The document discusses cloud computing, addressing what cloud is, how it works in practice, common myths and benefits. It notes cloud allows access from any device anytime, requires no local management, and benefits from economies of scale. The document concludes with offering a demo of the Airhead education platform and asking if there are any questions.
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Airhead Presentation to Nottinghamshire Schools
1. 1. Phil Dawson (@learnocracy)
2. Co-Founder of Airhead Education Ltd
Who are you?
2. 1. A little bit about what cloud actually is.
2. What does it look like in practice?
3. Is it for me?
What are you talking about?
3. 1. What actually is cloud?
2. What isnt the cloud?
3. Why are we talking about it today?
Some thoughts
4. 1. Cloud is not secure.
2. Internet is not reliable.
3. Cloud means less.
5. 1. Anytime, anywhere, any device.
2. No local management.
3. Economies of scale.