of magnets in real life, and experimental demonstrations. Featuring illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Electrical Quantities and Circuits | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of electrical quantities and circuits for IGCSE Physics. It covers key electrical quantities, including charge, current, voltage (potential difference), resistance, power, energy, electromotive force (EMF), and internal resistance. The presentation also explains series and parallel circuits, with in-depth discussions on Ohms Law, Kirchhoffs Laws, electrical components, circuit calculations, and practical applications. Packed with illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Respiration & Gas Exchange | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explains respiration and gas exchange, covering the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration, the structure of the respiratory system, gas exchange in the lungs, and the role of diffusion. Learn about the effects of exercise on breathing, how smoking affects the lungs, and how respiration provides energy for cells. A perfect study resource for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
Hormones and the Endocrine System | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explores hormones and the endocrine system, explaining their role in controlling body functions. Learn about the differences between nervous and hormonal control, major endocrine glands, key hormones (such as insulin, adrenaline, and testosterone), and homeostasis. Understand how hormones regulate growth, metabolism, reproduction, and the fight-or-flight response. A perfect resource for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry) is a powerful analytical tool for comparing innovator and biosimilar drugs. It ensures precise characterization, detecting structural variations, impurities, and post-translational modifications, ensuring biosimilar quality, efficacy, and regulatory compliance in pharmaceutical development.
Excretion in Humans | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation covers excretion in humans, explaining the removal of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide, urea, and excess salts. Learn about the structure and function of the kidneys, the role of the liver in excretion, ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption, and the importance of homeostasis. Includes diagrams and explanations to help Cambridge IGCSE students prepare effectively for exams!
Automating Compression Ultrasonography of Human Thigh Tissue and Vessels via ...ThrombUS+ Project
Rytis Jurkonis from Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania) presented their recent work entitled Automating Compression Ultrasonography of Human Thigh Tissue and Vessels via Strain Estimation." Rytis presented on the methodology along the novel wearable hardware developed to automate compression ultrasonography for DVT detection in the lower limbs. In addition, preliminary results were shared, highlighting the feasibility of an operator-independent method to perform compression ultrasonography.
Presented at BIOSTEC 2025 in Porto, Portugal.
About ThrombUS+: Our interdisciplinary approach centers around creating a novel wearable diagnostic device utilizing autonomous, AI-driven DVT detection. This groundbreaking device incorporates wearable ultrasound hardware, impedance plethysmography, and light reflection rheography for early clot detection. ThrombUS+ is designed for postoperative patients, those undergoing lengthy surgical procedures, cancer patients, bedridden individuals at home or in care units, and women during pregnancy and postpartum.
Aim: To estimate vital capacity of lungs using balloons
1. selfexplanatory.2022
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Saba Parvin Haque
M.Sc. Life Sciences
(Specialization in Neurobiology)
from Sophia College
(Autonomous), Mumbai.
Lung volumes are also known as
respiratory volumes.
It refers to the volume of gas in the lungs at
a given time during the respiratory cycle.
Lung capacities are derived from a
summation of different lung volumes.
The average total lung capacity of an adult
human male is about 6 litres of air.
Lung volumes measurement is an integral
part of pulmonary function test.
These volumes tend to vary, depending on
the depth of respiration, ethnicity, gender,
age, body composition and in certain
respiratory diseases.
Vital capacity (VC) is the maximum
amount of air that can be exhaled after a
full breath.
It is about 80 percent of total capacity, or
4.8 liters, because some air remains in your
lungs after you exhale.
The lung capacities of different animals
vary based on their activities. E.g., the lung
capacity of cheetahs is much higher than
humans. This is because they require a large
amount of oxygen for their muscles that
help them to run fast. The lung capacity of
elephants is also higher due to their large
body size.
Stretch your balloon.
Take a deep breath and blow all at once into the balloon and
close it off.
Shape the balloon into a sphere shape while holding the air
Measure the circumference of the balloon at the middle.
Record the number in centimeters.
Repeat two more times.
Take 30 deep breaths (Diaphragmatic breathing/belly
breathing) and repeat the procedure three more times.
Materials: Balloon, Ruler & Calculator.
Determine the diameter of the sphere
from the circumference using the
equation circumference = 2r.
Calculate the Volume of a Sphere
using the diameter to find the radius
and then the equation below
10. Go to this site: and input information on
test subjects. It will calculate the vital capacity. Normal Vital
Capacity Calculator (
Test it for every member in your household.
The vital capacity of lungs after deep breathe using
balloons is ml and from the website the ideal result
is ml.
12. Prevention is the best medicine, and working to keep your lungs
healthy is much more efficient than trying to repair them after something
goes wrong. To keep your lungs healthy, do the following:
Stop smoking, and avoid secondhand smoke or environmental irritants.
Eat foods rich in antioxidants.
Get vaccinations like the flu vaccine and the pneumonia vaccine. This
can help prevent lung infections and promote lung health.
Exercise more frequently, which can help your lungs function properly.
Improve indoor air quality. Use tools like indoor air filters and reduce
pollutants like artificial fragrances, mold, and dust.
13. Lung Volumes - Physiopedia (
Woodie, H. (2019, May 3). How to measure lung capacity. Blog, She Wrote.
Gotter, A. (2024, March 15). Breathing exercises to increase lung capacity. Healthline.