The document discusses redesigning a college course (WRA 101 The Mothership) and choosing a content management system. It considers priorities like sustainability, navigability, and simplicity. Options evaluated include Blackboard, self-built websites, and content systems like WordPress and Drupal. WordPress was selected for its usability, robustness, sustainability, and communication features. Design decisions focused on templates, ease of use, aesthetics, menus, information hierarchy, and customization. Some content required coding to integrate, but the final WordPress site allows for engagement, change, and tracking progress over time.
3. My Options Angel Blackboard Self-built website Content management system Wordpress Drupal
4. Why Wordpress My own literacy Robust Sustainability Widgetability Communication channels Overkill mentality
5. Decisions, decisions, decisions Templates Ease of use Aesthetic Menu and widget capabilities Menus What to include, what not Top line navigation Real estate Information hierarchy Sidebar space