H旦g r辰ckvidd och engagemang p奪 Facebook - Internetdagarna 2014Stefan Garvander
A seminar given at Internetdagarna 2014 on How to create a high level of reach and engagement for a FMCG brand on Facebook (in Swedish).
Never mind the algorithms, its all about content.
Dr. R. Vasudeva Reddy has over 33 years of experience as a lecturer and principal in commerce. He received his M.Com from Osmania University in 1977 and has since obtained further degrees including an MBA and PhD. He has authored several textbooks and published research papers. Dr. Reddy served as principal of Vijayanagar College of Commerce in Hyderabad from 1999-2010. He has participated in numerous workshops, conferences and seminars on topics related to commerce, research methodology, and dispute resolution.
El documento presenta un proyecto para crear una galer鱈a de arte llamada "Alborada" que combina arte, tecnolog鱈a e interactividad. La galer鱈a consistir叩 en una sala central decorada que distribuir叩 al p炭blico a diferentes salas de exposici坦n que usar叩n arte, m炭sica, iluminaci坦n, proyecciones y otros medios para crear mundos inmersivos relacionados con cada tema. El objetivo es entretener e ilustrar al p炭blico mezclando elementos de espectador y jugador.
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r det l旦nsamt att anstr辰nga sig i digitala medier? av Mats R旦nne Kntnt
Projektledaren och strategen Mats R旦nne f旦rel辰ste med rubriken r det l旦nsamt att anstr辰nga sig i digitala medier p奪 det andra frukostseminariet med inneh奪ll som Kntnt arrangerade den 24 oktober 2013 i Lindholmen Konferens p奪 Lindholmen Science Park i G旦teborg.
Mats delade med sig av v辰rdefullt vetande om hur du m辰ter effekten av content marketing, hur vi kan bli b辰ttre p奪 att skapa v辰rde i inneh奪llet och undvika fallgropar p奪 v辰gen dit.
L辰s mer och se den filmade f旦rel辰sningen h辰r: http://www.kntnt.com/lonar-det-sig-att-arbeta-med-content/757
Next generation message driven systems with AkkaJohan Andr辿n
The document summarizes Akka Typed, a next generation message-driven actor framework. It provides examples of creating actors that greet messages with "Hello" using different approaches: functional, object-oriented, and handling state changes. It also demonstrates request-response patterns between actors and keeping parts of communication protocols private through narrowing actor references. Overall, the document introduces core Akka Typed concepts through examples.
Buiilding reactive distributed systems with AkkaJohan Andr辿n
The document summarizes Johan Andr辿n's presentation on building reactive distributed systems with Akka. It provides an overview of Akka clustering and tools for distributing actors and data across a cluster, including Cluster Sharding, Distributed Data, Distributed PubSub, and Cluster Singleton. It also discusses consistency models and challenges in distributed systems.
The document discusses Akka Typed, the next generation of Akka actors that provides type safety. It presents examples to demonstrate how Akka Typed defines behaviors with a Msg => Behavior[Msg] structure rather than extending Actor, and how behaviors can recursively change state in response to messages unlike untyped actors. The examples show greeting messages being printed with a greeting that can be changed at runtime in response to a change command message.
Next generation message driven systems with AkkaJohan Andr辿n
The document provides an overview and examples of Akka Typed, the next generation of Akka focused on type safety. It introduces key Akka Typed concepts like actors, behaviors, and messages. It then provides two sample programs to demonstrate basic actor messaging in Akka Typed: a "hello world" example and an example that shows how an actor's behavior can change dynamically based on messages received. The samples are shown in both Java and Scala to illustrate the language agnostic nature of Akka Typed.
Reactive stream processing using Akka streams Johan Andr辿n
This document discusses Akka streams and Reactive Streams. It provides an example of creating an Akka streams application that exposes an HTTP service serving an infinite stream of numbers. The example demonstrates how Akka streams provides asynchronous stream processing with back pressure to prevent out of memory errors.
Networks and types - the future of AkkaJohan Andr辿n
The document discusses Akka Typed Actors and Akka Streams. It provides an example of a typed actor implementation of a burglar alarm system and how it can be distributed across multiple nodes in an Akka cluster. It also discusses how Akka Streams allows data to flow asynchronously between nodes over a network using concepts like sources, sinks and flows and how stream references allow streams to connect across actor systems.
Reactive streams processing using Akka StreamsJohan Andr辿n
This document provides a summary of a presentation about Akka streams. It discusses Reactive Streams, which is a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure. It provides examples of building stream processing graphs with Akka Streams in just a few lines of code to transform and process data from sources to sinks. It also gives a more complex example of processing sensor measurements from a web socket connection and writing the data to a database.
Building reactive distributed systems with Akka Johan Andr辿n
Johan Andr辿n presented on building reactive distributed systems with Akka. He provided an overview of Akka clustering and distributed data types. He discussed how Akka actors map to distributed systems and Akka's support for eventual consistency through gossip. He also covered distributed pub/sub messaging, cluster singletons that introduce a single point of failure, and cluster sharding to shard actors across nodes.
This document provides an overview of Akka streams and Reactive Streams. It discusses how Akka streams allows for building asynchronous stream processing applications with back pressure. It provides examples of using Akka streams to process a large number of integers, build a numbers service, and compare different approaches for parallel pancake cooking using stream processing.
Streaming all the things with akka streams Johan Andr辿n
This document provides an overview and introduction to Akka Streams and Reactive Streams. Some key points:
- Reactive Streams is a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure to prevent issues like out of memory errors.
- Akka Streams is a toolkit for building powerful concurrent and distributed applications simply using a Reactive Streams-compliant API. It includes sources, sinks, flows and other stages for stream processing.
- Examples show how to create simple stream graphs that process data asynchronously using Akka Streams APIs in both Java and Scala in just a few lines of code. More complex examples demonstrate features like parallelization.
- The community Alpakka
Asynchronous stream processing with Akka StreamsJohan Andr辿n
The document discusses Akka streams, which provide a toolkit for building highly concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM. It describes key components of Akka like actors for concurrency, clustering for location transparency, and streams for asynchronous stream processing. Reactive Streams is introduced as a standard for asynchronous stream processing with back pressure. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to create stream processing graphs with Akka Streams in just a few lines of code.
Scala usergroup stockholm - reactive integrations with akka streamsJohan Andr辿n
This document discusses Akka Streams, which provide asynchronous back pressured stream processing in Akka. It describes key Akka Stream concepts like sources, sinks, and flows. It also discusses how Akka Streams integrate with other technologies like Reactive Streams, Kafka, HTTP servers and clients. Alpakka is mentioned as a community for developing Akka Stream connectors.
VJUG24 - Reactive Integrations with Akka StreamsJohan Andr辿n
This document provides an overview of Akka Streams, which is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM. It discusses key aspects of Akka Streams including asynchronous back pressured stream processing using sources, sinks, and processes; non-linear stream topologies; Reactive Streams compatibility; the Java and Scala APIs; materialization; integrations with HTTP and Alpakka community connectors for technologies like Kafka, MQTT, and Cassandra; and opportunities to contribute to Akka Streams.
Introduction to akka actors with java 8Johan Andr辿n
Akka is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM. It uses the actor model where actors receive messages asynchronously and respond by sending messages, changing their state, or spawning new actors. Actors can be organized hierarchically and monitor each other. The toolkit also includes tools for clustering actors across nodes and building asynchronous data streams.
This document provides an introduction to Akka actors. It discusses how actors provide a model for building concurrent and distributed applications by avoiding shared mutable state and instead using message passing. Actors communicate asynchronously by message passing and handle errors through a supervision hierarchy. The document outlines several features of the actor model including load balancing, parallelization, and error handling.
Async programming allows non-blocking execution by invoking logic asynchronously when resources become available. This avoids blocking threads and improves server performance. Modern frameworks support async programming with futures/promises and actors. Futures allow composing asynchronous operations through transformations like mapping. Actors encapsulate state and process messages asynchronously without blocking threads. The example shows implementing an async controller in Play Framework that uses a future to call an external API and an actor to generate random numbers.
This document discusses macros and reflection in Scala 2.10. It begins by warning that these features are experimental and could have unintended consequences. It then provides definitions and explanations of reflection and macros. Reflection allows examining and modifying a program's structure at runtime, but the Java reflection API lacks support for Scala features like type erasure. Macros are rules that specify how to transform an AST during compilation. The document shows an example of transforming code to an AST and discusses potential uses of macros for compile-time checking, generic toString implementations, efficient loops, and logging. It concludes by providing resources for learning more about macros and reflection.
The document introduces Scala as an alternative programming language to Java that runs on the Java Virtual Machine, describing it as a statically typed, hybrid object-oriented and functional language that is compatible with Java and has features like type inference, pattern matching, lambdas, and higher-order functions. It also promotes trying out Scala in an interactive REPL and provides links to download the Scala software and IDEs.
Next generation message driven systems with AkkaJohan Andr辿n
The document summarizes Akka Typed, a next generation message-driven actor framework. It provides examples of creating actors that greet messages with "Hello" using different approaches: functional, object-oriented, and handling state changes. It also demonstrates request-response patterns between actors and keeping parts of communication protocols private through narrowing actor references. Overall, the document introduces core Akka Typed concepts through examples.
Buiilding reactive distributed systems with AkkaJohan Andr辿n
The document summarizes Johan Andr辿n's presentation on building reactive distributed systems with Akka. It provides an overview of Akka clustering and tools for distributing actors and data across a cluster, including Cluster Sharding, Distributed Data, Distributed PubSub, and Cluster Singleton. It also discusses consistency models and challenges in distributed systems.
The document discusses Akka Typed, the next generation of Akka actors that provides type safety. It presents examples to demonstrate how Akka Typed defines behaviors with a Msg => Behavior[Msg] structure rather than extending Actor, and how behaviors can recursively change state in response to messages unlike untyped actors. The examples show greeting messages being printed with a greeting that can be changed at runtime in response to a change command message.
Next generation message driven systems with AkkaJohan Andr辿n
The document provides an overview and examples of Akka Typed, the next generation of Akka focused on type safety. It introduces key Akka Typed concepts like actors, behaviors, and messages. It then provides two sample programs to demonstrate basic actor messaging in Akka Typed: a "hello world" example and an example that shows how an actor's behavior can change dynamically based on messages received. The samples are shown in both Java and Scala to illustrate the language agnostic nature of Akka Typed.
Reactive stream processing using Akka streams Johan Andr辿n
This document discusses Akka streams and Reactive Streams. It provides an example of creating an Akka streams application that exposes an HTTP service serving an infinite stream of numbers. The example demonstrates how Akka streams provides asynchronous stream processing with back pressure to prevent out of memory errors.
Networks and types - the future of AkkaJohan Andr辿n
The document discusses Akka Typed Actors and Akka Streams. It provides an example of a typed actor implementation of a burglar alarm system and how it can be distributed across multiple nodes in an Akka cluster. It also discusses how Akka Streams allows data to flow asynchronously between nodes over a network using concepts like sources, sinks and flows and how stream references allow streams to connect across actor systems.
Reactive streams processing using Akka StreamsJohan Andr辿n
This document provides a summary of a presentation about Akka streams. It discusses Reactive Streams, which is a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure. It provides examples of building stream processing graphs with Akka Streams in just a few lines of code to transform and process data from sources to sinks. It also gives a more complex example of processing sensor measurements from a web socket connection and writing the data to a database.
Building reactive distributed systems with Akka Johan Andr辿n
Johan Andr辿n presented on building reactive distributed systems with Akka. He provided an overview of Akka clustering and distributed data types. He discussed how Akka actors map to distributed systems and Akka's support for eventual consistency through gossip. He also covered distributed pub/sub messaging, cluster singletons that introduce a single point of failure, and cluster sharding to shard actors across nodes.
This document provides an overview of Akka streams and Reactive Streams. It discusses how Akka streams allows for building asynchronous stream processing applications with back pressure. It provides examples of using Akka streams to process a large number of integers, build a numbers service, and compare different approaches for parallel pancake cooking using stream processing.
Streaming all the things with akka streams Johan Andr辿n
This document provides an overview and introduction to Akka Streams and Reactive Streams. Some key points:
- Reactive Streams is a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure to prevent issues like out of memory errors.
- Akka Streams is a toolkit for building powerful concurrent and distributed applications simply using a Reactive Streams-compliant API. It includes sources, sinks, flows and other stages for stream processing.
- Examples show how to create simple stream graphs that process data asynchronously using Akka Streams APIs in both Java and Scala in just a few lines of code. More complex examples demonstrate features like parallelization.
- The community Alpakka
Asynchronous stream processing with Akka StreamsJohan Andr辿n
The document discusses Akka streams, which provide a toolkit for building highly concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM. It describes key components of Akka like actors for concurrency, clustering for location transparency, and streams for asynchronous stream processing. Reactive Streams is introduced as a standard for asynchronous stream processing with back pressure. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to create stream processing graphs with Akka Streams in just a few lines of code.
Scala usergroup stockholm - reactive integrations with akka streamsJohan Andr辿n
This document discusses Akka Streams, which provide asynchronous back pressured stream processing in Akka. It describes key Akka Stream concepts like sources, sinks, and flows. It also discusses how Akka Streams integrate with other technologies like Reactive Streams, Kafka, HTTP servers and clients. Alpakka is mentioned as a community for developing Akka Stream connectors.
VJUG24 - Reactive Integrations with Akka StreamsJohan Andr辿n
This document provides an overview of Akka Streams, which is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM. It discusses key aspects of Akka Streams including asynchronous back pressured stream processing using sources, sinks, and processes; non-linear stream topologies; Reactive Streams compatibility; the Java and Scala APIs; materialization; integrations with HTTP and Alpakka community connectors for technologies like Kafka, MQTT, and Cassandra; and opportunities to contribute to Akka Streams.
Introduction to akka actors with java 8Johan Andr辿n
Akka is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM. It uses the actor model where actors receive messages asynchronously and respond by sending messages, changing their state, or spawning new actors. Actors can be organized hierarchically and monitor each other. The toolkit also includes tools for clustering actors across nodes and building asynchronous data streams.
This document provides an introduction to Akka actors. It discusses how actors provide a model for building concurrent and distributed applications by avoiding shared mutable state and instead using message passing. Actors communicate asynchronously by message passing and handle errors through a supervision hierarchy. The document outlines several features of the actor model including load balancing, parallelization, and error handling.
Async programming allows non-blocking execution by invoking logic asynchronously when resources become available. This avoids blocking threads and improves server performance. Modern frameworks support async programming with futures/promises and actors. Futures allow composing asynchronous operations through transformations like mapping. Actors encapsulate state and process messages asynchronously without blocking threads. The example shows implementing an async controller in Play Framework that uses a future to call an external API and an actor to generate random numbers.
This document discusses macros and reflection in Scala 2.10. It begins by warning that these features are experimental and could have unintended consequences. It then provides definitions and explanations of reflection and macros. Reflection allows examining and modifying a program's structure at runtime, but the Java reflection API lacks support for Scala features like type erasure. Macros are rules that specify how to transform an AST during compilation. The document shows an example of transforming code to an AST and discusses potential uses of macros for compile-time checking, generic toString implementations, efficient loops, and logging. It concludes by providing resources for learning more about macros and reflection.
The document introduces Scala as an alternative programming language to Java that runs on the Java Virtual Machine, describing it as a statically typed, hybrid object-oriented and functional language that is compatible with Java and has features like type inference, pattern matching, lambdas, and higher-order functions. It also promotes trying out Scala in an interactive REPL and provides links to download the Scala software and IDEs.