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Aims and Considerations sheet
Existing Products:
How many existing artefacts do you feel you will need to look at?
I will be looking at a minimum of 6 existing artefacts in order to gain a greater sense of
understanding and knowledge of what I must achieve.

What kinds of artefacts are you expecting to look at?
I will be looking at artefacts such as: websites, posters, leaflets and many more. Looking at existing
products through a variety of platforms will help me when deciding what kind of product I will be
What elements will you be looking at to help you with your research?
Some of the elements I will be looking at to help with my research include: the layout, fonts used,
colour scheme

Primary Research:
How many people would you hope to question as part of your primary research?
12 questions as this would provide an in depth analysis with a clear understanding being provided
as a result as well as increased knowledge.

What age group would you like to target and why?
I will target 16 24 year olds, people who might still be in education and may been homeless due to
family trouble and so may be able to have their problems solved and be reconciled with their
What methods will you use?
I could participate in one to one interviews, focus groups and a group discussion.

How will you know if your research has been successful?
My research will have been successful if I have a vastly improved understanding and knowledge of
the issue of homelessness.
Why might you need to be sensitive when carrying out research during this project?
Homelessness is a often an issue brought out of tragedy and harbour a lot of bad memories for
people, because of this people may not feel easy discussing it.

Could you face any problems when trying to do this research? If so, is there a way to overcome
I may not know of any people who are without a home, I could overcome this by contacting the
charity SASH and hope they will help me find someone suitable that they have dealt with in their
Where would you expect your finished pieces to be displayed and distributed?
I could look to have my finished piece put in somewhere such as a bus stop or on the SASH

What funding issues might an organisation like SASH face?
A lack of funding because of poor fundraising, the government or county council could cut or even
withdraw all funding. Corporate businesses could withdraw funding due to poor profits or finding a
different charity to be affiliated with.

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Aims and considerations sheet

  • 1. Aims and Considerations sheet Existing Products: How many existing artefacts do you feel you will need to look at? I will be looking at a minimum of 6 existing artefacts in order to gain a greater sense of understanding and knowledge of what I must achieve. What kinds of artefacts are you expecting to look at? I will be looking at artefacts such as: websites, posters, leaflets and many more. Looking at existing products through a variety of platforms will help me when deciding what kind of product I will be making. What elements will you be looking at to help you with your research? Some of the elements I will be looking at to help with my research include: the layout, fonts used, colour scheme Primary Research: How many people would you hope to question as part of your primary research? 12 questions as this would provide an in depth analysis with a clear understanding being provided as a result as well as increased knowledge. What age group would you like to target and why? I will target 16 24 year olds, people who might still be in education and may been homeless due to family trouble and so may be able to have their problems solved and be reconciled with their famiky. What methods will you use? I could participate in one to one interviews, focus groups and a group discussion. How will you know if your research has been successful? My research will have been successful if I have a vastly improved understanding and knowledge of the issue of homelessness.
  • 2. Considerations: Why might you need to be sensitive when carrying out research during this project? Homelessness is a often an issue brought out of tragedy and harbour a lot of bad memories for people, because of this people may not feel easy discussing it. Could you face any problems when trying to do this research? If so, is there a way to overcome these? I may not know of any people who are without a home, I could overcome this by contacting the charity SASH and hope they will help me find someone suitable that they have dealt with in their project. Where would you expect your finished pieces to be displayed and distributed? I could look to have my finished piece put in somewhere such as a bus stop or on the SASH website. What funding issues might an organisation like SASH face? A lack of funding because of poor fundraising, the government or county council could cut or even withdraw all funding. Corporate businesses could withdraw funding due to poor profits or finding a different charity to be affiliated with.