El documento presenta varios proyectos cient鱈ficos realizados por estudiantes del Instituto Chipre, incluyendo la determinaci坦n del pH, un destilador de reciclajes, un carro solar, demostraciones de procesos cient鱈ficos y un calentador y panel solar que reutilizan residuos s坦lidos. Los proyectos fueron presentados por docentes y estudiantes con el objetivo de promover el aprendizaje de conceptos cient鱈ficos.
Book 1 by the Wicked Problems Collaborative is nearing completion. Please check out this deck which features our author bios. It's an accomplished, interesting bunch. Our Kickstarter is currently live (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1035818605/wpc-book-1-what-do-we-do-about-inequality). The book is expected to be released this November.
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26. el porder de la colaboracion de los proveedoresSandra Fernandez
El documento habla sobre la importancia de la colaboraci坦n con los proveedores para las empresas. Explica que los proveedores se han convertido en socios estrat辿gicos debido a nuevas metodolog鱈as de producci坦n. Tambi辿n describe un proceso de calificaci坦n de proveedores que incluye establecer objetivos claros, dise単ar programas para cumplir con objetivos de negocio, y construir transparencia y confianza a trav辿s de compromisos claros.
This document provides a link to the best presentation on artificial intelligence found on the web. The presentation is titled "AI SPECIALIZED LANGUAGES" and covers topics such as natural language processing, specialized languages used in AI, and AI software available for education. Users can access the presentation at the provided URL.
This document is from the Instituto Superior Tecnologico Docente "Guayaquil" regarding a student named Caisabanda Mentor studying Microsoft Access. Caisabanda Mentor is specializing in Automotive Mechanics.
This document discusses the Texas STaR Chart, a tool used by the State of Texas to evaluate technology use in public schools. It provides data from Cuero Junior High's STaR Chart evaluations from 2007-2008, 2008-2009, and 2009-2010. The data shows ratings from Developing Tech to Advanced Tech in areas like Teaching and Learning, Educator Prep & Development, Leadership, and Infrastructure. Next steps discussed include increasing professional development, infrastructure, budgets, and student access to technology.
Insights into teaching deaf students ven tesolJulio Palma
This document provides an overview of teaching English to deaf students in Venezuela. It discusses relevant legislation, focuses on deaf college students skilled in sign language, and addresses common misconceptions about teaching English to deaf learners. The document also outlines theoretical frameworks around bimodal bilingualism for deaf students and provides teaching tips, examples of using web 2.0 tools in teaching vocabulary, and resources to support teachers.
El documento describe las distintas etapas del desarrollo embrionario: la segmentaci坦n del zigoto en m坦rula y bl叩stula, la gastrulaci坦n donde se forman las tres capas germinales y la organog辿nesis donde se desarrollan los 坦rganos. Tambi辿n explica el proceso de la implantaci坦n, la formaci坦n de la placenta y sus funciones para el intercambio de nutrientes entre la madre y el feto.
Las ecuaciones lineales son aquellas que tienen dos variables con exponente 1 y su representaci坦n es una l鱈nea recta, mientras que las ecuaciones cuadr叩ticas tienen variables con exponente 2.
This document provides a link to the best presentation on artificial intelligence found on the web. The presentation is titled "AI SPECIALIZED LANGUAGES" and covers topics such as natural language processing, specialized languages used in AI, and AI software available for education. Users can access the presentation at the provided URL.
This document is from the Instituto Superior Tecnologico Docente "Guayaquil" regarding a student named Caisabanda Mentor studying Microsoft Access. Caisabanda Mentor is specializing in Automotive Mechanics.
This document discusses the Texas STaR Chart, a tool used by the State of Texas to evaluate technology use in public schools. It provides data from Cuero Junior High's STaR Chart evaluations from 2007-2008, 2008-2009, and 2009-2010. The data shows ratings from Developing Tech to Advanced Tech in areas like Teaching and Learning, Educator Prep & Development, Leadership, and Infrastructure. Next steps discussed include increasing professional development, infrastructure, budgets, and student access to technology.
Insights into teaching deaf students ven tesolJulio Palma
This document provides an overview of teaching English to deaf students in Venezuela. It discusses relevant legislation, focuses on deaf college students skilled in sign language, and addresses common misconceptions about teaching English to deaf learners. The document also outlines theoretical frameworks around bimodal bilingualism for deaf students and provides teaching tips, examples of using web 2.0 tools in teaching vocabulary, and resources to support teachers.
El documento describe las distintas etapas del desarrollo embrionario: la segmentaci坦n del zigoto en m坦rula y bl叩stula, la gastrulaci坦n donde se forman las tres capas germinales y la organog辿nesis donde se desarrollan los 坦rganos. Tambi辿n explica el proceso de la implantaci坦n, la formaci坦n de la placenta y sus funciones para el intercambio de nutrientes entre la madre y el feto.
Las ecuaciones lineales son aquellas que tienen dos variables con exponente 1 y su representaci坦n es una l鱈nea recta, mientras que las ecuaciones cuadr叩ticas tienen variables con exponente 2.