The document discusses various electrical problems that can occur in air conditioner systems. Minor issues like dead batteries in a thermostat can stop the air conditioner from cooling properly and cause further damage over time. More serious problems mentioned include burned out wires delivering power to the compressor motor, which can reduce the life of the compressor. Another issue described is a run capacitor that exploded internally due to an electrical short. The document emphasizes that air conditioner systems rely on efficient operation of individual components working together, and any breakdown can negatively impact performance.
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Air conditioners & electrical problems ft myers, florida
1. Air Conditioners & Electrical Problems
Ft Myers, Florida
Community Cooling and Heating Inc.
2. An air conditioner is a complex system of individual mechanical, chemical, and
electric components performing their specific tasks collaboratively to produce a
desired result. Typically, any breakdown in the efficient operation of any single
component will have a detrimental effect on the equipments output.
3. Even a simple thing, such as dead batteries in a thermostat can cause an air
conditioner to stop cooling, and create bigger problems down the road!
4. These a/c thermostat batteries were so corroded the acid had begun to eat into the
contact points inside the battery compartment!
Before we recommended replacing the thermostat we took a stab at cleaning the terminals with a
small wire brush.
It worked out great!!!
The machine was up and running without the homeowner having to spend his hard earned cash on a
new thermostat needlessly!
5. Burned out air compressor wires are common. A lot of voltage travels through these
wires, creating a lot of heat!
6. Another burned out air compressor wire. As this wire was in the process of burning
out it delivered a less than sufficient supply of electricity to the compressor, which
could seriously diminish the life expectancy of the compressor!
8. A colony of ants has infested this contactor keeping it from operating properly. It is
believed ants are drawn to contactors due to the magnetic field created
it feels good to them!
9. Community Cooling & Heating
Air Conditioner Service and Repair Since 1970
Fort Myers, Florida
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