This document discusses air pollution and its causes and effects. It notes that air is composed primarily of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and argon (1%). It also contains small amounts of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases. Air pollution occurs when harmful substances contaminate the air and affect both living and nonliving things. Some key air pollutants discussed include carbon monoxide, smog, sulfur dioxide, and chlorofluorocarbons. The document lists various sources of air pollution like automobile exhaust, burning of fuels, and power plants. Respiratory diseases are among the health effects of air pollution.
5. Air is a
single unit
or a
What are several
compositions present
in the air ?
6. Air compositions
• Composition of air consists 3 key components
namely Nitrogen(78%), oxygen(21%) , argon(1%),
carbon dioxide (0.03%) and water vapor. Air also
has some others gases but they are very minute %.
11. Air pollution
• When the air get contaminated due to
harmful and unnecessary substances that can
affect the living & non living things on the
earth it is called air pollution.
12. What are the respiratory diseases caused
by air pollution?
13. Questions
• What causes pollution
a) Human activities
b) Trees
c) Both of these
d) None of these
• Which of the following
is not a source of air
a) Automobile exhaust
b) Burning of firewood
c) Windmill
d) Power plant
16. Air pollutants
• Any unwanted or harmful substance present
in the air that decreases its quality &
contaminates it is called air pollution .
17. ,,
Pollutants Source Effects
Carbon monoxide It produced due to
improper combustion of
• Poisonous gas
• Dec blood’s carrying
• Causes difficulty in
smog It is a combination of fog &
• Cause asthma, cough.
• Leads to Dec. visibility.
Sulphur dioxide Produced mainly due to
the combustion of coal.
• Leads to respiratory
• Cause lung damage.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Produced from air
conditioners , refrigerators
& aerosols
• Deteriorate the ozone
• Dec visibility.
Suspended particulate
Produced due to the
burning of fuels
• Lead to problems in
19. Fill in the blanks
• refrigerators released ……… gas.
• Smog is a combination of …………
• …………. Causes difficulty in breathing.
ï‚· Define the term air pollution.
ï‚· Explain air pollutant around us.
ï‚· Explore different type of air components.
ï‚· Value the importance of maintaining air
ï‚· Relate live example of air pollution from
our surrounding.