Akamai x Splunkで実現するAnalytics Drivenな インターネットのセキュリティ対策
1. ? 2017 SPLUNK INC.? 2017 SPLUNK INC.? 2017 SPLUNK INC.? 2017 SPLUNK INC.
Akamai x Splunkで実現するAnalytics Drivenな
インターネットのセキュリティ対策 2 / 2
池山 邦彦 | シニア?セールス?エンジニア
Splunk Services Japan
Nov 2017 | Version 1.0
2. ? 2017 SPLUNK INC.? 2017 SPLUNK INC.
During the course of this presentation, we may make forward-looking statements regarding future events or
the expected performance of the company. We caution you that such statements reflect our current
expectations and estimates based on factors currently known to us and that actual events or results could
differ materially. For important factors that may cause actual results to differ from those contained in our
forward-looking statements, please review our filings with the SEC.
The forward-looking statements made in this presentation are being made as of the time and date of its live
presentation. If reviewed after its live presentation, this presentation may not contain current or accurate
information. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward looking statements we may make. In
addition, any information about our roadmap outlines our general product direction and is subject to change
at any time without notice. It is for informational purposes only and shall not be incorporated into any contract
or other commitment. Splunk undertakes no obligation either to develop the features or functionality
described or to include any such feature or functionality in a future release.
Splunk, Splunk>, Listen to Your Data, The Engine for Machine Data, Splunk Cloud, Splunk Light and SPL are trademarks and registered trademarks of Splunk Inc. in
the United States and other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners. ? 2017 Splunk Inc. All rights reserved.
Forward-Looking Statements
3. ? 2017 SPLUNK INC.? 2017 SPLUNK INC.
Who am I?
池山 邦彦 (いけやま くにひこ)
e-mail: kikeyama@splunk.com
2016年8月 Splunk入社
? 仕事: Splunkで夢を売る仕事
? 趣味: 写真撮影、ドラム、ベース演奏
4. ? 2017 SPLUNK INC.? 2017 SPLUNK INC.
? Splunkについて
? Data FeedとSplunkの連携
? デモ
8. ? 2017 SPLUNK INC.? 2017 SPLUNK INC.
ORDER, 2016-05-21T14:04:12.484,10098213,569281734,,43CD1A7B8322,SA-2100
MAY 21 14:04:12.996 wl-01.acme.com Order 569281734 failed for customer 10098213.
Exception follows: weblogic.jdbc.extensions.ConnectionDeadSQLException:
weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: Could not create pool connection. The
DBMS driver exception was: [BEA][Oracle JDBC Driver] Error establishing socket to host and port:
ACMEDB-01:1521. Reason: Connection refused
05/21 16:33:11.238 [CONNEVENT] Ext 1207130 (0192033): Event 20111, CTI Num:ServID:Type
0:19:9, App 0, ANI T7998#1, DNIS 5555685981, SerID 40489a07-7f6e-4251-801a-
13ae51a6d092, Trunk T451.16
05/21 16:33:11:242 [SCREENPOPEVENT] SerID 40489a07-7f6e-4251-801a-13ae51a6d092
CUSTID 10098213
05/21 16:37:49.732 [DISCEVENT] SerID 40489a07-7f6e-4251-801a-13ae51a6d092
{actor:{displayName: “Go Boys!!”,followersCount:1366,friendsCount:789,link:
http://dallascowboys.com/,location:{displayName:“Dallas, TX”,objectType:“place”},
objectType:“person”,preferredUsername:“B0ysF@n80”,statusesCount:6072},body: “Can’t buy
this device from @ACME. Site doesn’t work! Called, gave up on waiting for them to answer! RT if
you hate @ACME!!”,objectType:“activity”,postedTime:“2016-05-21T16:39:40.647-0600”}
9. ? 2017 SPLUNK INC.? 2017 SPLUNK INC.
Customer ID Order ID Product ID
ORDER, 2016-05-21T14:04:12.484,10098213,569281734,,43CD1A7B8322,SA-2100
MAY 21 14:04:12.996 wl-01.acme.com Order 569281734 failed for customer 10098213.
Exception follows: weblogic.jdbc.extensions.ConnectionDeadSQLException:
weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: Could not create pool connection. The
DBMS driver exception was: [BEA][Oracle JDBC Driver] Error establishing socket to host and port:
ACMEDB-01:1521. Reason: Connection refused
05/21 16:33:11.238 [CONNEVENT] Ext 1207130 (0192033): Event 20111, CTI Num:ServID:Type
0:19:9, App 0, ANI T7998#1, DNIS 5555685981, SerID 40489a07-7f6e-4251-801a-
13ae51a6d092, Trunk T451.16
05/21 16:33:11:242 [SCREENPOPEVENT] SerID 40489a07-7f6e-4251-801a-13ae51a6d092
CUSTID 10098213
05/21 16:37:49.732 [DISCEVENT] SerID 40489a07-7f6e-4251-801a-13ae51a6d092
{actor:{displayName: “Go Boys!!”,followersCount:1366,friendsCount:789,link:
http://dallascowboys.com/,location:{displayName:“Dallas, TX”,objectType:“place”},
objectType:“person”,preferredUsername:“B0ysF@n80”,statusesCount:6072},body: “Can’t buy
this device from @ACME. Site doesn’t work! Called, gave up on waiting for them to answer! RT if
you hate @ACME!!”,objectType:“activity”,postedTime:“2016-05-21T16:39:40.647-0600”}
Order ID
Twitter ID
Customer ID
Customer ID
Time waiting on hold
Customers Tweet
Company’s Twitter ID
10. ? 2017 SPLUNK INC.? 2017 SPLUNK INC.
Customer ID Order ID Product ID
ORDER, 2016-05-21T14:04:12.484,10098213,569281734,,43CD1A7B8322,SA-2100
MAY 21 14:04:12.996 wl-01.acme.com Order 569281734 failed for customer 10098213.
Exception follows: weblogic.jdbc.extensions.ConnectionDeadSQLException:
weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: Could not create pool connection. The
DBMS driver exception was: [BEA][Oracle JDBC Driver] Error establishing socket to host and port:
ACMEDB-01:1521. Reason: Connection refused
05/21 16:33:11.238 [CONNEVENT] Ext 1207130 (0192033): Event 20111, CTI Num:ServID:Type
0:19:9, App 0, ANI T7998#1, DNIS 5555685981, SerID 40489a07-7f6e-4251-801a-
13ae51a6d092, Trunk T451.16
05/21 16:33:11:242 [SCREENPOPEVENT] SerID 40489a07-7f6e-4251-801a-13ae51a6d092
CUSTID 10098213
05/21 16:37:49.732 [DISCEVENT] SerID 40489a07-7f6e-4251-801a-13ae51a6d092
{actor:{displayName: “Go Boys!!”,followersCount:1366,friendsCount:789,link:
http://dallascowboys.com/,location:{displayName:“Dallas, TX”,objectType:“place”},
objectType:“person”,preferredUsername:“B0ysF@n80”,statusesCount:6072},body: “Can’t buy
this device from @ACME. Site doesn’t work! Called, gave up on waiting for them to answer! RT if
you hate @ACME!!”,objectType:“activity”,postedTime:“2016-05-21T16:39:40.647-0600”}
Order ID
Twitter ID
Customer ID
Customer ID
Time waiting on hold
Customers Tweet
Company’s Twitter ID