This document is an application for the AKSIS organization. It requests contact information from the applicant such as phone number, email, address, and clubs/organizations they are involved in. It also contains a multiple choice questionnaire about preferences related to things like problem solving approaches, interests, personality types, future careers, and how they want others to see them. Applicants are instructed to shade in their answers on the answer sheet and submit it to one of the listed AKSIS officers.
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Aksis application form
1. AKSIS Application
Name:______________________________________________________________ Date:___________
Section:_________________ Submitted to:______________
General Instructions: On this answer sheet, provide all the necessary information and shade the letter of your answer.
When done, submit to any AKSIS officer (Ryan Misola & Joan Ravalo @ IV-Tau, Thea Bonifacio & JR Aldiosa @ IV-
Electron, Nicole Rocafort @ III-Beryllium, Nina Coronel @ II-Camia, Sam Fusingan @IV-Truth and Marti Tan @ III-
I. Identification
1. Cellphone #:
2. Email Address:
3. Y!M ID:
4. Landline #:
5. Date of Birth:
6. Address:
7. Extern/Intern:
8. Other Clubs/Organizations:
(Kindly put your position in the organization too, and rate in a 1-10 scale your dedication to it.)
Organization Position Dedication
II. Mulitple Choice
1. A A
2. A A A
3. A A A
4. A A A
5. A A A
2. AKSIS Application
Questionnaire No: 2011-2012
General Instructions: On the answer sheet, shade the letter of your answer. When done, submit to any AKSIS officer
(Ryan Misola & Joan Ravalo @ IV-Tau, Thea Bonifacio & JR Aldiosa @ IV-Electron, Nicole Rocafort @ III-Beryllium,
Nina Coronel @ II-Camia, Sam Fusingan @IV-Truth and Marti Tan @ III-Strontium).
Answer sheets are available online. The photocopy center will also be provided a copy for reproduction.
1. Rock, paper, scissors?
a. Rock
b. Paper
c. Scissors
2. What appeals to you the most?
a. Planning, details, logistics
b. Conversation, communication, promotion
c. Managing, facilitating, fundraising
3. In your class, what type are you?
a. The Silent Thinker
b. The Outspoken One
c. The Responsible Leader
4. In what profession do you see yourself in the future?
a. Architecture, engineering, business
b. Law, arts, diplomacy
3. AKSIS Application
c. Human relations, teaching, service learning
5. How do you want people to see you?
a. I want them to trust me in getting the job done.
b. I want them to see me as someone whose views they respect. I want my words to be able to change
their perspective, somehow.
c. I want them to see me as someone who inspires people to make a difference.