1. The document discusses the importance of soft skills like concentration, memory, communication skills, and whole-brain thinking for academic and life success.
2. It provides tips on memory techniques, studying effectively, improving concentration, harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, and developing a growth mindset.
3. The presentation emphasizes that soft skills like self-confidence, time management, and people skills are more important than just knowledge or IQ alone.
3. Agenda/ objectives
1. Understanding the importance of mind power
in our study / life.
2. How concentration and memory help in our
academic life and success.
3. Necessity and role of soft skills in this present
world (conceptual age).
4. Know about whole-brain thinking, use of sub-
conscious mind, study techniques, life skills
and communication including presentation
4. Lets see what the
famous people said
about true education,
mind power,
concentration and
14. We are in the conceptual age
IQ and knowledge alone cannot
bring success in life.
15. Knowledge or IQ is important
BUT following skills are
more important.
1. People skill / EQ and SQ.
2. Communication skill.
3. Thinking differently /
16. Our performance in examination
Knowledge and it's application
Knowledge on subject
Application of
knowledge in
18. Knowing is not enough, we
must do.
Willing is not enough, we must
I am the only one who can make me
a success.
It is a Personal responsibility.
19. Success MANTRAs
in study and life
Positive Self Image.
Strong I Can Factor.
Burning desire.
20. Two hemispheres of our brain
1. Left brain
2. Right brain
The two halves are
connected by
corpus callosum.
29. You are unique.
Never compare yourself
with others.
Discover your intelligence
type, learning style and
unique/ core potentials to
get success in life.
31. Our brain and memory
100 billion active neurons and each neuron is
more powerful than most of the computer in
the world.
Each neuron has a potential to make 1,000
different connections with other neurons.
We all have the almost same number of
neurons. The real differences with genius or
more intelligent people with most of us are that
they have more number of connections
between neurons.
32. Our brain and memory
Memory storage capacity: Million
gigabytes (GB).
Video show for 300 years.
We all can use our brain capacity and
memory potential if we use it
35. What mind likes to remember
1. All senses.
2. Images
3. I (myself)
4. Ridiculous
5. Funny
6. Sound
7. Colour
8. Action
36. Memory Techniques
Rhymes & Songs.
Link Method / story method.
Personalized Nick Name.
Journey Method .
Roman Room Method.
Minor Peg System.
Major Peg System / International Phonetic
37. Link / story method
1. Forest
2. Tiger
3. Marriage
4. Banana
5. Blade
6. Mobile phone
7. Coffin
8. Friend
9. Explosion
10. Cloud
11. Gold coin
12. Statue
13. Bus
14. Home
15. Sister
16. Mug
17. Tea
18. Dream
19. Heaven
20. War
21. water
22. River
23. Cycle
24. Fish
41. So, study techniques are very
important for two reasons,
1. Get organized to do
more work in less time,
2. Better results and
success in life.
42. Some basic methods of How to study
1. Set goals of the day / week/ year and life.
2. Mind mapping.
3. SQ3R method (Survey- Question - Read - Recite
4. Using memory rules.
5. Right place and time of study.
6. Take breaks and importance of drinking water.
7. Alpha learning.
8. How to prepare better and perform better in
9. MCQ tips.
10. Highlighting techniques and questioning.
43. Concentration is the key in
study and success in life
Some basic tips
1. Avoid multi-tasking focused on goals.
2. Meditation - While meditating, watch your breath.
3. Do something different everyday.
4. Play chess and other board games.
5. Do crossword and Puzzles and Spell words backwards.
6. Mental math / Vedic math.
7. Improve observation skills.
Buddhists refer to the constant chatter of
the mind as monkey mind.
50. Michael Phelps
You can't put a limit on anything. The more you
dream, the farther you get.
I think that everything is possible as long as you
put your mind to it and you put the work and time
into it. I think your mind really controls everything.
51. Difference between a brilliant and an
average student
Both a brilliant and average student has the
same potentialities.
But a brilliant student believes that he/she is a
topper and thus works for it.
An average student thinks even prior to the
exam that he can't top.
Your belief makes you what
you are!
53. So, all these soft skills are very
important for good results and
success in life.
These skills are not taught in
schools / colleges but those are
important in study and