Connect, ALA's online collaboration platform, continued growing after 18 months with more users, groups, and content added. Usage increased overall and spiked around major conferences. The divisions and round tables with the most active members utilized Connect the most. New trends included higher original content creation compared to comments and users accessing specific pages rather than the homepage.
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ALA Connect - 18 month report
1. Prepared by Jenny Levine, ITTS 1 October 22, 2010
ALA Connect at 18 Months (April 2009 September 2010)
A year and a half after launch, Connect trends continue the patterns we tracked in the 6-month
( and one-year
( marks.
Continuing trends:
- Although usage is cyclical, it continues to grow at a steady pace overall. The amount of content on the
site has increased, as has the number of groups and communities, but content remains focused on
business-related activities. MentorConnect usage continues to grow.
- At the one-year mark, 15% of active users had logged in to the site (9,078 total). At the 18-month
mark, 19% have logged in (11,408 total).
- Usage spikes still occur around Midwinter and Annual, with the number of visits more than doubling
during the lead up to our two major conference events.
- Activity drops off dramatically on weekends, which isnt surprising for a professionally-oriented site.
- Posts and online docs continue to be the most popular types of content added, although most online
docs are still used as a way to upload files rather than work collaboratively on the site.
- Although ALA staff remain active contributors, an increasing number of members continue to add
content. The most active email domain continues to be gmail, followed by
2. Prepared by Jenny Levine, ITTS 2 October 22, 2010
- Non-ALA members continue to create accounts on the site at a steady rate; more than 2,000 non-
member accounts have been requested and activated.
- At peak usage in June, the divisions using Connect the most were (in order) ALCTS, RUSA, LITA, ACRL,
and ASCLA (all ranging between 9-10% of their members).
- Although we just started counting round table participation in August, its already clear that theyre
using Connect slightly more than divisions when comparing percentage of members who are active on
the site. The most active round tables (in order) are NMRT, MAGERT, GODORT, and LearnRT (all
between approximately 10-12%). RMRT numbers are misleading at this point since its a new, very
small group.
Overall, the lowest numbers for round table participants are higher than the lowest numbers for
divisions. Hopefully this indicates that Connect is succeeding in providing a centralized space for round
table groups, which historically have had to create their own infrastructure in order to work together.
3. Prepared by Jenny Levine, ITTS 3 October 22, 2010
New trends:
- Although the highest usage occurs around Midwinter and Annual, theres a new spike in the number of
comments added in April, which I believe is due to increased board activity across the Association.
Theres a smaller bump in September that may also indicate increased board activity, as well as a
return to work from summer vacations overall.
- Beginning in late April 2010, theres a fairly consistent pattern of more original content being created
than comments added. In the past, there have been more comments than new content. It seems that
4. Prepared by Jenny Levine, ITTS 4 October 22, 2010
more new content is added around Annual Conference, while more comments are added around
- Users appear to be going straight to specific pages, rather than starting at the home page (also called
the dashboard). This probably indicates an increase in the usage of email notifications, as
participants are likely clicking more on emails rather than browsing for a specific content item.
A full set of statistical snapshots for the 18-month mark can be found at .
Overall, the news remains good, but we still hope to see more participation from non-committee members in
2011. Anecdotal feedback remains more positive than negative.
Thank you to Norman Rose in the Office for Research & Statistics for his help verifying my interpretation of the